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Skye woke up to a ray of sunlight peeking through the openings in his blinds. It was time to wake up and start the morning just like any other. As he usually did, Skye washed himself up, put his typical clothes on, which included his flak jacket, and headed downstairs. It was pretty early in the morning, so his parents weren’t awake quite yet. As he silently crept around the kitchen, he grabbed a piece of fruit and slowly went outside. Once the door was secured behind him, he lazily ate the food and walked off to where he needed to be. Skye had signed up for a B ranked mission and had to be at a certain spot at a certain time. He wasn’t going into the fray alone though. Two others were supposed to join him. It didn’t really matter to him who came and who didn’t. All that mattered was that the mission was going to be completed and everyone went home safely. Once he arrived at the meeting location, he found a nice spot to sit and review over the mission specs. From what it told him, there was a bit of commotion on a road where a few travelling carts had been destroyed and multiple people killed. Skye’s mind immediately jumped to one previous mission he had with Sano. That particular mission was difficult with just the two of them, so having three making up the entire group would make everything much simpler.

Though, he wasn’t quite sure what the two accompanying him would be like. They could be any rank, any age, and any type of ninja. Shaking his head once, he decided he wasn’t going to let that affect his feelings in the mission. A mission was a mission no matter what. With that, he laid back and stared upwards. Skye was still a bit tired from the trip he made to Yuki not too long ago. In his mind, the memory of the cold weather gave him the chills. Being used to hot and humid weather made him a bit soft when it came to cool and calm climates. With a single sigh, he continued to look up at the passing clouds and wait for his two partners.

Word Count: 376/1500



Baki walked To the meeting place he received on a note. He was supposed to meet a couple of others and fight some kind of monster. It was warm out and the humidity was still thick in the air. The Wilderness was crawling with various critters scurrying about. Peace was fine in his book, but it was not for him. For him, fighting was his life and if you did not give him a fight that he had fun in he had no respect for you. That is not to say he did not respect other talents its just that he looked down on most in general. As he approached the meeting place he spotted a ninja in a kumo flack jacket and he was looking up to the clouds. Baki Walked up with a unreadable expression on his face. One could guess it was anger or another would think it was a smirk, never the less he was where he needed to be. The flack jacket told him that the guy waiting out ranked him at least, still that did not mean he was any good. Baki walked up and and smirked. "Yo, you hear for the mission?" He said with a smirk. He wanted to see who this guy was.




(Training Med ninjutsu as well B - >A)

Hanbei, look at the skies... A deep and resounding voice echoed over Hanbei's ears, as he lay on his back at the highest point of Kumo with his father. Kanbei was one of the City's Anbu, and leader of the clan of Guanyin, and Direct descendant of Drakpo. It seems that the stars are at war today Hanbei... it is true that we are linked to their fate. But I can tell little more from the stars other than there is conflict in your future... Hanbei listened in wonder looking up, and pointing to several of them. The twelve year old girl pointed to several of them in turn, opening her mouth to speak, and reciting the names of several of the 108 legendary demons who are said to be amongst the heavens.

Song Jian is bright tonight, Wu Yong by his side, the conflict in the heavens must be very important, though I see very few of the other stars amongst them. There are their vassals; Guan Sheng the bravest of the 108 stars. But Tian Ying is so far away... The hero, far from the battlefield, depicts that the conflict will be hard pressed to win.. do you think this spells trouble for us father? Hanbei seemed worried, but her father turned over on the top of the water tower, gazing over Kumo and looking over the village. Then finally turning back to face his daughter.

You're young Hanbei, the conlfict ahead could simply mean that this battle, could simply be your first step on the road to becoming a great Kumo ninja. You must walk only the most difficult road to become one of the stars, you must overcome insurmountable odds. Walk in absolute darkness and then rise a hero. It is not a path many can take, but, you are MY child... and I will always be here to guide you. Hanbei's face lit up like a firework, resting the back of her head on her hands, and lying on his back and slowly closing her eyes and drifting off into a long and rest filled sleep. With Hanbei's dreams she saw the sky alight with battle, a grand overlord covered with righteous flames commanded his soldiers forward to do battle with an unseen force...

The morning came and Hanbei awoke in her bed. Hands raising in the covers and pressing themselves against her eyes, rubbing away the sleep from yesterday night,the new day laid out ahead of her before raising arms to the roof, every muscle of Hanbei's body expanded, working hard to recover yesterday's strength before simultaneously relaxing as they fell back to the soft mattress. Today was the time to shine. Hanbei releshed the chance of her first mission, it was time to prove her worth as a ninja to the rest of the world. All the training in the world probably could not have prepared Hanbei for the day that was to come.

Getting up and getting dressed Hanbei found herself running for the location of the mission she had signed up for, though Hanbei was intent on playing a supportive roll in this mission, she just hoped she would be a valued member of the team in the game that was yet to come. Fleeting through the street, she finally found two idle team mates standing by, hopefully not waiting for her. The tiny example of a ninja would come into view suddenly, somewhat of a secret hiding beneath the long hair and fair face, to anyone who didn't have a limitless understanding on the male body HE would appear, sound, and seem like a twelve year old girl. Having literally no masculine features, combined with the rich master tailored silk clothing completed the effeminate image.

