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1Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Empty Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:57 am



Cazan walked up to his villages cliff, felling the earth crumple under his bare feet, and seeing all around him with them, He starting wondering what it would be like to not be blind and actually see with his eyes, and not with his feet, he tried to imagine what Color was and wat it looked like, people talked about it alot and he never understood, color nothing had color the way he saw it everything was shapes. the thought was cut off when he got to the top of the cliff and sat down on the cliff side, feet dangling off the edge, so he could see nothing at all just black and motionless it was very odd, it felt...empty he jumped back up to the stone ground and started to look again, waiting for a activity to do this day, hoping that an intersting happening came about.

2Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Empty Re: Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:53 pm



As it seemed he would have to create his own excitement after all, Cazan stood up from his perch, leaving the total blindness that his dangling feet had caused him entering a colorless vibration world, though at this point in his life was all he knew and all he needed, he didnt mind being blind in the eyes, he had his feet a skill no one else he knew had, so he was unique in that after all. Once he stood up the noticed that he was by himself on the cliff cazan walked over to the nearest tree that was suitable to start his taijutsu training, lately he had been neglecting his training for missions which would get him in a rut eventually so instead he decided to use his free time at the moment to hone his kung fu skills and maybe practice a few jutsu, though he didnt have any actual training equipment, a tree worked just fine in what he need to do. Cazan then stripped off his shirt and undershirt to get ready to train, he threw the clothes near where his bear was sitting basking in the sun, he then started to practice his kicks, he delivered a kick to the middle of the tree hitting the trunk with his shin, sending a slight jar of pain up his leg, it had been a long time since he had done any Iron limb training his limbs were getting soft, his father wouldnt be happy if he knew he would have to fix it right away.

Cazan then spun around and hit the tree with his other shin, feeling the slight pain from the hard bark, he then ignored the pain from the strike and did it again, spinning back around and hitting the other leg against the tree harder then the last time, causing a good amount of pain to his shin area, though that was all part of the training after all to cause pain to one part of the body to the point that one doesnt care about ti anymore and the trainee can freely fight with their limbs thorugh pain and fatigue. He then spun around and scored the tree again and again, making the bone in his shin more and more sore at the contact, after 25 hits with each leg he jumped back to the ground and started knuckle training, he started punching the center of the tree with hard jabs scoring pain up his knuckles and his forearms, though he didnt stop not for a moment, that was something his father had taught him when he was one, a member of the Yanagi clan doesnt give up or they will die or worse, live on in disgrace and that was a path he didnt want to follow again, he had learned about disgrace at a young age, when he had earned his scars for trying to become a genin at a very young age, he had been brash and vain in the younger years of his life, his dads Katana had fixed that problem about him though, the scars still itched when he though about it, and it was for the better.

After a while of repeating this cycle Cazan looked at the tree and saw through the amount of vibrating the tree was making now that it was half worn through by just his fists and kicks, he then noticed that his fist were bleeding from the bark of the oak tree for he felt the wet blood on his fist, and he doubted that it was tree sap, he took to long arm and hand wraps from his pocket and wrapped them around his forearm and hands, to cover the bleeding and wounds, incase anyone saw them so they wouldnt freak out or anything, then cazan started doing roundhouse kicks by spining around and hitting the tree with his heel, the first hit taking a sizable chunk out of the tree sending it flying across the dirt, he did love his roundhouse kicks, they were some of his best types of kicks, the next one he delivered smashed the remainder o the tree into splinters and causing it to fall right towards him, which meant there was now a strength challenge for him, as the tree fell Cazan squatted down and caught the tree with his palms and started to push up, the guessed the tree was around 125 pounds, so it was his own weight or a little bit more, which meant it was going to be a challenge. Cazan started pushing up on the log and giving his all to the pushing, though all he managed to do was keep it from falling on him.

Cazan then took a moment to concentrate on his thigh muscles and his back muscles lossening them enough to put them into a sense of overdrive as he pushed with all his might and lifted the giant trunk over his head and giving him the power to throw it over his head into the tree in front of him causing it to shatter and knock over the other tree it an explosion of wood and splinter.

3Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Empty Re: Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:27 pm



After lifting the tree up and over his head Cazan suddenly felt weak from the effort and thus he fell over and went unconcious...When he came to he had no idea what time it was until he felt the cool air on his skin and the warm licking of his bear beside him, so i mustve been night time that Log mustve took more out of him then he thought did, but he wasnt giving up yet, he hadnt ven started his cardio routine yet, so h threw on his shirt to start his run, since the night air was a littel bit chilly he would probably end up needing the shirt to not get cold until he really got into his run. He started by running down the path that lead up to the cliff at top speed which was quite fast due to cazan being the speed of the average jonin, which was nice since he was only a chuunin at the moment, he made it down to the village in good enough time, then he started on his way back up the steep hill, going down a hill was easy as cake, but running up one was much harder, halfway up the hill cazan could feel his calves burning with the ache of effort, though he wasnt going to give up, he trucked his way up the hill and ended up back on the top of the cliff again in which grudgingly he turned around and ran back down the hill again though the downhill was easier it was still difficult due to the amount of distance he had to cover already he had ran 10 miles, since it was a 5 mile trek to the village and a 5 mile trek back to the hill, and now he was working on 15 though usually he was okay for such a run, but he had already strained his muscles on his last exercise and was a bit less responsive, he made it back to the village in around the same time as before then started his run back to the hill, which felt like his legs were on fire and ripping at the effort though he made the same time as his last run, since he wasnt ever going to get worse in anything and would always aim to improve he would let himself be slower in anyway, though when he did get there he fell to his knees and took a drink of water from a canteen that he kept on person, which helped since it was filled with his special energy drink, which he made from Akai berries and liquid sugar cane, t helped him train better and faster, though afterwards it drained him of energy in return though it seemed fair, it made his body take the energy it was saving for later and using it for now...

WC total so far 1502/1500

4Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Empty Re: Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:55 pm



He suddenly felt pumped up a bit, though the ache in his muscles was gettting a bit more painful the before but he still had the energy to keep going, and he knew just what he had to do, he had to do some more intense training. Cazan lowered his left hand to the ground and activated his clans juts, the Kazan, he picked up a boulder that was around twice the size of a Soccer ball and around 60 pounds heavy. Cazan threw the ball of stone into the air and watched as it flew up into the air and soared up and up, then it started its downward descent and on that downward descent Cazan prepared himself for what was to come, Once it got close enough to him Cazan jumped up and met the boulder with the top of his left foot, causing the boulder to fly back high into the air, it also caused an extreme amount of pain in his foot due to the weight and the Hardness of the boulder, though he once again wasnt going to let pain stop his from getting better and stronger. When the boulder came down again he met it with his other foot, which this time made him cringe in pain but the boulder still went sailing back into the air, his goal was to repeat this one hundred times, fifty times with each foot he was only at 2 and he wasnt giving up, he wasnt going to be a failure.

Around 7 in the morning he was around 89 reps with the boulder, an his feet were purple and black with bruises and the pain was almost blinding at this point, each rep that came down was faster then the last due to the boulder being sent less high each time, though not by much since he wanted to continue getting better he tried harder and harder to keep the boulder sailing high in the air, when he reached 95 he almost passed out from the pain but his resolve kept him going. He sent the Boulder sailing up into the air again this time the pain racking through his entire leg, all the way up to his thigh with the pain of a thousand suns. He kept his resolve and when the last rep came he brought his strengh that he didnt know he had, and flew up to meet the boulder with his foot he smashed the boulder and sent the pieces flying across the grass dirt and stone.

