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1Kenta Sends Word! [Closed] Empty Kenta Sends Word! [Closed] Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:38 pm



...That girl hat he saw many months ago...her face...was she to be the Kazekage's disciple? He'd heard about it during the Chuunin Exams a while back, her looks and her skill. Hell, she snapped someone's wrist into pieces because she was losing at the match that she was having with a Kiri nin. Gotta say, she had balls to assault a Kiri nin and live. That was for sure but he needed a favor from her an no doubt, she would remember the person who had handed her two free blades! She had thanked him that day as he walked off in a huff. He was going to have to buy a message pigeon that had some understanding of facial recognition. That was going to set him back a pretty penny.

He sighed as he left his home, in search of the bird of his dreams. It seemed to be easier than he thought since there was a small section of the village had carrier pigeons and larger birds. It'd make more sense to send a larger bird for the retrieval of the item that he needed to be brought back. Handing the ryo to the man, Kenny walked off with a bird and began to write a letter before tying it to the birds leg. Time to send this little pretty off in search for the girl named Karoshi.

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