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OOC: Mission - Appease Tension.

Tame walked underground. Underground, to the place that even some Jounin dared not to go. The system of Tunnels that ran directly beneath the Village Hidden in the Stones. He didn't really know what he was doing down there... he just felt like it. Being alone. The feeling of no one talking was blissful. It was kind of being quite dark in the Underground Tunnels, it felt like he was missing two, maybe three, of his vital functions....already being mute, Tame was now seemingly blind, maybe even mute. No need to light the candles he'd brought...he was simply wandering around, and had already memorized the way he came. No problem getting out of here. And no other people that needed to see. It was quite quiet...except for the sound of footsteps. Multiple sets of foosteps, besides his own. Two? Three?


Last edited by Tame on Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Lisza Nekomotze

Lisza Nekomotze

"I'm going on an edventuuuuure!!!"

A loud shout could be heard, as a pretty, thin girl was running along the streets as fast as she could go. Her fiery red hair was flying in the air. Yup, this was Lisa, ready to go on an adventure. She found a treasure map in her closet, and it pointed to one place; the underground tunnels. She wasn't there many times, but could remember one time specially well... That was where she met that dude, another genin... Yeah.

With a sheet of paper in one hand, and her backpack on another, she ran towards the nearest entrance to the network of vast tunnels. Her footsteps were loud and clingy, just like the katana hitting her weapon punch with each step. She was wearing a brown skirt, with a belt falling all the way down to her knees. She also had a pale red T-shirt, and her headband tied neatly around her neck.

After a couple of minutes of walking, she reached the entrance. It looked like a cave, black than the blackest blackness. She stopped, drops of sweat pouring down her forehead. It was a pretty warm day, and a really nice one, too. She sat down, and opened her backpack. There were many things there, a sandwich, a box of matches, a sweater, a bottle of water, a mini hammer, and a couple of torches. She prepared well for this day, just hoped it wasn't another one of Arashi's pranks... Once, the idiot actually made a treasure map that promised the reader 10 000 ryo at the end! And what did she get?! A croc shoe! A FUCKING. CROC. SHOE. Idiot...

She took out a torch, and lit it with a match. Let's go! With her backpack back on, she ventured in the cave. It was soon very cold, but she didn't put the sweater on yet. She continued walking through the cold rocks, which soon became a smooth tunnel. A rat could be heard every now and then, but it wasn't really anything now. She's a genin, what can a tiny rat do? She walked, and walked, until she saw something. I'm pretty sure this wasn't here before... She kept walking only to see a... Person? A teenager, as herself, but a boy, it seemed. Long, green hair. Handsome... Whatever it was, Lisa didn't say a word. She stood there, and looked at the stranger. There was something about her face expression... Something that radiated a clear "Go away".




Satoshi woke up with a yawn as he stretched his arms out in an attempt to wake up. He slowly sat up and hazily got out of his bed. Why did morning have to come so soon? Sato walked over to his closet, picking out clothes at random and putting them on. Everything in his closet matched, so he had no problems.

"I'm heading out!" He yelled at his parents as he exited the door of his nicely sized house. He continued to walk at a casual pace, exiting the Kanetsu residential area. He didn't really have any plans for the day, but he always found something to do.

As he walked aimlessly through Iwa, he noticed a entrance that led to the Underground Tunnels. While he had never been there personally, he wasn't afraid of it. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to walk in. "Screw it." He said plainly as he walked into the entrance without fault. The shroud of darkness covered him immediately, taking away the very thought of sight.

He smiled though, as if he didn't have a care in the world. He was immediately snapped out of those thoughts when he heard the breathing and footsteps of two people. Who was down here at this hour? He walked closer to the two, seeing their silhouettes in the darkness. "Hello?" He said making sure he wasn't loosing his mind.





Zwei muttered softly to himself as he allowed a nimble stream of carbon dioxide to flow across his parched lips. Standing at an apex of a mountain pillar, there was very little room for him to maneuver. His frame was mostly concealed by the thin clouds that filled the area -- due to the higher altitude his breaths were a bit shallow at best, but fortunately he was use to it at this point. He had a difficult time focusing; so many things filled his head. He had been a Genin for quite some time and had even done a few missions, yet he still hadn't met his sensei nor his fellow team mates. Needless to say he was extremely anxious to further expand his knowledge in combat. Beads of thick sweat coated his entire body and the way he wore fashioned complimented the mood. He wore his hair in a tight pony tail, his traditional white coat draped around his waist. He held a thick bamboo sword firmly within his grasp; the 'hilt' of the wooden sword parallel at his waist.

