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1Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:10 am


OOC: As per SS-Rank mission requirements, Major villains will be NPCed by Daximus Maximus. Mission partner is Gin Kuroka. Chronologically it is set immediately after the events of "Call it Recuperation", so facts that seem unusual will be made obvious once that thread is finished. Mission information can be found here

Tap. Tap. Tap. The ringing of metal against wood ring softly throughout the otherwise silent office. Endless stacks of bloated manila folders shrouded the mahogany masterpiece on which they sat. A large Quill sat lying next to the open file, weird sealing around the dry nub. One of the benefits of being a fuuinjutsu master, after all. Rather than dipping his Quill in ink, Trilby merely sealed the ink and put a release mechanism on the tip of the Quill, so it had an almost endless supply to tap. He only had to refill it once a month or so. Scratching the tip of the quill across the bottom of the page, Trilby shut the folder and slid it into the out box to his right. Another mission report approved. The tapping suddenly stopped as Trilby removed his left hand from the desk, slowly adjusting his wedding ring before leaning back with a sigh. It had been two months since he and Gin had got married, and she'd already managed to lump him with most of her paperwork. He'd even been given an office a floor under hers. Hell, he was effectively the Kazekage at this point. He handled missions, budget matters, formal meetings and even dealt with the Anbu. There was no way she could lump any more of her duties on him without retiring.

Knock, knock. "Fantastic, another fucking visitor..." Trilby muttered, glancing up towards the large double doors at the other end of his office. "SIR! It's Castiel! I have urgent news!" Castiel? Where did he know that name? Trilby knew it, intimately. He paused for a moment, shutting his eyes as he tried to reflect. A moment later, his eyes flared open in shock. "ENTER!" The yell that escaped from Trilby's jaw was far louder than he intended it to be, but it got the job done. Castiel. It had been months since he had seen him. As soon as Trilby got in any position of power, he sent an Anbu out to investigate the Black Arm Gang. His name was Castiel. No one had seen him since. If he had returned now, it must be good news.

The doors swung open, and Trilby rose from his desk, quickly rounding it to meet Castiel halfway. He looked horrible, to say the least. His anbu mask was covered in mud and dirt, and at least a thousand new dents and scratches. His flak jacket was torn and being held together by wire stitching and duck tape. "We found them. The black hills, to the south. A days journey. Impossible to find unless you know where to look." Trilby couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare at Castiel for a few seconds, bewildered. BAWWWWK!!!! A large chicken lunged out from the corner, jumping onto Trilby's shoulder and glaring at Castiel. "God dammit Tapioca," Trilby muttered, before turning his attention back to Castiel. "Gin is upstairs. Go there immediately. When you knock, state Project Indigo. She'll know what you mean" Castiel nodded before turning, making his way rapidly out of the door. Picking up Tapioca, Trilby placed him on the floor gently before swinging to kick him. As expected, Tapioca sidestepped it and ran off. Perfect, now he would be out of his hair for a few minutes.

Making his way to the side of the room, Trilby pulled down the old red suit of armour, rapidly draping it over his casual robes. He had put the suit on so quickly that it only took him a few moments to do so. Grabbing Yamato from the rack next to it, he slid it into the notch on his belt, letting it rest on his left hip. Ryujin already sat on his left shoulder, as always. He rarely removed it. Flexing, the spines of the Ryujin popped through the rungs on the back of the armour plating. Perfect. The Black Arm Gang. It had taken him years, but he had finally found them. Sure, he had destroyed Baron Yoku, freed the slaves and rendered the entire area nothing more than a smoking crater, but it meant nothing if he couldn't stop the slaver organisation who had captured his parents and his friends in the first place. It made sense for him to be ready for combat. The Black Arm Gang was rumoured to have a thousand holdouts, and if they had been pinpointed at one he didn't have much time to strike before they moved again. Assuming Castiel had told Gin the correct phrase, she'd probably join him in full combat gear in a few seconds. They both knew how much this moment meant. It couldn't wait. It just couldn't...

Word Count: 781

2Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:26 pm



Another day, another stack of paperwork to send downstairs to Trilby. Gin sighed happily, having rid herself of most of the administrative duties that her profession came with. She had gotten much too used to having Trilby help her that she had gradually started to increase his load of paperwork in order to decrease her own, to the point where she was left with almost nothing to do but take a nap in her office, polish her swords and train the Genin of Sunagakure. She was happy with that. Of course, she still oversaw the entire ANBU operations and any strategies that concerned attacking or defending the village were still entrusted to her entirely. But menial everyday tasks such as D rank mission reports? Off to Trilby they went. She stared at the ring on her finger, gleaming in the sunlight that streamed through the room. She smiled. just thinking about her husband had that effect on her. She would never have thought that they would end up married, to be honest. Just a year ago, he was nothing more than just one of her students. They hadn't exactly disliked each other, but they couldn’t be called friends, either. They were just acquaintances and that was the way Gin thought it was going to stay. She was glad that she had been wrong. She now had a loving husband that she could rely on for just about anything.

And to be honest, she missed him. She wanted him by her side at all times. His presence was comforting and soothing. He made her as happy as she could ever be, even though he was callous and hardly ever affectionate. She considered going down to his office or calling him up to where she was just to be with him. Though, of course, knowing how things usually went when they were together, they probably wouldn't stay off of each other for long. Things tended to get heated rather quickly, not that she minded at all. She pretty much enjoyed it more than anything else. What could she say? She was a pervert at heart. Which reminded her, she still needed to finish one of her most recent acquisitions - a used and lightly water stained copy of 50 Shades of Greyskull. She flipped the book open to where she left off.

