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1Nursery Helper -D- {Mission} Empty Nursery Helper -D- {Mission} Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:00 pm



Kami was exhausted from cleaning up the library for nearly half of the whole day, but of course the Librarian mission as started real early in the A. M and now Kami feels like he has energy for another mission, and hopefully this one is more worthy of a shinobis abilities. As he left to the mission board he seen that the next mission in store for him was not one fit for a shinobi or at least not one that is not a medical ninja or for the very least a mother. The mission that was next was called, “Nursery Helper,” and one could imagine the horrors that the mission is going to bring and for someone who doesn’t like babies like Kami, the mission is going to me a thousand times worst. Kami went on to do the mission but with his head down, he was in need of action but he was out of luck, luckily though the money problem was getting fixed and the more missions Kami did the better. When Kami reached the Hospital he noticed that the hospital already had a few shinobis taking care of babies and the reason they needed more was because it was an influx of newborns. Kami wondered what could have spawned from this generations baby boom, and nothing came to his mind but then again one thing was for certain, he needed to take care of a lot of babies and not even having an extra body like Akuma will be much help on this one. Kami fear and theory was correct has he was forced to hold the newborns with his bare hands as the nurses continuously spoke about not trusting the puppet holding a new born child. Kami never seen anybody in Suna not like his puppet or puppets at all, but it wasn’t much of a surprise to Kami that they wouldn’t let the puppet hold a child.

Time was going slower then it has ever and Kami was looking more bored by the minute. Kami was bored, and so bored that he resorted to sitting on a rocking chair while looking at his puppet. Kami left Akuma in the corner and he was looking at his puppets lifeless body and even imagined his life as a puppet or Akumas as a human. Kami has always been a big fan of the Pinocchio stores, of the puppet that came to life and he has wished for a long time to own such a puppet, or for the very least create it. Kami wasn’t alone while taking care of the babies, like he said before, he seen a few other shinobis of his rank looking if not as bored as Kami then they are looking twice as bored, some kids even decided to take matter into their own hands and just leave. Kami wished he could do that but he needed the mission completion and the money, so there was no way he was going to quit now that he came this far. The clock was running out and it appeared to everyone that the mission was near completion. All the genins were happy but they did not celebrate because after 5 hours they finally put them all to sleep at the same time. The genins in that nursery became friends since taking care of all of those annoying babies became a bonding experience for most. Kami was ready to leave though as he did not enjoy the time he spent here at all, and before he left he had to wait for the nurses to come back and they did not to long after Kami put on his jacket.

614/600 for D-Rank Nursery Helper, and with a 60 Ryo reward

2Nursery Helper -D- {Mission} Empty Re: Nursery Helper -D- {Mission} Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:11 am



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