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1Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:31 am



The sight of blood always excited Izumi, its warm crimson awakening her like nothing else. Izumi's eyes lingered on the crimson pool a bit longer than she probably should have. Izumi had taken a liking to the strange young woman, she couldn't be that much younger than herself in years but in experience there was miles difference, Izumi took Akaneya by the arm and led her down the street towards the Shinwato District once again. “Let's get some ramen, I'll pay again. You remind me of someone I once knew, you know that?” The person to which she referred to was herself but that was of no real consequence it would never come up again. Perhaps there paths didn't have to be different. If this were to be the case Izumi what have to come clean sooner rather than later about her true identity and her true purpose in the Leaf Village. Izumi pondered her options and decided this meal would start as just that, a treat for a young orphan who had a rough lot. Izumi still felt a little bad about snapping, Civilization is making you soft Izumi. Don't forget why you're here. Izumi led the young lady at a leisurely pace towards the ramen shop she'd seen in the Shinwato dragging her along for a conciliatory meal. “You know during my exams in the Cloud District. There was this shop that myself and the other finalist would always meet for lunch. We didn't know we'd be finalists together until we made it, but it developed into the most beautiful friendship that eventually became love. I don't know why I told you, I guess it's just been a while since I've had someone to talk to. My normal line of work doesn't bring me to civilization often.”

Izumi continued on and on with her pointless ramblings but her tone was different than her normal fake niceness, it was just genuine excitement to talk to someone. Izumi began to appreciate Akaneya's presence more and more. Izumi fell silent suddenly when she saw the ramen shop and quickened her pace, dragging the young red head along with herself and straight into the restaurant. Izumi took a seat at the counter and gestured for Akaneya to do the same. Izumi asked the waitress to bring her a lot of sake and some spicy noodles. The wine arrived quickly and Izumi started drinking. Before her third glass, she turned to Akaneya, “So, you're here now. What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in the future?” Izumi downed the glass as quickly as she spoke before pouring another. Izumi went straight back to her drinking in hopes of not betraying that these were the most important questions of the evening. Izumi was getting feel for the young woman's real feelings about the Leaf. Was she as loyal as the average drone or was she just along for the ride like Izumi was when she was in the Mist? Akaneya could prove to be a useful ally in her mission there. Tonight was a night for fun though, she kept trying to shove the thoughts of the assassination to the back of her mind for the night. It was probably not good for her to be stressed out all the time about her mission.

569 words.

2Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:51 am



Akaneya listened somewhat intently as Zhi seemed to recall her own exams. Memories of blood-soaked floors and walls came to her mind, pitiful scraps of food served to the survivors. In a sense, perhaps she was already a Chunin by Otogakure's count, though Konoha seemed all too happy to keep telling her, year after year, not to participate in the exams. Hearing Zhi's tale of finding friendship and love, she found it impossible to sympathize; she'd been offered no such opportunities, and knew that the chance would've only made her weaker. Still, though, she couldn't help but give a mental 'good for you' to the whole story.

It was about that time that more questions came forth, asking in a much more genuine tone than any time before what her plans for the future were. Akaneya, as always, proved herself to be a bastion of directness and honestly. "I don't know. They keep telling me not to take the Exams, but it is unlikely I will stay a genin forever. Maybe I will, it is of no consequence in the end. I exist to make myself useful, as L-" she stumbled on her own words, and tried again, "As I have been taught, as has been revealed to me. If they deem that I must remain a genin to be of best use, then so be it. I shall not sacrifice the Greater for any idiotic notions of pride or arrogance. I heard the stories in Otogakure of those who failed their missions and never returned home because they didn't know when to stop, when to shut up, and when to press. They were killed for their arrogance: it is not bravery, but stupidity, to keep fighting a losing battle."

She sighed, "I will not make a martyr of myself. Dying is simply wasteful. For that, I suppose I shall serve my purpose in this world, whatever it may be, until I no longer can. I-"

She was cut off when the bowl of noodles was placed in front of her. Dragging out the vowel, she looked down at it with an expression mixing shock, disgust, and curiosity. Frantically searching the counter for a spoon, and finding none, she almost seemed to reel back at it. It would become rather immediately clear that the girl had never seen ramen before, and was perhaps offended by its seemingly impossible nature.

3Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:12 pm



Izumi happily drank while she listened to more angsty ramblings, but again she noticed that she stumbled over the name of her teacher in the sound village. She was oddly averse to to using their name or identifying them in any way. Izumi still didn't fully trust her loyalties belonged to the Leaf Village or still to the Sound Village. She said that the Leaf Village routinely denied her applications to the exams, perhaps the village didn't trust her much either Izumi's raiton chakra as usual was flooding the area, searching for familiar chakra signatures. There was one in particular that made Izumi's heart race but that was an issue for another time, the moment she noticed it her snapped in the direction she sensed it in, she couldn't afford for them to see her here, not now at least. Luckily, they were headed in away from the pair as they ate. There was another curious bit of information relayed to her by her extra senses, there was a pair of cloaked gentle whose chakra signature she couldn't sense seated not far from them down the counter and they seemed to be paying a suspicious amount of attention to Akaneya and Izumi. Izumi could feel the natural electricity in their bodies even if they hid their signatures from Izumi. If Izumi had severely misjudged her companion it could make things more difficult than she anticipated, the ANBU following her would make her efforts much more difficult but perhaps it was just a coincidence. Izumi wouldn't immediately make any reactions to their presence to do so would be unwise.

As Izumi enjoyed her noodles, she looked to Akaneya and noticed she hadn't touched it all and had a look of what could be best described as a confused disgust. Apparently the rice farmer didn't consider ramen to be acceptable cuisine. “Did you want me to order you something else? I didn't even ask what you'd like, really it's not a problem if you hate it.” Izumi herself poured another drink before “accidentally” dropping the bottle on the ground.  Izumi used the commotion to address Akaneya, her eyes narrowed and her head snapped to the young woman beside her, through her teeth she hissed “Do you have any idea why ANBU would be watching us?” No matter how sentimental the young woman made Izumi feel, if she was even accidentally betraying her she would have to be dealt with, it wouldn't be the first “ally” that she'd silenced. The blonde woman glared into Akaneya's eyes waiting for a response so she could judge her next course of action. If the problem had to be dealt with it couldn't be done here without some serious finesse. Izumi's fingers danced at the pocket she kept the various vials of venom she carried, the moment she considered preemptive action was nothing more than fleeting instead deciding to give the young woman the benefit of the doubt, carefully measuring her response.

512 words, thread total 1,081.

4Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:29 pm



"I-I've never seen...anything like this before." The bowl of weird noodle soup was, in a sense, fascinating, but was impossible to comprehend. How was one even meant to consume such a thing? Who would mix their solids and their liquids in such a manner, that one could enjoy neither without the other getting in the way? Truly, no matter how long she spent in Konohagakure, she was ever the foreigner to this mystical land of oddities and contradictions.

The drink spilled, and Akaneya's attention was drawn immediately to her companion. Zhi whispered in harsh tones about the ANBU sitting nearby, something Akaneya was familiar with to some extent. She leaned down alongside 'Zhi' and whispered, "I told you that they watch me," before speaking more clearly and loudly, "Let me help you with that." With this, she flicked her head to look down in a carefully planned maneuver, crouching low-to-the-ground to pick up pieces of the shattered bottle. Her messy hair having been tossed aside just enough, the black edges of her cursed seal would be visible on the meeting point of her shoulder and her neck.

She was careful picking up each piece, trying to give Zhi some time to understand, to connect the dots. Still, the mark was not too easily visible. Having gathered a handful of broken glass, she sat back up and placed it on the counter. Pulling her hair outward, she revealed for the briefest moment the mark in a much fuller state before letting the mass drop back down her back naturally. "You should be more careful," she stated in her same blank monotone, the sheer intensity of her eyes scarce matching her apathetic voice. She hoped, then, that this companion of hers would understand the true meaning of her statement.

Following this up, she took off her now-wet gloves and placed them on the counter, splitting a couple of chopsticks and swirling the ramen in a circle. She still had no idea how to actually eat the damn thing.

5Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 6:59 pm



Much of Izumi's worries were quieted when Akaneya said she was normally watched once again Izumi's homicidal thoughts started to recede into the dark corners of her mind of which there were many. As Akaneya took her time cleaning up the glass piece by piece, Izumi's eyes were drawn to what looked like a seal, not just any seal though; it appeared to be a seal similar to the one Yosei put on Chigetsu: a curse seal. This might explain a lot of the oddities about her. Yosei had been generous in the creation of his, he allowed Chigetsu to keep himself in the process the progenitors of this sort of sinister work of fuinjutsu were rarely so benevolent however. It dawned on Izumi that this technique had originated in the Land of Rice. Pieces fell into place in her mind as she studied it, her eyes fixed on the seal trying to make out its formula to little success. This one might be a job for her master, Yosei. He could help the girl Izumi was sure of it. After Akaneya told Izumi to be more careful, she dropped to a barely audible tone and leaned in to Akaneya's ear, “How badly do you want to know everything there is to know about that seal? I could help you find the answers to questions you didn't even know you had. But knowledge has a price. Don't answer me now, think about it.”

Akaneya made no reply about to the offer of a different meal but still seemed suspicious of the noodly broth before her. Izumi sighed as she realized how insane and paranoid she was probably coming off as at this point, “It's clear in your dank cell or whatever the fuck it is you lived in you were never taught basic eating skills like using chopsticks. While it's depressing and all that we should fix it now. I don't think you're a spy Akaneya, at least not willingly you're too weird to be a spy You'd never blend in.” Izumi picked up her own chopsticks with her right hand, “watch me, hold them like this.” Izumi slowly moved them into place between her fingers and snapped the chopsticks at her a couple times. “Now raise the bowl with your other hand and tilt it a little so it's easier to put the noodles in your mouth without making a mess. And just sorta guide them in there like this.”  Izumi's last sentence was muffled by the noodles she was putting in her mouth but she hoped the lesson was effective. She never thought she'd be teaching someone how to eat in this stage of their life but it wasn't the weirdest thing she'd had to do either.

476 words, for a total of 1,557.

6Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:14 pm



Following the example as best she could, she placed the chopsticks just-so. Clicking them together for a little bit of practice, it seemed intuitive enough. She followed up by carefully tilting the bowl in her direction, trying to grab the noodles with the sticks. With a bit of success, she began to feed them into her mouth. The first thing that came to her mind was how slimy, but silky, the texture of the meal was. A truly fascinating thing, that. Her cheeks turned a little red at the spice added in with the noodles, but she could handle a minuscule amount of pain. If she couldn't, she'd not have even survived her introduction to Otogakure.

As she tried to slurp them down, however, she dropped the bowl back on the counter and began to cough. Pounding her chest a couple of times, she regained her breath. She had learned her first lessons in eating ramen, and had already choked on the stuff. Good progress, so she tried again. This time, it came a little bit better. She still found the texture to be very alien, the taste perhaps a bit overwhelming, but this had become something of a personal quest. It was too late to back down, and so she took it slowly and steadily until the first patch of noodles had finally been consumed.

Breathing out a sigh of both heat and relief, she eyed the bowl in a new way entirely. It was a look no longer confused, but determined. She tried, before going in with the rest of the noodles, plucking a few of the chunks floating within, the stuff adding the flavor, and tasting those. They were slightly easier to eat, and she thinned them accordingly. Without emptying the bowl of these chunks, she returned to the noodles and tried again. It took very little time before she was finished, left with a bowl of soup and small flavorful chunks floating therein. She looked at it, then her chopsticks, and then picked up the bowl to sip from.

Now that she knew how to handle the problem, the speed at which she ate was revealed. Akaneya tried to be expedient in all things, without too much regard for social graces. Too much time spent eating meant too much less time spent being productive, after all.

7Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:29 pm



Izumi had many more bottles of sake to drink, one destroyed bottle wasn't gonna stop her from enjoying the night. It seemed Izumi's chopsticks lesson was wildly useful for the resourceful redhead sitting beside her. With only a few blunders and a complete lack of normal manners, Akaneya was able to wolf down her bowl. Izumi giggled a bit watching her tackle it like some sort of important mission. Izumi was already feeling much more relaxed thanks to the sake and the knowledge that at least for now she hadn't drawn too much attention to herself, but a highly active Mist Jounin was likely to raise questions sooner or later. Right now she was very low key though, the mission report wouldn't get back for at least a couple days. Izumi had a few days of relative obscurity back before she'd have  tail of her own. Izumi was ready to finally come clean to Akaneya about some of the … less than truthful things she'd told her about her identity. Izumi had been speaking in half truths about herself for quite some time around the former Sound Village resident. If Akaneya was willing to delve deeper into her mysterious nature with Izumi's help the least the Karisuma woman could do was be honest about her identity even if she wasn't ready to reveal her mission.