Hey guys, I'm Hanbei, of the guanyin-clan... I'll be your medic today... if that's alright with you... Hanbei squeaked, both shyly and politely. I'll to my best to keep us all safe and act to aid and support everyone I can. Though, I will say I'm a little nervous. He smiled, swallowing his fear, they were hunting a monster, an experiment gone disastrously wrong... Or right... But it was time to go. Hanbei took a deep breath, and everything was going to be fine, these two looked like they knew what they were doing...

word count:

Last edited by Hanbei Guanyin on Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:58 am; edited 1 time in total



A sudden voice snapped Skye out of his little daydream. His attention slowly drifted away from the clouds and was brought down to the person next to him. It took him a second to realize that it was probably one of the two teammates that was supposed to meet him there. In that moment of realization, he stood up and grinned at the newcomer. “Yeah, I’m here for the mission.” Just out of instinct, he held out a hand to introduce himself. “Skye Nekito. Nice to meet you.” Before Baki would be able to react to the offer of a friendly handshake, Skye had already begun to size the kid up. A bit of a habit when meeting someone new, but Skye happened to conceal it very well. He wasn’t trying to see anything negative about his new partner, but more of looking for positive assets. From what he saw, just from outer looks, he was about the same age as him. A bit full of himself, but looked like he was ready for anything. Overall, a pretty good person. Whether or not Baki grabbed his hand to shake it, he would have kept his grin up.

Before he was able to go into a conversation with Baki, another person seemed to pop in and greet both of them. Again, Skye turned his attention to the new face and let another friendly grin appear. “Hi Hanbei. It’s nice to see we’ll have a medic on the team.” He took a step away from Baki to fully be capable of talking to the last teammate to arrive, but wasn’t really in range to give /her/ a handshake. Using the same sentence for greeting Baki, he restated it to Hanbei. “Skye Nekito. Nice to meet you.” Without the use of a handshake to distract, he had to size this new teammate from where he was. From what was immediately said, Hanbei was a medic. What seemed obvious to him, based on outer looks and the soft sounding voice, was that this person was a girl. Little did he know the truth behind that. She looked young, and a bit frightened. Probably because of the mission. Hell, Baki seemed more than ready to fight the monstrosity they would encounter. Shaking his head slightly to rid his mind of building stress, he crossed his arms and quietly sighed.

Word Count: 770/1500



Baki Reached out and shook Skye's hand with a strong grip. He could tell the other ninja was sizing him up due to him being in countless underground fights, however he let it go. From what Baki could tell the other man did not use taijutsu for the lack of callous on his hands, That being said, he probably specialized in something that did not require extremely close combat. "So when is the other person showing up?" He asked. He was feeling impatient and wanted to fight whatever is was they had to fight.

Just as the words left his mouth however, The last person of there little group arrived. It appeared the person was a young girl. "Hey guys, I'm Hanbei, of the guanyin-clan... I'll be your medic today... if that's alright with you.... I'll to my best to keep us all safe and act to aid and support everyone I can. Though, I will say I'm a little nervous." Baki sighed, the new Girl had greenish eyes. There was nothing wrong with green eyes its just that green had a tendency to piss him off.

"The names Baki, head of the Hibiki clan...." His eyes narrowed as he said the sentence. For as long as he remembered his eyes would narrow when his anger started to rise. He was not made at ether of them, he just hoped they where useful in this fight, if not he would just beat the thing by himself. He walked over to the girl and looked her over. His eyes looked at herhard. "Just don't fall behind ok?" It was rare he ever gave any advice so hopefully it would not go to waste. Baki put up his hood as a slight breeze ran threw his hair. He then picked the time to speak up. "Looks like im the only hand to hand fighter here, The girl over here is a medic and that only leaves you and due to the lack of callous on your hands I would say your not a taijutsu user...." Baki said in a flat somewhat arrogant tone of voice that he always had. The way he seen it, at least it would do good to know what the other two could do when shit hit the fan.

Word count : 626/1500



Hanbei was greeted by the other two, but again could not help but feel short, his eyes and neck angling up to to meet their eyes with his own heterochromic ones. Hanbei listened to the other one talking taking in the information as well as the advice, he depicted himself as a close range fighter. Though he was right, Hanbei was not exactly a Taijutsu user. Though, that did not mean to say he was not confident in a point blanc fight. His Kekkei Genkai was rather useful for that feat. Though, at least now was the time for Hanbei to begin making his way to the documented location of the beast they were intending to fight. I may not be a Taijutsu user, but you've been misinformed when you label that as a medic I am not able to fight. Much of the guanyin clan are skilled fighters with out own form of Taijutsu. I'm just not quite old enough to begin learning it and all of the family nerve strikes formally yet. Though that does not mean I can't use the my needles to cause harm.