Suddenly cazan felt like fire, pain burned through his entire body, his feet most of all he couldnt stand the pain to stand, and since his training for the moment was done he didnt need to do it anymore. He fell to the ground and passed out from the pain...He woke up 2 days later in the local hospital with wraps around both of his feet, so he couldnt see where he was, so he grabbed the bandages and ripped the bottoms of of them to show his swirl in his feet and then he placed them on the bed face down cringing at the slight pain it caused, it was then he noticed where he was due to the bed and hospital equipment. it was then a nurse entered the room and started going on about his injuries, Oh my my, what did you do to yourself buddy, you have two broken feet and a fractured shin bone, and four broken bones in your left and right hand, the muscles in your calf were ripped open too, how did that happen Cazan understood the confusion since she wouldnt have found any training equipment around the area, I...was training on the cliff, im not that badly injured just move ill be on my way now He turned around and slid out of his bed, placing his feet on the ground and feeling the slight ache over his body though that was normal after working out, it seemed the nurse or a med ninja had healed his body when he was unconscious, which was a good thing since the injuries that the nurse had explained wouldnt have healed so quickly.
The Nurse gasped as he stood and started blabbing on about how he was still a bit injured and that he should stay in bed for longer, but Cazan wasnt going to be told that he couldnt do something, he thanked the nurse for her help and left the building on his way back home, and as it turned out his little bear had been waiting for him when it had met him at the exit of the building and started paddling along behind him at a slow when to train again.


5Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Empty Re: Bored as Dirt (Open, no kill) Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:19 am



~Later that night

Cazan stood there sensing the ground beneath him, noticing the animals he had drawn to his location, there was 3 of them in total, each one of them a local wolf of the area, the wolves of Iwagakure were fearsome beasts to begin with, but it was mating season and they werent in the nicest of moods, not since Cazan had entered there den for training. Some would call Cazan an idiot, some would call him crazy, but there was only one way to get true power and that was risk...and nothing stands between Cazan and his power, he cared not for his family if they did and he didnt have many friends to speak of, he trained too much for them. The Three wolves approached him slowly at first but then surrounded him, they must've though that this was an accident but Cazan was ready for any of them, usually if he had his Spiked knuckles he would be able to send them on their way quickly but he had left them at home today, he had also taken his shirt and sweater off, so there was nothing but him and the wolves, and that was how it would be.

The first and the smallest wolf came at him first, leaping at him with teeth barred and spittle flying, though it was too slow for Cazans dodge, Cazan o'er leaped him and delivered a kick to the hind quarters of the beast making it yelp in slight pain and spin around, but there wasnt time to duel one on one with the beast, the other Wolves leaped right away, one going for his throat and the other his shoulder, to which he jumped and rolled to the left to avoid, these beasts were much too slow, Cazan brought his foot down on the nearest ones back sending it rolling into another one, that was when the other one went for his calf, though he sensed it right away since he didnt need to use his eyes to fight, so he brought his foot up and stomped on the Wolf's mouth making it yelp loudly and run over to its teammates, there was a lull in the battle it seemed, the wolves yipped back and forth to each other and attack as one, which was almost as useless as the other attacks, Cazan spun around doing a 360 in midair, judging where they would be, then his boot slammed into one of their snouts, and then the other ones as well, he then spun back around to boot the other the face with the other foot, this battle was pathetic.

Each wolf was sent flying yards away, two of them hitting trees on their way back as well, they had lost their heart it had seemed, they did not like Cazan...though they werent going to continue in this fight, until Cazan noticed something bigger coming up behind the wolf, it was about 8 feet tall at the shoulder, and made a shudder in the ground at its step, it was a Grizzly bear local to the mountains of the country though why it was in this forest Cazan didnt know, but he wasnt going to complain about it either. The bears two massive paws came down on the Wolves as the jaws met the other wolf, the paws crushing the ribs of the wolves and crushing them beneath the weight, and the one caught in the jaws had no chance either, But now its head peaked upwards at Cazan, thus it had noticed him and the battle had begun.

Most people think that Bears are slow, but this one was faster then the Wolves, it came thundering at him with the rage of a thousand suns, the ground shaking at its approach, then it went out with its massive paw and swung at Cazan cazan once again like the other fight O'er leaped it and jumped over to the left side of the bear and went in for a kick to its side, making contact did nothing, the bear tunred as if Cazan had poked him lightly. Cazan now had to find a way to actually hurt this massive thing, but at the moment the bear was rushing him again, to which Cazan jumped up and over the bear and landed near a thick tree, which gave him an idea, he had forgotten that he had jutsu,  the bear was running again and this time Cazan ran at him as well, focusing his Doton Chakra into his leg and covering it in rock, then jumping high into the air and letting the weight of it now bring him down onto the Bears Head cracking its skull on the ground...and finishing the battle...
Charka 185/200
~Jutsu used- dropping earth kick

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