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Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

Another day had gone by, but this day was slightly different. This was a day that I was accepted a Chunnin of Kumogakure. When mother and I first heard the news we could feel each others joy. I was still a shinobi so I didn't have time to celebrate or anything like that. I was assigned another mission, with Etsuo it seemed too. We had to go out of the village this time though. Not a problem for me though, I was ready no matter where I went. The sun always shined in all parts of the world.

As I got out of the village and to a location disclosed within the mission, I stood around looking for Etsuo. I was a pretty obvious sight so hopefully Etsuo and his Uchiha eyes would see me standing here. I put my hands behind my head and simply looked up at the sky as I awaited his presence.


Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

Today was the first day, Etsuo would be going on a mission as a chuunin. He was once again working with Tatsuya on this one. Which didn't really bother him since they had been on a mission together before. Actually, it probably made this a lot more simpler than what it should be for them alone.

Instead of Tatsuya meeting a waiting Etsuo, he was now the person on the way to their meet up location. He eventually got within sight and the place and noticed Tatsuya standing around, waiting for him to arrive. He eventually got within a few meters and greeted him with a wave.

"It's nice to have another mission with each other as chuunin now isn't it?" He would ask him.

After waiting for his answer, Etsuo would continue on with what he was going to say next.

"I believe were going to protect this farm and it's contents, so we should get going before any trouble gets started." He said finishing what needed to be said for the meet up location and started to walk towards the farm.

"I'll lead the way this time." He told Tatsuya.

If Tatsuya could tell their was a new determination in his eye than from before, on the other mission. Etsuo was beyond 100% had his head in this one.

Word count: 226/1500

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I shifted my eyes down as I saw out of the lower corner of my eye that Etsuo had arrived. I raised one of my hands from behind my head to greet him as well. "Yep, we're both chunnin already and our mission difficulties just keep rising." I said with a cheery grin. "Nothing we can't handle, we just gotta smack these bandits with a paddle." I rapped out my second sentence, showing Etsuo that I still rapped. As I became a Chunnin I realized that I needed to take official matters more seriously, and no one could take a rapping ninja serious the entire time. It would even be hard to understand sometimes, so I had gotten back in the measure of normal speech.

"Lead on then Etsuo." I said after Etsuo offered to lead the way. I walked next to him, my hands behind his head. I then turned my head to look at Etsuo as we walked. "So tell me. How do you have Uchiha eyes but your name is Etsuo Yukimura?" I asked, curious a little. "I don't mean to pry but it's just an interesting situation really, seeing as the Uchiha clan usually keeps their clan name around them and show it around with glory, from what iv head and read." I spoke. It felt almost rude but I was hoping that Etsuo wouldn't take it that way.

I had waited to see what he had to say, listening to whatever words he may speak and I then realized something, the sun was setting. "We should hurry, they will most likely attack at dark." I told Etsuo.


Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo lead the way and was going full steam ahead with things and was going pretty well. Until Tatsuya spoke as they were walking towards the farm. It threw his mind off it's track severely because he didn't expect it coming. He thought about it for a second things started to click into his head. He came to a realization of what happened to his family and how it happened. But why did it happen was the question before him at the moment.

Etsuo answered as they were still walking towards the barn, not wasting a moment of time.

"It was my mother's clan, she changed her name to Yukimura, but.... I don't know why." He told him.

"She died when I was three, and I only learned of the Sharigan from my brother as he died with them to protect me. I can't get any answers from my father because he's in a coma." He explained quickly.

"And the person that put him into the coma was the same that killed my brother." He said with anger but, on his face came two tears.

After that they would reach the property of the farm and a home could be seen in sight. The mission could begin and even though Etsuo was serious, he was angered. How he will deal with these bandits might change severely.

Before they continued, Etsuo pulled out a kunai and handed it to Tatsuya.

"You can use this for the mission." He stated.

The sun was already setting and night was going to begin very soon.

Word Count: 493/1500

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As I listened to Etsuo's summary of his life I almost felt bad for bringing it up. But I smiled kindly at him. "Sorry about that but think of it like this, Me and you are going to be like brothers. We are a family of our very own. We are shinobis and it is important that we have each other's backs." I told him.

I took the Kunai and nodded. "I'll try not losing it." I said with a little laugh. I held out my first towards Etsuo, waiting for a fist bump. "We're gonna be a team that burns hotter than the sun."