He slowly lifted the sword over his head; his hands, arms, and legs were firm in position and his stance seemed unwavered. Just as he was about to strike down the sound of reverberating footsteps below caught his attention. "Another one?" He muttered softly to himself -- the sound was very subtle yet certainly enough to get his attention especially since this area wasn't popular at the slightest. He allowed his arms to fall at his sides; the tip of the wooden blade tapping against the rocky terrain below. Normally he wouldn't allow something so insignificant to stop his focus, but this was the third time today. What exactly was going on?

"Just concentrate Zwei -- Just continue training." He practically begged himself as he stood there, but the curiosity begun burning at his chest. A faint smile graced his lips as he shook his head from side to side; there was no way he could counter this troublesome curiosity. There was a lacing along the bamboo -- something he could use hold the 'sword' across his back. He slipped it over his shoulders and begun descending the mountain pillar. Zwei went down the old fashion way, liking the idea that he didn't have to solely rely on chakra and shinobi techniques to get by.

Once he was below he caught a glimpse of one of the culprits in the distance. The silhouette was the only thing visible, but certainly enough for him to get a destination. Zwei followed suit and eventually came across a massive opening in the terrain; a cave, it was odd - he had trained here on several occasions but he had no idea this place even existed. Emerald green lenses shifted from side to side, examining the area that encompassed him just before entering the the cave. There were a few torches scattered about, which illuminated some of the path. The 'halls' weren't large but certainly enough for one to maneuver comfortably.

The further he traveled the darker it had begun and after a few turns and twist he found himself relatively lost. He didn't think he would be able to find an exit even if he wanted to. The echoes of a young male's voice traveled through the cave; it seemed that Zwei wasn't the only one that was lost. The sounds were a bit deceiving; it seemed as if it was from behind him, but Zwei was familiar with how caves worked and knew that the senses couldn't be fully trusted.

Eventually Zwei had come across the party of three; it seemed that one of them was smart enough to bring a torch. It was a welcoming sight; the flame flickered in the cave, yet the expression that filled the young lady's face gave him an uneasy expression. It seemed their meeting wasn't arranged by any means. "Uh... hey, so why is everyone in here...?" He questioned as he examined the party, making sure he didn't make any sudden moves to provoke the others. It didn't help that he had no shirt; if anything he probably looked like a cave dweller.

721 // 600


OOC: Thread is now closed to new posters. We're doing 2v2: It's Lisza and Zwei versus Tame and Satoshi.

Tame was, in fact, incorrect. He didn't like being wrong. But...perhaps he could have a little fun? After all, the more the merrier....His ears told him that there was one more than he was previously sure of. One more person to toy with...

So far, he hadn't given himself much time to distinguish who was where, what was where....who was who. This was bad, it might not be a good idea to not be on one's guard...when there were two--no, three--unknown figures lurking around you.

First. A girl. Reddish hair...carrying a torch. Well. There went his surreal blind-esque experience. She looked rather...'get away from me'. It was just her disposition: expression, body stance... her entire being radiated 'No.'

Second. A more vibrantly red-haired boy. He looked...plain-ish? Besides his hair, anyway. Tame was then filled with a suspicion...this wasn't normal.

Third...a silhouette, masculine-looking...but not totally visible yet. The Tunnels were supposed to be empty. And yet...what were all these people doing here!? This was didn't look good, in Tame's mind, and he decided to react.

Tensing up a bit, Tame, without words (could he use that as a testament to his skill at all?) or motion, activated a technique of his. Chidōgaku! Kyōgiba Kankin! Arena Trap! A wave of crystal dust swept over the area, refracting the torchlight to the point where it was nigh-impossible to see; what wasn't lit by blinding light was pitch-black. While Tame moved the terrain of the tunnels, he quickly lit the emergency candles--designed to not go out easily, and last long--and sent them along the earth, now imbedded in the walls. The walls atrium-like arena. The ceiling was high enough that a few cracks of light could be seen... the ceiling was sloped down into the walls like a dome; there were platforms, standable, even, about 15m higher than the arena. On every-other platform, there was a candle, providing light along with the surface light; it was still dim, as a cave usually is, besides this.