Izumi looked the smaller young woman up and down, Should be easy enough to carry. Can't weigh more than Nova. Izumi knew she was faster than anyone but the most exceptional shinobi, of which she highly doubted the ANBU tasked with trailing a genin would be. Izumi easily snatched the young woman from her stool, and took off sprinting out with Akaneya in tow against her will. There was not much she could do about the Jounin deciding to drag off to a secluded alley. “I need an answer. Do you want to learn the truth or are you content just taking the paths that life give you. I chose to make my own a long time ago, this is your moment to decide on yours. I won't give you another chance. We probably have no more than fifteen minutes before they find us. I saw your cursed seal and I know someone who can make his own. We could figure out why you came here. I have a feeling that seal has something to do with your sudden choice to come here. I think you were placed here on purpose and I can help you find out why.”

433 words, for a total of 1,990.

8Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:03 am



Before she knew it, Akaneya was swept off her feet and taken as a damsel to a dark alleyway, and given a question. As she had perhaps suspected, this Zhi of the Mist was not being entirely truthful the whole time. If she had been willing to lie for the sake of courtesy, why not to conceal something more important? She supposed that she hadn't really thought much about Zhi, preferring not to prod as had been done to her. If she had been paying attention, though, if she had been actually thinking or prodding, she suspected she might've come across something like this sooner or later.

The question, though, was what was really striking about the whole situation. This Zhi claimed to know somebody particular, somebody capable of crafting cursed marks and who might decipher her own. The phrasing was melodramatic, talking about truth or passive acceptance, about choosing one's own path in life. Some old emotion stirred in Akaneya, and she was compelled at last to speak up:

"Fine. You want to know the truth? My life has never been part of my choosing. He gave me this seal, promised it would make me stronger, but it didn't work. Maybe he was angry, maybe he was disappointed. I proved myself fighting the others, and I did as told. I broke myself taking those first steps outside the Land of Rice, I struggled with each one and pushed myself harder than I ever had before. I don't know why I did it, but I'll be damned if you dare tell me that I didn't make that choice."

She glared into Zhi's eyes with rage, having not sufficiently answered her question one way or another. "How would your...your 'friend' know what it means? How could he know what it is supposed to do, if when that...that Snake, when the Snake put it here, he couldn't even get it to work?!"

A look into her eyes no longer seemed raged, but frustrated. She was not harboring any anger towards Zhi at the moment, but perhaps toward herself, having felt as if a failure to her mission and her purpose. This frustration clearly ran deep, despite the years that she'd been away from Otogakure and her newfound allegiances. Akaneya had failed to find closure for so many things in her life, that one might even suppose it was simply inevitable.

9Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:42 pm



Izumi nearly throttled Akaneya into the wall behind her when she opened her tirade. Izumi subdued her temper, again reminding herself about perspective. It seemed she did understand more than she was letting on originally. Izumi's cold gaze was unchanging as the young woman continued, "How would your...your 'friend' know what it means? How could he know what it is supposed to do, if when that...that Snake, when the Snake put it here, he couldn't even get it to work?!" Izumi stayed silent for a few seconds after she finished, gazing down at the lost directionless mess before her, and began to wonder again why she even cared before gathering her thoughts for a meaningful reply, “I don't know how he does it, he just knows how seals work. You don't know me very well so you don't know how incredibly patient I'm being with you. But I can tell you I know a bit more about this world than you can even imagine, I might not be the best sealer in the world but I was trained by him and I can tell you that it is working. I don't know what it does but I can sense the chakra signature it gives off is different than yours which mean it's either dormant or currently active. Either way it's working as its creator meant to. Sure, maybe it was your choice to come here but what if it wasn't. And tell me, how much happier would you be without those spooks following you tracking your every movement. They're afraid of you, why else would they be watching you. Now I also can't tell you exactly what he'd give you, the contract is different for everyone. You ask him for something and he gives you the price. I asked him for power and in return my power is under his command whenever he needs it.”

