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It was one of those usual morning where everyone in the village would gather in town to buy things for the next day, clean the roads, and store owners fixed their shops. Everything looked like the usual morning except for old man Kareru's house.

It was ten o'clock, and the Village Hidden in the Leaves was buzzing with activity. Village dwellers strolled down the stone streets as they conversed about the delightful weather -- the sun was shining brightly high up in the sky as it hid shyly behind white and fluffy clouds hovering above the city meant that it was going to be a warm day -- and other mundane topics. For most, it was just another average day in the Fire capital. No one would have expected a lonely alleyway to be the hiding place of a mischievous boy.

Still feeling a bit groggy after waking up, Kusa dragged his feet all the way to old man Kakeru's house. Upon seeing his vandalized home, Kusa could not help but feel sorry for the old man who sitting on his porch. "Good morning, old man." Kusa called out with a wave, "What do you want, kid?" The old man waved back with a smile, "Errr. I'm here to catch a snape." Kusa jokingly chuckled at the old man's confused expression, "Huh? What's a snape?" Kusa laughed a bit and leaned on the old man's fence, "It's a bird-like creature. You should watch some TV and maybe you'll know what a snape is. But anyway, I'm here to catch that kid who's been vandalizing your property." Kusa told the man with a smile, "Just came here to check if your house was still here and not UP there floating with balloons. Anyway, I'm off." Kusa waved his hand goodbye. "Up in the sky with balloons? What's wrong with that kid?" Old man Kakeru mumbled scratching his wrinkly chin.

Kusa stood high on a water tank that allowed him to see two street corners. Hopefully, finding that rascal Akane somewhere...and fast since we wasn't really in the mood for chasing children. Kusa glanced around at the place, shifting his visions from left to right when all of a sudden he saw a small figure enter an alleyway, a lonely alleyway. Kusa squinted his eyes and decided to head towards the said alleyway in a casual manner, of course he was passing above the rooftops.

Arriving on the building that was right beside the alleyway, Kusa looked down to see a kid hiding some stuff inside an old wooden box, his face was dirty with paint and he had a mischievous grin carved on his face. It seemed like he was snickering to himself too. Kusa decided to bully the kid for fun.

"Hey kid, watcha got there?" Kusa called out, catching the kid's attention. The kid scurried away his stuff and quickly looked up. He seemed like he was shaking, "Watchu want, monkey?! Come down here and fight me like a man!" Akane yelled up back to which Kusa just laughed at this, "Sure. Will be down there in a second." He jumped down from the roof and landed a few feet front from the Akane. "Hmm. Akane Fuji." Kusa mumbled the info he was given about the kid. "I heard you've been vandalizing, old man Kakeru's home." Kusa said as he looked down a the kid. "Y..yeah! So, what?" Akane stuck out his tongue, feeling scared at Kusa as he might tell Akane's mother. "Is it any fun?" Kusa bent his knees to a squat and smiled at Akane. "Of course it is! I wouldn't be doing it if it was boring!" Akane retorted. "Hmm. I wonder what your sensei will say if the Academy learns about this.." Kusa mumbled looking at the boxes, "I'm sure that there. will. be. punishment." Kusa slowly shifted his eyes to Akane who was already shaking, "Tell you what, if you apologize to Mr. Kakeru and tell your mom I'll treat you a ramen." Kusa smiled at the kid. "Really?!? you'll buy me 3 bowls?!" Akane said with a glint of happiness in his eyes. "Ehhh. That's not---" Kusa tried not to frown and looked at the kids excitement, "That's not enough for us!" Kusa yelled a mumble, since it was probably the only to convince the Akane.

Akane nodded and agreed to Kusa's deal. Kusa then took Akane to old man Kakeru's home where the little boy apologized. Shortly, after being given some ryo for ramen they headed to Akane's address for him to tell his mom. The sight of Akane crying as he told his mom and the two hugging each other where his mother was smiling and telling him it was alright made Kusa feel a bit emotional since he never really had the chance to experience such emotional stuff with his mom. He couldn't help but tear a bit. After that was done, Kusa and Akane both painted over old man Kakeru's home. It took quite a few hours to finish since they were kind of enjoying themselves with the paint.

It was afternoon now and Kusa really enjoyed the day with Akane. Akane was also smiling but the two shared a mutual feeling of hunger and decided to eat some ramen. Kusa managed to accommodate four bowls of ramen and Akane two. Afterwards, Kusa took Akane back to his mom as he headed for the Admin Bldg to claim his ryo.


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