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Please do not lock this thread. If there is something wrong, write me or Sakumo a PM. Thank you.

The forest was still except for the leaves rustling softly under her feet. She looked around her carefully, always expecting to catch movement deep in the shadows, but there was nothing. The silence mocked her as well as the mist, which swirled around her ankles like a living thing, caressing her skin with damp fingers. A shiver ran through her body and she pulled her hood far down. She wore what seemed like a white raincoat although rain was not likely to fall on that day. It wasn’t the possible change of weather which had made her put the coat on, anyway. The truth was that she felt more comfortable hiding her face, as always when she went out of the village. No-one should know that she was a girl. This bit of information could easily become dangerous. There were worse things than death.

Casually, Misoka reached for the scroll kept in the pocket of her short black capri pants. The mission was easy; so it seemed at least. All she had to do was deliver this message to the Hokage and go back to Suna. Still, she was on her guard as a true shinobi should be. Always watching, always listening.

She must have been walking for one or two hours now, she pondered, keeping a steady pace. So far, she had met no-one at all. The forest seemed peaceful.
Until Misoka heard a branch snap somewhere in the distance. She stopped in her tracks and straightened quickly. Again, she pulled at her hood, though it didn’t make any difference of course.

A pair of male voices reached her ears, making her heart thump with anxiousness. There was no mistaking: They were bandits roaming the forest. Bandits. Misoka’s face turned pale; she felt her body gradually seizing up.
The idea of hiding from them crossed her mind one moment too late.

“Over there! Who have we got here?” One of the three men had spotted her and came closer. Misoka swallowed, keeping her head down.
“Hey little boy, what are you doing in this forest?”
She peeked through her hood. The man standing in front of her was tall and broadly built. She didn’t dare to look up to see his face, but she could still hear his eerie smile.
“Hey, answer me, boy. And show me your face!”“Fumio, who are you talking to over there?!” Another voice called out in a bossy tone. Misoka was sure this was their leader.
When the man in front of her shouted something back, the young girl prepared herself.

“So, I’m getting impatient here. Off with that hood.”

But she was ready. The moment the man pulled her hood back, she used her kekkei genkai. Instantly, her eyes turned a sparkling cyan colour, blinding her opponent with their beauty. The bandit staggered back, his mouth formed an “Oh” and then Misoka ran off.

Her long hair got loose and fluttered in the air as she hurried to a place where she could hide. Were they following her?

The man’s voice reached her ears again, “It's a girl, dammit! I’m going to find her and take her hostage! You don’t get to meet such a pretty one every day!”“Shut up, Fumio and help patrolling the forest!”

Misoka’s heart raced. Even if the guy chose to run after her, he wouldn’t catch up. She slid behind a big tree and leaned against it, panting. There were no footsteps coming. A wave of relief washed over her. The boss had understood that she was too fast for them, especially considering her head start.
With shaking hands, she grabbed her long shiny hair and pulled the hood over it again, so far down that it shaded her face as well. That way, she could shake off her nervousness slightly. They were just bandits. And she was a kunoichi. This was no time to get wrapped up in memories.

She took a kunai out, holding it tightly. Back to step one. Always watching, always listening. Except that she now knew that there were real enemies to watch out for.

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

My travel thread:

The leaves beneath the genin were crushed as Sakumo walked casually through the forest, his eyes and ears alert. Although he is quite relaxed, something about Konoha’s forests prompts him to just lie down and go to sleep. Maybe it’s the wind or the various shades of green, or the motions of the leaves, or perhaps it’s the sounds of woodland critters. Either way, Sakumo was kind of enjoying himself.

Kumogakure’s forests isn’t quite like this one, Kumo’s forests lie shattered about all around the mountains, whereas Konoha’s seems to be smooth and linear, which provides a reasonably easy time to walk and run through it, where Sakumo often has to use the trees in the mountains to get about easily. Not that he minds much, since he does look to gally around on the trees since heights doesn’t faze him, but it does get tiring.

The deeper he went in, the more the noise surrounded him. After a couple of hours it wasn’t long before a few heated voices caught his attention, however instantly he pressed himself a tree, his back against it as he concealed himself. His heartbeat quickens as he mustered up the courage to peak around, and then he saw them.