The 'arena' was a rectangle of solid rock; 10 meters long by 7 meters wide, surrounded by a rather deep chasm. Like, the kind that you couldn't see the bottom of. The upper platform, in the 'center'--aligned with the center of the arena with a clear view of the entire atrium--was rather ornate, with tiny little carvings. Tame, along with anyone else within his jutsu's radius, were in the arena; a wave of chakra went up around the rectangular arena in the form of walls; it glowed as it did so, before fading as if it was never there. Though, they most definitely were.

For now, Tame would simply wait for what the others would do...he tapped his throat a couple of times to signify his...disadvantage?

[Dropping the mission. Training Doton: C->B. 642/2000]

Lisza Nekomotze

Lisza Nekomotze

More footsteps could be heard... Another two people? This place was really getting crowded. First, a tall red-head. As he slowly approached, Lisa could hear his words.


Lisa didn't respond just yet, just glared at the guy. Nothing special, actually. He did have a smile on his face, though. Hmm...

And, the other dude. A bit shorter, or at least it seemed like that. Blond, short hair... He looked a'right. Was quite muscular, but the weird thing... He wasn't wearing a shirt? There's some weird people in Iwa, I'll give you that.

Lisa turned back to the green guy, thinking what to do next. Should she just continue with what she was doing? Or maybe... Maybe this could turn to something even more fun than a treasure hunt?

She thought, while suddenly, KAPOOOYA KAPOOYA!!! The cave flashed, and by the time Lisa opened her eyes, they... Weren't in the cave anymore. What the hell? It seemed like they teleported, to some weird... Arena? Lisa had no idea what happened, one moment they were all in a tight cave, and a second later they all got teleported to a weird giant arena? She doesn't remember smoking any weed today...

Whatever it was, the green fellow was very calm. Almost... Too calm. Oh wait... I remember. He kind of... Flinched, just before the teleportation occurred. Is this his doing? For now, at least, Lisa concluded it indeed was his doing. He... He's going to pay!

He tapped his throat or something, but Lisa didn't care. Was probably just scratching or something. She ran at him, full speed, drawing her pretty katana at the same time.

"Stupid asshole, return me!"



Satoshi could not believe his eyes. One minute he is in the pitch black, surrounded by people he could not see. Next thing he knew, he was a in a wonderful arena with amazing detail put into it. The jutsu used for this was quite unique and powerful. Who activated the jutsu? His question was soon answered when the young man with green hair tapped his throat. He probably wanted to spar, but couldn't speak. Sato was guessing he was a mute.

Satoshi's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the young girl foolishly yanked out her katana and charged the green haired one. Of all things to do when you just saw him change the terrain around you with Doton, charging with a katana is at the bottom of the list. However, he didn't know or care about either of them, so it wasn't his business. He would react when someone attacked him. There was no need to go jumping into someone's battle.

Satoshi had studied all three of the people in the room as soon as he was able to. He figured they were all ninja from his village, as only ninja come down here. "I'm just here because I was bored." He said very plainly to answer the last person's question. He was just anxious to see what would happen next.




Zwei's arms flailed slightly as the terrain around him began to shift and change as he stood. The sun's light peaking from the sun flickered about as the cave's natural form had been manipulated by one of the other three shinobi. For a brief moment the entire cave had been shrouded in darkness, arousing Zwei's other senses dramatically. Every subtle movement they made sounded as if they were stomping about, there was a unique scent as the rocks collided with one another, and a chilling wave swept the area that would merely graze at Zwei's finger tips. Once the fissure like event had concluded; a new light illuminated the area, and it had seemed that most of these events were originating from the green haired individual. It had to be, everyone else stood around and observed the change in awe. It was quite a unique ability, but it still didn't explain what was going on.

