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1[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Empty [Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Mon Jun 17, 2019 9:31 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven KsLhYgo

Tanzaku Gai
Mission name: Secrets of the Universe: The Sword of Destiny
Mission rank: B-rank
Objective: To learn greater secrets is to deal with greater threats.
Location: Kaminari no Kuni | Tanzaku Gai
Reward: 500 ryo
Mission Description: The 'Sword of Destiny' is an old ritualistic sword crafted from jade. It holds little combat value but once every so often it is brought towards the yamabushi living deep within treacherous mountains to restore it's supposed indestructibility. Take the blade, bring it to the yamabushi, and bring it back.
Mission Details: 2500 wc
Unique relics such as these are often the target of collectors, so not surprisingly someone's out to ambush you and steal it while you're on the road. Your opponent is a gang of thugs who are familiar with the mountains of Kumogakure. Four (4) of them have C-2 stats across the board while their leader has B-1 stats across the board and is capable of using B-rank jutsu (element/specs up to the writer).

2[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Empty Re: [Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:27 am

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Suzume, the Hermit of the Valley of Mountains. That might be the best name to adopt in the current situation, considering the relation between Tanzaku Gai and Kumogakure was a poor one. It was a name Mizuki had used before when she lived in seclusion within Iwagakure, where she had exiled herself in search of enlightenment. An answer to what was to be done about Kumogakure as it suffered under the reign of the mad god. Months had passed before the Universe had spoken, but she returned a changed person when she stepped down from the frigid peaks of the mountains. The Sage had been born, her task no longer that of a diplomat but of an enlightened scholar seeking to disperse the brooding darkness blinding Kumogakure and reshaping the future of the young into something more bright. Something worth to believe in, something worth fighting for but most of all something to be proud about.

Along the road towards the more enlightened city of Kaminari no Kuni was a member of that new shinobi generation - Kyousuke. The heir of a prestigious Kumogakure clan who hoped to find a way within Hastur's darkness. He too sought to steer his clan into a brighter future, away from the mad god. In his current position and age, that path had been hardly possible as stagnancy and traditional loyalty has placated his clan, until the Resistance had crossed his path. They had carved out a new path and therefore a new branch which could bloom under his decisions. Requested to be further taught, the hermit had nodded in acceptance. She would teach him. Show him the art of diplomacy, challenge him to improve his already impressive kenjutsu fighting style and open his mind towards enlightenment so that he could temper war-like power with universal wisdom. After all, even the single most powerful warrior eventually succumbed to Death itself.

"This is Tanzaku Gai, Kyousuke-kun. Once we enter the city, please call me Suzume, which is my yamabushi name. It could play in Kumogakure's favour if a Kumo-nin such as yourself is considered a trustworthy person by a hermit. If this approach works, you might become a prominent figure and diplomatic contact between Kumogakure and Tanzaku Gai in a near future.", she instructed him. Other than being a heir to his clan, he had wanted to learn what it was to be a diplomatic figure. A man with the influence to steer the direction of masses by mere words, an art to which Mizuki would often say, "The result of a battle is often determined before the first draw of the blade."

It was not just a reference to one's willpower and battle readiness but also to their willingness to listen and respect the opponent. An open mind would not underestimate its opponent, while a peaceful tongue and good pair of ears could come to agreeable solutions without the need for bloodshed. The blade, while a powerful tool, was one which she considered to be a 'last resolve', and only to defend Life. A blade not sustained by benevolence was nothing different than a Man without humanity.


3[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Empty Re: [Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:07 pm



Tomohiro was nothing more than a shadow within the peaks of Kumogakure. He hadn’t made much contact with anyone for awhile. The Nakir monk had kept himself mostly isolated or two himself. It had been him and Assam braving it out with each other. He hoped that the tiger would stay out of trouble. The Nakir compound wasn’t generally made to house such a beast. Though, the tiger was young and gentle. There were times that he could get a bit rowdy. Assam had warmed up to his younger brother, Mitsuhide. It gave the younger boy company and didn’t leave Assam locked up in Tomohiro’s living quarters. That was one thing that he was able to put to rest. Assam’s condition seemed to keep him anxious. His anxiety was also part of the reason that he didn’t train the tiger cub to his true potential. Tomohiro sighed at the thought of having to bring the tiger into combat. He would need to start off small and gradually build his experience. The ninneko would be an integral part in his future fighting style, but he wasn’t so excited about it. There was a lot that he wished he could teach the tiger, but he simply thought that he was too young.

