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1Fairy Tail GX [Affiliation] Empty Fairy Tail GX [Affiliation] Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:58 pm


Fairy Tail GX [Affiliation] Sz74uu
Click to go into the world of the Next Generation!

Home of the newest generation of powerful mages. Some strive for protection, and annihilation of evil. Others strive for harmony, and peace among all. Some even strive to be rulers of the world. Which one are you? Will you protect the citizens of Fiore? And what's with all these demons coming into our world? It's like Hell is rising over...

Here at Fairy Tail GX we have many things.

  • Limited Magic. Some magic on this list might be banned on another website. Here, we make it so you can use the magic of your dreams, with some nullifications.

  • Open Dragon and God Slayer Magic. Ever go onto a site, and find out most of these spots are banned or taken? Well, we have 23 open Slayer Magic spots open.

  • Guild Master Spots Open. Here, you have a chance to become a Guild Master, of your very own guild! You can be the Fairy Tail GM, the Sabertooth GM, etc.! It make take some hard work, but at the end, it will be worth it.

  • Make Your Own Missions. Here, you can create your very own missions. These missions however must be approved by a staff member. These missions can be related to ANYTHING you want! The world is yours in these personalized Jobs!

  • Stats. With Stats, you can see exactly how strong you are. A D-Rank mage could have a speed stat of 4. An S-Rank could have one of 8. This will help everyone know exactly who is the strongest, fastest, or most powerful mage overall!

  • Realistic Shop. At our shop, you can buy many things. From Lacrima, to DS Lacrima, to Magic Enhancing items. This will make the shops more realistic.

  • Original Plot. Aren't you tired of the regular, dark vs legal plots on most sites? At FTGX, our planned plot is sure to be original, and head turning!

Fairy Tail GX [Affiliation] Fairy_tail__dat_ass_by_yssab-d32bnpn

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