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1The Way of the Mage 2 Empty The Way of the Mage 2 Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:01 pm


The Way of the Mage 2 Fairyt10

How does it feel to live in a world inhabited by both mages and non-mages? How does it feel to have friends by your side, enemies trying to hunt you down? How does it feel to be a bearer of such power?

...All those questions can be answered here!

What is Fairy Tail RP?
Fairy Tail RP is a place to RP as mages in the land of Fiore. You will face many challenges on your way to the top. Some you might overcome but others might leave you stranded searching for help. You must truly ask yourself, do I have what it takes to become the most powerful mage?

What awaits you?
As a mage, your life will be filled with adversity and you will have to overcome this. It's part of growing up and becoming stronger. Friends, enemies, lovers...all these people you will encounter during your roleplaying here. This is a brief description. If you want to know more, join the site and be amazed.

Are you ready?
Before you start your journey, there are a few questions you must ask yourself and you must answer truthfully. Am I ready for such a journey? Am I prepared for the challenges that await me? Do I have what it takes to make it to the top?

If you feel that you are the link below and let your life as a mage begin!

The Way of the Mage 2 Affili10

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