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1Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Empty Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:19 pm

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko


A young kumo nin hung around on the outskirts of Kumogakure. Yamamoto Sakumo is his name, and the white-haired child is currently leaning against a tree as he overlooked the state of the farm that he has been assigned to. From the distance, he can see the sun rising like a tired eyelid, the crack of dawn. ‘Could be worst.Pondered the youngster as he reasoned on why he got a particularly unexciting mission, his father has told him that his first mission was to find a cat. So at least this will proof more back breaking.

He inspected the farm like a hawk, he can see the roof has rusted away, the remnants of a long battle with the bandits that roams these lands, and apparently the terrorizing has got so bad that many of the villagers have left to seek help or release from the hassle. As a result, the economy in the village gone down, the life flickering away to leave only an aged farm inhibited by a stubborn old man. He can spot with his keen eyes that the farm likely haven’t seen a harvest in a long time now. In other words, it is only one haystack away from collapsing. But he is here to change that.

Sakumo’s attention was distracted as he heard the crushing of leaves and the breaking of grass, and then the hurried paws of an animal.


Last edited by Sakumo on Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Empty Re: Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:36 pm

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

The genin considered the positives of this mission, he’ll learn to farm, repair and other things. Plus he’ll be helping already struggling farmers and boost the morale of what left of the village here, the boy whisked around and saw a tri-coloured dog with chocolate brown eyes barking furiously and growling at what the dog perceived to be an intruder. Sakumo threw his arms up, as he doesn’t want to get mauled nor does he want to hurt a dog. Luckily, the mission client showed up and whistled, commanding the dog to hurry back to him and the dog instantly stopped and rushed back to his master’s heels.

Sakumo noticed the old man, an unkempt gray beard and kind eyes that seem to hint at wisdom. The unnamed old man expressed a smile to the young child before him and beckons him to him. “Greetings little shinobi, don’t mind Maisie. She is a protective ol’ gal, especially for me and my farm.” explained the old man as he stroked Maisie’s brown locks. Sakumo stopped leaning against the tree and waved before gliding over, he cleared his voice and quite politely went on to say “Hello sir, I am Yamamoto Sakumo, I will be assisting you with your farm.” The old man raise an eyebrow “Yamamoto huh?” Sakumo could only let his eyes harden “Yes sir.” Replied the boy, the old man stroked his beard once more as if quite intrigued. “I see, well don’t worry lad. I don’t do prejudice.” Reassured the old man. Sakumo lets out a relieved sigh, glad that he will not face issues. “So you’re the kid they’ve sent me to give me a hand with the farm hm?” said the farmer as he smiled at the child. Sakumo grinned and nodded in return “That is correct sir, what do you want me to do first?” inquired the boy, Mcdonald chuckled, amused by the boy’s willingness. “Well, follow me lad.” Commanded the old man as he began to walk back down from the hill towards the farm, the kumo nin behind him.


3Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Empty Re: Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:52 pm

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

After reaching the farm, the old man stopped and turned around and gestured to the sheep. Only about a handful left Sakumo noticed. He also noticed some of the fence is broken, most likely from wolves or bastard bandits. “First Sakumo, I want you to heard my sheep back in, fix the fence, fix new shoes on my horses, feed the pegs and then plant crops. Think you can handle that Kiddo?” explained the old man, he received a nod and a cheerful smile from the snow-haired child. Mcdonalad shook his head in mild amusement “My child has left the nest, and I can’t afford a farm hand plus I’m getting on a bit in age.” Said the farmer and then he tapped the ground with his walking stick. “This land is wounded kid, decades of bandits and war has ravaged it, and reduced to rumbles...I do hope it will change.” muttered the old man.

Sakumo got to work on herding the sheep, which frankly was easier said than done. “Damn! Come back here you wooly twats!” shouted the fledgling as he changed after the white blobs of sheep in the distance, the farmer’s dog close behind his heels and barking sharply at the sheep, quite easily managing to herd them. After much backwards and forwards, the sheep was finally rounded up and herded back into the pen.

Next was pouring out the food for the pigs, and as Sakumo poured out the bucket of all kinds of fruit and vegetables, Sakumo could only turn his nose up at the smell. Which reeked of all manners of disgusting, Sakumo was even compelled to vomit at the mere sight of the pigs’ food. “They eat this? Jesus.” exclaimed the genin as he finished pouring out the leftover food of tulip, grass, roots and fruit. The old man merely chewed on his straw as he watched with interest. “Aye, pigs are foragers after all. They don’t let anything go to waste. Which went in very handy whenever my children would be fussy about eating back when they were children.” said the old man as he thought back to his younger days.

word count so far: 1004

4Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Empty Re: Farm [D-rank mission, FINISHED] Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:03 pm

Norokami Sakuko

Norokami Sakuko

Third job of the day was to give new shoes for the horses, Sakumo has to be especially careful on this one since he does not desire to burn himself or earn a kick in the face by a horse. With the old man’s instructions, Sakumo managed to complete this task. All that was left was the crops and repair work.

A smile extended across Sakumo’s face as he wiped the sweat off his brow, a hammer in his hand and nails in his mouth he rose to his feet and observed his handwork from the roof. The fences and the roof are now fixed; the farmer won’t have to fuss over flooding now. “Alright, what’s next?” before he could get an answer, the old man tossed him a bag of seeds. “Go and plant these seeds lad.” Said the old man, the child looked inside the bag and was rather surprised at the amount of seeds. “Woah.” Exclaimed Sakumo, the elderly chuckles once again “Hop to it lad, only hours before the sun sets!” Sakumo nodded and dashed off, planting each seed as he went. He growled in irritation at the amount of seeds he have to plant, so to save time he stabbed a hole in the bag and just ran across the field, letting the seeds fall into their soil on their own. Once that was done, breathlessly the child shouted that he was finished. The old man nodded in approval.

The genin, sweating and perspiring now, walked back to the farmer. An empty bag in his hands. The farmer stroked his beard and watched the well-mannered boy in front of him. “Well done laddie, now sprinkle water on all of them.” Sakumo nodded and took the hose and made his way to the center, where he spun himself around squirting water everywhere until he got dizzy. After that task was done, he earned himself a compliment slap on the back from the farm. “Well done lad! Fark work done for the day!” congratulated the farmer, very impressed that Sakumo haven’t complained once. He motioned his hand towards his house “Do you fancy some of my wife’s home-made soup? As a token of my appreciation?” asked the farmer, and Sakumo only returned a broad smile and accepted and then the two made their way into the farmer’s house where Sakumo ate the reward for his hard work.

It would only be weeks later that Sakumo would learn that the farm is flourishing now, the corns have harvested wonderfully and the farm’s supply and demand of food and money has increased, villagers has returned over time and it appears the bandit attacks have decreased. The village even earned enough money to repair their temple.

Finished wordcount: 1460

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