He spoke up, telling only truths, but also trying to prove himself to his other team mates. Though, with that out of the way, it was time to get moving. Beginning to quickly scurry in the direction of their mission, if not for his Geta / sandals, he would look even shorter to the people who looked at him... Though his balance to be able to constantly pearch on a single downward plank of wood was impressive. It was as if he was constantly walking on stilts, with seemingly perfect precision, as if he were walking ordinarily. Hanbei found himself naturally gravitating toward the Chunin of the group, perhaps out of a sense of safety, or just because the other one reminded him of the bullies which used to never stop picking on him in the academy because of his size and medical condition. Which caused him to age at an decreased rate.

So, does anyone have any further information on the beast we're supposed to be hunting down, I highly doubt by the description of 'monster' that the creature we're hunting for is just some form of large boar or the like... I hope it's not too big... He said, his voice mouse like and soft toward the end of his sentence. He longed for the chance to become a Chunin. To that ends, he somewhat envied but also looked up to Skye. Underneath his robed he twirled his senbon around his fingers. the lined his arms under his clothing, ready to slip down into his waiting hands. Which should they be seen looked as though they had been cut by a hundred paper cuts, to be taught the finer arts of using chakra senbon, especially ones as thin as the single strand fibres from his silken clothing. I just hope that none of us gets badly hurt on this mission, B rank taijutsu is nothing to sneeze at, it will cause severe damage on any landed hit, and also being capable of using it, it will more than likely be far more physically active. If I can stick it with one of my needles directly. I can limit its movement in its limbs for a few seconds to give it a blind spot. Which would allow the two of you much greater ample time to attack.

He said attempting to strategise, though the other option was to simple stand back throwing needles over, and over and over, until the beast was a walking pin cushion, the thought kept Hanbei's smile on his face. In the ninja world Senbon attacks were the fastest to use with the widest hit area, making them especially useful, but nowhere near as damaging as some of the more powerful jutsu in the ninja world. Moving through the mountainous terrain as hanbei began to walk he only just realised the gravity behind just how far he had come already. He was performing ninja missions now. his first step on his road to greatness, he thought, he hoped. But everything weighed in on this mission being successful. Truth being told he could probably handle a single large target on his own, though the mission no doubt was not a B ranked mission for a reason. He would simply have to wait, and perform well in a team. Adrenaline already pumping through his veins.

word count: 1500/1500:



Skye tilted his head slightly when Baki was able to point out that he wasn’t a Taijutsu user. It was pretty impressive the way Baki was able to tell if Skye had any experience with Taijutsu just by a simple handshake. Though right after his partner said that, he remembers that his opponent during the Chuunin exams did the exact same thing. Funny thing was that it didn’t really matter in this particular situation. He wasn’t going to be fighting Baki. Instead, he’d be fighting a giant monster. “I may not be a Taijutsu user, but my Genjutsu will definitely be useful in this mission. Besides that, I still have Ninjutsu and some chain scythes if the beast we’re fighting gets too close. ” His voice kept a low and calm tone, so it didn’t sound like he was gloating at all. While Skye adjusted his position to make it so everyone was in his sight, Hanbei began to talk about her clan, as well as her needles. Once the other two had given their introductions and told a little about themselves, Skye stretched his arms out in preparation to get moving. Reviewing what he knew about his teammates, he went over the entire list of abilities mentioned in his head. Overall, the entirety of the team balanced each other out quite well.

Seeing that it was about time to get moving, he started to walk towards the direction specified on the mission specs. Apparently he wasn’t the only one to have the same idea. Hanbei seemed to be ready to go and get the mission started, so he caught up to Hanbei and matched her speed. Skye didn’t pay much attention to see if Baki had followed. It almost seemed like he would join the group and keep the pace they were at. As they continued to walk, Hanbei started to inquire about the beast they would be fighting. “Eh… I’m not really sure what type of ‘monster we’re up against, but I’m pretty sure the three of us can handle it.” Turning to Hanbei, Skye gave a thumbs up along with a smile. He wasn’t too worried about what they would encounter. Putting his hands behind his head while walking, he exhaled with content. This was a usual position for Skye when he walked anywhere. Still listening to Hanbei’s technique, the ‘limit in movement’ part definitely caught his attention. “That actually might be useful if Baki or I need to get close.” It seemed like Hanbei was full of ideas, and definitely had a head on her.

“Let’s see… I do have a few distraction Genjutsus that will confuse just about anything or anyone… And on top of that, I can easily stun it with some good old Raiton Ninjutsu if we need it.” He grinned slightly as he announced his abilities. Though he noticed Baki hadn’t metioned his. As a way of including him in the conversation, he turned his head to look at his other teammate. “So Baki, Is there anything interesting you can do? Any Taijutsu techniques?” He said with a light and calm tone.

