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1Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Empty Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:45 pm



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2Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Empty Re: Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:49 pm



The Hot Spot (Five 'babies' for update per wave)

Static Sabre:

Wind Style:

Aero Burst:

Chakra Welding Techniqe:

Art of Dissolution:

Last edited by Kisei on Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:49 am; edited 6 times in total

3Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Empty Re: Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:45 pm



Kisei wrote:
The Hot Spot (Five 'babies' for update per wave)

Static Sabre:

Wind Style:

Aero Burst:

Chakra Welding Techniqe:

Art of Dissolution:

Please put "N/A" or "None" only when you have no hand seals or activation requirements (as in using the max effect). I'm not sure on some of these whether they're supposed to have it, and it throws off trying to ascertain their balance.

Static Sabre doesn't say what happens if the head is hit other than the chest is 'also' affected. This seems to imply something is supposed to happen when the head is hit. Also, your duration and description don't match - does the paralysis/numbing(?) last for 3 posts or 1?

Crescent Breeze has a word missing in the first sentence. Seems fine at first glance, though you should match up your projectile sizes x numbers with the radii for this rank (as it would use the Multiple Projectiles rules). This might throw off whether you can use no hand seals on this technique, if that was the case.

Aero Burst - again, not sure if you wanted a No Hand Seals effect here or not. You don't need a hand free to shrug (which is the essence of what hand seals as an activation requirement are).

Chakra Welding should have a maximum rank of damage/item that it can repair. The example B-rank seems fair, since C-rank damage rarely affects A-rank or higher items.

Negation can't get a max effect (use any of the caster's elements) for having Touch range.

4Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Empty Re: Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:50 am



Think I've addressed all the concerns(?)

5Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Empty Re: Ushinatta, Kisei [Jutsu Update] Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:29 am



Kisei wrote:
The Hot Spot (Five 'babies' for update per wave)

Static Sabre:

Wind Style:

Aero Burst:

Chakra Welding Techniqe:

Art of Dissolution:

Static Sabre
- How would the caster decide if there's the exact same distance between the two legs? Wouldn't the person getting hit get to decide it? It's treading a bit on godmodding (deciding things for someone else). Also it's up to the opponent almost always where they get hit, so wouldn't it make more sense for them to decide?
- Also it has too many values. You have 1 max for duration and another max for amount of limbs affected.

Crescent Breeze
- How are the wind blasts created if they come from any point of the body, or any point of an item?
- Remove this sentence: "The caster can produce multiple wind blasts but each blast shrinks the size of the blasts."
- "*Meaning after three hits to the same spot the damage caps off" That should be after 5 hits. 3 * 0.5 is 1.5 not 2.5 .
- Has too many values. Homing effect is a mid effect and you have max radius.

Aero Burst
- Approved.

Chakra Welding
- Approved.

- Approved.

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