He grabs me suddenly and yanks me up against him, one hand at my back holding me to him and the other fisting in my hair.
"You're one challenging woman," He kisses me, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners.
"It's taking all my self-control not to fuck you on the hood of this car, just to show you that you're mine, and if I want to buy you a fucking car, I'll buy you a fucking car," he growls.

Before she could keep reading the novel, she heard someone knocking at her door. Gin couldn't help but let out a groan. She was rather enjoying herself. Oh well, better tend to business before someone starts bitching. "Come in," She said unenthusiastically. And in strolled an ANBU member. His clothes were dirty and tattered. Parts of his skin were crusted with dry blood and old injuries. He wasn't in grave danger, but it was clear that he had had trouble getting out of wherever he had been. It took Gin a second to recognize who the man was. Castiel... This could only mean... Gin's eyes widened. The phrase that came out of the man's mouth only confirmed her suspicion. "Code Indigo," Those were the words that Trilby and Gin had agreed upon to use as a signal. Gin nodded slowly. "Thank you, Castiel. You can leave now. Take the rest of the week off," Gin ordered. Though her words were kind, her tone was distant and stern. So this was it. As the man nodded and left the room, Gin took a shaky breath. She was nervous. The last time the two of them had been on a mission together, everything had gone terribly wrong. Not only that, but this mission was near impossible to complete. It was an SS rank mission - one of the most difficult tasks out there.

But without hesitation, Gin strapped her blades to her side. She carried Soul Cutter and Sabaku no Bara with her at all times. She strapped the empty scabbard on her back, from which she could draw her last resort. She needed to be ready. She couldn't let any harm come to Trilby, even if it cost her her own life or her sanity. Gin rushed down the stairs and into Trilby's office. She didn't knock on the door. She didn't need to. Trilby would know it was her. She greeted him with a soft kiss on the lips as she wrapped her arms around him firmly. She didn't want to let him go. "You ready?" she asked, knowing that the answer would be a yes. All the while, she still clung to him.

Word Count: 837/10000

3Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:09 am


The wings of the Ryujin flared out, letting out a awkward crackling noise as they began to morph. Along the spines, flat thin strips of steel began to shoot down, forming a pair of beautiful wings. They slowly caved in around the quiver as the Ryujin clung to his back. Trilby needed the Ryujin's wings prepared, he couldn't afford to wait for them to form during battle, it could cost him his life. Even worse, it could cost Gin hers... Trilby felt slightly dirty that he had to take her. Last time they had done this, she nearly died because of him. He couldn't let that happen again. He simply couldn't. He had failed her enough.

The rapping of feet rapidly coming down the stairs let Trilby know Castiel had reported in. He didn't turn towards the door. He felt the need to hide his nerves. She couldn't see his anxiety. Not now. He stayed turned away as she came up beside him, turning to face her only for her to kiss him and cling to him. His anxiety faded as his lips met hers. He truly loved her. Simply holding her made all his pain disappear. "You ready?" "Of course I am. I've been ready for years." Trilby muttered, trying to remain strong, for her sake.

After what felt like an eternity, Trilby broke the hug, turning towards his desk. A small, sleek black fedora Hang there from a small hook on the side, a special order hat he had bought to replace his Trilby he had lost almost a year ago. Lifting it off the hook, Trilby slid it softly onto his head, brushing aside his no longer ratty hair. He had truly cleaned himself up after marrying Gin. He was clean shaven, and his hair was no longer ratty and unkempt. It was smooth and tidy, as was his body. He was no longer soaked in dirt and grime. "Come on, we should go." Trilby stated coldly, walking to a small picture on the wall. Tilting it to the side, Trilby revealed a small seal carved into the mesh. Pressing his thumb softly into it's surface, the wall caved in, revealing a flight of stairs descending beneath the village.

The hallway was dark and moldy. It had electronic lightning, but it was barely enough to see by. This emergency tunnel had been erected as a safe way for citizens to escape the village during times of crisis. It made sense for them to take this route. The two most powerful and important people leaving the village in full combat garb might alert sentries, and the gang would be gone before they could even find them. It wasn't a risk Trilby could take. A large rucksack hung over his right shoulder. It was nothing special, a scroll holding some sleeping bags and food and water for a fortnight. He had packed light, unable to be weighed down by tents and various other crap. They had to get there, quickly.

It didn't take long for Trilby and Gin to reach the exit, as they had kept up a fast pace. They both knew how vital this was, both to themselves and to Sunagakure's continued security. They eventually came out in the mountains to the south of Sunagakure. It was high noon, and the sun was glaring down in all it's fury. "Can you see that?" Trilby asked, pointing towards the south-west. "The black hills start there. A long range of endless mountains. It shouldn't be too hard to find them, given the details Castiel told me, but it will still take some searching. Still, we have to be stealthy from now on. These bastards will have sentries. Any large signs will give us away before we even get close."

Word Count: 1411

Ryujin: Gorrión activation: 15 chakra.
465 - 15 = 450

4Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:02 am


"Thank you, Castiel. You can leave now. Take the rest of the week off," Castiel bowed slightly, turning to leave the office at the Lazy Kazekage's command. As he rounded the corner, escaping Gin's eyesight at last, the limb in his right leg disappeared. His place increased rapidly, breaking out into a full on sprint. Castiel charged towards the nearby window, smashing through it with disregard. As he began to fall, his right hand slid underneath his vest, grasping a small grappling hook. He casually tossed it onto the roof of the Kazekage's building, allowing the rope to catch his weight. Dragging himself up to the roof, Castiel removed the grappling hook and made his way towards the spire. There stood a shrouded figure in a long black cloak.

