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1I am a hero! (Mission Trapped/ closed) Empty I am a hero! (Mission Trapped/ closed) Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:57 pm



Tatsusa looked at the mission board in confusion, 'Can I take on of these missions without permission of a sensei? I mean I am only a genin and this could end up really bad' he thought to himself. He wanted to do nothing but missions to train up and become stronger than everyone else. He knew he was falling behind the other genin due to his lack of teacher. He was still training hard with his family, but they can only push him so far. While looking at the mission board he noticed one for a small child being trapped in a well. 'How is he going to eat? Water is a must!' Tatsusa thought to himself as he grabbed the paper and looked where it was at. It was a well that children typically played around, he did when he was a kid so this was not to hard to find.

Quickly rushing off to the mission he picked up he started to panic. 'What if I am not there in time? What if this mission is old?' He thought to himself. He managed to get there and there was a big group of people there still waiting for help. Letting out a sigh of relief Tatsusa went to the well and looked down. A child about his size and weight was caught down on the bottom, which gave Tatsusa an idea on how to handle the situation.

"Are you here to help little boy? I thought they were going to send a ninja!" Said an elderly man nearby. Tatsusa quickly snapped at him "I am a ninja thank you very much! Tatsusa Myugan! The future hero of Suna at your service!" The crowd had a murmur of doubt fly through it. It was only to be expected, Tatsusa was not well known and he was ready to prove himself. He started to think his plan through.

'Luckily for me, I am naturally small. Just not weak as most people my size.' he thought to himself proudly. He was deffintally strain his body doing this, but what is life with out some challenges. "Be prepared to pull me up when I get up here!" He yells as he puts his feet on the well wall and his back on the other side. It was a tight fit, but he could make a gap in between his legs big enough to lift the boy up. Slowly he shimmy his way down the well, getting close enough to the boy to put his hands down between his legs and try to grab the boy. "Do not panic, you can be strong. Just like every ninja here." He said calmly to the child. He could hear crying from down there. He knew the child was very afraid, "You can do it! If I can be a ninja anyone can do anything!" He yells downward. The crying seemed to stop. Then he felt two hands touch his hands, and grip them hard.

"Be strong for me, this is a tight fit." He could feel all his muscles at once scream in pain as he slowly inched his way up the well. His body was straining to no end, and sweat started to come down his face. The well was big for a well sure, still was not big enough for him to do what he wanted perfectly. One foot up, take the other foot up. He could see all the hands at the top of the well ready to grab him. He could tell that his body was ready to give out, even with all the training his body was not ready for this. He barely got to the top of the well when he was greeted with multiple hands grabbing him and dragging him up with the child.

"Oh god, hero work is horrible." Tatsusa groaned. Then he was quickly picked up by some arms in a hug. He opened his eyes and noticed a woman hugging him. "Thank you thank you thank you!" The woman said to him. Then Tatsusa snapped "Oh god!" He yelled as he broke free and ran away screaming. Well at least he was getting some name at least.

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