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Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Walking through the various busy stalls and venders of Iwagakure's marketing distract. All around Migoto various happenings, conversations, and general commotion was heard.The streets were lined with people all going about their day in relative peace, aside from the occasional pushy merchant, all was well.

Besides a nice brisk walk and sight seeing around the village, Migoto had a different purpose. Yesterday Migoto had met up with Alessi who had introduced him to her aquantences; Kosuke and Satoshi. Although Migoto had already met Kosuke it was an enjoyable outing none the less. They had arranged to meet up tomorrow(today)and have a friendly two on two match up. To Migoto it sounded grand so he accepted. The agreed time was at one in the afternoon at the waterfalls mouth and Migoto was going to arrive slightly early.

Clad in his normal attire but he sported a new item, a five foot tall fifteen pound spiked Kanabo rested head down in a sheath on his back. The sheath covered a majority of the weapon, only letting the elegantly wrapped handle jut out from the corner of Migoto's right shoulder.But, the weapon's more fiendish characteristic, its two inch spikes were hidden from prying eyes; meant as a surprise to opponents and potential sparring partners alike. Shifting the weight of the weapon Migoto made his way out of the market district and up the stone stairs carved from the very rock as an easier way to the waterfall.

Upon reaching his destination, he was greeted by a serene sight. The very place he had been at only minutes before he could now see high above the bottom of the waterfall. The flow of the water over and down the scale of the mountain produced an audible and constant bubbling and roaring. Done taking in the scene Migoto picked a small boulder on which to lay on, took off his weapon holder and lied it gently to the side of where he lie. On top of the boulder Migoto assumed the comfortable position of one leg streight, the other bent at the knee; his hands cupped his head and acted as a pillow. Listening to the roaring of the rapids, Migoto relaxed and waited for his friends.



Alessi was walking through the streets of Iwa with a grin on her face. She was very excited about what was going to happen that particular day. It had been an idea that was brought up the day before. Alessi had introduced Kosuke and Satoshi to her good teammate and friend, Migoto. Together, they had come up with a plan to have a little bit of a Genin brawl. Two versus Two. Of course there was no set teams yet, they would probably have to flip a coin when all four of them arrived at Waterfall point. The location and time had both been set, so if someone was late, it was their own fault. Pushing the distracting thoughts away from her mind at the moment, she brought her focus back on where she was heading.

Approaching the path to the top of Waterfall Point, she got a quick burst of energy. It was probably because of the excitement. She had never done something like this before. It didn’t even matter to her that they would be fighting each other. It had been quite a while before she was able to show her Taijutsu. As she reached the midway point of the path, she began to consider the fact that after the whole fight was done, she would have to save some chakra for the possibility of healing a serious injury after the battle was over. That quick thought brought her spirit down, but not by much.

Reaching the peak, she looked out across the open area. It looked like a perfect sparring area. Bringing her view up a little, she notice Migoto laying on a rock. A small temptation to surprise him started to grow in her mind, but by the time she was in view the idea diminished until it was gone completely. Walking over towards her relaxing friend, Alessi grinned and waved at him. “Hi Migoto!”



Determination, the will to win, and the power to defeat my opponents. These thoughts ran through the brown spiky haired boy head as he stood in front of the mirror, observing himself. The boy wore his normal battle attire consisting of his black mechanic eyepatch on his right eye, several bandages wrapped around his clothless waist area, and black pants with blue shinobi sandals on his feet. Most of this attire was suited for battle. It allowed him more flexibilty and speed over some other shinobi, who would wear casual clothes to the battle. This was one of the advantages that Kosuke liked.

The reason Kosuke was dressed suited for a battle was because he was invited to a match with Migoto Tenshi, Alessi Kazako, and Satoshi. Of course this match was going to be two versus two which gave Kosuke another chance to prove his strength in Iwagakure. Maybe having a chance to reveal the Sharingan if the shinobi were to cause the battle to become intense. Nevermind that, Kosuke was prepared. He adjusted his eyepatch and rushed outside of the apartment door, smiling in the process. "Can't wait for the fight to began. Hope I'm not late," whispered Kosuke as he ran down the apartment stairs. People of the village flocked through the streets, bumping into Kosuke each time he changed his path while darting through the crowded village streets. 

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through."