Izumi hadn't fully realized the gravity of having sold her soul when she did it, but she's not regretted it once. The woman's power increased exponentially with each new lesson, even if the lessons were few and far between she'd learned more from him than she'd learned in her entire life prior. Izumi's skills were finally catching up to her goals and her first test was to happen in the Leaf Village. “I'm here on his business now, you'll know my work when you see it. I may be severely misreading the situation here. But you don't seem too happy about the way things are here. I can help you find closure, my travels take me to many places. I'm sure I could find reason to visit the Land of Rice, help you investigate this … Snake, I believe you called him? Part of my personal mission is learning everything there is to know about our world and what happens in it if nothing else the mystery of you intrigues me.” Izumi's gaze didn't break from Akaneya she could sense the ANBU approaching they still had ample time for a bit more conversation. Even if they supressed their chakra Izumi could feel their natural electricity she'd been tracking them since she left with the messy red head.

559 words, for a total of 2,549.

10Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:43 pm



Calming herself down, Akaneya had a great deal to consider. She could be examined for a price, or turn down the offer at this very moment. This was what she took from it, considering the rest to be filler. That is, until Zhi stated her mission: to know all there is to know. It reminded her of a certain someone from a certain hidden village who just-so-happened to be her original master. It stirred a memory, one she hadn't thought of in quite some time. Akaneya's eyes seemed to go dull, pupils dilating, as she lost herself for a moment.

The memory was as crisp as if it had happened that very day. A shadowy figure with striking eyes spoke in his soothing voice, resting his hand on a younger Akaneya's shoulder. The girl, a bit confused and a bit frightened, and most certainly longing for home, stood facing a blank wall of cold stone in a dark room. The silken voice of the Snake beside her, he explained his goal in life:

"I have a mission in my life: I want to learn all there is to know. Just as the painter mixes yellow and blue to make green, I want to search the depths of the world for the old and to make it new. A stale, stagnant world is so boring, after all. I like to see things in motion, to cause great change in this world, and in order to do that I need to collect just a little bit of everything first. I want to make my own green, or maybe an orange or a purple. Just as there is no end to the colors in the world, there is no end to the things I could do once I finish my...collection. All the things I could change. People can change, or they can die. It's that simple, my dear."

He laughed his almost choking laugh, "I wanted, a long time ago, to forge a new world by my hand. Now, I am content to watch it change itself because of me instead. You are part of my collection, Akaneya. You are my agent in this world, you and the others you will meet here. It is through you I will see my mission accomplished, and through you I will keep this world interesting. To do that, you need to understand strength. True strength."

"Real strength is forged in the fires of the heart. We fan the flames with loss and anger and hatred, and it grows into such an intense blaze that we never could've even dreamed of. This will fuel itself in due time. Oh, it may hurt my dear, but the best medicines taste the most bitter. When the darkness clears in the brightness of your fire, only then will you know who you truly are - your name, your home, your clan, these mean nothing, they're all incidental to your true self. When we're finished here, maybe then you'll find your purpose like I have mine. Now, let's see if you can start that flame inside of you."

She intended to ask what he meant, but soon felt a sharp pain dig into her. She collapsed to her knees as the pain radiated, making her very blood feel as acid. Only the sound of the chamber door closing, followed by the clank of a heavy lock, came from her master as she fell to her side and began to scream. The pulsing pain and burning blood filled her every waking moment until she lost all track of time and space.

Snapping back to reality, blinking once or twice, Akaneya spoke softly - "Yes, I shall do it, Lord O-" but was cut off by the arrival of the ANBU to the scene.

11Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Thu Jan 03, 2019 10:30 pm



Izumi had been counting down mentally to when the ANBU would arrive. Right on queue they came around the corner. Izumi was accentuating her intoxication again for them, “Which way is my inn? Oh hey, maybe they know,” Izumi turned to the ANBU who were rushing for her, blades drawn; Izumi stumbled a bit as she turned and spoke in a slurred voice, “How do I get back to the inn where the Mist delegation is? I thought it was this way, sorry if I startled you guys when I left. I'm past my curfew, Ayakashi is gonna be pissed, can you guys like come with me and say it's your fault? It'll be so much easier if she knows which ones to tell the Hokage about.” The color in the pair's faces drained, when they saw Izumi produce her mist headband to show them that she was indeed a Mist Shinobi. They looked at eachother it was obvious neither wanted to explain themselves to the Mizukage, Izumi smiled at them; they knew they were being threatened but were still too scared to challenge it. “S-stay safe.” The pair cleared out quickly but didn't actually leave, they just backed off to more normal trailing distances for them to observe Akaneya. The poor girl wasn't exaggerating they really didn't leave her alone. Being a foreigner is hard, Izumi knew all to well.

