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1 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:14 am



Synn had woken up to a knock on his door. Apperently word had gotten around that a Chunnin was doing missions in the neighborhood. So his land lord had been kind enough to wake him up at 9 A.M. in the morning to give him a stack of missions for him to do so she could be sure he paid rent. It kind of sucked that she was so pushy but after that awkward night and the break up she had not been his biggest fan. Still he takes the folders and moves back into his apartment setting them down. He was up now so he was going to take that shower he had passed out before taking the night before. The warm water seemed to splash against his body like a soothing warm rain. The sweat and dirt running off his body from the day before. He lets out a long breath and finishes washing up before getting out and drying off.

Slipping into his pants he walks out of his bathroom rubbing his soggy hair with a towel before popping toast into the toaster. He finishes drying up and eating his breakfast before finally sitting at his desk and separating the files by rank and then alphabetical order. Before he found a file that was about sabotage. An odd thing to be doing in Konoha. Still he had to admire the balls whoever that person was had. After all destroying the wealth of a country could get some one some serious enemies. But now his mind was getting set to the task. Still it seemed like a bit of a waste to go alone and learn so little. Perhaps it was time to begin work on his plan. He needed some one he could study. A genin would be fun to take on a mission like this. He grins a little before hopping up to get dressed.

He slipped into a pair of clean white socks and a white tank top. His cross choker felt a little loose around his neck but he was fine with that. It just meant he must of lost some weight. He shrugs before grabbing his dark knee length coat. The Konoha head band stitched into the arm reminded him he was pretending to be from Konoha. And the only person who knew he was a missing nin from Suna was dead. Murdered in his office. So he would fake it all the way until a better opportunity arose. The closest Genin to him was named Xiahou Yan. An interesting name but none the less he walked out of his apartment with file in hand. Locking the door behind him before escaping to the outside world.

He moved down the narrow street yawning before finally arriving at the address and knocking on the door. If anyone answered he would smile that charismatic smile his clan was so good at and his bright green eye would study them. His red hair hiding the majority of the eye patch over his right eye. His voice was like the devils silk.

"Mornin. My name is Synn. A Chunnin from down the street. I am here to collect a genin by the name of Xiahou Yan for a mission? might I borrow him?"


2 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Re: Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:39 am


Unwilling to retire back into the disintegrating arms of sleep, he prowled at his window a while longer, slowly mustering the wakefulness needed to part the shutters completely. Staring out into Konoha’s silhouette, he found his eyes wandering across the skeletal shapes of a newly revived industry. Konoha had brought a renewed purpose to Xiahou, and the administrative staff, and missions for the village had brought wealth, opening its arms and myriad technologies to him. Slowly, like the rising of the sun, everything was changing. The world around him, around Xiahou, was changing, shedding its dead skin. Qin Shi had been right – a mile off his rocker as he was, the crazy bastard was right. The things he had seen – been a part of – in the last few months could have been taken straight from Buddha’s scrapbook. Suffering had tempered the world for rebirth, and all it needed was a single spark, something to light the beginnings of a bonfire.

"Xiahou!" Came a loud, ringing cry from down the hall of the half way house, snapping the Shinobi out of his half dreaming state, "There's someone at the door for you!" screeched the land lady.

Quickly dressing himself and grabbing a Kunai from his dresser, Xiahou made his way down the hall with purpose, his hair still elegantly dishevelled from his sleep, dark rings under his eyes from his night time duties as Konoha's new petty crime clean up crew, The Hidden Avenger. Within moments, the land lady would move aside and step back into the building, revealing Xiahou to the young Chuunin standing at the door.

Xiahou would stand, pale blue eyes transfixing on the ninja standing before him, and without a word would step outside.

It was pleasant outside, making Xiahou's boarding house made home seem to him almost like some kind of gloomy world that the rest of Earth was too afraid to intrude upon. The sky was layered with a matted sheet of clouds, washed in various tints of broiling grey, but as usual, Konoha's weather had managed to find a refreshing equilibrium of temperature, and with every few steps a quiet breeze washed over them, reminding him of ripples undulating through water.

Turning on his heel to face the Chuunin, Xiahou would stretch and yawn before locking his eyes back on the ninja.

"What mission was this one again? I've gotten so many lately it's becoming hard to keep track."

3 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Re: Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:56 am



The land lady called out up the stairs instead of going and fetching the guy. In a way that display of laziness seemed to bother him but only because he envied her. He wanted to sit on his ass and do nothing today too. But his mind needed to study something and a moderately useful genin fit the bill. Still he listened as someone approached before his eye caught sight of the one he was apperently here to gather. Without any authority of course. They where only one rank in difference and Synn doubted he was the superior.

Synn watched the Genin who was obviously his senior with a calm empty gaze. It reminded Synn that though he looked older he was just a fifteen year old kid. Damn if this guy wasn't at least eighteen. He smiled warmly still and bowed his head. Before the guy passed him intent on walking away from the building. The way the kid moved suggested a more steadied training. Taijutsu specialist normally had a tall tale jump in they're step or favored a leg from recent training. Instead this guy seemed to be well built inclining his thoughts towards a physical type. He hoped there would be very little fighting but still he needed to know more then just theories. He figured the guy was possibly a Kenjutsu type but no sword made that doubtful.