Zwei allowed his emerald green lenses to wander a bit, taking his surroundings under scrutiny to see the new design of the cave. It quite a transformation; everything seemed man-made and quite deliberate to say the least. Before he even realized the anxious young girl went into a reckless sprint towards the green haired individual with her blade unsheathed. "Careful!" Zwei demanded as he reached out with an idle hand. As a young samurai he was often taught that one shouldn't unsheathe as sword unless they were willing to use it to kill. Such reckless abandon for one's life seemed unbelievable or at least for his perspective; one would thing they would converse first? Needless to say Zwei shifted his attention over to the young male who he had originally followed in the cave. He seemed just as lost as he did, but his answer was all too suspicious. "To have fun, huh? You're not up to anything bad are you?" Zwei inquired as he took a bit of a combatant stance.

He lifted an idle hand up, grasping the 'hilt' of his Bamboo stick while sliding his front foot forward and bent his knees. Zwei took the stance as a bit of a cautious measure more than anything, giving himself the ability to allude any sudden movements from the shinobi. "So what's your answer?"

Word Count: 400 (521)


Tame was...disappointed. Resorting to violence? Now that was just plain rude. She should at least have the decency to take out a sharp tongue before a blade of the same caliber....discussion was Tame's preferred course of action, however difficult the dim light made his already difficult handicap exponentially more problematic. After all, not being able to sign out what he wanted to say inhibited his communication even further.

Quite simply, he didn't want to deal with attack? Not his cup of tea, to say the least. He wasn't good with taking attacks....needless to say, the Yamada preferred to evade or guard them instead. Kuchiyose...Hahensasa! Summon, Shard-Stingers! And quite simply, his arrowguns appeared in his hands. He didn't want this gesture to be taken as some sort of encouragement to fight, no; it was his only way to defend himself. His Shard-stingers were made of pure crystal, difficult to break by most Genin standards. It was not his wish to start a fight, but stop one; his arrowguns weren't meant to shoot just yet. Yet, anyway.

The girl ran at him, her sword--seemingly a katana or chokutou--drawn, and ready to strike. But Tame wouldn't let that, he couldn't. It was out of the question to let an attack hit. So he raised his arrowguns in a peculiar fashion, using his keen eyesight and visual reaction time to move his weapons into the path of hers. If he had calculated correctly....her sword should have gone through the ring-like top of each arrowgun; in doing so, Tame could probably keep it there simply by applying pressure. Hopefully it'd be enough...

He looked around, to the two figures who he had also seen. The taller, and by far the older of the two, received a look that sincerely but sassily pleaded 'a little help here?'. He knew that a more adolesced person could help him out...especially against a girl like this. No offense or anything.

[642+326= 986/4000 (Gifted). Changing training to Ninjutsu C->A]

Lisza Nekomotze

Lisza Nekomotze

Lisa kept running, until she reached the green fellow. She was just about to swing her sword at him, when all of a sudden some weird things appeared on his arms. They looked like... Glass? Crystal? Whatever it was, the circles on top of them stopped her blade. And at that time, she accidentally slipped; falling right onto her blade.

It pierced her throat. She had nothing to do, so she smiled to embrace her death; the life force quickly left her now dead body.



Satoshi looked at the other ninja who entered after he did. What was he talking about? Getting in a defensive stance as well? Satoshi was just about to release a snarky comment when he heard steel pierce flesh. He turned to see Lisza's katana through the girls neck. That's what she got for being an idiot.

"She shouldn't have been a ninja in the first place." Satoshi said as he saw the life vanish from her eyes. Was that a cold thing to say. Maybe, but he was correct. IF you didn't respect battle and war, you wouldn't survive them. "Now unless you want to end up like her, I suggest you leave." He said to the boy as he turned to look at Tame. He needed to keep an eye on that one.




A pair of emerald hued lenses shifted over to the duo in the distance and before his very eyes a rather saddening event had occurred before him. While the young girl charged towards the the young fellow with green hair she had lost her footing and due to her improper hold on the sword. The sound of the sword ripping through her flesh echoed and bounced along the stony surroundings, followed by her haunting sounds of her gasping as the life poured from her body. The moment her body fell he immediately brought an idle hand to his mouth, feeling his a nauseating sensation fill his throat and almost out of his mouth. Such a pointless death, so young, so innocent and so ignorant -- Zwei had never witnessed death; of course he had seen it in movies and perhaps even seen images of the death but nothing like this. The words retreating from the young male's life were cold and extremely tasteless yet the truth and reality of his words hurt even more. As a adamant user of the sword, Zwei couldn't help but to feel a bit responsible for the event. stood straight up and bowed solemnly to the young man before him before walking passed him -- he didn't take kindly to Satoshi's idle threat; however, Zwei wasn't exactly phased by it either.