Three tall and shady looking men, one dressed in only leather jeans with a claymore strapped to his back, another sporting a fur jacket and simple jeans and then the last one, who looks just as repulsive as the other two. From his position he can see fourth figure, a hooded young b- wait no- a girl as one of the men yanked up her hood.

He didn’t know what tricks the girl performed as the offender seems to have froze and simple stood there dazed and unmoving, before momentarily breaking out of it. He watched as the three rascals made chase, and Sakumo could only mentally curse. It seems this mission has just got unreasonably difficult, doesn’t seem fair considering he’s only delivering a message.

He knows the mission should come first, but he didn’t want to leave the girl behind because that would be just like feeding her to the wolves, and who knows what they will do to her. So he made up his mind and pulled himself into the trees, the blobs of green hiding his figure as he trekked through the branches making sure to follow the girl, he assumes the enemy isn’t ninja otherwise they’ve used s jutsus of some kind of capture her, plus they appear to retain no sensory abilities so hiding in the trees might be Sakumo’s and the girl’s best bet.
He stopped in his tracks, panting a little as he finally caught up. A smile touches the corners of his lips as he became relieved that the girl is ok, but not for long. He descended to her location, however he is above her on a strong tree branch, he then dropped to his knees and hooked his knees around the branch and he simply hung there, with a welcoming grin on his face despite the sticks and leaves in his white hair. “Yo.” He greeted her, his chocolate eyes can see the kunai, and he is no fool. He maintained a distance between them, and held his own kunai behind his back just in case. “You’re not going to be able to hide long in this location ya know. You’re better off in a bush or hiding in the trees.” Said Sakumo matter-of-factly, he meant no harm but it was best to be safe than sorry.

Sakumo’s smile faded just slightly “Well, it seems we’re in a spot of bother. If you put that kunai away I like to make an offer on how both of us can get out of this alive. What say you?” questioned Sakumo.



She simply stood there, clinging to her kunai as though it could save her from anything, casually looking around her to see if the bandits were coming or not.
The forest had turned quiet again; the silence only broken by bird chirps every now and then.
"Why does this happen to me," she cursed under her breath. This mission could have been so easy! Why did there have to be some stupid group of bandits? Worse, they didn't seem to be that weak; their weapons hadn't gone unnoticed by her.

Misoka was snapped out of her thoughts all of a sudden when she heard a voice right in front of her.
To say she jumped a bit was an understatement. Fortunately, she was smart enough though to stifle her scream with her hand as not to let the bandits know her whereabouts. She wanted to stagger back, but her feet only hit the trunk behind her. As a consequence to the small impact with the tree, the hood almost slipped from her face. In a swift movement, she pulled it in place again, hoping he hadn't glimpsed anything which would give away her true gender.

Matter-of-factly, there was a boy about her age in front of her, hanging upside down from a branch. Like a... bat. If she didn't see him with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it herself.
“You’re not going to be able to hide long in this location ya know. You’re better off in a bush or hiding in the trees.” The person went on, a grin spread across his lips. Misoka was so surprised that she just stared at him, her mouth opening and closing without making a sound. His white hair had some sticks and leaves in it, she noted stupidly, and then wondered whether it was his natural colour of hair. What the hell was she thinking? Her mind went blank at that point.

Then her eyebrows narrowed - although unnoticeable under her hood -, the astonishment finally turning into great suspiciousness.
"St-Stay back!" She bellowed in a tone which was intended to be dangerous or especially sharp, but the slight stutter gave her away. Another thing she could smack herself for was how much her voice sounded like a girl's. Hopefully, he didn't notice.
To emphasise her words at least with actions, she held out the kunai in front of her to keep him at a distance.

Then he said something about making her an offer on how they both could get out of this forest alive. She lowered her kunai, yet kept holding it firmly.

"Who are you? I'm not going anywhere with you if I don't even know your name." 'And even when I do, I'm not too sure about all this.' Misoka added silently. Her thoughts raced feverishly, awaiting his answer. What if he was one of the bandits? But whilst pondering about this, she caught sight of a ninja headband on his forehead.
"Kumo..." she whispered, a hint of confusion evident in her voice.

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