"It's done, my lord. The boy is on his way to the Black Hills. They will arrive by nightfall, just as you ordered." Castiel's voice sounded almost like a different man entirely compared to his previous exchange with Trilby and Gin, his accent having changed entirely to a cool eastern European tone, and his words were laced with malice and spite. "Good. Now, for your reward..." Reaching up, Hao pulled back his hook, revealing his blood red Mangekyou Sharingan to the spy. "AMATERASU!" Hao's eye flared, and Castiel's skull was rapidly devoured by black flames. The flames crawled across the dead traitor's body, rendering him nothing but ashes that were cleared away on the cool Sunagakure breeze. "Everything is falling into place... He will be mine."

100 Chakra[Amaterasu]
25 chakra [Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan]

375 chakra remaining.

5Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:29 pm



Gin took a deep breath as she watched Trilby turn towards the hidden passage way inside his office. She felt both nervous and scared. There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach, not too different from the one she had had the last time that the two of them had gone off on a mission. She bit her lower lip as her husband's back was turned towards her. Maybe... Maybe she should stop him. This seemed too rushed, too unexpected. Sure, they had sent a team of ANBU off to search for information, but that had only been a few weeks ago. It seemed odd that they would find information so soon. But then again, Gin was paranoid. She almost always was. She always thought of absolutely everything that could go wrong, even though 99% of what crossed her brain would never really happen. She knew this and it was probably the reason why she held back on stopping this operation altogether. She knew how Trilby got when he set his mind on something. He became nearly unstoppable, but dominated by his emotions in their purest of forms. It made him dangerous, she knew that. And she would regret going against her instincts and not turning back in the years to come. But right then, even with the hundreds of scenarios that had crossed her mind, she would have never guessed what would end up happening. Taking yet another deep breath, she stepped up to Trilby's side and into the tunnel.

The young Kazekage would begin to run as soon as they started travelling. There was no need for them to hold back. They needed to act quickly, anyways, lest the entire slave operation move before they had a chance to catch up with them. She had to admit, though, exacting revenge on the people that had tormented and ruined the love of her life was nothing short of satisfying. Her hands trembled with anticipation, though she doubted that Trilby would notice. He was probably much too concentrated, much too absorbed in the task at hand. Gin smiled, looking at her husband from the corner of her eye for a brief moment. In a matter of a few short years, he had become her life, her main source of happiness. There was no doubt in her mind that she would always love him, no matter what. And truth be told, she wouldn’t have it any other way. She felt safe around him, as secure as she could possibly be. She trusted him with her life and knew that he did the same.

Gin’s smile faded, though, as she reached the exit of the tunnel and came across the desert landscape of the Wind Country. She could see the hills that Trilby was pointing to from afar. Her teeth clenched and her jaw tensed. There was something eerie about those mountains, though Gin couldn’t quite put her finger on it. It just made her feel… uncomfortable. It was an instinct; there was no clear explanation for it. Gin nodded, listening to what Trilby said. Her expression was grave and serious. “I may specialize in brute strength and flashy techniques, but I can be stealthy if I want to be,” She said, rolling her eyes at him. “I can keep my sensory technique activated. It’ll give us a wider range to work with and it’ll speed up this whole process. Now let’s get going. I want to get back home as soon as I can,” She said, sounding somewhat impatient. She wouldn’t use her jutsu just yet. She would only activate it once they were closer to the hills. She kept her narrowed eyes on the horizon, the mountains in the distance. After a few moments, she began walking towards them. “We’ll probably get there by dusk. We can use darkness as a cover. We’ll take turns sleeping and scouting or standing guard,” She said. There was a moment of tense silence between the two of them. They both know how dangerous this could be, after all. Gin slipped her hand into Trilby’s and smiled at him. “We’ll be fine, my love,” She said, squeezing his hand while her eyes locked with his.

Word Count: 1540/10000

6Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:37 pm


"We'll be fine, my love," Gin whispered softly, holding Trilby's hand softly as he stared into her eyes. Leaning in, Trilby kissed Gin's lips softly. He held the embrace for a few seconds before breaking the kiss. "I love you, so much," he whispered in response, staring into her eyes for a moment before breaking their embrace and turning back towards the mountains. He couldn't get distracted. He had to tear down this infernal establishment one brick at a time. He would burn the Black Arm Gang down and piss on their ashes. His mother would be redeemed, and the slaver rings of Sunagakure would be destroyed, once and for all. "Come, we need to be on our way," Trilby declared, all emotion gone from his voice. In times of pressure, he tended to shut off his emotions. It was a defence mechanism of sorts. Without it, he was far too emotional to function properly with Gin at his side. His mind would be consumed with fear for her safety for him to operate efficiently. It made sense, though, considering what happened last time they went on a mission. No. None of that. His mind couldn't afford to wander. Not now. Shaking his head in a futile effort to clear the memories of Gin's near death experience, he began to walk rapidly towards the mountains, refusing to turn back to face Gin. He had to remain focused, otherwise she'd be hurt again...

Nine hours later...

The towering peaks of the Black Hills stood before them, dwarfing the pair with it's majesty. The peaks rose into the heavens, while the faces of the mountains were coated in dense, lush trees. It was hard to believe such a beautiful place was the home of one of the most well established criminal organisations in all of Sunagakure no Sato. "Looks like we're here, dear..." Trilby muttered, rather daunted by the task ahead of them. The Black Hills was a massive range of mountains, and it would be rather difficult to find a hidden base in this range. Still, Castiel had found them, so he could too. Leading on, he began the trek up the admittedly rather treacherous path.