He made his way over to the young girl, watching her as she made a few more shallow breaths. Zwei observed her cautiously, wanting to heal her but he wasn't naive... no not at the slightest -- the wound to her neck was far too severe. His head reclined to the side slightly, taking notice of the smile that shaped her delicate lips. Even in death her beauty remained with the utmost perfection. Eventually her breathing came to a halt and her life left her body. Zwei placed an idle hand on the hilt of the sword, tugging the blade from her neck. He knelt down beisde her and laid her sword across her body and eventually folded her arms over it. She was a member of the sword and although she obviously didn't belong she deserved a proper burial. Zwei slipped his arms under her and lifted her body, holding it close to his own for support. Although his curiosity had been plagued by the entire gathering altogether, unfortunately it was something that would have to wait until later. Without another word he retreated from the battle, following the lights that led him here to begin with. He retreated from the battlefield, allowing the two to face one another while he tended to the deceased young girl. Although it wasn't necessarily his responsibility there was a sense of obligation; He would have to be the one to tell this young girl's family what happened..

Retreat || D E F E A T E D
Word Count: 476 Words


Tame didn't know what to think....

His mind was overloaded...had he just....was he responsible for this? How had it come to wasn't meant to. His defense had apparently become his offense...which was a surprise to him, seeing as how what little guard he had put up was improvised, at best.

Tame turned to the last person in the room...he needed to get this off his chest. No bloodlust, no vehemence, not a trace of ill will within him. Just the need to appease this tension.
[Dropping the A rank training. 986+92= 1079/1600 words.]



Sato simply chuckled as the boy scout carried her body out of the tunnels, leaving only the male with emerald green hair. He was a strong opponent, as he had a lot of options judging from his earlier moves. Maybe he would be up for a spar? It sounded like a good idea to Satoshi as he turned to face Tame as he looked at the ninja. He wondered how the young man would act in the situation. He seemed to be a bit worried about what just happened, but it was normal.

"It might help if we spar. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sure you have some frustrations to take out." He said plainly to the young shiobi. He stance changed slowly to one of offense as he waited for his opponents move. He needed to see more before he rushed in blindly.

Chakra Flow training C-B: 145/2000


OOC: Short post have a lot more words to go than I do.

"It might help if we spar. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sure you have some frustrations to take out."

Tame actually had that exactly in mind. He smirked, and used his rather superior speed to get to the center of the arena in an instant...since they were kind of off-center. In the same movement, he caught the girl on his leg and used his momentum to knock her over the edge. Granted, changing this room back would retrieve here, so nothing to worry about.

Either way...he was now at the center of the room. He held his arrowguns close to his hands via a sort of levitation; his hands at his sides, the arrowguns spun for a few seconds, until they met his hands, and he grabbed them both. Tame held them both in front of him, the left held regular and the right held backhand, so that the way their magazine-spikes were facing were opposite. It was the only way he could do this maneuver: 'plugging in' the base of the left arrowgun's barrel (the crystal majority of which was not there, due to no dust being summoned) into the pyramid-like structure in the back of the other. Turning the left one counterclockwise 90 degrees to lock it in place, the now combined arrowgun instantly loaded, the magazine spikes glowing violently and the barrel of the right arrowgun appearing. Tame awaited his sparring partner's move.




Sato's eyes moved focused solely on the young ninja in front of him, who moved quickly to center stage. Either he was making sure that he could always see Satoshi, or he just wanted to fully use the the arena which he created earlier. Either way, Satoshi was just as ready to spar, already thinking up ways to start off the fight.

Immediately, Sato started weaving hand-signs as a very quick pace. He slowly built chakra in his feet, spreading it to the ground around him. A confident sentence was released from his lips. "Earth Style: Earth Flow River." Was the only thing that was heard before the ground in front of him turned into mud. He made sure to aim the jutsu in the boy's direction, so he could be distracted by it.

Satoshi then immediately started forming hand-signs once again, molding chakra in his chest and throat. "Lava Style: Lava Globs" He stated as he inhaled and released three globs of lava at his opponent in a triangle form around him. Either he would be trapped by the mud or take a hit via the lava. Either way, Sato hoped this strategy would pay off in the long run.