The boy said as he slipped through the small spaces between each of the moving villagers. "Eh kid! Watch where your going!" Most of the villagers he passed taunted at him for his rude way of passing them. But, Kosuke didn't care. He was focused on gettting to waterfall point, and not being late. A waterfall. It was so typical. Kosuke had already fought there before, and with his photographic memory- he would be very familar with the fighting area. Another advantage that would help him later on in the battle if any of the shinobi were taijutsu or kenjutsu users. It would also allow him to evade oncoming attacks with ease while using the obstacles around the area to protect himself. 

Several more minutes passed. The further and further Kosuke got towards his destination, the more he could hear the sound of the water crashing into the river. It repeadetely echoed over and over again. Hearing the sound of the waterfall, Kosuke sped up his pace to arrive there at a more faster time. Silence. There had been no noise at the waterfall point as Kosuke had approached it. The only thing that could be was the sound of nature itself. Kosuke scratched his head in confusement as he scanned the area. "No one's here or am I at the wrong place?" whispered Kosuke, raising his eyebrow.  

Think I should check up ontop of the waterfall - thought Kosuke as he looked up at the enourmous rocks on the peak of the waterfall. The boy had noticed two shinobi around the same age as him. It had to be the people he was waiting for. Wasting no time, Kosuke elegantly dashed towards the waterfall. His hair flowing with the slight breeze that consistently passed by. When he reached his destination, he lifted his right foot onto one of the rocks carved on the wall of the waterfall and followed up by using the other rocks ahead to climb up it until he reached the peak. The boy placed his hands on his hip similar to a super man pose as he scanned the area- Alessi and Migoto had been socializing on it. He figured. Kosuke swallowed his spit before he walked over towards his aquintances, and spoke.

"Here for the fight?"

[Ninjutsu Training- C to B: 600/2000]

Last edited by Kosuke on Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



Satoshi smirk arrogantly as he walked smoothly through the streets of Iwa. After meeting some other Genin yesterday, they agreed to a two on two spar. He was always down for a fight, regardless of who it was against. They all seemed strong in their own right, but they weren't anything he couldn't handle.

He started nearing the waterfall quite quickly as he continued to think on what lied ahead of him. He came to a hault, looking up at the waterfall and the steps up. "Well that's great." He said plainly as he started up the path. He really didn't feel like doing all this, but he did want to spar. He pushed the annoying thoughts out of his head as he continued to climb up towards his destination.

He finally came to the peak, seeing the other three Genin there and waiting. Not that he was late, but they were just here early. He walked over as if he had met them long ago, waving as he did. "How is everyone?" He asked looking at the three kind of dully. He wasn't really interested with the fight on his mind, but didn't want to look stupid. None of his thought showed on his face, as he stood there expressionless.

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto was still on the rock relaxing before his friends arrived. He was so comfortable sprawled out on the rock while the sun shown high in the sky. The waterfall only meters away gave the same roar over and over again, as if it was a broken record.But the sound wasn't annoying or irritating, it was rather soothing in a way. Such as when you hear a catchy tune and hum it or play it through in your head. But he had time to kill, so he did what he always does when he was alone and relaxing, which is philosophize. It was his favorite thing to do. Start out with one idea and pick it apart, theorize and put it back together revealing all sides of one story.

Today his subject was water, since the waterfall is all he could hear. This life giving liquid is the only thing,besides oxygen, that keeps any species from becoming extinct. It was a weird thought though, something as mundane as water had the power over all life. Remembering back to when he was home schooled, Migoto remembered his fathers strict training schedule. wake up, breakfast, shower, books, training,eat, train,eat books, then bed. God it was exhausting, he felt the effects of dehydration many times over the years. The nausea, exhaustion, cramps, water was a blessing.

Just as his mind began to wounder to another though, he wss interpreted by footsteps in the distance. He could hear the ruffle of the grass as whoever it was stepped through it. Turning his head he could see that it was Alessi, his blonde teammate. Migoto leaned up from the rock, sliding his legs off of the edge of the rock and to the ground; putting his hands on his knees. "Hello Alessi, I see that you had the same idea as me, to get here a bit early." Alessi was his teams medic, a real firecracker though. He'd seen her take down an A-rank taijutsu user on their last mission.Migoto himself has flat out jaw jacked a genjutsu master in the same mission, he was out cold.

Snapping back to reality he could hear another person approach.Stretching to the side of Alessi he saw Kosuke.Kosuke he had not known very well. They had sparred on with another of his teammates a while back. He was an ink ninjutsu user and a good one at that. "Yep, im sure we are all ready to go", Migoto said with a smile. Reaching into his weapon carrier he removed his new weapon. Taking it into his right hand he rested it on his right shoulder, minding the pointy spikes. "And so is this bad boy", Migoto said with a smirked.