The incline was steep, to say the least. At parts, the trek required both Gin and Trilby to use their hands to continue their trek. Still, they pressed on, determined to find what they were looking for. It was probably an underground base, and there were probably sentries. Still, he could use these facts to his advantage in the hunt. Pausing, Trilby leaned in close to Gin, pressing his lips against her ear. "I have an idea," Trilby whispered, as he raised his left hand, pressing it against his prosthetic. "Atsusa no Kami!" he declared, still reasonably silently. Reaching up, he pulled his headband down to cover his organic eye, ensuring he'd only get picture out of his prosthetic. The world had changed dramatically for him. Most details had vanished entirely for him, the world having turned into a light purple screen. Turning to face Gin, his vision was flooded with varying shades of yellows and reds. Perfect. His thermal vision was working. "Keep an eye out for me, I can't see the path like this." he muttered towards her as he began to press on.

The journey was admittedly rather difficult considering Gin had to play handler for Trilby, but it ensured they weren't being followed or monitored. The trek continued for another hour like this, Trilby constantly panning left and right, checking for sentries or signs of life. Beyond a few birds and a ferret, there was nothing. Not a single damned sign of life for over an hour, until finally, Trilby noticed something. "Stop!" he whispered horsely, dropping down onto his left knee. "There's something here. It looks like a foot print, but it's fading fast. It's like... someone was here recently. They're going this way." Trilby began to walk in the direction of these footprints, which rapidly curved off the track into the shrubs. The path was incredibly dense and thick, and Gin had to help Trilby avoid walking into branches and into pitfalls. Still, after fifteen minutes of following the vague heat signature Trilby had noticed, they reached a cliff-face. Still, the footprints didn't trail off, they went straight into the cave. There was a tiny trace of heat a few feet to Trilby's right on the cave face. Thinking on his feet, he pressed his thumb into the small marking on the wall. The cliff-face before them began to slide open, revealing a smooth stone flight of stairs descending down into the mountain. Once the wall was no longer obscuring his vision, Trilby's eye was flooded with heat signatures. It seems the organisation had placed enchantments into the walls to prevent them being seen. It was far too much stimuli for him to keep the eye active any longer. "Kai!" his vision slowly turned back to normal as the spell deactivated. Pulling his headband back up, Trilby turned to Gin. "You ready?"

Word Count: 2254

Chakra 450/465:

7Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:58 pm



Gin took one last deep breath before they set off. She wanted to cling to Trilby, to hold him close, to make love to him before they came across the real dangers that the mission might bring. But she held back. She could tell from the tension in her husband's shoulders and the air around him that he wanted to keep his distance for the time being. It made sense. They had to act professionally, after all, lest they let their emotions get in the way of the mission. It was at times like these that Gin had to forget about her personal feelings and put her duty first. This is something that she had always had trouble with. The young woman was much too impulsive, much too abrasive to simply forget about what she felt and what she believed in. Her loved ones would always come before her duty. That was a trait that had gotten her in trouble before and likely would again. Nevertheless, that didn't mean that she wouldn't try to hold back for the sake of the mission. She knew how much this meant to him. She would do all that she could to see that he could carry out his revenge. Yet still... It scared her. Anger was a powerful emotion, one that could easily become overwhelming, one that could drive people to the verge of insanity. She was scared that he would lose himself to wrath. Gin would make it a part of her duty to save him from himself if she needed to. But that was still a few days away. For now, she had to concentrate on running and getting to the mountains. The rest would fall into place eventually.

It took the two of them nine hours to reach their destination. It felt nice to finally be back in shape, even though the last incident had been over a year ago. The young Kazekage barely ever had a chance to leave her office for anything other than her usual training routine. This felt entirely different. Not only that, but she was on going on a mission that would actually be a challenge to her skills and will power. She supposed that was one way to see it that would take the edge off of the anxiety that she was feeling. Yes, this was a challenge; nothing more. As they arrived at the mountain, Gin kept a close eye on her surroundings, as did Trilby. She was concentrated on what she was doing until he finally addressed her. She only nodded, knowing that this would make things much quicker. She took him by the arm so that she could hold him steady as he used his makeshift doujutsu to inspect their surroundings. It wasn't long before he led the two of them to the entrance of the cave. Gin visibly tensed and bit her lower lip as she stared into the darkness. She had a vague idea of what awaited the both of them inside - death, destruction and decay.

Gin gripped Sabaku no Bara in her left hand, knowing that she would need it soon. "Wind Style: October," she whispered. Her chakra instantly spread into the wind, allowing her to feel through it and detect whatever enemies might be inside. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes so that she could get an accurate mental image of the hide out. There were very few sentinels, scattered into small groups of three and four. Odd... She would have expected the place to be swarming with guards. But the lack thereof only made the young Kazekage even more wary. "There are three sentinels about ten meters into the cave. The other groups seem to be scattered around every 15 to 20 meters or so. There are never more than four, at least not on this level. I can feel them moving around. They shouldn't be too hard to take on if we're careful not to alert the rest," She explained. "Once we take out the first group, we should take their uniforms or transform to blend in," She instructed. With that said, she stepped into the cavern.