Word Count: 1290/1500



Baki let out a sigh as the girl explained herself. I may not be a Taijutsu user, but you've been misinformed when you label that as a medic I am not able to fight. Much of the guanyin clan are skilled fighters with out own form of Taijutsu. I'm just not quite old enough to begin learning it and all of the family nerve strikes formally yet. Though that does not mean I can't use the my needles to cause harm. I may not be a Taijutsu user, but you've been misinformed when you label that as a medic I am not able to fight. Much of the guanyin clan are skilled fighters with out own form of Taijutsu. I'm just not quite old enough to begin learning it and all of the family nerve strikes formally yet. Though that does not mean I can't use the my needles to cause harm. Baki Inwardly smiled, The fact that the girl was not a idiot was a good plus, also that she was at least somewhat confident in her ability's was enough for him to not mind her. His mind went back to the monster. What they had heard was B rank Taijutsu, that in itself was for normal people way to much but for Baki it felt as another day in his life. He took a deep breath as the 'leader' of the mission spoke up :. “I may not be a Taijutsu user, but my Genjutsu will definitely be useful in this mission. Besides that, I still have Ninjutsu and some chain scythes if the beast we’re fighting gets too close. ” 'A Genjutsu user too huh? Good, I bet he has never seen a fighting style like mine...' He thought. True to how things of that nature goes, The other ninja decided to ask about his fighting style : “So Baki, Is there anything interesting you can do? Any Taijutsu techniques?" Skye asked in a calm voice. For once, Baki decided actually tell his unique ability. "Lets just say when it comes to hand to hand im no slouch, I use Genjutsu too although it is much different then what most have seen. It works seamlessly with my taijutsu and I have found a way to boost my own ability's higher then what most would expect."

Truth be told he could keep fighting for a extremely long time, and that combined with his ability to boost his damage output and to numb his own wounds would make him a threat to this so called monster. His mind was focused and he was ready for battle. The air around was starting to thicken, the leaves rustled in the wind, A somewhat sweet smell from the world around calmed Baki to a better level. No longer was he in a near rage, his teammates at the time had proven they where not slouches. He had the utmost confidence in his ability's that he had fought so long to acquire. His years of training was about to prove themselves and with that he was going to successfully step into the world of shinobi combat. Different from under ground fights that was certain, here no one guarantees that there is only one opponent, out here one screw up and you where dead. It was ok he would be fine that much he was sure about.

Word count : 1213/1500



Hanbei continued to walk, minutes passed, which became hours, as they made their way down the mountains of their home. ultimately resulting in walking through a trench which was one very popular for travellers walking through the pass. Though in this current day and age, the gangs which had been noted around this area, as well as bandits and other ruffians had made this space somewhat of a danger zone for those travellers. Now there was a monster in the mix, the trench on either end was generally guarded by Kumogakure ninja. Hanbei was walking slightly higher above the trench to scout for a better view, some ten meters up, walking along a very, very small ridge, which his size allowed him to balance on a little better. Without needing to use the supernatural walking jutsu to cling to the edge. Raising his hand to his brow to block out the sun from his eyes, he managed to spy something in the distance, there was something happening not too far from where they were...

Looking down to the others Hanbei was about to call out, but there was a voice on the wind which caught their attention. A high pitched, childish scream echoed along the winds as distress began to fill the air. followed by a loud crashing sound. Hanbei, looked down to the others, and without even saying a word, he clicked to attention. Breaking out into full sprint ahead of the team, hoping they were all on the same wavelength as him... Someone was in danger, someone who wasn't supposed to be here. Grabbing his needles and extending them between three of his fingers in each hand, he could not have hoped to move faster even if he wanted to, his legs were almost literally flying under his waist as his chakra began to flare up almost to a boil within him. He focused on that chakra, the Raiton which gave him his speed, both in the use of his jutsu, and in his sheer running force.

Upon arrival the scene would almost be painted before them. There was a small caravan with several armed guards, each of them crushed, and the caravan smashed in. The crushed guard's bodies were broken, and twisted, one of them literally dismembered from the force of something far greater than himself. Upon their faces were looks of terror. The horse which had been pulling the carriage seemed to be the first thing that was hit, crumbled into the ground and breathing shallowly, unable to get up or run, the beast was dying. Then finally within the cart was the still crying cargo, a child. Alone, scared and fearing for his life as the monster continued to rip everything around it apart. Hanbei leaped from his perch and ran a few more steps forward grinding to a halt hopefully only a few steps behind the other two by the time he got there...

The monster stood a tall 8' in height, and looked to weigh almost half a tonne of muscle. Grey skin with bone like ridges, the creature was ultimately humanoid, and looked to have been the subject of some kind of medical experiment to make some form of weapon. It was not unheard of, this kind of medical ninjutsu being used to make people stronger, larger, and more powerful, though at the cost of their humanity. Orochimaru, some 200 years ago was one of the famous users of this kind of medical ninjutsu, implanting the cells of other famous ninja into others so they were able to use their kekkei genkai. But this, this was unprofessional, black market medical ninjutsu, and it succeeded in creating a weapon, but the weapon had no master, it was a sword, bladed on every side. Mad with rage and strength, no trace of humanity left in its mind. The man who made it was probably either dead, or far from here by now. The beast's attention would focus on the team, they looked like ninja, like the people who made him, it did not compute this, but it became mad, and it didn't know why, which only made it madder.

