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1Get the Cat(Private/Mission) Empty Get the Cat(Private/Mission) Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:59 pm



Night time was quickly approaching Kumogakure as the same sun that would shine so brightly in the sky to illuminate dwindle. The great thing about being a resident in Kumogakure was how brightly the stars shined in the sky of the mountain village. It was times like these when Sanosuke would rather just spend the night watching the night sky. The stars in Kumo was just so bright and shiny that it was mystifying to Sanosuke.

But Sanosuke didn't have that luxury. Even though it was night time, Sanosuke still needed money. He had food to buy, after training Sanosuke would get so hungry that he would just go to a buffet in Kumogakure and pig out. After learning 2 B ranked jutsu in one day, it left he chuunin so hungry that the cute vassal of the Akako Dojo, who gave him water, had to escort him to the buffet. He was so embarrassed at his weakness that he treated her to a meal as a token of his thanks. It was fun, he had bought sake and had so much food that it made the vassal blush in shock as she saw Sanosuke wolf down his massive portions.

After they finished while tipsy, he walked the vassal back to the Akako Dojo. He assumed that the vassal lived there so he might as well. The vassal said her thanks and disappeared in the dojo, Sanosuke smiled and walked back to town. He had to go through the heart of the Kumo to get back home. The mountain trail that Sanosuke needed to take was just on the opposite end of Kumo's central villa.

As he walked, he let out a weary some yawn there was just so much to do that Sanosuke wasn't feeling like taking another step. The mission Sanosuke had taken up a mission where he had to stop a cat burglar who was stealing the valuables of many Kumo residents. He had to capture her and send her to the interrogation chamber of Kumogakure. Sounded pretty simple. But Sanosuke was too exhausted to begin searching for a cat burglar as he was; although he wouldn't like to admit it, Sanosuke was beginning to get intoxicated. His vision was slightly more blurred as he walked, no he would hunt down the cat burglar tomorrow night. He would just have to post pone training until he did so.

There was a a scuffle of movement that even a buzzed Sanosuke could tell wasn't something you would normally hear in Kumo's center villa. Sanosuke turned his head to the noise of the disturbance, it was there he saw a black female silhouette. The shadow was stooped low on a rooftop and stared back at Sanosuke. Moonlight shined and showed a good luck at the shadow.

The shadow was actually an extremely attractive female that stared at Sanosuke with a sleek black latex cat mask that covered only the top half of her head. She wore a matching black latex jump suit that seemed to be connected to the woman's mask. Sanosuke didn't fail to notice that the woman's latex jump suit clung to her skin tightly to show a woman with an hour glass like body. Her thighs were toned and there was cleavage in her jump suit that revealed that she had extremely perky and looked like D cups. For a second, Sanosuke was pretty sure that his near drunk mind was making her hotter than she actually was. But deep down inside Sanosuke knew that his mind wasn't really trying all that hard to make her hotter than she already was. Shaking his head to rid himself of all temptations so he can look at the myserious woman again but more properly, on her back was a sack that clinked slightly with metallic clinks. If Sanosuke didn't know any better, he would say that they were valuables. So this woman was the cat burglar; makes sense since she's dressed like a cat.

The woman winked at Sanosuke before taking off on the rooftops to escape Sanosuke. Sanosuke smirked, half drunk and on a rooftop chase against a fast burglar. Sounds like fun. Sanosuke jumped up on the rooftop that the cat woman was standing on. He landed on the roof's edge, the alcohol was slightly having an impact on his movements. He would have to end this quickly. Already she was almost out of his sight, as Sanosuke gave chase. He was hopping over rooftop after rooftop to catch up with the cat burglar. But she was way too fast for Sanosuke; with every rooftop Sanosuke had hopped over, she would have jumped over 3. It wouldn't be too long until Sanosuke lost the girl completely if he didn't do something right away.

Sanosuke stood on a chimney and began focusing chakra around his body. It would be the first time he would be using this jutsu outside of training. He opened his eyes and his left eye activated the seal release. He smirked as more chakra focused onto his left eye, his left eye's whiteness was then changed from white to green. It was time to see what this new form can do. Sanosuke dashed at the car burglar at speeds that would have made a random passerby think Sanosuke was flying through the air. He was hopping 2 roofs a time. And was already catching up to the burglar. She looked at the incoming Sanosuke as she ran and sneered at him. "Well aren't you full of surprises?" she sneered as she ran.

Sanosuke sneered back, wind was whipping through his hair as he moved. He let the chakra die down in his eye so the green in his left eye turned back to white. The demonic symbol was still in his eye and made his chakra gather only in his body. "And I'm filled with much more" Sanosuke laughed out and made his chakra explode outwards at the cat burglar he was picking up speed. "Paradigm Shift" Sanosuke roared and shot himself directly at the cat burglar and readied his sword to strike her down.

When Sanosuke was now past the cat burglar, he flipped upside down in midair so that he can more smoothly get his sword out his sheathe and made a jab at the burglar. She cursed underneath her teeth as she saw the sword coming expecting a death. What she got instead was a small jab by the point of the sword. "Taiho!" Sanosuke said before blasting the burglar downwards to a rooftop. The burglar screamed in pain as she hit the rooftop hard and rolled limply. Sanosuke cursed underneath his breath as he landed. He ran towards the burglar to inspect the body. He wasn't trying to kill it would be his first kill. And he didn't want it to end like this, not like this. When he looked, he saw that what had been hit was a log that had a note attached to it.

Opening up the note, he read that it was written by the cat burglar and it said I had fun with you my pet. All my stolen goods are hidden in the abandon mine. I'll play with you soon - Celine ;). Sanosuke blushed as he looked at the coordinates of where exactly he would find the goods. He would give this to the Raikage so they can get the goods back. He looked into the sky to smile as he thought of the cat burglar who escaped him. So your name is Celine, okay I'll capture you little cat Sanosuke thought as he hopped down the rooftop and to the administration building to give them what he had found.

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