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1The Newly instated Mizukage[To Konoha] Empty The Newly instated Mizukage[To Konoha] Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:15 am



I walked into my new office. I had just become the Mizukage,a pretty great accomplishment seeing as I am only twenty-three years of age and also I am the leader of the Misora clan,I suppose my life is full of accomplishments. I looked around the office,it was pretty empty and the shades to the office was closed,the outside world was unseen.I began to panic. I quickly walked over to the windows and opened the shades so I could see the outside world,so I could see the sky,even if it was misty,I lived in the Hidden Mist village,that was to be expected really. I sat down into my office,at my new desk. This was to be my new home,the home of the Mizukage. I smiled gently as I thought about life and everything iv done so far. "I wonder if my friends heard I had been instated as the Mizukage." I thought to myself,thinking of my old squad members and my sensei. "They probably have,I might even hear from them soon. Who knows,we're not that big of a village." I continued to think to myself. Not that big of a vilage. We were one of the five great shinobi villages.

I sat at my office and looked at the blank desk. "I guess ill be getting paper work later on." I thought as I looked at the door and saw next to the door stood a coat rack. The rack was already partly occupied however with two items. The items were pretty basic and well known through out the shinobi world. It was the cloack of the Mizukage and then the second item was the headware,matching the cloack. I walked over to the rack and tried on the cloack,it was a perfect fit,did they already get this in my size? I picked up the hat and put it onto my head,it too was a perfect fit. I smiled and put my hands in the cloack pockets. "A perfect outfit for my new position." I thought to myself,fixing the hat so it would be straight. I walked outside in my new outfit. What better way to meet my villagers than actually going out and meeting them.I had remembered the old Mizukage,my predacesor, began to work on creating a way for the Mist village to stay as strong,as it always has, but also become more peaceful. It was to be my mission achieve this. To achieve peace while still stand strong. As I walked down the streets I looked to see the people of the village. I knew most of their faces by now. Having spent twenty years in the village,moving in when I turned three. I continued to walk,smiling at almost everyone who looked at me. after awhile I reached the village gates and I began to think. "I must help the relationships between our village and the other great shinobi villages." I began to look around then I saw a man in an anbu mask drop down next to me,the Mist Village symbol on the top of the mask,the mask representing a boar. "Lord Mizukage,you should not be simply walking about, there's no telling who might attack you." I smiled at him. "Don't worry. I wasen't appointed Mizukage just because I know how to be peaceful and such. Anyways I need you to strengthen the defenses of the city. I am going to go to Konoha to talk to the hokage of peace." I said to the ANBU commander. I thought he was going to object but he simply nodded his head and said "Yes Lord Mizukage." I smiled at him and looked up at the village gates,they began to open. "I will be back in two days maximum. Do me a favor too. Send a bird to the Hokage telling them of my arrival,I don't want to come barging in. I should be back in a few days,don't worry I can handle myself." I said as I walked out of the village,heading towards the Hidden Leaf Village.

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