It was coming.

The beast grabbed a piece of the cart, ripping off a massive piece of wood and hurling it to intercept the running patterns of the three ninja. Its colossal force would even on hitting a soft squishy ninja target, cause the treated wood to shatter on impact, breaking bones and causing injury to those it collided with. Letting out a loud roar. The creature began to pick up momentum, it was going to get close, and there was little they could to about it. It's size, and leg length made its momentum inescapable in a long narrow trench, and only now did people possibly realise, that like trying to outrun a bear. This is why it had taken up attacking people in this area. There was nothing to weave between to slow the beast down, and there was very little to jump up to avoid its rampage, save for the sides of the cavern walls.

Upon meeting the group of them. Its hands would coil into massive fists. Leaning down like a bulldozer and throwing left after right it would almost literally sweep in wide arcs for the three of them in a state of absolute berserk. The beast's hide was rough, and leathered, and almost grey looking. Meanwhile the cries of the child could still be heard in the background. The ninja here, today had something to fight for, other than money, and their own lives. The child needed to be saved.

Med ninjutsu 948/2000:

Last edited by Hanbei Guanyin on Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:31 am; edited 1 time in total



It turned out that the beast they were looking for was taking a rather long time to get to. All they knew was the area it had been seen, but they didn’t have direction or any hint of where it could have been. Skye sighed softly. He was getting a bit bored of walking. His boredom quickly disappeared though. The sudden scream of a child made Skye jump slightly and immediately look in the direction of the sound. Only one single thought came into his mind. It was the beast they were looking for. Seeing Hanbei immediately rush off, his thought was definitely reassured.

Skye rushed forward in the trench and tried to get to the action as quickly as possible. Once out in the long stretch of land, he looked out in the distance to see the remains of a caravan. Again, he ran towards the site and immediately stopped upon seeing the monster. It was an ugly looking thing, and nothing like Skye had ever seen before. The monster could only be described as something from a horror story or maybe even a nightmare. “Well… I think we found it…” He said silently as he slowly got in line with Hanbei.

The beast was the first to act. Watching it as it tossed a large portion of a destroyed cart, he waited for the right moment to dodge it before it landed. As soon as he was clear of it, Skye stood right up and put both hands together. Since he was the first one able to use a jutsu, he would have to be the one who could stop its advance. Starting a quick series of hand signs, he stared directly into the monster’s eyes. There was no doubt the blindness would distract it. Without being able to see, it would either miss the team completely, or stop to assess why it couldn’t see. While keeping the beast’s stampeding path in mind, he looked past the beast and did a quick search for the source of the child’s voice. Finding that child would be his first priority. It was hard enough having a caravan full of people ripped apart and maimed by a beast, but having at least one life saved would be the best they could do.

Chakra: 195/200:

Word Count: 1671/1500 (Word count for mission complete)

Note to team:



The land spread out somewhat as the mountains went on and on, minutes turned into hours as the group walked. Baki let out a small yawn, he was not expecting it to take this long to reach the target. The mountains had a somewhat taken on a eerie feel to them the farther he went. The sky way clear blue with only a few thin wisps of clouds." I wish this thing would show up so I can get a good fight.." He mused to himself, Just as he finished the thought a scream of a child echoed threw the area. He darted as fast as he could to the area only to see the others had reached it first. As Baki ran up a big piece cart wiz bye. The look of carnage made the scene look like a battlefield. Skye had already done a jutsu it seemed as the beast slowed for a minute acting as if he had something covering his eyes. Not one to let such a opportunity pass Baki quickly activated his Genjutsuken so that when the creature could see again it would be caught in another Genjutsu just by looking at Baki.

Baki was not done, however. The hand signs flashed as he activated another Genjutsu, but this time It was not on the monster, it was on himself. The Adrenaline released into his bloodstream. Time was going slower and it was like his body was in overdrive. Baki charged the beast but stopped short and jumped launching a fist at the giants face. The fist connected but Baki was not done, He jumped again and landed on the things shoulders and sat with his legs on both sides of the monsters head. Baki let out a furious assault at the monsters face. "Eat this Monster!" He yelled as he rained down blows. Things seemed to be going his way until the thing started to regain its eye sight. Sure enough the beast looked at Baki's body and fell into the Genjutsu it let out. True to form befitting a monster it grabbed Baki by the chest and started to squeeze. He could feel his ribs bending but not yet cracking. Shit If I don't do something he is going to break my ribs!" Baki thought as it tightened its grip slowly. Baki's legs dangled as the thing lifted him off of his shoulders. He wasted no more time as he kicked the beast repeatedly in the throat. The beast let out a roar and threw Baki like a rag doll. He rolled for a good distance and to him it felt as if he had hit every rock on the way.

Baki let out a groan as he got back up to his feet. He did a mental check of what shape his body was in and although he would be sore the next day he was still in fighting order so far. This beast was stronger then anything he had faced yet and a grin appeared on his face.

