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Round Three: Yoshihiro Joe vs. Fujita Ryo IYbJonR

Entered from the North and South, this dusty arena is beset by howling, gale force winds from the East to West. Contestants in this arena running in the same direction of the wind have their speed increased by 10m/s, while those moving against the current will have their movement speed decreased by 10m/s. This effect is conferred to projectiles and jutsu speeds alike. However, these winds are not natural, and instead generated by jutsu used by proctors instructed to change the direction of the gust: each posting round, the direction of the wind reverses (East to West, then West to East, then East to West again, etc)

1 - Joe
2 - Ryo




'Yo Joe! Yo Joe! Yo Joe!' the chants of the eager crowd reverberated up and around the arena, the onlookers sitting on the edge of their seats as they waited for the match to start. The quarterfinals were a great watch so far. Ting vs Yugen had proved to be a fight worth betting over, as had the fight between the Aburame and the snake woman, still, there was one fight that currently was now anticipated unlike any of the others so far at the exams. It was no secret that Ryo and Joe held bad blood, even if their previous meeting had been more private and sincere than outright angry. The people watching, stuffing booze and dumplings down their gullets, they didn't know anything about any of that though. Hell, if they did, would they even care? These people were here for a Main Event fight that in a way felt more exciting than the actual finals of the exams. Competing chants for the two fighters vibrated the bleachers and stalls that the crowds sat on, their gaze fixed to the opening gates on the opposite ends of the arena.

The black haired Genin looked towards the end of the tunnel towards the light shining in. He had had butterflies in his chest up until he had arrived for his match. Now that he was right here, ready to fight, he didn't feel much of anything really. He and Ryo had spoken their minds a few nights ago. Tonight wasn't about revenge, it was all about just doing business. Joe undid the shawl that was wrapped around his shoulder and opposing waist. He had been thinking of how to prepare for this fight, he was working too hard. If Ryo didn't knock him down then the psych ward would, he was going in and out of that place all the time these days, his previous match against Yoh had shaken him up. There was no going back now though, whatever was waiting for him when he walked out onto the grass, whatever happened to him, he'd live with. Xiao did it, so would he now. Joe exited the tunnel and stepped out onto the grassy edge of the open-air arena. The crowd went wild as it saw both him and the other Genin appear, the proctor standing in the middle of the field between them both, signalling the Jonin to begin.

Joe felt a rush of wind stream from his left side towards the right side of the grassy arena. It was a strong gust, enough for the boy to know that he'd need to factor it into any ranged attacks. He kept his gaze on Ryo though as he walked closer to the center of the arena. He would silently and secretly channel a small portion of his chakra into his large shawl, tossing it up into the air in front of him and letting the wind whip it around and carry it freely overhead. To the observer, it would appear that Joe was testing the power of the wind on something benign and small. In reality, the substitution he had placed on the large fabric shawl would be continuously moving through the air above the flat arena, carried by the strong winds too and fro, making striking whilst striking Joe nearly impossible at the moment. Still, the Genin kept his eyes on his opponent, vaguely aware of the proctor stepping between the two and chopping the air in front of him with a swift motion, "Begin!" he shouted, causing the crowd to cheer. With that, the fight was on.





Yoshihiro Joe versus Ryo Fujita. It was a match that was looked forward too by spectators. Sure there were other fights that garnered their fair share of excitement, but today, eyes were on Ryo. It was clear that the two competitors had some history together. Xiao was Yoshihiro’s friend, and Ryo killed or at least ruthlessly injured, Xiao. This was known to the crowd, and it only made their chants and cheers even louder. However, this fight was not the place or the time to show this bad blood. This fight was to be only business. Having talked the night before, Yoshihiro and Ryo came to some sort of understanding, and today was the day for them to prove themselves to one another. Now they were to stand before a crowd of thousands and face each other.

Ryo stepped through the large doors into the arena, and a smile grew on his face as he felt the familiar earth beneath his feet. His last fight was done on trains, and that was pure hell for him. His opponent pinned him and ruthlessly beat him, breaking his bones with a light tap of his stick. That was part of the reason why people were cheering for him now. He learned his lesson, and now they were paying attention to his skill. Ryo walked towards the center of his arena as eyes watched him and his opponent. His smile would still be on his face, as the lack of trains caused an uncontrollable joy to come to life inside him. The wind blew hard, and Ryo watched his opponent undo his shawl, letting it blow away in the wind. He made a mental note of this, despite the fact that it probably meant nothing. Ryo was far too familiar with heavy winds to have the need to test it. After all, he grew up on a damn mountain. It was clear to him that a gust like this would make a difference in projectile speed, as well as his own.