Hearing their final friend, Satoshi coming. Migoto got up from his seated position. This person Migoto had only met once, but from what he could tell he was fine. A little anti-social, but otherwise alright."So since everyone is here, how are we gonna pick teams?" With the gang all there they could begin to pick teams.



Alessi immediately grinned at her teammate. “I had a feeling that someone would have the same idea to get here early. Guess I was right.” With a tiny bit of bound in her step, she walked closer to her teammate and stopped herself a few feet away from him. A little excitement arose in the form of her tapping her foot in a rhythmic pattern. It might’ve just been a quick sparring match, but she was still in one of the best moods ever.

It didn’t take too long before another friend showed up. Seeing how Migoto tilted his body to look past her and follow a figure, there was no doubt someone was there. She herself then turned to see Kosuke. He looked pretty content and ready to go. Before she was able to answer the new arrival, Migoto beat her to it. Still, she was happy that three of the four had arrived. All she had to hope for now was for Satoshi to show up

Because of Kosuke’s arrival, Alessi was now facing towards where she and Kosuke had first come in. After a couple more minutes of waiting, Satoshi showed up. He waved at them as he was walking up; much like Alessi did to Migoto when she first entered. When he got close enough, he asked a question that was directed more towards the group as a whole than one person. “I’m doing pretty well. I’m definitely ready to spar too.” Her voice was soft, but had a small hint of excitement behind it.

Finally, all four of them were together. It didn’t even cross her mind that she was the only girl in the group. Crossing her arms, she waited for someone to ask an obvious question. It turned out that Migoto was the one who decided to ask the perfect question. Alessi grinned and reached into her pocket. Well… I thought we’d end up doing teams of two, so I brought a coin. Let’s say first two to get the same side are in a team and the ones leftover are a team as well.



Kosuke let out a sigh as he could hear the footsteps of another shinobi climbing up the peak. The boy - Satoshi had gave out an introduction once he was on the top of the waterfall. But, Kosuke didn't reply like the other shinobi did. Instead, He continued to stay silent, showing a sign of his inexperience at socializing with others. When is this battle going to began already! - thought Kosuke. He slowly placed his right hand onto the scroll attached to his waist, and grasped onto the entire scroll. His hand twitching as he felt the smooth paper held within it. 

He couldn't resist. Kosuke wanted to draw some art creations onto the paper fast; Instead of sitting around watching the other shinobi around him waste time. Their small talk was pointless, and it wasn't important. Kosuke had never knew why other humans would even continue on with their small talk. How would Kosuke ever learn? The boy was constricted in an Tohon academy at a small age which killed his social life. It was sad. Knowing that his parents were out there made him want to cry even more. But, he couldn't. His emotions were caged in and trained to not be revealed when he was given to the Tohon Academy. 

"Meh. Life is a burden. Something that is only given one chance to have. So use it wisely."

Kosuke said, quoting one of his rehearsed poems. The boy kept his head pointed to the ground, day dreaming about random topics. Thats when it happened. A light flashed, shining into his entire pupil and blinding him of his vision in his left eye for a short period of time. Kosuke didn't panic. He calmly breathed as the light was still stained into his vision. The bright light flickered three times until it vanished into thin air. Kosuke kept his eyelids opened, making it unnoticeable for others to tell that he couldn't see. Several colored pictures lit up his pupils, and played slowly through his head. His photographic memory projected memories of the last time he seen his mom in one of the old apartments of Iwagakure. 

The creases of his eyes became watery as he continued to look at the pictures. A loud voice could be heard, shouting out at the shinobi. The voice sounded similar to his mother. "Well… I thought we’d end up doing teams of two, so I brought a coin. Let’s say first two to get the same side are in a team and the ones leftover are a team as well," Kosuke slammed his eyelids closed, and shook his head. The photographs had ceased to play. A large grey boulder stuck into ground of the waterfall was the only thing he could see. The boy lifted his head up, turning his attention to the shinobi. Most of them looked clueless, and curious of when and how the fight was going to be determined with only a coin until the girl noted that it was a random flip. Kosuke eye's widened. He was worried that he would end up with someone weak on his team.

"Well, Lets start the flipping. Shall we?"

[Ninjutsu Training- C to B: 1,147/2000]



Satoshi stood there with his arms folded in a stance of boredom. He didn't mean to be rude, he was just ready to get this started. He didn't really feel like waiting on a coin toss, but it had already been decided. "I'm ready when you are." He said as he looked over to Alessi.