Word count : 1736/1500 (Word count for mission complete)


120/150 chakra

Last edited by Baki on Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to subtract chakra)



(who's NPCing this thing? you? or me? Jeezus...)

Hanbei as the creature came their way was discouraged. Fear covered him as he saw the size and strength of the thing rampaging toward him, and the evil in its eyes when it looked at him in particular. It made eye contact with hanbei, and the piece if cart it picked up, it gripped and though it was wide enough to be hurled at the others in the way, Hanbei saw from its centrifugal force, it was aimed at him. Hanbei didn't think twice as the massive wooden mass came flying his way, kicking his legs out from underneath him he began to trail backwards and down. His body curling into a ball into a perfect combat roll as the beam hurled over his head. His shoulder rolled perfectly over the and he found himself standing up. The beam behind him but the monster seemed to still be charging them from the front.

Running around and to the side in the seconds it took for the best to be on them it was stressful. Bringing his arms across his chest his chakra began to flare up. Closing his eyes and becoming serious, he was afraid, his legs were shaking, his hands were shaking, but he had to be brave. He could feel his fear saturating him, but at the same time he felt himself moving, his body, his training, his father's words taking control of him. As if someone were over his shoulder telling him. "Bravery is not the absence of fear. It is accepting that you are afraid, and doing everything you can to do what's right... even if it puts you in danger. That is our ninja way." Hanbei felt a calm wind blow over him as his chakra began to surge in his body. The roar of focus deafening him to the pains of the world, waiting for what was to come.

Hanbei's eyes snapped open, with them came focus, and with them six bright lights began to shine from in between his fingers as six bright long chakra needles began to emanate from his hands. Each of them extending to over six inches long and expanding still like sharp glowing claws of light, each of them coming to wickedly sharp points. The guanyin were known for their needles, and it was time for the next generation of the Guanyin to join the ranks of the ninja. Targeting the, monster, he looked for where the acupuncture points of the monster would be, each of them was a weak, nerve centre on the body the upper shoulders, the underarms the inner thighs, were the most visible to him right now. Clutching his hands full of needles to the left of the monster he hurled one handful after the other of the glimmering chakra needles, specifically aiming for those nerve clusters, but on such an angle they would not collide with bone. The needles fired out in lines from under his long sleeves appearing suddenly and flying at full speed.

The result would be moderate. The needles would not simply hit the beast in those location, but penetrating the skin as easily as a hypodermic needle. The incredibly fine points would penetrate through the fibrous muscle tissue and glide through the creature sharper than a chakra scalpel. before penetrating the skin on the other side and embedding themselves in the rock face on the other side. though they would not damage the creature in such a manner that it would cause tremendous physical damage, due to its incredible size. But it would begin to bleed, in a rapid and profuse manner from each of the locations, hopefully which would over time begin to take its toll on the monster. The needles on the other side would slowly begin to dim as the chakra which had lit them up finally began to fade, no longer under the control of Hanbei, and unable to be maintained.

It was then he noticed that the monster seemed to be blind, as well as the other member of the team looking to engage the creature in close range combat... C rank taijutsu VS B rank taijutsu would not go well for the Genin, unless he was supported by the other members of the team. Hanbei rotated to behind the creature where its spine was, each of the ridges clearly showed the separations of its spine, which pointed out the separations in his back, making the targeted areas more able to be hit. But for now there was little Hanbei was able to do. He dwelled on the thought of using his kekkei genkai. Was it time? Was it ready? Was he good enough to use both of the needles of Guanyin? It was a tough decision, it would mean that he would be burning through his chakra like nothing before. Hanbei took a deep breath, held his hands out to either side, his long sleeves flowing over his hands as the raw and vibrant red and blue shining began to glow brightly from under his sleeves.

I hope i can do this dad... pray for me...

The monster was blinded, its vision impaired to the point it could no longer see. But it was already too late. Its eyes were closed and it was anticipating the impact like a bull about to hit the target of its charge. Its fist curled as it did not slow in its strike. The medical ninja target had gotten out of range, though the other was still there, its mind not sharp enough to think of aborting the attack. Its fist, as the one who blinded it didn't seem to move, would more than likely collide with one target. Potentially catching him by surprise as the blinding genjutsu did not seem to slow the creature's charge at all. It was only after the charge did the monster's impaired eyes cause the beast grief.

Its hands went to its eyes as it began to claw uncontrollably at its face, ripping apart the flesh and moving backwards until it felt the square punch of pain to the beast's nose. The creature recoiled. But it seemed the ninja was not done. He leaped, which was probably one of the biggest mistakes of the ninjas' career, blood flowing freely from the creature's face, the pain, and the blood beginning to sting the beast's eyes combined with the blinding caused the creature to snap. Entering a blood stricken rage and berserk state. The ninja, however quick his jump, the monster would step back, only able to see the blurred shape donning silhouette of something moving toward it. Bringing across an open hand in an open claw it would bring it across to intercept the ninja.