The space was dimly lit, allowing for a very limited view of what was around the two shinobi. The air was cold and damp, so much so that it made goose bumps run up Gin's spine. She shuddered instinctively. She looked at Trilby from the corner of her eye and wondered what was going through his mind at a time like this. Knowing him, his mind would probably be set on exterminating every single one of these people. She didn't hold it against him. Stepping into the cave, Gin braced herself for what could happen next. She looked around for a moment before moving, blending into the shadows around her for cover. Soon enough, they would run across the first group of people. Silently, she would slip behind them, slicing the throat of the first sentinel. The other two weren't far away. They had to be quick. Spotting the second one, Gin would take a kunai out of her pouch and threw it at the guard, stabbing through his throat before he could let out a scream. He would leave Trilby the last one while she inspected the dead bodies before her. Once he was close enough to her, she would whisper. "Find a way to hide the bodies. We buy ourselves enough time to get to what's his name's office. Leaving behind a trail of dead bodies will make that difficult," She said as she took the long cloak off of the dead and shrouded herself with it. It was the only type of uniform that she guards wore, but it was enough to serve as a temporary cover.

Word Count: 2506/10000
Chakra Count: 385/405

8Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:07 am


With his normal eyes, Trilby could see their surroundings in actual detail rather than a mere mass of heat readings. They were surrounded by thick pine trees on either side, and were standing before a rather massive cliff-face. Raising his hands, Trilby felt at the quivers of the Ryujin. In the time it had taken for them to find the location it had grown five blades in each quiver. That was good enough for awhile, at least. Trilby took a moment to stare into the eyes of his wife as she scouted around using her sensory technique. They were a beautiful endless sea of blue. He often got lost in those eyes. He was truly a lucky man, having married the most beautiful, intelligent and powerful Kunoichi in all of Sunagakure, if not the entire world. He wanted to kiss her. To wrap his arms around her and never let go. To make love to her on the spot. Regardless of his feelings, however, he stayed perfectly still. Now was not the time for such things. Neither of them would die. They couldn't. He refused to let anything happen to her.

"There are three sentinels about ten meters into the cave. The other groups seem to be scattered around every 15 to 20 meters or so. There are never more than four, at least not on this level. I can feel them moving around. They shouldn't be too hard to take on if we're careful not to alert the rest," She explained. "Once we take out the first group, we should take their uniforms or transform to blend in," Trilby simply nodded in response to Gins statement, and allowed her to lead into the cavern. He was a long-range fighter, and she was a swordsman. It made sense that she would enter first. The dank stone path only lasted a few metres before leading out onto a series of massive steel catwalks that hung from struts around the cavern. The catwalk that they were on was roughly 3 metres wide, and was rather dark. Strategically, it wasn't particularly wise, as it allowed both Gin and Trilby to slip straight into the shadows. Three guards patrolled the layer they were on, two in a group and one on his own. The singular guard was heading their way, but was rapidly dispatched by a swift slice from Gin's blade across his throat. She grabbed him, supporting his weight to ensure his fall didn't create a loud clanging noise.

Once she had dropped the first guard's corpse to the floor, Gin drew a kunai and tossed it towards one of the remaining group. It landed deep in his throat, severing his vocal cords. He tried to scream but no noise came out, and he clutched at his throat in horror. The second guard turned around to see what the commotion was about, but a spine from the Ryujin plunged straight through his trachea and his spinal column, rendering him paralysed and unable to speak. He collapsed forwards instantly, left there to silently bleed out. The guard Gin had silenced collapsed on top of his friend a few moments later, driving the tip of the Ryujin quiver through his own chest, killing him instantly.

"Find a way to hide the bodies. We need to buy ourselves enough time to get to what's his name's office. Leaving behind a trail of dead bodies will make that difficult," Gin ordered, her Kazekage mindset taking over now that the action had begun. Trilby took the moment to properly analyse their surroundings. The Catwalks descended down in layers for about eight tiers before reaching a solid stone bottom. Each catwalk was attached by a twin set of ladders, one on either side. The ladders rotated between being on the north and south and east and west faces, ensuring you'd have to travel along each catwalk slightly to reach the next layer. This was probably intentional, a way to make it difficult for someone to use the ladders without running into a patrol. Trilby took note of the appearance of the guard at his feet. He was reasonably similarly built, with the exception of having thick blonde hair. Trilby couldn't simply take his uniform, as he would have to discard both his armour and his Ryujin to blend in. Instead, he would have to transform. Forming the tiger hand seal, with a tiny puff of smoke Trilby's appearance changed dramatically. His armour and Ryujin were gone, however his Yamato remained visible at his hip. His thick matted black hair was replaced with smooth blonde strands and his prosthetic eye was now a regular green eye. "Right. These bodies..." Trilby's voice came across as more silky than his normal gravelly tones. Grabbing the man who's appearance he had stolen by the collar, he dragged him over to the other two, dropping him on top of the other two corpses. Reaching into the pocket of his new outfit compiled of thick black robes, he withdrew a small blue scroll with a white stripe down it's centre. Laying it down in-front of the corpses, he opened it casually. He formed the dog seal briefly, before placing his right hand on the scroll's surface and his left hand over the corpses. "Fuuin!" Trilby declared in an authoritative mutter. The corpses vanished in a tiny plume of smoke, and the scroll became bathed in a sea of Kanji.