He wondered how the teams would end up and what these shinobi's abilities were. He was always curious about someone's abilities based on their appearance. That was a bit shallow, but he didn't really care. He wasn't in the business of catering to feelings. He was just ready to kick butt.

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Well everyone was waiting with batted breath on the coin toss. This would determine who was partnered with who.Migoto took this brief period to try to form a semblance of a plan for the event of a partnering. Kosuke and Alessi, he already knew their specialties and abilities. Both were for the most part ranged fighters. Kosuke had his ink drawing which he uses offensively, while staying away from combat. To beat him he would have to engage or bypass his drawings and fight him one on one. Problem was he was faster than Migoto, so it would be a challenge. If Kosuke turned out to be his partner, that would change everything. Migoto's offensive style would complement Kosuke's ranged style. The same went for Alessi, basic princaple besides the ink ninjutsu. The only person he didn't know anything about was Satoshi, he was a wild card. Until they fought or he told him his style, it would remain a mistery. But Migoto liked suprises. "Alright Alessi, flip that coin and lets get sparring."



"Will do Migo." With a quick flick of the thump, Alessi sent the coin a foot or two into the air. She caught it when it came down and flipped it on top of her free hand. Lifting her hand to show what she had gotten, she grinned slightly after doing so. "I got tails. So... Kosuke, you flip next." She held the coin out in front of Kosuke with two fingers. It was a fair way of picking teams. It made it randomized and unknown who would get put on which team. "If Kosuke gets tails, he's on my team, but if he gets heads, Satoshi will have to flip to make even it out." Once her friend took the coin, she would switch her view to the group as a whole. Looking around, she could tell there was a mix of different emotions going on between the three of them. Some looked like they just wanted this to be over. It didn't really matter to her though. Once this was all over, they would all have a good time. At least, that's what she hoped for.

Last edited by Alessi on Mon May 06, 2013 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total



Taking the metal coin from Alessi's hand he flipped the coin with his thumb, watching it as it flipped. He smiled as it landed on heads in the middle of his palm. "It looks like its your flip Migoto." He said handing the boy the coin. He was on the opposite team of Alessi, who he assumed was quite stolrong based on her rank of Chunnin. He hope the other ninja was on his team, but he would fight regardless.

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto Tenshi

Migoto took the coin from Satoshi's hand. The current situation was that Satoshi and Alessi were on both seperate teams, so his coin flip would put him at odds with one of the two.

Looking at the small coin in his hadn he smiled. This related to one of his philosophical thoughts a while back,chance. It was an active part of everyones lives, doubly so for shinobi and other militant groups. In everyday life there is always large and small chances made up of common and uncommon scenarios. For instance, just walking down through the markets to get here, Migoto could have been exposed to numerous chances. Some as common as running into one of the many citizens in Iwa. Others as uncommon as getting mugged. But shinobi play a dangerous game of chance. In battle there is always a chance something will go wrong, he could slip or be hit by a stray kunai. All of these chances must be accounted for to come up with a better chance than the enemy. Chance, skill, and a dash of luck are the elements to winning a battle.

Migoto was rambling inside his own head now for what seemed like ages, but was only moments. Migoto smiled ash he placed the metal coin on the top of his thumb, tucking his thumb under his pointed finger.With a little trust from his finger the coin was let loose ingto the air. The coin twirled, giving no indication of which face it would land on. Soon, the coin fell back to Migoto's open palm; it was heads.

Looks like he would be on Satoshi's team, he had no problem with that. He looked to be a capable ninja and Migoto couldn't wait to see how he fought. Migoto turned to give the coin to Kosuke, but he was no longer there; Did he just up and leave without anyone noticing?



Satoshi's current thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a bird flying down towards him. He immediately recognized it as one of the messenger birds of the Iwa and stuck his arm out. It landed almost immediately after. Sato took the scroll from it's leg before letting it go. He unraveled the scroll and read it carefully. "Well guys, apparently I'm called elsewere. Maybe next time!" He said half-heartedly as he put the scroll in one of his pockets. He nodded only to disappear in a puff of smoke, leaving the two by theirselves.

-Satoshi Exit Thread-




Alessi sighed as he watched the two others start to walk away. Whatever they were going to go do was probably a little more important than having a quick spar. Turning to Migoto, she gave a little disappointing smile. "There goes all of our plans I guess... I suppose we'll have to try again some other time... Sorry Migo..." With that being said, she followed right behind the others and left without another word.

-=Exit Thread=-

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