With everything else going on, and its state of rage, it didn't even notice the pain coming from its body. Drowned out from its self sustained injuries as well as as the pain from its eyes and the blow to its face. The needles penetrated straight through without even registering, but as the monsters heart rate began to pump, the amount of blood dripping from the creature was already about a pint.

Med ninjutsu training 2168:



Events were unfolding left and right as Skye watched his teammates attack the beast. To him, it seemed like they each struck the beast one after the other. First, his own vision hampering genjutsu, then Hanbei’s interesting use of her needles, and finally, one combination of punches by Baki. All attacks seemed to be only a mere fraction of damage to the beast. They all were far from done. In a quick personal brainstorming session, he went over a bit of a battle plan. Baki’s close range fighting wouldn’t end well if the beast kept its guard up, but both he and Hanbei could limit the monster’s movement. Skye using his Genjutsu, and Hanbei using her needles. Of course Skye would have to act first considering he was the first one to start the attacking sequence and the first one to recover from it. Once either one of them stopped it from going berserk, Baki could get a few good hits in, or maybe even Skye could use a shocking ninjutsu. Whatever the case was, it was time to take more action against this foe. Cracking his neck slightly, Skye exhaled and closed his eyes. After a second or two of breathing, he quickly opened his eyes. They were now a shade of purple, unlike his typical grayish blue. Aside from the change in eye color, his pupil was now an interesting black swirl with an open center. Now that his Kekkei Genkai was in full swing, he ran up a bit closer to the beast, but still kept to a safe distance. Again, he put his hands against one another and started a unique series of hand signs. At the end of the stream, he put his hand together and looked at the beast. Focusing his genjutsu, he made sure that he would be able to control where the beast would be able to go.

From the beast’s point of view, it would’ve looked like a pitch black pool of water was now under it. The void it was now inside of seemed like an endless drop, yet it would still be able to walk. The intensity of the blur would have ended at that point, thus relieving some of the pain in its eyes. Yet, upon opening them, the perception of the monster would be completely off. To Skye’s teammates, they would only see the monster and not the void. Thankfully, Skye could focus it to one or even a group if necessary. The only downside being he would have to remain still until he became too tired, or if the beast escaped the trap. Not only would the void be hard to navigate, but the arms stretching out of it would lazily latch onto the beast and try to pull it downward. But due to the sheer power of the beast, it would prove mostly ineffective.

Chakra: 170/200:

Word Count: 2150/1500 (Word Count Complete)



The beast stumbled, It was losing blood and it seemed to be a in berserk state. As Baki watched as the blood continued to drip from the wounds that the beast had he had a idea, quickly he redirected his attack to the wounds that where already bleeding. Baki was not finished yet though, he went threw the Genjutsuken Kutsuu hand signs in a blur. This would increase the pain the creature felt every hit he took. With the adrenalin still in his system boosting him he let out a flurry of blows to the places where the creature was wounded. That on top of the power boost he had and the pain increasing jutsu dealt a good bit of damage. The blood was flowing faster every hit it took. Baki hoped it would be enough.

(( sorry its so short, I had to work all night. ))



With a single blow the beast had slammed Baki to the side of the arena, he having done seemingly nothing to avoid its open handed strike to intercept his prior blows. The crushing force with an open hand that would fracture bones and cause rips in his skin on impact with the rock to a side of them. Though as the ground gave-way for the senses of the beast, it would soon find that it was stuck. Stranded, moving seemed difficult for it as it was no longer able to judge its steps letting out a massive roar it thrashed in place before roaring again, its senses dimming, its blood drenched eyes stung and its hunger for blood, bone and sinew was not yet quenched. These ninja like the ones who made it were winning, and a part of the monster knew it, even with the satisfying direct hit it had managed to land against one of the foolish children which had chased after it.

Difficult to move, it managed to shuffle its feet somewhat, to gain some sense of movement toward the one using the Genjutsu, step after step it slowly made its progress, barely able to see anything other than the variation in the colour of his clothing against the slate brown stone behind and around him. Step after step, and groan after agonising groan, the beast was managing to force his way through the tide of nothing that was his Genjutsu, but it had slowed the beast to a crawl. Edging closer, grumbling it managed to pick up some pace.

Hanbei looked up at the monster, the red and blue shining from his wrists created conviction from despair, swallowing his fears he charged at the monster head on, the silken sheets which his his hands wavered in the wind as he darted in a zig zag pattern toward the monster, rushing faster and faster before finally meeting it, with the drakpo needle in hand he thrust it forward, the genjutsu sealed monster would be blind to the strike as they had worked as a team to lead to this moment. Thrusting the drakpo needle forward into the back of its knee, the flaring red needle penetrated straight through the muscular structure before beginning to evaporate into the wound in a beautiful flare of red negative chakra energy. The knee of the monster began to discolour as its nerve centres were penetrated, and the entire limb isolated and unusable.