Grabbing the scroll, Trilby tucked it back into his Jacket Pocket before surveying the surroundings once more. "There." Trilby whisdpered into Gin's ear as he pointed towards a small booth carved into the clifface on the Catwalk beneath the one they were currently standing on. "It looks like a security booth. We could use that room to shut down any electronic detecting devices or cameras." After finishing his thought, Trilby took a moment to locate this catwalk's ladder. It was a few feet to his right. How convenient. Now that he was disguised, Trilby didn't hesitate to begin to walk down the ladder. There were three people on this catwalk, just like the last one. Again, it was two groups, a single man patrolling and two men stationary, discussing something irrelevant. The single man patrolling was passing the ladder as Trilby came down. He paused, turning to face him. "Clocking out early Barry?" Trilby froze for a second. He was being addressed. Fuck. "Aye. Taking some time off." The guard stared at him for a second, slightly confused before saying "Right... Have fun with that." He muttered, turning to head off. Trilby was worried he had figured out he wasn't actually this "Barry" so he had only one solution. Grabbing Yamato, he rapidly cut off the man's head in one smooth motion before re-sheathing the blade. He caught the head mid-swing by it's hair, and grabbed the corpse by it's collar before it collapsed. He stepped back, focusing for a moment before leaping with as much force he could. Coating the bottom of his feet with chakra, he landed on the rung of the ladder halfway up, dragging the corpse as he climbed with just his legs. Once he reached the edge of the catwalk, he tossed the head up with his right head before cradling the torso with both hands and heaving it onto the catwalk. "Fucker wanted to make chitchat..." he muttered as silently as he could towards Gin. "Take care of that please, i'll be back in a second."

Dropping back down onto the catwalk, Trilby walked casually around the catwalk, making a B-line for the booth he noticed earlier. "Hey." the two men who were chatting remarked as Trilby passed them before turning back to their conversation. They ignored him as he reached the door he was aiming for. Turning the handle, it slid open smoothly. There was a man in the same guardsman uniform staring at a control panel, his back turned. Trilby approached him from behind silently, snapping his neck like a twig before he had time to react. Grabbing the man's body, he dragged him from his chair and dropped him onto the floor before taking up his seat and turning to face the control panel. Three options caught his eye. He could disable security cameras, disable motion sensing in the lower halls and lock down all the exits. Perfect. Without hesitation, Trilby flicked all three of the switches. The cameras and motion sensors deactivated silently. The entrance where Trilby and Gin came through, as well as all emergency exits sealed behind them. He bound the gates to a password: Crowley. His birth name. It seemed appropriate. Rather than leaving the booth, however, Trilby decided to study the layout on the monitors and wait for Gin to arrive.

Word Count: 3713

Chakra 415/465:

9Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:56 pm



The layout changed as they progressed into the cavern. It was to be expected that they would have some sort of industry running within the cavern. The young Kazekage didn’t exactly know how the entire slave operation ran, but she assumed that the thing they needed most besides guards and the slaves themselves was storage space. Below the catwalks that she and Trilby had reached was a wide open area that Gin spotted from the corner of her eyes. She could tell from the sounds of pained moans and whimpers that the captured slaves lay below, ready to be transported to whomever had bought them. Gin’s fists clenched. She had been in their place before, even if only for a very short time. Still, she could sympathize with what they were feeling – wretched despair and hopelessness.

Nevertheless, she couldn’t let that distract her. She was here to set them free, to end his entire operation once and for all. How could she had not placed this as one of her priorities before? She partially blamed herself for the fact that this had escalated to such an enormous level. She lowered her head, feeling ashamed, turning away from the cages that she could barely spot below. She had to snap out of it. She had to keep herself on guard. She couldn’t risk being caught, lest this turn into a bloodbath. Even if they survived the onslaught, the whole operation would move. They would lose their entire window of opportunity for at least another year. And by then, the whole operation would probably be even more reinforced than it was now. No, it had to run smoothly. She couldn’t let herself ruin this because of her emotions. Trilby would likely never forgive her if it came to that.

She followed him closely, through the maze that was the catwalks. Several of the intertwined together in a complicated pattern. Gin could still feel her surroundings through the wind in the air. She had a feeling that she would need to know the layout of the entire place soon enough. She recorded every minuscule detail in her head, so that she was able to navigate through the place perfectly. She kept track of the number of guards in the area and how what routes they were taking in order to devise a strategy accordingly. All the while, the young woman kept herself a few feet away from her husband so that she wouldn’t arouse suspicions from the rest of the surrounding sentinels. When Trilby whispered in her ear, Gin nodded. The booth wasn’t too far away, it wouldn’t be difficult to get there.

But of course, paranoid as Trilby was, he couldn't simply walk over to the booth and maintain a seemingly normal conversation with one of the guards who had mistaken him for the person whose identity Trilby had taken. Gin let out a heavy sigh as he watched the man’s head role off of his shoulders. Lovely, just… lovely. She thought, resisting the urge to scold him for not being subtle about it. “That head could have easily rolled off of the catwalk!” She whispered harshly into his ear. But of course he head hadn’t done so, and therefore her husband would say that her argument was invalid. Gin glared at him, though her gaze had a slightly playful tone. She grabbed one of the scrolls inside her item’s pouch and opened it. She placed the body and the head over the piece of paper. With a single hand sign, the body had disappeared into the scroll. She was careful to do the same with the blood that had splattered all over the floor. It was only fair, though. He had been the one to clean up her mess before, so she might as well do the same for him.

In the meantime, her husband would take care of the booth and the people in it. There was no need to hide the body of the man with the snapped neck. In truth, the guy looked like he was sleeping. It seemed more natural that way, than leaving the catwalks and everywhere they went to completely empty. Both extremes would arouse suspicion. Gin caught up to her husband right after he finished typing in the pass code for the reset cameras and surveillance systems. He had locked every door except for the exit. It was risky, but the benefits outweighed that. They both knew what they were getting into, after all.

