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Another day for another mission. Kusa already expected that this was going to be tiring, exhausting and annoying. It's not like he woke up to a bad day, actually he woke up to a good day of eggs and sushi for breakfast, but then again catching a cat? How is he supposed to do that? And what's this cat's color? Where should he start looking? Well, Kusa didn't want to waste time complaining in his thoughts. So, he took a deep breath and remembered what that rotund, old lady Madam Chiasa drastically told him..

"Oh please! Please! Find my Maybell! She's a Devon Rex breed. A cat with no fur! Bring her alive! Oh my, Maybell! I would die if you don't find her. Find my dear Maybell! I think she wandered off into the dense forest.." Madam Chiasa begged as if she was asking Kusa to spare her and let her live. He frowned a bit and muttered in a sarcastic tone, "Errr what if she's dead by now? Should I still bring her to you?" Kusa smirked a bit only to be hit by Madam Chiasa's purse. "Shussshh! The god of death might here you and take Maybell away! Now go and find her, boy!" She yelled a commanding tone before turning her back and walking with her butt swinging from side to side. "Eeeesh. Lose some weight, Madam!" Kusa yelled back to a run and headed to the Dense Forest.

"A cat with no fur.." Kusa mumbled the thought and decided to try and see if Maybell would respond to him calling her name. "Maybell! Here kitty, kitty! Maybell!" Kusa's hands were on the sides of his mouth to amplify his voice, "Maybell!" He continued when all of a sudden, "Piyak. Piyak. Piyak." A chirping of bird chicks was heard. Kusa ignored the sound and resumed back to looking for Maybell, "Piyak. Piyak. Piyaaaaaak!!!!" The chirping suddenly became drastic as it was accompanied by another sound, this time the sound a cat would make, "Eyyrrrooow! Mroooow!" Kusa turned towards the direction where the sound came from and quickly ran towards the sound. He found himself under a canopy of huge trees, he glanced up and found Maybell trying to get to a bird's nest. "Oh, good riddance.." Kusa mumbled and called out to Maybell. He tried to grab her attention but she was too caught up on preying the little birds, when all of a sudden another sound coming from above was heard, "EEEEEEERRRKKK!" Kusa looked up, his draw dropped as he watched an eagle rushed towards Maybell. "Maybell!!" Kusa exclaimed. He looked at the tree, there was no time for him to climb. "Damn it." He hissed to himself and dashed towards the tree's direction before mumbling, "Henge no jutsu!" Kusa spun his body around, and transformed himself into a shuriken the same size as him. Upon seeing the shuriken, the eagle stopped. As soon as he passed by Maybell, Kusa withdrew the transformation, went back to his human body and grabbed Maybell and stood on the branch where Maybell was. Then he looked at the eagle, who was flapping her winds, looking at Kusa directly. This was not good. The eagle rushed towards him as he quickly jumped on the tree's trunk and ran down towards the ground below. With Maybell in his arms, alive and well, Kusa was secured that the mission was a success and over but now he found himself in another mission - to outrun an angry mama eagle.

Kusa ran as fast as he could, jumping over huge roots and dodging tree branches. Although, sometimes he would look back at the eagle and bumped his head on a few branches but he couldn't care less. He just wanted to get back to the village.

After several minutes of running in circles, the eagle finally stopped. Kusa looked back at the eagle, and waved goodbye at her before heading back to the village.

Kusa arrived on Madam Chiasa's doorstep, knocked on the door and waited. Creak. The door swung open to a huge open mouthed, fat lady with a surprised look on her face followed by a scream. "OOOOH! Maybell, my darling!" Kusa handed the cat to Madam Chiasa and excused himself headed towards the Admin Bldg for his ryo..

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