As we got to the farm the farmer waves us over. As we approached. "Farmer Isaiah I presume? Don't worry we got here just in time it seems. I am Tatsuya Taosu and this is Etsuo Yukimura. We are Chunnins from the Hidden Cloud and we will protect your property." I told him quickly, not even letting the man speak. He nodded to me. "I will be inside. Please make sure everything is safe. Once you take care of the bandits you cant take those blasted artifacts." He told us as he walked indoors.

I looked over towards a large barn house. "The artifacts are probably in there. I advise that you stand at the door way and ill be on the second floor. I will wait until they come and I will create some clones to confuse the bandits and make the think there are more of us. Since it's dark there will be no shadows and we'll have the upper hand. Try to push the battle away from the barn though, because we might have to use some of our fire jutsus and if we do that could potentially destroy the artifacts." I spoke quickly, stratigizing with Etsuo to make sure we had a good plan. The sun had finally set. It was only moments until they would start coming.


Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

As they arrived, Etsuo's mind was at a better state than before. Tatsuya reminded him that shinobi were indeed like a family and they would stick together. As he said his things and motioned to a fist bump he acknowledge it and did the fist bump, show a small but kind smile. His anger was once again subsiding back into him, that stranger would get Etsuo rage hopefully, and no one else deserved it more.

They then made it to the farm and a farmer waved us over to him. He was the farmer that they would be helping deal with the bandits and artifacts that the village wanted to be their. At first when they met him, he reminded him of his mission as a genin to assist a farmer rebuild his gate. That was just after his older brother's death and he discovered the Sharigan eyes.

The more he thought about it, Tatsuya reminded him of his brother a bit in personality sense.

As the mission continued, Etsuo didn't say anything to the farmer because he wasn't one to talk to people he didn't know or get along with. When Tatsuya started to talk strategy for the mission though, He had one last thing to say.

"I advise no using the clones until later, conserve your Chakra if needed. If these bandits are as good as us, they won't fall for clones as individuals." He suggested.

"But, I'll leave it up to you to decide. I'm moving to position." He told him and moved to the front of the barn.

Word count: 763/1500

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

As Etsuo gave his advice I nodded in agreement. He was right. We didn't really know how strong these bandits were. Either way I was going to take them by surprise. As Etsuo got in position so did I. I got onto the roof of the barn and kept mainly out of sight. My black hair was good in the dark thankfully. Now we played the waiting game.

After a few minutes I saw some figures at a distance. I knocked on the roof of the barn hard, so that Etsuo would hear my signal but not to hard to give away my position. There were three figures coming towards the barn. They seemed highly masculine, but with that masculinity came a decreased amount of speed. Two small targets like Etsuo and I should be able to easily dodge them. I waited as they got towards the front of the barn. The one in the middle pointed at Etsuo. "Hey kid! You're in our way! Get out of here before we kill you!" He shouted out at Etsuo. All I did was smile. So they were foolish enough to think that he was alone, good. It was coming along as planned so far. I grinned as they approached the barn closer. It was time for the attack. I tightened my grip of the Kunai Etsuo gave me.

I jumped down and landed softly behind the bandit on the very right. I stood up and put my left arm, holding the kunai, around the man's neck. I impaled the kunai into his neck and then began to drag it to the right, slitting his throat open. I quickly grabbed his body with my other hand and tossed the dying body at the other two men and quickly yelled over at Etsuo "Fire!" I said as I jumped back a few feet


Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

It was kind of peaceful mood as Etsuo stood at the barn door at first. But all that would come to an end eventually as a knock that probably only he could hear came to him from Tatsuya. He took it as a be prepared warning and looked out to see three people approaching him. He closed his eyes as they got closer. As the one in the middle pointed, he opened his eyes to reveal the Sharigan eyes of the Uchiha. At first they took no notice and then they did and froze for a moment as Tatsuya took the chance at getting one and dropped down to slit one's throat and tossing him on to the other two.

He yelled fire at that moment and started his hand signs quickly releasing the jutsu, after his friend moved out of it's short reach. That would leave the two bandits covered in the fire ball. Quickly afterwards he finished them off with two of his kunais being tossed into their heart area. After such he took back the kunais and held one in each hand looking out ahead and seeing three Chakra with his Sharigan not far away from them.

"I've got this one." He told Tatsuya and moved out onto them with his best speed.

As he got close he tossed out his kunai but it was easily dodged. As he got closer one tried to take him down with a tackle. Etsuo easily saw it coming and slide out of it's path but with his increased reaction, he sliced this one's side and he began bleeding severely from the wound.

