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1Fill-in Waiter -C- {Mission} Empty Fill-in Waiter -C- {Mission} Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:44 pm



Kami has already been through a number of back - breaking duties for his village, of course they weren’t life threatening but they were missions none – the - less. Kami knew that in order for him to get ahead in the shinobi world he will have to complete missions even if he disliked the actual event. Mission are their to create a stability within an economy and all jobs no matter how awful must be done by somebody or else nobody will be doing it. Everyone is meant for something and everyone is meant to stay on their lain when they find their something, completing missions in order to get what he wants became Kami’s lain and right now his next mission is called, “Fill in for a Waiter.” The name of the mission is exactly what it sounds like, it has no hidden meaning or symbolism behind it, the Kazekage wanted to simply leave Kami in a restaurant to serve people thanks to the missing waiter that probably faked his sickness anyways. Luckily enough the restaurant that needed the waiter is one of Kamis favorite restaurants and they sell the best burgers and fries there, he remembers going when he was young and saying that the restaurant had the best food ever. Kami hasn’t been there in a while but when he arrived everything looked the same and even the food smelled, better than ever. Kami was becoming more and more fond of the idea that he will be staying there for a while, thinking mostly about the food he is going to stuff his face in. Although as soon as he got there the manager began speaking and the first thing that came out of his mouth was… “You like the food huh? Well you can’t eat. Not until after all these tables have been waited, only after then would you be in the clear and good to go, or even eat if you like.” Kami could not believe the horror he was put in but he needed to cooperate if he wanted to eat before leaving this place.

It may have been one of the longest days ever but Kami was handling it. This job wasn’t strict on puppet master, puppet using so Akuma was a great waiter and even the customers that are considered regulars really instigated the idea of Akuma being a main attraction for the restaurant. Seeing the puppet fly around giving people their food in elaborate ways really made Kami appreciate his puppet even more then the huge love he already has for it. Kami believes that Akuma is his best fried and the night in that restaurant the people got to see why as Kami played with the puppet, making it seem as if it was alive and speaking. It was funny and entertaining, some even said that Kami is a great ventriloquist and that he may have a gift for that skill, Kami listened to the advice that was given and gave it some thought, maybe that fan was on to something here. After a little while Kami looked at the time and he was shocked to see that the time was running out. “Time really does fly when you are having fun.” Those were the words that Kami repeatedly said to the manager of the restaurant and every time he said this the manager would reply by saying, “well, you always have a job here you know.” Kami would laugh at that knowing that he couldn’t be serious, as a shinobi, Kami needs to become a powerful warrior and there is no way Kami will give it up for a little bit of fame and fortune, so after the mission was completed Kami left.

624/600 for Fill-in Waiter D-Rank and a reward of 60 Ryo

2Fill-in Waiter -C- {Mission} Empty Re: Fill-in Waiter -C- {Mission} Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:11 am



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