Roaring in an agonising scream of hate and fury the beast began to collapse. Falling, unbalanced as its right leg would no longer carry its weight thanks to the paralysing effect of the needle. Hanbei took this opportunity to jump high to a perferred spot of vantage, his silken shits shimmering in the wind as he performed the 'sitting needle' jutsu. Monkey hand symbol followed by a snake and then ram, a shimmer of sunlight flowed through the silk around him as 36 fibres of silk floated from his clothing to become levitating chakra needles. Bulleting down and shredding into the creature's arms. Not causing much damage, but pinning them none the less, opening the monster up for a finishing strike, the other two would likely have to strike together before the beast recovered to end this.




Skye watched as the beast slowly inched towards him. Due to the nature of his jutsu, he was unable to move. All he could do is either wait for the monster to reach him, or for one of his teammates to intervene. Thankfully, Hanbei jumped in and attacked it before it had the chance to do some damage to Skye. She had done something that was rather useful for that very moment. Now that the beast had limited movement, Skye cancelled his genjutsu and hopped backwards. Though his Kekkei Genkai was still active, it didn’t really think about it too much. As a way to alert Baki about the final blow, he yelled over to his teammate. “Baki! We’re ending it!” With a deep inhale, he put both of his hands together and made a multitude of hand signs. Brining his hands apart, a continuous electric stream connected between his hands. Putting his hand together and slamming them on the ground, a jolt of lightning shot out and traveled in a jagged pattern. Skye was able to control the area it would hit thanks to his training with his former sensei. The lightning shot out of the ground only a few feet from the monster and hit it directly in the chest. The lightning ripped through the skin on the monsters chest and burned it slightly. It was now up to Baki to finish it off, hopefully hitting the now vulnerable spot on its chest.

Chakra: 145/200:



Baki wasted no time letting loose a volley of punches to the weakness that Skye had created. The monster bellowed and flailed hitting Baki and swatting him like a fly. Baki rolled at the last minute and managed to land on his feet. The monsters moves had become alot weaker now as it was losing blood from alot of places. Baki drew a deep breath as his eyes narrowed. He was mad and it was showing. "DIE!" He snarled as he launched himself at the would he had attacked earlier. He hit the thing with all his might over and over again. The beast finally went down. Baki had calmed down enough to start thinking again and he went to snap the monsters neck. The heart had already stopped beating but with something like this you had to make sure. With a swift motion he broke the beasts neck with a loud pop. He brushed off the dirt from his clothes as he walked over to see how the others where. He was sore all over but he did not think he was hurt to bad, he looked worse then he was. He still walked back to the others with a cocky smirk on his face.



The monster was bought down, and Hanbei had moved past them to check the health of the child in the caravan, using the blue needle of guanyin and penetrating a small wound on the boy it healed almost instantaneously. The blue needle soaking into the wound like it was made of some form of liquid, the chakra re-energising the small area, fading away with the damage as it resolved and there was no more wound, simply skin. Taking the child by the hand, he lead him out past the death, past the chaos chattering to the boy, asking him for his name, and where he came from, also what he was doing here amongst these armed guards. The boy began to respond, terrified, but audibly. Telling Hanbei that they had taken a wrong turn along one of the cattle paths which was just small enough for the carriage, everything was fine until they were attacked by the monster, it took them by surprise, jumping down from up high and crushing the horse, before overpowering the guards one by one with hulk like strength and incredible raw power.

Hanbei walked with the young boy hand in hand, to meet up with the other two, the young boy looked shy, upset, and as if he had been through a harrowing traumatic experience in which he had watched and heard the people around him die a horrible agonising death, but otherwise the child seemed to be okay. Hanbei looked over the wounds of the other two, surveying that they did not seemed to be injured in any way that would detriment them on the trip back or in any form of long term damage. He was glad, very very glad. Leaving the boy there to stand alone and say his hellos, Hanbei collected up all of the needles he'd thrown around them, ensuring he had not left a single of his physical senbon behind. Each of them was more expensive than he was willing to detail, and they had cost him more than he would pay most surgeons to re-attach a limb. Once they were collected he looked to wrapping several strands of separate silk threading around one of his senbon and restitching some of his clothes back together, as the seams had been used for one of his needle attacks, the plating of the ultra fine silk practised his keen eyes as well as the steadiness of his hands.

Conviction welled up in Hanbei's chest as he re-approached the group, looking down at the work he was doing on his sleeves and smiling, not making eye contact, but opening his mouth to speak regardless. I think each of us did a very nice job, especially you on your Genjutsu, I don't think I've ever seen someone actively attempt to use Genjutsu on themselves before, other than the single Uchiha technique which I can think of. He spoke as he looked to his other sleeve and began to run the thread of silk complexely through the missing areas where it had once been, as tight as muscle fibres if not tighter. And to you Baki for confronting the beast up close. You taijutsu is strong, but I think you need to focus some more in defence... you made me really worried when you got hit... and I would appreciate it if you never did that again. He smiled, though the hit, from afar did look somewhat brutal... This was not the team Hanbei was going to be attached to, but he felt as though IF it was, he would have been happy to be a member of it.

Come on everyone, lets go home..

And Hanbei, began to walk with the child hand in hand. It was a long trek back, but the mission was successful.

Medical B > A 3k/3k:




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