Now near the center of the arena, Ryo stood fifteen meters from his opponent, with the proctor in between the two of them. Ryo knew his strategy going into this. He was not going to play like a coward as he did in other fights. He was not going to play defensive. He finally realized that he had to put the pressure on his opponent if he wanted different results. He would be the aggressor.


As the proctor’s signal was said, Ryo was already forming hand seals on his right hand as he dashed nine meters towards his opponent. These hand seals would cause a blanket of chakra to form over his skin, which would act as a defense against all chakra based attacks. During Ryo’s dash, with a ten-meter gap in between him and his opponent, he would channel chakra through his foot and into the ground, sending a one-meter wide chakra ripple towards the boy at a speed of fifteen meters per second. If this ripple hit, an illusion would fill Yoshihiro’s vision, causing him to believe he was in a dense forest with trees blocking Ryo from his sight. If this hit, Ryo would immediately stop his charge, slamming his palms against the ground. Almost immediately, the ground below Yoshihiro would fall at a rate of fifteen meters per second, creating a two meters by two meters wide hole that would be fifteen meters deep. This was a smart move in Ryo’s mind, as he had more plans if this move was a success.

Word count: 603 of 603




Just like his opponent, Joe dashed forwards, activating two of his jutsu with the first step he took. They had started off at such close quarters compared to his previous matches, it was a tad jarring. Ryo had come out of the gates heated and ready to fight, creating his own handsigns right as the proctor started their match. It was to be expected, after all, Joe had gotten away with setting a substitution jutsu on his way to the middle of the field. Still, it was the speed at which Joe would move that would easily overtake and overwhelm his opponent as he finished creating a defensive barrier around himself. That was alright, Joe wouldn't get a chance to fight at such close proximity again if he didn't capitalize on this moment, he knew that an Iwa-nin like Ryo was built to endure punishment- the question thus on Joe's mind was just how much he'd be able to take.

Joe would move in a blur, the insane speed easily eclipsing Ryo's as he sped towards where Joe originally was. With the closing distance between the two, and with the 39 m/s dash that Joe had caused, there'd be virtually no way for the Iwa-nin to evade or otherwise move out of the way. At the most, Joe would be upon him in less than a quarter of a second. The stream of chakra from the Iwa-nin's genjutsu would land, trees sprouting up everwyere all around Joe and the other nin, but with how close the two already were, with just how fast Joe now moved, it was too little too late.

Materializing in front of Ryo just as he would try to stop his dash, Joe would use his momentum and speed as he  would collide with the other boy. His right arm was raised up horizontally in front of him, the hard forearm moving with all the force and momentum of the dash. This right forearm would crash violently against Ryo's exposed neck, the sheer force of the blow being wildly dangerous. If the forearm landed, it would easily crush Ryo's windpipe, as well as be horrendously painful for the shinobi. Ryo would no longer be able to breath, and with such a serious injury, would have limited time to fight before he passed out from a lack of oxygen. With the overwhelming speed difference between the two, and the close distance, it would be truly a feat for Ryo to avoid or otherwise prevent the guillotine forearm from landing, with less than a quarter of a second to react.

Even if the attack would somehow miss, Joe would follow up to capitalize on the moment. Whilst Ryo would be left reeling from the blow, Joe would wrap his arms around the stunned boy and and suddenly throw him up and back, his back arching into a bridge stance as he sought to unleash a lethal belly-to-belly suplex that would smash Ryo's head against the ground. Given that Joe was already so close to the Iwa-nin, and that his arms would be gripping him so tightly, it would remain to be seen if his opponent would be able to perform any hand seals due to the Joe-sized body keeping his arms apart!





Ryo’s opponent stayed in the line that the chakra ripple was traveling, making his Genjutsu attempt a success. The would cause Ryo to appear as if he was surrounded by dense trees which would allow him to fade out of Yoshihiro’s vision. However, once Ryo stopped his dash forward, his opponent already knew where he was. In the blink of an eye, Yoshihiro was already next to Ryo. Ryo was glad that this fight was already close and personal. While he would have preferred to play a ranged battle, this type of combat allowed him with an opportunity to learn and adapt to certain situations. It was a wonder to Ryo how someone at this level could move so fast. Would he ever be able to move that fast? That was what he was here to change, after all. He was here to prove himself and win. Unable to react in time, Yoshihiro’s forearm would collide with Ryo’s neck, causing notable soreness and some shock. Despite being surprised for half a second by his opponent’s sheer speed, which made it seem like teleportation, Ryo’s reactions were always on point. His gown made his body stand strong against the boy’s strike, which would make it seem as if his forearm collided with a solid, unmoving wall.

