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1Shibō Risu Empty Shibō Risu Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:09 pm



Name: Shibō Risu (Fat Squirrel)
Species: Giant Flying Squirrel
Rank: E
Specializations: Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
Elements: N/A
Shibō Risu is by all accounts a small, immature representative of his species, with a main body of about five inches and a nearly nine inch long tail. The true length of the squirrels body is concealed by a rounded stature related to the anatomical adaptation of its bone structure and development of a unique membrane  all to facilitate ‘flying’, or rather gliding means of transport. It is deceivingly light at only about three and a half lbs, with the largest feature on its body being a tail that weighs next to nothing but serves the purpose of an airfoil and brake while airborne, through articulation of the tails itself and manipulating follicle muscles to erect hairs thereby affecting drag and air flow. To her ire and Takahiro's amusement she is admittedly rotund on account of the excess membranous skin and thick fur and appears to become much thinner, 'lithe' when in a gliding action, or with her chute-like membranes exposed.
Since acquiring her, Takahiro has proceeded to train her with relative ease as she’s responded well to his demeanor, snacks, and incessant travels. She is after all a rather lazy being, choosing to conserve energy whenever possible by nestling within his clothes or perching atop his head or shoulder when wanting to observe. She either takes to you or doesn’t, and this rarely changes despite one’s efforts albeit Shibō is mindful enough to not act generally in a manner of negative consequence to her owner. When circumstances allow, Shibō has an independent streak that sees her straying away at times from Takahiro, as he allows, in pursuit of something interesting, or merely at times to exercise her freedom and instincts.

Shibō has a high regard for herself and the simple struggle for existence that most animals lead, and after spending time in the presence of increasing numbers of humans, within their society, she feels that they are confusing creatures who bring about their own undoing and often make ill decisions. But Takahiro is seen in a different light, someone unique, he’s an aberration to her that renews her faith and instills loyalty to his cause.
Techniques: N/A

2Shibō Risu Empty Re: Shibō Risu Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:05 pm



Nora wrote:Name: Shibō Risu (Fat Squirrel)
Species: Giant Flying Squirrel
Rank: E
Specializations: Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
Elements: N/A
Shibō Risu is by all accounts a small, immature representative of his species, with a main body of about five inches and a nearly nine inch long tail. The true length of the squirrels body is concealed by a rounded stature related to the anatomical adaptation of its bone structure and development of a unique membrane  all to facilitate ‘flying’, or rather gliding means of transport. It is deceivingly light at only about three and a half lbs, with the largest feature on its body being a tail that weighs next to nothing but serves the purpose of an airfoil and brake while airborne, through articulation of the tails itself and manipulating follicle muscles to erect hairs thereby affecting drag and air flow. To her ire and Takahiro's amusement she is admittedly rotund on account of the excess membranous skin and thick fur and appears to become much thinner, 'lithe' when in a gliding action, or with her chute-like membranes exposed.
Since acquiring her, Takahiro has proceeded to train her with relative ease as she’s responded well to his demeanor, snacks, and incessant travels. She is after all a rather lazy being, choosing to conserve energy whenever possible by nestling within his clothes or perching atop his head or shoulder when wanting to observe. She either takes to you or doesn’t, and this rarely changes despite one’s efforts albeit Shibō is mindful enough to not act generally in a manner of negative consequence to her owner. When circumstances allow, Shibō has an independent streak that sees her straying away at times from Takahiro, as he allows, in pursuit of something interesting, or merely at times to exercise her freedom and instincts.

Shibō has a high regard for herself and the simple struggle for existence that most animals lead, and after spending time in the presence of increasing numbers of humans, within their society, she feels that they are confusing creatures who bring about their own undoing and often make ill decisions. But Takahiro is seen in a different light, someone unique, he’s an aberration to her that renews her faith and instills loyalty to his cause.
Techniques: N/A

Approved for 1500 ryo!

3Shibō Risu Empty Re: Shibō Risu Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:48 am



Fuyuko wrote:
Nora wrote:Name: Shibō Risu (Fat Squirrel)
Species: Giant Flying Squirrel
Rank: E
Specializations: Ninjutsu / Taijutsu
Elements: N/A
Shibō Risu is by all accounts a small, immature representative of his species, with a main body of about five inches and a nearly nine inch long tail. The true length of the squirrels body is concealed by a rounded stature related to the anatomical adaptation of its bone structure and development of a unique membrane  all to facilitate ‘flying’, or rather gliding means of transport. It is deceivingly light at only about three and a half lbs, with the largest feature on its body being a tail that weighs next to nothing but serves the purpose of an airfoil and brake while airborne, through articulation of the tails itself and manipulating follicle muscles to erect hairs thereby affecting drag and air flow. To her ire and Takahiro's amusement she is admittedly rotund on account of the excess membranous skin and thick fur and appears to become much thinner, 'lithe' when in a gliding action, or with her chute-like membranes exposed.
Since acquiring her, Takahiro has proceeded to train her with relative ease as she’s responded well to his demeanor, snacks, and incessant travels. She is after all a rather lazy being, choosing to conserve energy whenever possible by nestling within his clothes or perching atop his head or shoulder when wanting to observe. She either takes to you or doesn’t, and this rarely changes despite one’s efforts albeit Shibō is mindful enough to not act generally in a manner of negative consequence to her owner. When circumstances allow, Shibō has an independent streak that sees her straying away at times from Takahiro, as he allows, in pursuit of something interesting, or merely at times to exercise her freedom and instincts.

Shibō has a high regard for herself and the simple struggle for existence that most animals lead, and after spending time in the presence of increasing numbers of humans, within their society, she feels that they are confusing creatures who bring about their own undoing and often make ill decisions. But Takahiro is seen in a different light, someone unique, he’s an aberration to her that renews her faith and instills loyalty to his cause.
Techniques: N/A

Approved for 1500 ryo!


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