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1Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:18 am



None :)

Last edited by Kenshin on Fri Mar 22, 2019 12:13 am; edited 6 times in total

2Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Re: Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:48 am



Kenshin wrote:
Arrow Gust:

Arrow Redirection:

Bow Protection:

Charged Arrow Strike:

Arc Restraint:

First of, for all jutsu you can set the cooldown to N/A. They're currently only relevant for S-rank techniques. For all the jutsu that use "Specialty: Kyujutsu" that needs to be changed as well, since Kyujutsu is not a specialization.

Arrow Redirection
- Has too many values. It has two max values in the range and no hand seals. The effect that's happening is similar to homing and therefor counts at least as a mid effect, putting you over the values allowed.

Bow Protection
- Change imperial numbers to metric.

Charged Arrow Strike
- Wouldn't the range be self, seeing as the chakra is put into the arrow and then shot? Wherever the arrow lands is where the chakra discharges?
- Also why does this cost 10 chakra extra??
- The above thing would also solve the issue of having 2 max values. (Range and the debuff)

3Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Re: Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Mon Mar 04, 2019 12:25 pm



Fixed everything you touched on. Ready for moderation.

4Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Re: Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:27 pm



Kenshin wrote:
Arrow Gust:

Arrow Redirection:

Bow Protection:

Charged Arrow Strike:

Arc Restraint:

Arrow Gust doesn't necessarily need the clause; jutsu buffs to m/s speed stack until they hit the global hard-cap of 200m/s. How is this a 25m radius jutsu when it activates when you shoot the arrow?

Bow Protection: How large is the aura? Specify that it protects against jutsu attacks, as well - don't want semantics arguments later on. (If it does rebuff physical assaults like weapons or taijutsu, how does it do so?)

Arrow Redirection and Charged Arrow Strike are Approved.

5Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Re: Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Fri Mar 08, 2019 7:19 pm



Updated and moved the approved ones.

6Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Empty Re: Mori, Kenshin Jutsu Update Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:03 am



Kenshin wrote:
Arrow Gust:

Bow Protection:

Arc Restraint:

Arrow Gust
- Approved.

Bow protection
- Approved.

Arc Restraint
- Approved.

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