Moving to the other two he watched as they threw out skuriken and Kunias but he reacted far quicker, making them completely miss their mark with dodging. Moving on another unarmed man the throe out his kunai with only a small distance, reaching it's mark on the bandit's chest taking him down.

Pulling out his last kunia, hr met the force of another, he could hold out as the bandit, got him this time and cut across his right arm, the one that he held his kunai in. It hurt but he carried on reaction within the short time that he had to stab the bandit in the chest.

It was over for now and he passed out.

Jutsu: Sharigan, Two Tomoe
Great Fireball Jutsu

Chakra: 120/150

Word Count: 1162/1500

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I watched as two of the shinobis were burned, taking them down. Perfect, Etsuo understood what I wanted him to do from a single word, this teamwork would work quite nicely. I had thought it was over, three little bandits seemed a little too easy though. I saw 3 more appear and Etsuo quickly stepped up and wanted to go take them down. I grinned as I watched him fight. I stood at the ready though, ready to step in. He had fought well however. Etsuo had taken down the three bandits, which seemed to be at our level.

As the fight ended I ran over to Etsuo and grinned over his body. "You fought until you couldn't fight anymore. Not bad I suppose." I said. But the battle was no over yet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw four more bandits coming towards the farm. I wouldn't let them get close. I gripped onto the bloodied kunai from earlier and ran towards the bandits.

One of them began to laugh and the one who seemed to be the leader, holding a broadsword in his hands. "This kid thinks he can take us one! What a joke!" I grinned as I approached the leader. He swung his sword down on me. I side stepped it and tossed my kunai at the leader's chest. It looked like it had hit his stomach, but I was mistaken. Quickly a bale of hay appeared where the leader was,a kunai stuck in the bale. I assumed he was behind me and I stepped to the side again and crouched, this way I could dodge either a horizontal or vertical strike. I knew I was 35 meters away from Etsuo, I didn't want him anywhere near me for this.

I put my hands together and made a seal. "Katon:Makikomu honō (Fire Style: Engulfing Flames)" I said. I unleashed more chakra into this jutsu than I did to the last time I fought a bunch of thugs. The katon chakra was expelled from my body and quickly began to burn the 4 bandits surrounding me. I heard their screams fill the air as the fire encompassed their bodies. The ground on which we stood was even encompassed in this fire.

As the jutsu ended I stood up fully and looked around at the bodies on the ground. They had all severe 3rd degree burns. I panted a little. It was a tough jutsu to pull off but I did it. I grinned as I looked over the bodies. The the leader was still breathing, but not moving, the others weren't even breathing. I walked slowly over to Etsuo.

[Mission Complete]
175/200 Chakra:

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo Yukimura

Etsuo did the best that he could to help the farm,Tatsuya, and the village, he was successful. But, in his unconscious state, he was in a restless nightmare that would so awaken him to the world once more. It began with him back at the location of his brother's death. He looked around to see his brother standing near where his monument would be, and Etsuo rushed towards him. At first he didn't want this dream to ever end until he got close enough to his brother, he knew that he did not want this at all actually.

He found that his brother was covered in blood from the injuries he took to protect him. Etsuo about to run away until his older brother began to speak directly to him.

"Why weren't you strong enough?" He told Etsuo.

He realized the unspoken part was to, "why weren't you strong enough to keep me alive". It made him panic and enter a new low of depression in this dream. But it would only get worse as his father appeared behind him. He too was covered in the injuries that he received from the stranger that put them in the state that they were in. He repeated with the same question that his older brother had asked before.

"Why weren't you strong enough?" He looked at bother of them unable to say anything to either of them.

The scenery quickly changed to the farm that he was just in and he could see it was just like it was left. But as he looked towards the barn, he saw Tatsuya and he too was covered in injuries.

The dream Tatsuya had a different question to say.

"I thought that I was your bro. Why alone did you go?"

He was shattered and he felt warm as he awoke from his dream. He didn't know of Tatsuya's jutsu but he awoke finding Tatsuya walking towards him. He tried getting up and a tear came down from his eye.

"I didn't mean to pass out." He said making sure the real, Tatsuya could hear him.

"We did it." He said though loud enough for Tatsuya to hear.

The mission was completed and they could now get the artifacts in the barn from the farmer.

Mission Complete

Word Count: 1551/1500

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