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26Sooo bored (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sooo bored (Open) Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:24 pm



"The ominous feeling is enough for me my dear brother...Candy Floss Sensei may be the spooky guy with the mask, but this feeling is something in the Unmei's blood" Xiao stated gently as he looked about preparing himself for the onslaught that would soon come as Kaito weaved chakra "Could be rogues but this feeling, this monstrous aura, this is something I'm familiar with to say the least" Xiao remarked as his eyes darted attempting to locate each 'signature' he could.

Xiao remained on the defensive, crouching low as Kaito leaped into action, forming webbing to his wrists and firing them in a perfect 90 degree arc that attached in a triangular formation in front of Xiao allowing him a 'sling shot' like positioning around the clone as he kept low to the ground allowing Kaito to ready himself and lash out at the clones of the Unmei. Xiao instead began to attempt and assess the situation, if the clones were giving off that familiar onimous aura that indeed meant they were of the spider clan and if they were rogue agents this would mean their ruthlessness would be far more prominent than the mercy shown by Haka.

Xiao contemplated the actions of the attacking clone, keeping close to Kaito at all times and yet attempting instead to merely out manuever the others rather than keep a solid attack, busy with Kaito as they attempted to make their way forward to Xiao, the small spider knowing he hadn't much of a chance at all and thus opted to fling himself forward in an attempt to dodge the attack that seemingly hit and yet...nothing. No harm had physically been felt and yet all at once the same damage was registered in Xiao's mind. Was this an indication of something more or perhaps, more likely, Xiao had simply been affected in a way that he had not been able to comprehend.

"No damage...or just super weak?" he wondered out loud as he felt his brothers hand on his shoulders that caused in an instant the visage to fade away causing Xiao to laugh to himself "Whoah-hoah, thanks, Genjutsu? Well, that explains it." Xiao stated rubbing his head and patting the area of attack he had previously felt no harm from. "Somebodies messing with us..." Xiao muttered looking about the area, still feeling that presence though obscured by the mist entirely.

As Xiao stood to his full height he began to carefully observe the area, attempting to locate Haka, a difficult task to be sure, but there was one possibility. As the mist was still thick and the chance for being caught out thin Xiao looked to Kaito with a knowing...mask covered nod as he looked to Kaito "Remember, Katon and Raiton." As Xiao stated a web of chakra began to fly its way towards Kaito causing Xiao's eyes to bulge and lips to part "Incoming!" he yelled as he proceeded to leap forward into it's trajectory but before he could react the attack was intercepted.

His eyes transfixed as a great maw came towards his now mid air body as it crushed down upon his shoulder of his twisting body and leaving a one inch deep bite along his shoulder rendering his body damaged as the spider crouched low webbing the damaged area swiftly as he patched the wound.


27Sooo bored (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Sooo bored (Open) Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:08 am

Kaito Osoroshi

Kaito Osoroshi

Kaito couldn't help but grin at Xiao's observation, as someone was indeed messing with them, Xiao's own mother in fact. While the Osoroshi might not know all that much about the Osada clan, nor did he know much about whatever it was that was going on with all those spiders, Kaito knew one thing for certain, the Osada weren't the type to do things without a reason, and they were the last shinobi within Mizu no Kuni you wanted to mess with. Just as she had done with him, Haka Osada was no doubt testing them all, Kaito and Xiao so see what if any progress they had made in their training since the Chuunin Exams, and Michibo and Kisuke in a search of new talent. Kaito had at least passed the first test by seeking out the Osada Manor and surviving his trip through Spider Island long enough to make it there alive. It wasn't until now that Kaito realized that should Michibo and Kisuke fail to pass the Lady's test, it would reflect poorly on Kaito and Xiao as well. Guilty by association as it were.

All that being said, Kaito was impressed, like himself, both of the genin had managed to figure out the genjutsu for themselves, leaving Xiao in the dog house on that round. However, not only had they both managed to pass it for themselves, they had also managed to defend not only Kaito, but Xiao as well from the attacks of the higher ranking shinobi. Kaito was impressed, with both genin but the fight wasn't over and thanks to those two attacks, he had a decent idea of where Haka was, despite still being unable to see her as parts of the mist had remained, despite Kisuke dissipating most of it. Yet still, it was a given that if they stood even a semblance of a chance at besting Haka Osada, the four of them would have to work together. It was a shame Kaito had already been forced to waste so much chakra, as he understood that it would be impossible to let up now, not while he, Xiao, Kisuke, and Michbo could provide a united front. With his fists and forearms still coated with chakra infused water, Kaito's mind played out what to do next, only a couple of seconds passing, allowing the moister in the air to continue to heal his wounds, before Kaito quickly formed the Dog Hand Seal followed in short order by the Tiger.

Bringing forth a hulking mass of Suiton Chakra in the form of a five meter tall crab that could provide a makeshift shield for the gathered shinobi under it, Kaito prepared to assault the patch of mist the attacks had come from, hoping to at least force their attacker to show herself. Like many times before, Kaito's hair grew thicker and almost metallic in color, before almost immediately pulling itself free from his scalp and flinging itself towards the five or so meters where Kaito assumed Haka awaited them. The fifty white haired senbon would no doubt be too slow to catch the more skilled shinobi off guard, but it was something when the only alternative was to sit and wait for their opponent to strike. "Whatever you guys do, don't get split up, we are Kiri-nin, the mist is not given strength by the individual drops of dew, but by the swarming nature of the fog." Kaito offered a stupid old saying of his mother's that he felt suited the situation fairly well. Besides waiting to see what one of his fellows might try, or worse yet what Haka herself might do to them all next, Kaito was left with no more options.

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