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1The Black 'armless Gang [SS-Sunagakure] Empty The Black 'armless Gang [SS-Sunagakure] Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:50 pm


Mission name: The Black 'armless Gang
Mission rank: SS
Objective: Defeat Alistair and shut down the Black Arm Gang
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 5000
Mission description: After years of searching, Trilby has finally found the location of the Black Arm Gang. These slavers captured his parents, and even with Baron Yoku shut down they continue to operate, capturing caravans and innocent civilians. Seeking to shut down their campaign of terror once and for all, Trilby and Gin plan to travel into the black hills in the northern expanse of Sunagakure and destroy their main compound by any means necessary.
Mission details: Gin and Trilby will travel to the Black Mountains and assault the underground fortress. Alistair, the leader of the Black Arm Gang, who will be controlled by Dax, shall be found in his office at the basement level. Gin and Trilby must defeat and capture Alistair, destroy the compound and then interrogate Alistair for information. Once tortured, Alistair will reveal information that causes Trilby to turn on Gin, and when she tries to stop him from leaving, a fight will break out. After the fight ends, Trilby will flee, and will become a missing ninja.

Name: Alistair
Age: 43
General Appearance:
Personality: Alistair is a sadomasochist; he delights in both receiving and inflicting pain. In combat, he always trys to extend his victims agony for as long as he possibly can, and will often mock an enemies efforts to harm him as being inexperienced and weak. As a leader, Alistair is a cold and stern commander, and will happily slaughter subordinates that fail him, often publically and painfully to make them serve as an example.
Motivations: Alistair was raised in the Black Arm Gang, and taught to value money and power above all else. As such, he always seeks to increase his grasp on both, by expanding his personal power, the power of his army, and most importantly, his bank account.
Fears: Alistair has no fears. All forms of fear have been beaten out of him by years of service in the Black Arm Gang.

Chakra: 250/250

Ninjutsu - SS Rank
Kenjutsu - SS Rank
Medical Ninjutsu - S rank

Water - SS Rank
Fire - SS Rank
Wind - S Rank

Alistair has the following items:
Kunai X2
Shuriken x10
Senbon x20
Fuma shuriken x3 [attached to the walls of his office, so readily reachable by anyone if fighting inside his office]
generic C rank katana


Katon: Ryuen Hoka no Jutsu:
Katon: Goka Mekkyaku no Jutsu:
Katon: Goka Messhitsu:
Water Release : Water Dragon Bullet:
Futon: Ryuusui:
Futon: Rasen Fuusen:
Futon: Reppusho:
Futon: Kazejuugan:
Wind Style: Storm Shuriken:
Futon: tatsumaki yurasu:
Futon: Fujin no Jutsu:
Chakra no Mesu:



Approved. Enjoy.

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