Izumi turned back to the red head, “Well guess I'm staying at the Inn tonight... come with me we need to make it believable it will save both of us from trouble. At least they don't listen in too, god they're annoying how do you deal with it. I'd have killed them and burned the evidence a long time ago if they were following me. I hate being followed. Anyways, let's get going act like you're leading me back, I'll keep playing the drunk foreigner. We can talk more while we walk, the best place to talk about secret things is public. No one ever pays attention to other people and if they do they don't want them to know about it. Please don't just give me the silent treatment again. We can talk about uhh … anything?” Izumi put her arm out for Akaneya to take and lead her to whatever inn she was supposed to be staying.

406 words, total is 2,955.

12Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:05 pm



Anything? Anything at all? That might prove more troublesome than anything else this night, for despite Zhi's insistence, Akaneya felt herself more than hesitant to openly discuss any particularly secretive matters in public. There was always a risk involved there that she wasn't exactly willing to take, especially not after having just encountered two suspicious ANBU who might do whatever was in their power to pay attention. At least for the moment, she needed to throw off suspicion, to wait it out a bit longer before discussing things more properly. She would have to scrounge the corners of her mind to think up something, anything, to talk about, and it was almost assured to be an uncomfortable conversation.

Eyeing her companion up and down for a second, she took the other's arm as was intended and began walking to the nearest inn. "I..." she dragged the vowel, looking at her again, "like your outfit?" she finished, with a very noticeable question mark. That would make no difference to anyone reading lips or only simply passing by, in both cases intonation was more often ignored. "Where did you get it?" she queried on, blatantly trying her best to come up with perhaps the most typical, trite thing to discuss while they were in public view.

Of course, Akaneya didn't think too much about clothing in general. She had a few outfits of her own, but her day-to-day attire was fairly consistent and, perhaps to a degree some might find slightly unnerving, it was not too distinct from the uniform she'd worn as something of an officer in Otogakure. One thing she did notice, however, was how bare her hands had been for the past few minutes, remembering her sake-soaked gloves back at the store. She whispered, "you owe me a new pair," to her walking-partner, gesturing to her hands.

"Do people really dress like that in Kirigakure? After all, you did say you travel quite a lot," she finished once more, her eyes darting around to check if there were any more people trying to nose in. It would be clear by now that these instincts of hers were driving this relatively thoughtless question, but she hoped Zhi would pick up on the hidden meaning within her last question: seemingly innocuous to anyone passing by, but it contained a point, almost an accusation, therein.

After what'd just happened, could she be blamed for her suspicion?

13Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:55 pm



Akaneya made an attempt at small talk, it couldn't be called much more than that though. Izumi at least humoured her attempts with a response, as well as subtly acknowledging the hidden question, “No people don't normally dress like this in the Mist, I wore this for our mission to blend in I got it here. I mean don't get me wrong, I like to show some skin but this is definitely not my style. I got the clothes I wore proctoring there though. I stayed in the Mist three years after I finished my own chunin exams. Before I was reassigned to what I do now. I'll take you shopping tomorrow, maybe we can do something about your hair too. It'll be fun. Trust me. The lanterns from the festival square were once again visible. It was a quite beautiful all things considered. Izumi hadn't truly taken a moment to take in the beauty of the night time scenery of Shinwato but it was apparent before them now. Izumi wanted some more drinks, she wished she'd told the ANBU a better story but here she was marching towards a place she really didn't want to sleep at just yet. “So, what do you do for fun. Is that flute only for business?” Izumi's small talk was no better, but truth be told she was purposefully avoiding digging too deep to prevent another outburst. Izumi stopped suddenly, it finally dawning on her the significance of Akaneya asking for more gloves silently. Akaneya had actually asked for something she wanted rather than needed. Izumi gave her arm a tug indicating her to follow “We're already late for my
'curfew' let's go get you those gloves now. Why do you wear gloves anyways, wouldn't it be easier to play your flute without them?”