Gin closed her eyes for a moment, stepping out of the booth. She would feel most of the layout around her. She wanted this to be done with quickly, so she began concentrating on finding the door that would lead to Alastair. She had a rough idea of where it would be, down in the lowest of basements, completely surrounded by guards. All Gin had to do was concentrate on finding where he highest concentration of guards was. They didn't know that Trilby and Gin were coming. There was no way that they could have rearranged the entire system of guards to fool the two most experienced shinobi of Sunagakure into falling towards a trap. No, that possibility was completely out of the question. She concentrated, pinpointing their exact location. She opened her eyes to look at her husband. “There’s a small entrance near the end of the lower pathways. There’s an unusual concentration of people there. I say we go check it out. There’s a stairwell behind the door. That’s likely where he is,” She explained. She didn't dismiss the jutsu just yet. It would probably come in handy when trying to avoid the surrounding guards.

Gin’s fists were still shaking slightly. She was nervous and found that it was almost impossible to rid herself of that sharp feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her that everything was bound to go wrong. She extended her hand towards Trilby’s, but hesitated. No, now was not the time for that. Now was not the time for her emotions to leak out. She retracted her hand, moving it to grip the hilt of one of her blades tightly. Holding onto Sabaku no Bara was comforting, even if only slightly.

Word Count: 3546/10000
Word Count: Fuuinjutsu - C to B: 3546/4000
Chakra Pool: 375

10Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:31 pm


Trilby sat there in stoic silence as his wife surveyed the surrounding area using her sensory technique. Eventually, she opened her beautiful blue eyes to look towards her husband. “There’s a small entrance near the end of the lower pathways. There’s an unusual concentration of people there. I say we go check it out. There’s a stairwell behind the door. That’s likely where he is,” After Gin finished speaking, Trilby paused for a moment, reflecting on her statement. He was sitting in-front of an array of computer screens with information about the entire base, he might as well see the picture for himself. A few key presses later, the screen before him showed a blue-print like series of maps. It only showed the floor they were on and the few above it at first, but after striking a few keys, it zoomed out to reveal the full glory of the base. Beneath the first floor and it's catwalks was revealed a massive complex spanning deep into the mountains. It covered over 12 floors, and they were all massive. "Look at this. The stairwell you were talking about, leads down into a private section. A massive room, a smaller room attached to it, probably an office, and an emergency exit. Looks like Alistair's office," Trilby paused for a moment to reflect upon the options before him. He had a limited array of information displayed at present, but surely, with the technology at his fingertips, he could get much more. Sure enough, after a few seconds of tweaking, the map suddenly began to glow bright orange. "My god... Look at those dots. Heat signatures. Each dot is a person. There we are, in that office, and look at the floors below us... there has to be at least two thousand souls in this compound... We're going to have to blow this place sky-high without being detected if we have any hope of pulling this off. God, I hope this base has a self destruct mechanism... Still, look. That chamber from earlier, potentially Alistair's office. Five heat signatures. Four of them are stationary, and one of the dots seems to be dancing around, going back and forth between the others... Perhaps it's a torture chamber?" Trilby paused as he finished his sentence, allowing Gin to analyse the map for a moment before shutting down the panel. He had a job to do, and no amount of analysing maps would get it done.

Since he was disguised, he decided to casually travel around rather than sticking to the shadows. If he acted like he belonged, they'd believe he did. Opening the door to the booth, Trilby stepped out, casually hopping off the catwalk he was standing on and dropping the two floors down to the stone floor below. He landed with a tiny "doof!" and quickly surveyed his surroundings. "You okay?!" one of the nearby guards saw the drop and charged over in surprise. Trilby knew he had to play up to it or he'd be caught out. Clutching his right shin, Trilby remained hunched over, letting out a pained groan. "Fucking safety rail snapped in my hands, tossed me 'ver the blooming side and all," the guard approached Trilby quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder as he leaned in to check the damage. Trilby took advantage of the close quarters position to strike. His right hand's index finger slid into the round socket on the end of the Kunai's hilt, and with a single smooth movement, he had drawn it from the side of his boot and plunged it into the guard's throat. Rapidly checking his surroundings, Trilby saw a series of barrels stacked against the wall. He dragged the gullible guard towards the barrels, tearing off one of the lids. Apple cider. Placing the lid back on the barrel, he opened another. Apples. Another. Empty! Trilby jammed the man's corpse into the barrel, pulling the kunai out of his throat before slamming the lid on top of it. Turning to face his objective, Trilby sighed a bit. It was a very wide hallway, with several doors running down. Supply closets, storage, and an on-duty guard's lounge, all clearly labelled. On the far end of the hall however sat a pair of large double doors, with the word "HELL" painted above it in shoddy red ink. He wouldn't simply be able to trick Alistair's guards with his clumsy guard routine. His mere presence would make it clear he was an intruder. He'd have to strike hard and fast. Drawing Yamato, Trilby approached the door quickly, holding the blade in his right hand, the tip pointed towards the floor. Once he reached the doors, he leaned against them, listening intently. He could hear a four voices talking, about what seemed to be Poker. Fantastic, they were playing poker. They were off-guard. He could manipulate this. It was close quarters and they were unprepared. Numbers don't mean a damn thing if you aren't prepared for the onslaught, after all.

