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1Headshots are for newbs [Jutsu Training] Empty Headshots are for newbs [Jutsu Training] Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:19 pm



.50 Cal:

A pale hand with longer fingers covered his mouth before the yawn softly escaped. He was tired, but that run had been more than fun. He had been so focused on the idea of getting them to their current location faster that he didn't think of the consequences on his body, especially added on the two females he had carried no matter how light weight the pair had been. Still, he had got a good bit of sleep; damn near twelve hours given the way the sun was peaking over the rocky out crop they had stopped by. He had honestly been just too damned tired to care much where he laid his head when they had arrived.

His stomach grumbled as it too woke up. The same hand that had been used to cover his mouth when he yawned now went down to his thin gut, where it rested for a moment. 'Yeah, yeah.. I hear you. No need to shout.', he thought as he reached over to his pack with his free hand. He dug around for a moment, shifting through the items until he felt the cool, smooth coating of the apple he had stuffed in there. He pulled it free and took a bite out of it.


'Mmm, just perfect.', he thought before opening his mouth, teeth slicing through the flesh of the apple and into the innards as he bit off another piece. Once again his mouth went to work, crushing the whole lot into a swallow friendly size; he did not want to risk choking after all, as it would be fool hardy to die in such a method, struck down by fruit? That was laughable, that was insane, even! Absurd! The chewing and swallowing process repeated several times, as the flesh was repeatedly bitten into with bright white teeth.


He stared down at the empty apple core, slightly saddened by the loss. The entire time he could feel his hunger ebbing away. He felt his strength slowly returning. It started first from his stomach, spreading into his chest. From there it went to his head, causing him to feel far more awake than he had before. It then spread down his shoulders and into his arms, not stopping until its reached his fingers. He stared down at the hand not currently holding the apple, flexing his fingers at the feeling. 'It's miraculous how something so innocent and small like an apple can cause such an effect on me.', he thought to himself as the feeling continued to spread down his body, going into his thighs, to his calves, and then into his feet, not stopping until it reached his toes. He felt... rejuvenated, vitalized. He felt like he could lift up a mountain and play catch with it. He chuckled at himself for his thoughts and shook his head.

He tossed the apple core off into some grass, figuring if anything it would end up becoming some food for the local wild life.. if there was any. He was sure there was, but he had not had the pleasure of coming across any so far. Perhaps later he'd investigate further. For now, he had a pressing matter at hand. During his very long bit of sleep he had dreamed, repeatedly, over a jutsu that he had thought over a long while ago. He had dreamed of it from every single angle there was imaginable. From above. From the left. From the right. From different angles. Hell, he had dreamed as if he were watching it from the ground itself. It was a simple idea, but he had a book he needed to read first. So, now with his hands free from his small but rather tasty breakfast he began to dig through his pack again. He had packed rather well, so it took a few moments to fish the book out he was looking for in particular.

'Aha!', he thought to himself as he felt the particular coarseness of the book he had been looking for in particular. He pulled it free and sat it on his lap, taking a moment to shut his pack back up. He opened the book, which creaked from the lack of being used recently. He ran his fingers over the cool page for a moment, staring at the flourished black writing. The book had been hand written long ago, each copy of it had. Which is why he always took the time to appreciate it, and to enjoy the lovely hand writing for what it was; perfect and personal. It took someone who loved their work a lot to want to hand write anything in this day and age; which is why he liked this book above the others he had found on the topic at hand. He let himself appreciate it for a moment longer before he began to turn the pages slowly and carefully.


He paused on the page he had left a book mark in and began to read it over. It described what different amounts of Raiton were capable of doing to varies items, including human flesh and bone. It spared no detail on the graphic violence, and the pictures were equally as gruesome. One showed a picture of someone who had been literally cooked with Raiton from the inside out. Another showed someone with several nasty electrical looking burns. Each of them were life like, as if they could leap right off of the page and take solid form. He read over the passages provided several times over again, absorbing the knowledge, freshening his mind.

When he was finished with his studying he carefully closed the book, which made a creak as if protesting its ending as the provider of knowledge. He chuckled again at his thoughts and opened up his pack once more. He slipped the book carefully inside, snapping his pack closed afterwards.

He closed his eyes for a moment, imaging the jutsu in as much graphic detail as possible: he would charge Raiton to his pointer finger. Making it into a ball of sorts. He already knew he'd probably have to brace his arm as it charged. It would grow larger and larger until it stopped about the size of a basketball. From there he would 'fire' it, launching it forward at speeds that would rival any kunai thrown by even the most skilled ninja, three times faster to be exact. The devastation it would cause was left to be seen, which was why he had to test it out just like any other jutsu. But, he assumed and was rather sure that it would be devastating in its power. Absolutely destructive if he had played his cards right; and he was always careful with the hand he had been dealt. He couldn't help the slight smile that slipped across his face at those thoughts; he might try and avoid violence at all costs, but going in unprepared was foolish. He knew what the world was capable of, and if he had to, he would use everything available to him in his power to put a stop to all of the constant warring that was going on these days. This was just one more thing he could use to protect those he cared about. So, he figured it was time to stop sitting around, meditating on the jutsu and actually give it a try.

With that thought in mind he stood up, leaving his pack and items where they were for the moment. He knew his traveling companions weren't far away, and he was sure they wouldn't allow him to be robbed. So, for now, he put that worry out of his mind and kept his focus on his task at hand; .50 Cal.

He needed a target to practice against, something that would not cause all kinds of hell when it was destroyed, or at least broken and in need of repair. He saw a few trees nearby, with a few boulders lying around too; not that it mattered... there were boulders everywhere in their current location. Anyway, back to focusing.

He walked over to the trees, mentally deciding which would make the best target for his practice. Well, since he wanted to do the most damage and only have to go through this once to see its devastation, least he draws unwanted attention to their little group, he chose the bigger of the trees, the thickest one. He thought over how best to position himself, he was positive that there would be a great amount of kick back from when the jutsu was fired, incredibly sure that there would be enough to probably even send him flying backwards if his stance wasn't perfect for the impact; braced even.

So, he widened his stance, getting into the most braced position that he could. Once satisfied he at least wouldn't be sent flying backwards out of control he prepared for the next step; the jutsu itself. He held out his arm, a wreath of Raiton chakra beginning to encircle his arm right arm, causing a small ball to form at the top of his fingers. As the ball grew larger he found himself using his left arm to brace his right and keep it steady. He kept this up until the ball was as large as a basketball. From there he took in a deep breath and exhaled, firing the ball straight at the targeted tree. His entire form skidded backwards a good five or so feet, but with the stance he was in he was able to keep his balance and therefore keep himself from flying backwards uncontrollably.

Of course, he was damn sure he had woken up his traveling companions as he heard the overly large impact of the tree; his jutsu had blown a rather large hole straight through it. A satisfied grin spread across his face as he lowered his arms. He turned back towards their little camp with a chuckle, figuring he might as well explain himself a bit... they might have still been asleep after all, though after the ruckus he had just made he doubted they still were now.

Word Count: 1,712 / 1,500

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