He decided to take on this mission as an additional party. Tomohiro wasn’t truly needed, but he wouldn’t miss out on going on a mission with an old squad mate. He sort of missed those days, but there was no point in reminiscing on the past. Tomohiro wanted to pave a new path for himself. He wasn’t sure of what that path was, but he hoped he would find it. Sometimes you were just in the background of someone else's story. It was something that he came to accept, but at the same he wanted to fight it. The only thing he currently sought after was trying to get stronger. It wasn’t necessarily for himself, but it was for the love of Kumogakure. The strong emotions he had were almost unmatched. Tomohiro made sure to keep them bottled away as much as he could. Emotions were a way that could negatively affect you if you didn’t have them in check. Tomohiro attempted to remove his feelings from his career as a shinobi. He had a long way to go. Tomohiro began meditating again after having not done so in a long time. It was his current way of dealing with things. His methodolatry was that of his ancestors. It worked for them and it would work for him.

Tomohiro listened to the words of his former squadmate. He would take notice that she would want to be called her hermit name. It wasn’t a name he was too familiar with, but he understood. The word of advice she gave, “The result of a battle is often determined before the first draw of the blade." It reminded him of advice that their former sensei would provide. The quote held true. Unlike Mizuki, he found didn’t consider his blade a last resort. It was a tool that he would align to himself when the need called. Tomohiro though he was trying to control his emotions. He knew that he was slowly, but surely losing his humanity. Tomohiro enjoyed killing. Taking out the enemies of Kumogakure gave him pleasure. It didn’t even matter if it was truly for Kumo or his own delight. There was a dark side within him. It was a dark side that he wasn’t sure how long he could control it. Though, he was determined to do whatever he could to control it.


4[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Empty Re: [Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:04 pm


[Mission | Invite] A Road to Heaven Cropped-56293058_p0

Early morning, just as it was before when his mentor had taken him out on his first official B-ranked mission. The heir remembered it vividly, it was a mission he took in stride and with complete overconfidence. Back then he had seen it as nothing more than an outing, and all though the threat of death had been present he had always felt himself untouchable, besides there was no way a bunch of no name bandits could have ever taken the Sasaki clan’s heir. It was a day that felt like a lifetime ago even though it had only been a few days, give or take, past a month. So much had changed since then, now he was a proven chunin of Kumogakure with merits in battle to his name, though the praise he had received was more a reminder of his failure than anything worth smiling about. Recovered from his injuries and medically cleared, he was now finally fit to return to his shinobi duties after the weeks passed of being relegated to the confines of his bed. Now here he was once more out on another mission with Mizuki. Similar to the last errand they had run, the two of them were once again assigned outside of Kumogakure no Sato, this time on Tanzaku Gai. Though he had lived his entire life within Kaminari no Kuni, the spiritual nature of the country had not been one he had thoroughly explored outside of the Sasaki clan’s own Ganryu Island where he had lived for two years as part of his trials. The upwards trek of the mountain was easy enough, nothing too unlike anything a shinobi from the Hidden Clouds wouldn’t already be accustomed to, though the view was breathtaking as it always was. Still a walk away from the actual town of Kenkami, the oldest of their country.

The heir looked at it with silent awe, face expressionless as his body continued to follow behind his mentor. Though his golden eyes looked onward to the destination eagerly awaiting to see what lie beneath the gates. He could feel a strange calming aura as they grew closer, seemingly ridding the newly arrived shinobi of the negative emotions riddled in his mind. The sensory of natural chakra he had gained began to act up, almost as if reacting to something within the city. Nearing the area, his mentor would give a request to use her Yamabushi name as well as slip the reason as to why she had chosen to bring Kyousuke along for the ride. The heir was to gain the trust of the other mountain hermits, hopefully building the first bridges of a growing relationship between Kumogakure and Tanzaku Gai. It was a smart idea considering that the Sasaki clan’s own Matagi Shingan could only be accessed through such devotion into one’s own spirituality, which probably meant that he too would have something to gain from the other Yamabushi. He fixed the single sword attached to his waist and nodded behind his mentor.


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