Thrusting Yamato's tip into the ground at his feet with enough force to make it suspend itself, Trilby began to weave hand signs. Ox, Dog, Rabbit. As the heel of his boot met with the centre of the double doors, he formed the Boar hand sign. Before they could rise from their table, Trilby's plan had been sprung. "Doton: Retsudo Tenshō no Jutsu!" the stone ground at their feet rapidly twisted up, crushing the legs of the unprepared guards. Not wasting time, Trilby pulled Yamato from the floor and charged the bound men, removing head after head, four in total. Still, they weren't meant to be hard. Alistair, on the other hand, would be. Now that the brief engagement was over, Trilby took the time to examine his surroundings, after he shut the doors to hide his handiwork of course. It was a small, now blood stained room, nothing particularly interesting. Except, of course, for a large steel bolted door, as you would expect to find in a vault. It had four key card slots, two on either side of the door. Four slots, four guards. Trilby began to rummage through the exposed torsos of each guard, eventually finding four key cards. "Knowing this stuff they'll all have to be inserted at once," Trilby said to his wife, handing her two of the cards before taking his position by the left of the door. Once his wife took her place on the opposite side, he would begin counting. "Three... Two... One... Now!"[/b] Trilby slotted both cards into the slots at once. Gin did the same on her side, and there was a moment of profound silence as they held their breath in unison. After a moment however, the door began to slide open, revealing a stairwell. Not wasting time, Trilby began to walk down the stairs, trying to hide his profound anxiety. Alistair, leader of the Black Arm Gang. He certainly wasn't a pushover. He'd united thousands of thugs under his iron fist, and they'd have to eliminate him to get anywhere with this operation. After a few flights of stairs, however, they reached the end, a short hallway leading out into a massive chamber. The smell of blood and charred flesh was potent, and he could hear someone screaming. Yep, his suspicions were accurate; it was a Torture chamber.

Word Count: 4943

Chakra: 400/465:

11Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Empty Re: Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:54 pm

Daximus Maximus

Daximus Maximus

[OOC: As requested by Trilby and Gin, I will be playing the role as Alister. The outcome will end as I deem fit and I will personally say if this is approvable for a success as a SS Mission]

Mostly 'Armless [SS-Rank mission] 3402

The sound of blood dripped off the table. Such a red color seemed to dance and move with ease. Making swirls and it seemed to complement the pale complexion of the body laying frozen on the metallic table. "Pity" The voice said as a long fingered hand felt over the body. "She screamed at the perfect octave." The hand continued until it touched the first pool of blood. The hand swirled and played with the red until finally he pulled the hand away. Bringing the hand up to his face to smell the iron seething off of it. The red texture and the taste. Oh the taste. Nothing seeming more sweet.

The man looked up and around his little slice of heaven. The chains hanging off the wall. How they glimmer from the pale light emitted from the torch flames hanging on the walls. Some of them held decaying bodies that lay limp and lifeless. It was his sort of air freshener. This way he could become one with his work. Sight, taste, smell. All of which is needed in order to make the perfect life. To be the bringer of death one must be one with death. The man brought his hands up and started to feel his body. Every time he takes a whiff of the air it was just ecstasy. Life could not be more perfect. Such an occasion seemed to be the perfect moment for song.

I'm in heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
The happiness I seek
When we're out together
Dancing cheek to cheek

The words seemed to skip from his mouth in sudden joy as he moved and danced across the floor touching each of the faces of those who are dead and smelling the fear from those who were clinging to life.

I'm in heaven
And the cares
That hung around me
Through the week
Seem to vanish
Like a gamblers
Lucky streak
When we're out together
Dancing cheek to cheek


He moved and danced until finally he reached one of his victims on the wall. He was happy and singing until he reached a certain client of his. As of last night she was alive. That was the key word alive. This was such an important client of his. He needed the information in order to continue forward. But alas, there she was limp and frozen by the clutches of death. The man went in closer and let his hand glide up her body until reaching her neck. Here he felt for a pulse. Silence. He smelled her body and went in closer to listen for a breath. Silence. The man stepped back and examined the body further. The lips seemed to crust over and the eyes were blood shot.

The man crossed his arms and tapped his foot in frustration. The girl died from malnourishment and dehydration. She did not die by his hands. The man took a breath as his eye twitched. He shuddered from the rage brewing inside his body. He turned abruptly and called out. "Who...." He said with a chilling calmness. "Was in charge of our clients well being?" He said with a twitch in his eye. There from the shadows a man came forth. He was dressed in a medics gown with blades on the holster. The man raised his hand softly. They dont speak while the man is working. He does not like to have the sounds of his singing to be interrupted by the noise of his employees.

The man moved forward to a cluster of operating tables. His hand touching the cool metal. Letting his fingers caress the dull shine. "What have i told you about this..." He said backing away from the table to the wall. "What have I told you about taking care of our clients?" His back pressed against the wall. A tear forming from his eyes and falling softly from his cheek. The worker froze unable to move. "It is know she did not die the right way..." His hand moved slowly up the wall. "She did not die to the music....My music...My art..." His hand moved up until it stopped slightly. "Well..." He said taking a breath. "She was supposed to die by my hand now someone is going to have to take her place." In a flash his hand grabbed a Fuma Shuriken that was laying on the wall and threw it with deadly accuracy at the worker. In a flash the man died. "IT IS YOUR FAULT" He said running over to the newly dead corpse. "IT IS YOUR FAULT SHE DIED" He said kicking and kicking. The bones of the dead was breaking with each strike.

"Now your bones will be my music.."
He said with a giggle. A giggle that formed into a laughter. A chilling laughter. There he continued to sing his little song and dance around the room.

Who was this man? His name is known by a few but feared by all. His name is Alistair. The leader of the Black Arm Gang.

[NOTE: This is an entrance/introduction post. Tril and Gin have my permission to skip over my post until they are ready for Alistairs interaction]

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