Chakra Flow Training C-B: 350/2000

Chakra: 130/150:


Sorry for late and rushed post ^^' Gives you more time to catch up, non?

A Doton-jutsu and a peculiar Katon-esque technique in conjunction with each other...Tame didn't really know how to dodge this perfectly. Quite simply, he aimed at the ground directly in front of him, and shot at it. A special shot, no less....the bolt was abnormal in that it left no hole in the ground. How was he going to start this...

A wall of crystal--glowing at first, but then subsiding to a mere sheen that betrayed its existence--rose from the place Tame shot. What to do next...




Satoshi's eyebrows furrowed at the site of his opponent acting as if everything was okay. There were two attacks headed his way and all he did was shoot the ground? This guy must be insane, or so he thought. Suddenly, a wall of sparkling crystal appeared in the spot that the dark was shot, making both of his jutsu ineffective. The lava crashed into the wall and the mud river was stopped because of it as well. So this was the famed crystal release that was so rare in shinobi. Satoshi only smirked at the challenge as he darted to his left, moving the fastest speed his body could move him. He had only one thing in mind, offense.  He moved just enough to where the wall was not between them any longer, allowing for more ranged attacks.He threw the tiger hand sign before releasing a gaseous substance from his mouth towards Tame. The smell of a strange odor filled the air as the first part of his plan was complete.

Immediately after the first jutsu was released, Satoshi started throwing multiple hand-signs. He ended with the horse and finally the tiger hand sign as chakra kneaded in his throat. The warmth of the sun felt like it was rushing through his body, which put Satoshi in a state of complete focus. He opened his mouth to create a massive ball of red and orange flames towards Tame. It barreled towards the gas and the two met, causing a large explosion. He hoped that Tame had been caught in the combo as the explosion had quite a nice radius. His eyes then darted to a rock about five meters away, noting in just in case a substitution was needed. His focus then turned back to waiting for Tame's next move. Hopefully, he would be injured in some capacity.

Unknown Training (CF is no more): 662/2000

Chakra: 105/150:


Oh, my.


One Katon jutsu after another....this guy was good, so it seemed. Tame had just enough time to pull off one last jutsu before he got caught--he was cornered by his own Crystal Wall on one side, so he couldn't exactly sidestep. Diamond-Dust Dance....  That was about all he could muster. He began to run in the other direction. He couldn't escape it entirely, but...

He escaped the large fireball, for the most part. What got him was the rapid combustion that seemingly came from nowhere. Tame compacted himself---yes, compacted, he was in his own element now, quite literally---and braced for impact.

When the smoke and such cleared, Tame was on the ground. He got up shakily, but he was relatively okay. Hurt, but okay. Now it was his turn, though.! He raised his arms to meet Satoshi, and fired a quick volley of eight bolts. He began to strafe from side to side, making sure that he wouldn't be caught off-guard again. He wanted to win this fight.

[1418+182= 1600! Training Ninjutsu C->B complete.]

Last edited by Tame on Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:00 pm; edited 2 times in total



Satoshi smiles as the smoke cleared. His opponent was on the ground was injured in some capacity. How he manage to escape such a predicament was impressive, but Satoshi didn't have much time to think on that topic. Before he could realize what happened, Tame had shot eight uniquely colored arrows at him that were moving at incredible speeds. The darts crossed the area and hit what seemed to be Sato. However, almost instantly after the connection was made, a puff of smoke filled the air and in his place was the same rock that he looked at earlier. It was about the size of an adult human torso. It was a dark brown color and had eight very accurate arrows sticking out of it as it hit the ground and broke up into pieces.

Sato was standing at a five meters distance from the rock, panting as he realized he barely escaped the last attack. This guy was efficient with his attacks, that much was obvious. He quickly racked his brain for more options as his gaze focused solely on his opponent. He didn't really have many options until he caught his breathe, and so he decided to do something that was very risky. He darted towards the enemy at the top speeds his body would produce. It was time to use his Taijutsu for something other than show. He closed in on Tame with a quick pace as he weaved back and forth, hoping to hinder any attacks made from a distance. Once he got in close, he threw a strong kick towards the boy's torso, hoping to knock the breathe out of him and send him stumbling back. Satoshi followed with a fluent move as he dropped his center of gravity and twisted his body hoping to sweep the boy's feet with his legs.