Izumi pulled Akaneya into the sea of merchant's stalls selling various garments and trinkets. Surely there would be something she liked here. Izumi did kind of owe her a bit of a gift as an apology for her erratic behaviour. She wasn't normally like this, in fact she was quite sociable before becoming a lone wolf in her duty. The wilderness changed her a bit, but the social graces were returning. It had been a while since she'd had to be likable, “Don't be shy Akaneya, you can get more than just gloves. They can't be paying you kids well here, I remember what it was like as a Genin I could hardly scrape by without a separate job. That was probably because the entire village was gone to shit by then, but such was life in the slums. Turns out I was the richest girl in the slums but my mom had hidden it all away to keep us safe. I don't need to be kept safe now though, I'd still trade it all back to just see my shitty little shack with my mother waiting with dinner again. I – I'm rambling, sorry. Let's get you at the very least some gloves then figure out how I'm gonna go face the Mist ninja without starting a death match in the middle of Konoha.” Izumi knew they wouldn't be listening in by now the crowd was too loud and Izumi could sense the ANBU were far enough away that they wouldn't read her lips. They had mostly resigned to the reality that Izumi was just a ranking Mist ninja who had too much to drink and stayed out too late with a new friend.

609 words for a total of 3,564.

14Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:44 am



Despite her having just tried to fill the gap with idle chatter, Akaneya did give genuine attention to her companion's response. She had, perhaps, been hasty in her judgement - this Zhi of the Mist actually was from the Mist it would seem, or at least the story was held up as such. The other woman then promised to take her shopping tomorrow and to try to do literally anything about her mass of unkempt hair, promising it would be fun - a word that Akaneya did not know well. Usually, when she heard it, the word was referencing things she either did not care for, or was generally excluded from. For this simple reason, she thought the offer a bit suspicious; it was not that she distrusted Zhi particularly, but moreso that she did not believe she would actually enjoy the process.

It was then that she was asked a question of her own - what she did for fun, what did she do exactly? The flute, in particular, caught Zhi's eye. Akaneya thought for a moment before answering, speaking up with a sure, steady, but slow pace: "I don't really get 'fun', so to speak. It is inefficient. Such lethargy was taken out of me years ago, though I do sometimes worry I've fallen into decadence here in the Leaf. I guess you could say that I do use my flute for something like it, though. If I feel physically tired, I will dedicate my effort to meditation instead. I will find a nice, quiet place, and simply be surrounded with the quiet - sometimes testing my clan's technique there, but often I will play my flute in some garden or forest scene, playing the old songs of the Land of Rice in my solitude. I suppose that's what you'd say I do for 'fun' around here."

It took Akaneya a moment to realize that she had been somewhat abruptly stopped, herself jerking backwards slightly by the stationary Zhi when she unknowingly continued trying to walk. She offered to buy the new gloves right at that moment, stating that since it was already a little late, there was no reason to try to rush to some random inn anyway. She then unleashed a question or two more in Akaneya's path, to which she tried to answer accordingly: "Well, while one might think gloves hinder dexterity, a proper unlined pair will give several benefits. The first is that, for lack of lining, they will be as flexible as a hand. The second is that, when it is cold outside, my hands are somewhat warmed and more able to keep still and focused, but the bigger benefit is that my hands will not come into direct contact with the cold silver of the flute. The third is that the extra material helps to plug the holes on my flute better than my bare hand would, although on a properly-fit pair this effect would be marginal. But-" she got pulled toward the market, "But...that's not why I wear them. I can't explain it. They just feel comfortable, maybe even a little familiar, even though I only started to wear them when I got to Konohagakure. I base much of my clothing on what I used to wear in Otogakure for that same sense of...familiarity. Perhaps one day, I can show you how I used to dress. I still have the full outfit, and it still fits as well as it did back then.

