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1Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Empty Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:48 am


Name: Kuremachisu
Rank: E-Rank
Species: Hummingbird
Personality: She is wary of most humans and would rather fly away from them than be sociable; however, she makes an exception for Isamu and loves him deeply. She is often flying or hidden near him if she isn't perched on his shoulder. She chirps when happy.
Techniques: She can...scratch? With her tiny little talons. No, this is not effective at all in combat and will put her in great danger. Her only real use is to carry small amounts of the water from Isamu's kekkai genkai and transport it to the wounded, giving Isamu's healing long-range capabilities. She can only carry a little of the water at a time, so at long-range it is only C-rank at maximum; however, she can fly 10 meters in a matter of seconds.

2Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:53 am



Approved for 50 ryo.

3Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:55 am


Cool, thanks! I'll take her!

4Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Empty Re: Kuremachisu (E Rank Combat Pet) Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:01 am



Ryo deducted. Feel free to put her in your locker.

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