When he turned and spoke it made Synn smile a little. People where so trusting with just a simple head band. It showed the confidence that all the Shinobi he had met had. He wondered to himself if this man in front of him had a reason to be so cocky or if people where just this lax. If he was an assassin it certainly wouldn't of been much of a chore to get him into the open. Still he reaches into a coat and hand Xaihou the folder before taking the lead heading up the hill to the Silver mill.

"Our nations silver is being sabotaged. We are to locate who is doing it and halt the progress of it. While trying to prevent further damage."

4 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Re: Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:15 am


The Chuunin looked fairly normal to Xiahou. It wasn't terribly strange to see Shinobi sporting an eye patch, a visual oddity which Xiahou picked up almost instantly. In fact, in his youth, he had seen many members of his father's elite guard wearing eye patches before battle to better utilize ranged weaponry before tearing them off in close quarters.

What stood out as strange about the whole thing was how the other ninja appeared to be doing his best to hide the fact he was wearing an eye patch at all. A thick matte of hair covered that entire side of his face, but not the other. This meant he had grown his bangs deliberately to hide his eye. Xiahou's first conclusion was that his eye was probably missing for real, something which caused the young Shinobi to inwardly shudder at the thought of. Though the one eyed samurai was a motif of the ancient legends he had grown up on, Xiahou hoped he would never end up playing out the cliché.

When Xiahou found himself being handed a folder, he wasted no time in opening it to pour his gaze over the contents, taking in the information as he followed the Chuunin's lead to the silver mill. His partner was called Synn, a Chuunin who had taken some time off of missions after his promotion in the Chuunin exams. It seemed that Synn's paraphrasing of the mission was more or less accurate, at least in terms of information that Xiahou needed to know to complete it with his usual standard of efficiency.

As the mill would pierce the two's vision, Xiahou would speak for the first time since his initial question, whether he had been spoken to or not would be of little consequence.

"Is there anything I should know about what you do in case we're forced to fight?" Xiahou would say sharply "Or, I suppose, what you don't do,"

5 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Re: Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:24 pm



Synn smiled and nodded. Informing his companion about the bare minimum of his stealth and intelligence gathering specialization before admitting he probably wasn't going to be much good in a fight. it was a lie honestly. He had a unique fighting style that dislocated any joint in the opponents body. Still he took the lead when they arrived He nodded and whispered"Keep an eye on me." Before he used chakra on the bottoms of his feet to slip up into the bigger pipes. It was hot as hell in there but he was careful to stay in site of his companion while out of site and silent of the rest of the factory. Soon he came across A man working the part that filtered the silver. He watched him a moment before noting that less then precious metals where being added. Just like the suspected sabotage and where about to be let into the silver pool. In complete silence Synn indicates the individual to his partner before sliding down and turning off the machine before any more damage could be done becoming a distraction for his partner. Once done he grinned and turned leaving the rest to his partner as he casually leaves the scene. he didn't need his photo taken by the press or his name remembered if he wanted to stay the nobody he was trying to be.

[exit thread]

6 Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Empty Re: Silver Saboteur [C-Rank] Invite only Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:02 pm


So the Chuunin wouldn't be too much use in a fight then. Something about the way he rushed through his skills made Xiahou think he was just a little lazy rather than useful in other areas. Or perhaps he was a pacifist. In truth, whichever it was, it was of no consequence. They were investigating sabotage at a silver mill, Xiahou didn't expect to be fighting ANBU tonight and he was sure whatever worker was responsible would more than willingly give themselves up once caught.

As the two entered the mill, the gearous sounds of machine met his eats with thunderous aplomb. The smells of fire and coal burned his nostrils. He inhaled deeply, the taste of fire scorching his throat. He would nod in response to his partner and follow in hot pursuit, using Chakra to navigate the vertical pipes silently, staying hidden from the rest of the workers as not to arouse suspicion.

It wasn't long before the two impeached on the refining station and Xiahou saw the same thing he was sure his partner saw. A lone worker, obviously in charge of the station, adding lesser metals to the silver, refining it to lower quality to produce higher yields, making things seem more productive than they were. At least, that's what Xiahou assumed, in truth he could be on someone's payroll who didn't want the silver circulating to be higher quality for some reason.

As Synn would leap from the pipes, Xiahou would follow, landing on the ground behind the man just as Synn would turn off the machine, prompting him to turn and spot Synn just as he would turn away. Xiahou cleared his throat, drawing the man's attention. Looking shocked, the worker would begin to stammer and would be met simply by Xiahou closing the distance between them and pushing him down unceremoniously.

"You don't have to get arrested and jailed for this," Xiahou said commandingly "But I will ensure you lose your job,"

Xiahou would turn, and follow his partner to the exit.

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