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1The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Empty The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:26 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

After fighting off a few groups of the new group of thugs, I was getting tired of all the whooping. It made them look far to inferior. And a clan of the Taosu could not simply defeat the weak. I was going to let them get some of their strength, then just beat them back down again.

I had walked to the mission board once again and picked out a random low rank. I read over the details quickly and took it. I walked off to find the farm.

I walked for a few minutes and then it occurred to me. I was lost. I hadn't truly seen a farm anywhere in Kumogakure for a very long time, it's almost as if they didn't exist. It made sense though seeing as we were on top of a mountain.

2The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:46 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

After some time, walking around quite aimlessly and asking strangers around, I finally found the destination. It was a small farm it seemed, a few cattle on a strange pasture. I looked at where the barn house was and saw the damage. It was nothing more than a pile of burnt up wood. It looked as if someone set fire to it.

I put my hands behind my head as I entered the farm's property. I walked down a narrow road between fences, each with their own group of cattle within each of the fences. As I got to the end of the road I looked at the house of the farm. It was small but I guess that's how this farmer liked it. I walked over to the door and knocked twice, hard, to make sure he heard my presence.

3The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:04 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I waited a few seconds, hearing footsteps rushing around as I stood at the door. After a few more second I heard the door unlock and I smiled as I saw it beginning to finally open. As I was raising my hand to greet the farmer. I saw a reflection of light. Not just any reflection of light though. A very small reflection. It was a sword being plunged towards my head.

With my raising left hand I smacked the sword to my right, the sword barely missing my face. "I wouldn't do that again if I were you, if you did then I'd just pity you foo." I rapped out quickly as I got into battle position. I quickly pointed down towards my legs, which on the straps that held my kunai holders had the symbol of Kumogakure. The farmer quickly realized who I was and dropped his sword. "Please forgive me! The bandits came yesterday and burned down my farm! I thought they came back to kill me!" He pleaded. I lowered my hands and put my left hand on his right shoulder. "Don't worry about it, I'm here to make it all fit." I said, pointing to the barn with my right hand so he would understand.

4The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Empty Re: The Farm[D-Rank Mission] Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:26 pm

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

The farmer stood up and nodded. He was obviously devastated that his farm was destroyed in such a manner, so I would easily help him out. "All of the supplies are around back of the house. You can use whatever you need from back there to fix the barn to the best of your ability." I nodded and smiled. Construction wasn't my specialty, so I would have to see what materials he had and what had to be done.

I walked around the house and saw piles of sawed logs. I sighed as I grabbed a hammer and picked up a few of the large sawed logs and thew them over my shoulder. It was heavy at first but at least I didn't have to fight anyone while holding these.


After a few hours, my hard work had gone quite nicely. I had re-built the frame of the barn, making it a sturdy foundation for the future and so that when bad weather had hit Kumogakure the animals inside the barn would not die from the collapse. I had put the hammer back where I found it and knocked on the farmer house. "i'm done for the day, sorry but I can't stay." I said to him with a kind smile. "Thank you! Thank you very much for all you've done. It's more than I could have asked fore." He said kindly to me. I had walked off, petting one of the cows as I walked away. Darkness was approaching.I had to hurry home and get something to eat before mother went to sleep.

[770/600 Word Count]
[Mission/Thread Complete]

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