She was then told to not be shy, to actually take a moment and get more than just the replacement gloves. Zhi started telling a story about her childhood, and how she missed her mother and her shitty little slum-shack. It was a touching story, surely, and Akaneya could relate on some level. While digging around for a pair of unlined gloves with the right fit, she told Zhi - "I understand how you feel. My father was crippled when I last saw him seven or eight years ago. The Snake promised us both a better life if I came with him, and I never saw my village or my father ever again. I don't know what became of him, but for my service I could only hope he was treated accordingly." She soon found a nice pair, dark brown and made of quite soft leather, the length reaching to a couple of inches past her wrist, and fitting like a glove.

Taking a moment, this would perhaps be the first time that her companion would see Akaneya thinking deeply about any particular think, instead of at most taking a moment to collect her thoughts. She took a few steps in a random direction and then looked down to her shoes, low sandals with her shins wrapped up tightly. Would some boots be a better fit for her? Would it feel right, would they be flexible enough? Having a spare pair couldn't hurt, could it? Akaneya quickly found herself going for a pair, and then following this by picking up a nice black-leather jacket at the same place. Taking off a glove to feel the material, running a sleeve between her fingers before re-gloving, she tried it on. It was a close fit, but not uncomfortable - simply slim-fitting while seemingly of the proper size. It lacked any particular adornment, but it was something new that she hadn't really known in her past, and she couldn't help but notice that, unlike in the Land of Rice, it actually helped stave off the cold. Such an impossible thing now discovered, she had her heart set on it.

Thanking Zhi for the effort spared on her behalf, and more importantly the ryo, Akaneya was now ready to leave. She simply stated to summarize the entire thing: "You didn't have to do that. But you did. Thank you." Even in such a moment of profoundness, her voice seemed to fail to bear much emotion. Still, it was a blatantly genuine statement all the same. Turning to face the direction of the inn, but not moving, she then spoke once more: "So, what's this about a Mist Ninja?"


15Ramen [Akaneya] Empty Re: Ramen [Akaneya] Sun Apr 07, 2019 7:45 pm



Akaneya responded to Izumi's small talk with little emotion. Her life of sorrow and training, blah, blah, blah. It seemed that Akaneya had the emotion trained out of her, the emotionless ones were always so tragic. Izumi promised herself they would never use such savage methods in the Sand again. Without emotion there is no drive, sure it will make you effective up to a point but eventually your lack of a driving force will leave you unable to evolve further. Izumi's hatred and ambition had propelled her so much further than any of her peers. Many of them were still genin in fact she'd seen a couple of them participating in the exams. Surely, it was possible that she was the exception rather than the rule when it came to emotion being a powerful tool but that was no reason to allow such barbaric practices to occur under her watch. However boring the young lady's words were Izumi was sure to listen actively, nodding at asking small questions as the younger woman spoke. Izumi was so used to living lies that she had almost forgotten that she was undercover, she had even grown something akin to fondness for the young woman from the Sound with the tangled red hair. Izumi again found her focus wandering, this time a cut-purse had caught her eye his swift knife was freeing those who had less sense than money of their burdens. The young man made eye contact with Izumi and his face turned white, the Karisuma winked at him letting him know she was in fact watching him but at the same time cared little to stop it. As Izumi's focused returned to Akaneya she began to tell her sad tale with a response in kind from the younger woman.

At the end of all the fun in the market Izumi's purse was lighter but still accounted for, her playful message having taken hold in the young thief's mind. The Karisuma woman would do it all again for the red head, Izumi had always had a soft spot for those younger than her. The story of her father had stuck with her, and thoughts of the tale had been dancing in the back of her mind. “You didn't have to do that. But you did. Thank you...” The young woman paused and towards towards the inn Izumi had lied about staying in, “So, what's this about a Mist Ninja?" Izumi had never really planned to go there she had quarters elsewhere and wasn't planning on returning to them soon. Izumi looked to Akaneya, “If you could find the people that hurt your father and made sure they died screaming would you? Would you be strong enough to take revenge if given that chance? I'm proud to say I'd happily end Mitsuo's miserable life very, very, slowl-...” Izumi stopped suddenly, maybe she really was drunk why did she use his name in a conversation with someone who had no knowledge of the man and his evils. Izumi took a deep breath and started speaking once more, “Mist Ninja? Who are you talking about? I'll just tell them I had gate duty or something as for the ANBU they won't be talking to me again, they've been properly terrified. Good night Akaneya, I hope our paths cross as friends again some day.”

Exit Thread.

575 words. Thread total: 4,139 words.

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