This would no doubt throw his opponent somewhat off guard, and Ryo did not hesitate to capitalize on the gap that his opponent closed. Ryo would attempt to grab the boy’s right wrist, the same one that collided with his neck, with his left hand. Once Ryo had some sort of hold on Yoshihiro’s wrist, he would pull hard with his left arm in an attempt to whip Yoshihiro’s body so it was positioned in front of Ryo. With Yoshihiro now in front of him, Ryo would maintain his grip on his right wrist while he formed a series of hand seals on his right hand, which he pulled back away from the Yoshihiro's reach. As soon as these hand seals were done, a large amount of katon chakra would find its way into Ryo’s throat, which would quickly release, expelling a four meter long, three meter wide, and three meter tall fireball towards Yoshihiro at a speed of twenty meters a second. With a size and speed such as that, it would be near impossible for Yoshihiro to avoid the fireball, as it would appear and hit in less than a second. Once hit, whatever side of Yoshihiro’s body that took the blast would be covered in major first-degree burns. The boy’s clothing would also catch fire, which would intensify the burns as time went on. At such a close range, this fireball would also hit Ryo. However, since his gown coated his skin, this would not affect the young man, making this reckless attack justifiable.

Word count: 486 of 1089




There was a mixture of feelings as the blow collided with Ryo's neck, the forearm cutting into him with blunt force. Upon feeling the resistance that the Iwa-nin's body put up, Joe knew that his original tactic wouldn't work. It was a testament to the other boy's resolve, his strength, the will of stone that stood unmoving as both of their wills collided for the audience to see. For the two here, this was still a personal fight. They may have held respect for one another borne out of a begrudging truce, but that didn't shake the realities of where they now stood both figuratively and literally. One of them would fall, and the other would stand tall. It was that burning desire, that will of fire, that was rising within Joe as his instincts kicked in as if on cue. He had trained himself hard, literally to the point of being put on forced medical leave and supervision, but, ideally, this right here was one of the perks of pursuing success.

In the second between Ryo recoiling from the sudden blow hitting his neck, Joe would lay a trap for the boy. A green aura would instantly cover his body, yet would remain invisible due to the perception needed to see it. Once Ryo grabbed onto the wrist of his right arm, Joe would activate his second jutsu. All of a sudden, a tumult of wind and lightning would ensnare Joe and Ryo, the aura of Futon that had been placed dissipating against the latter's earthen gown whilst Joe's second jutsu, a crackling aura of lightning, simultaneously struck. As Ryo would pull Joe forwards hastily, the gown surrounding him would disappear all at once from the combined power of the stormy jutsu.

Joe could sense his moment, he still had the speed granted by his Slipstream, all of his movements were still at a rate of 15 m/s even up close in a physical melee such as this. With this speed, the Genin would punch forwards with his left hand, slamming it up against Ryo's neck, moving at a breakneck pace that would easily outpace the boy's hand seals. Given the melee the duo was locked in, as well as the massive speed difference, it would be near impossible for Ryo to avoid the Futon-empowered punch barreling at his throat. Joe had fried his lightning tenketsu with that earlier display, he would be relying on using a purely wind-focused attack. If the punch would land on Ryo's exposed neck, the bone-fracturing force of the blow would likely be enough to do what Joe's originally assault couldn't do: crush the boy's windpipe. Ryo would be able to finish casting his jutsu, but with Joe's blow likely decimating his neck, the sheer pain and shock of the blow would likely knock him out, or at the very least disrupt his attempt to form chakra there, causing the fire jutsu to implode within his throat as he would lose control over it.


TWC: 1679

  • Training C2 Dexterity to C3, 1000/1000


Last edited by Yoshihiro on Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:15 am; edited 2 times in total



Official Ruling wrote:Yoshihiro hit with a powerful offensive jutsu after blowing away the Earth Gown and dispelling his opponent's genjutsu. Straight to the neck starts the suffocation timer.

Joe's mojo clinched the fight, yo.

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