Taijutsu Training C-B: 973/2000

Chakra: 100/150:


OOC: No idea whether your Tai is strength or speed oriented....

Tame was still struggling a bit to stand. He was in truth impressed by Satoshi's (not that he knew the young man's name) finesse with backing him into a corner. Pretty remarkable, if you asked him...not many could do that, as he was a long-distance fighter, after all. He knew how to evade. He was a master at it, practically---or however much of a master one could be at his current ability level.

Satoshi seemed to be coming around for another attack. But...what with him dodging Tame's attack, the young sharpshooter wouldn't let that happen. Eye for an eye and all that. Seeing his foe's first kick attack, he vanished. Well....those without good eyes (which Tame himself was proud to have) would more than likely wonder where he went. He slowed down, coming into view about 2 meters off-center to the north. The largest balcony-like protrusion on the second level wasn't too far behind him. The Crystal Wall he'd erected with his Arena Trap would stop anyone else...but not him. For he was made of the same crystal, and could easily phase through it. So, he would jump with the highest velocity he could, trying to 'disappear' and 'reappear' as best he could. 

When he landed on the balcony-ish-thing, he immediately took aim at the young man, starting by combining his arrowguns. One 'plugged' into the back of the other; the one in his left hand, which was behind the other, he turned 90 degrees clockwise to lock in place. As he did so, the barrel of the arrowgun in front lit up. That was when he would start his assault. He created a small sniping sight out of crystal--nothing that improved his aim, just made him more assured of himself--and had it follow Satoshi. He fired four shots at the boy, with a bit of lag in following him, but then immediately sort of 'locked on' to him (just his way of saying he's actually trying) and fired an Arbalest bolt at Satoshi. If the four before didn't hit, this one had a much higher chance of doing so. He started to reload....

[375/2400 Training Ninjutsu B->A. Don't worry if I don't finish, these will transfer over to our other topic.]



Satoshi could only grimace as he neared Tame to have his dodge so quickly. The young ninja was fast, that much was obvious. After missing his first kick, Satoshi turned to see Tame land on a platform that was similar to a balcony. The boy immediately started changing the weapons he shot crystal out of earlier. The two guns became one as Tame focused his attention to Satoshi. His eyes widen as he moved at top speed, anticipating that more shots were going to be sent his way. He immediately ran to the left, barely dodging a series of four shots. Satoshi eyed the boy as he paused, assuming this meant that he would be reloading. He turned his body forward and dashed toward the enemy with blistering speed.

Unfortunately, Satoshi was sadly mistaken as another bolt dashed towards him. Satoshi could only try to dodge, diving to the side. He was not fast enough though, as the bolt pierced his thigh with a devastating sound. The rip could be heard all throughout the arena as he winced in pain, landing on the floor with a thud. That was a costly mistake, and Satoshi knew it. Blood slowly started to trickle out of the fresh wound. Satoshi slowly came to his feet, flinching as a sharp pain ran up his leg and into his back. His eyes furrowed as he stared the young ninja down with a expression of loathing. He wouldn't be able to take any more shots like that, or he would have to forfeit.

He stood in a defensive stance, waiting for his opponent to make the next move. There was no way he would reach his enemy in his current state, meaning he would need to lure him out of the hole. He waited patiently as calculated the plan in his head, deciding the perfect combination of jutsu for the plan.

Taijutsu (Speed/Kickboxing) Training C-B: 1289/2000

Last edited by Satoshi on Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


Tame sighed. It seemed his fun would be over soon....but he wouldn't let the boy off without one last escapade.

Seeing as how he had done some serious damage to the young ninja's leg, Tame didn't want to repeat himself and seem 'cheap'. Oh, no, he had something entirely different up his sleeve. He jumped down back to the arena, and would begin from there.

The Yamada once again utilized the earth-changing jutsu that he used before to make this rather grand arena. This time, though, he would not change the surroundings, such as the atrium towering above them. No, he would only change the arena itself, compacting the rock so that all that was left was a 4-meter-square area; this would be done under cover of shining dust, of course. It was naturally enclosed by crystal walls---falling from here would not be good---and Tame began his assault. Himself being in the middle of the arena, he seemingly 'reloaded' his arrowguns, which were barrel-less, seemingly empty. As he did so, the magazine-spikes  as well as the newly-created barrel maintained a fierce whitish-blue glow.

