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1Couple Mission[D-Rank] Empty Couple Mission[D-Rank] Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:46 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I had received word on a second mission. It was another D-rank Mission, so it shouldn't be too hard to go out and complete it. I had received word on the mission that a couple was constantly bickering and the neighbors were having enough of it. Why couldn't these people just get along? Either way I was tasked to help, so help I shall. I was approaching the area so soon I would have to find the root cause and tear it out so they could live happily, without neighbors complaining ever again. As I turned the corner to the street indicated, I already had heard a smashing of glass and a woman’s voice yelling. It looks like the two of them had continued their fight.

2Couple Mission[D-Rank] Empty Re: Couple Mission[D-Rank] Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:55 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I sighed as I walked down the streets. I watched as all the neighbors in the area walked out of their homes and stared at the building where all the breaking and yelling was coming from. They were all staring and talking among themselves. I began to walk a bit faster, not wanting the people to take action into their own hands. As I got closer to the group watching the house I raised my hands up and they all stopped talking and staring at the home but to staring at me. “Finally someone is here! They've been doing this for lord knows how long!” One of the women in the back of the group said. I nodded and began to speak. “Don’t you worry; I’ll get this done in a hurry.” I said with confidence and my usual rapping.

3Couple Mission[D-Rank] Empty Re: Couple Mission[D-Rank] Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:25 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

The group looked at my strangely, but I just ignored the looks and turned to the house and walked up to the door of bickering. I knocked twice, my knocks being heavy enough for the two people inside to hear me. I heard the continued yelling of a woman’s voice but through the door it was impossible to hear properly. The door opened and there stood a male. “Hello. How are you?” He said calmly towards me as I heard continued yelling in the background. “And you always forget! Every year you forget!” The woman was yelling directly behind the male, a vase in her hand and a good few feet in-between her and her, assumed, husband. I knew her plan; any logical person would have known her plan. She lifted her arm and threw the vase at his head. The man simply squatted down, almost robotically. The vase was now heading for me.

4Couple Mission[D-Rank] Empty Re: Couple Mission[D-Rank] Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:45 am

Tatsuya Taosu

Tatsuya Taosu

I quickly activated my ninja mode, even though it’s always activated, and raised my right hand, catching the vase. I then looked at the two of them, the woman finally quiet after seeing she almost hit someone else. “Ya’ll should stop your bickering and start snickering. Tell me the problem and ill think of a solution, which will be stronger than our own constitution.” I rapped out to them. They looked at each other for a moment before looking back at me and the woman began to walk closer, no longer screaming. “It was our 25th anniversary of us meeting but he did nothing, he just slept in all day and was too lazy to go out with me at night.” She said and instantly the man began to talk. “Well I didn't know you wanted to do anything.” He said calmly. This guy was strangely calm, it made me a little eerie. I saw the rage in the woman’s eyes. “I didn't say…” I put my other hand up to stop her. “Well listen here ya two; I’m going to fix your problem. You’re gonna take her to dinner and show her you’re still lovin’.” I said with a smile. The man turned around to the woman. “I do still love you, and I always will.” He said. I smiled; my job seems to be done already. I put the vase down on the ground by the open door and walked away.
[663/600 Words]
[End Mission]

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