He spun in a full circle, shooting all the while at an impressive rate. After completing that revolution, he jumped outside of the square arena onto the lower protrusions of rock, smaller versions of the balconies above. They were staggered with the larger ones....which was exactly what Tame wanted. Using his impressive speed, he would jump from one balcony to another, high and low, for a total of eight separate volleys. Each was executed with the pair of arrowguns rather than the combined version; at each station, he shot two bolts in around the space of a second, and at the last he shot four. Then, he returned to the arena, spinning his arrowguns in hand. Levitating a few feet above ground, he threw them diagonally-down at his sides, only for them to stop in their path, spinning like yo-yos, and returned to his hands. At that point, Tame stuck his hands down in front of him, and they vanished into a sort of portal.

At the normal rate of one bolt per second, portals appeared at random in dome-like formation around the arena, and each one released a lone bolt before dissipating.

The area swarmed with crystal dust, rendering sight useless for a moment, while the area returned to normal, the two of them now in a tunnel again. He was spent....





It was time to put up or shut up. He didn't have the available jutsu to rely solely on defense against the more talented range user. He would definitely work on that weakness in the near future. His train of thought was suddenly interrupted as the scene around him started to change once again. to be able to do that twice in one fight had to be taxing on the boy, which made Satoshi smiled with a sick grin. That was short lived as his opponent started his deadly assault on his opponent.

Before Satsoshi could get a good bearing on the surroundings and how they changed, Tame had jumped to the middle of the arena, spinning in a circle and shooting arrows as he did so. It wasn't the smartest use of ammo, but that didn't seem to matter to the young boy. Satoshi immediately started moving, pushing passed the pain that had just hurt him moments ago. If he wanted to survive this fight, he was going to have to push himself. He ducked to dodge one out of instinct, and jumped out of the way of another. He wasn't as lucky with the following moments as he was hit with one on the shoulders, making him wince yet again.

The enemy wasn't done however, as he started leaping from rock to rock, shooting at Satoshi with relentless accuracy. He had no time to form hand signs, instead moving his hand to his mouth. He immediately molded the appropriate chakra in his throat, expelling three globs of lava to meet the first three volleys that headed for him. He immediately knew that wouldn't be enough and started running to the right. He was only at half speed because of injuries, which meant that he wasn't going to dodge all of them. He was caught twice in the calf of his injured leg, making him fall to a knee as the firing ceased. He had to send this guys a message that he wasn't afraid of death. He only needed a little more time.....

Taijutsu (Speed/Kickboxing) Training C-B: 1642/2000

Chakra: 90/150:



Satoshi thought to himself for a few moments as he pondered what to do next. "You know what, screw this. I concede victory to you." He said using the strength he could muster to stand up. "Next time, it won't be so easy." Satoshi said with a snarl as he saw that the man was spent as well. He didn't really want to loose this spar, but he needed to get his leg checked on. He did want to use it after today after all. He looked at the man with a sincere look of dislike as he started to walk towards the exit. He couldn't believe that he was taking the "Walk of Shame". If his brother ever found out about this, he would never let him live it down. Not to mention it made him feel like a loosing piece of shit. Either way, he couldn't dwell on it. It would just drive him to more hatred and anger. He had seen what that does to people, and while he may be an ass hole, he wasn't crazy.

He continued to limp over to the exit of the tunnel and eventually got out. He was about out of gas so to speak, but he had to keep pushing himself. He continued to walk with one thing in mind. Getting stronger. That was all that mattered to him at the moment. As he got closer to his destination, the hospital, he started getting slower. "Come on you wimp, you can't give up now." He snarled at himself as he looked down. It was hit in several places and had fresh blood running down the cafe. If he didn't get it looked at soon enough, he would have more problems than he needed. He eventually got to the door of the hospital and pushed it open. "Someone come fix me." Satoshi said to the nurse behind the desk as he hobbled up to the counter. They walked him to a bed and started to heal him. Afterwards, they let him rest for a while before sending him home. What a waste of a day.

-Exit Thread-

Taijutsu (Speed/Kickboxing) Training C-B: 2003/2000 COMPLETED

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