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Round Two: Aburame Kanro vs. Kaguya Koryu 1lyr3oO

Located in the southwest areas of the Land of Fire, these lowlands are inundated with rain, down to the soil being soaked. The arena is a sort of labyrinth of waterlogged ground interspersed with meter-deep water. The water makes running impossible while even partially submerged, and the land proves little better as a foothold; the slick mud comprising the embankments causes anyone moving above 10m/s on them to move 5m forward uncontrollably. Unlike standing on the surface of the water, Supernatural Walking Practice has little bearing on the shifting semi-solid mud.

1 - Kanro
2 - Koryu


Kanro, Aburame

Kanro, Aburame

Kanro was making her way towards her arena site for her match in the chunin exams, due to catching a nasty fever prior to the start of her first match her would be opponent was declared the victor by default due to her absence, although she had not been expecting to necessarily win the lose still hung over her like a grey cloud but now that she was better she was hoping to make amends for her loss with a proper fight this time around.

After a bit more time walking Kanro had finally made it to the spot detailed to her by the higher-ups of her village when she looked around there were only small patches of lands surrounding by what appeared to be large puddles or dips of water, Kanro bent down and put her hand through the body of liquid only to discover that it was only about half liquid as she could feel plenty of clumped up wet soil between her hands and when she rose up back to her feet the whole area seemed to be covered in the large dips of what she now knew as soil and water mixed together, the land seemed to be more suited for long-range capable shinobi then it was close range, luckily for Kanro she was a mixture of the two and felt comfortable at both ends of the coin but the real question was which one her opponent was or rather best at, she knew nothing about them not even their name as such information was kept secret until their actual meeting.

But no matter the circumstances she had been in the spot for nearly six minutes and there hasn't been any sign of an opponent meaning she was the first to arrive and also meaning she had the element of surprise if she thought well enough about how to proceed, with that she decided to make use of the ninja academy techniques rather than play her hand from the start, first she took a firm grip of her kunai into her right hand and then slightly bent her legs as if ready to move at a moments notice creating the appearance of someone with extreme caution, she then with her free hand weaved one-handed signs before an image of her in the exact same pose was created to the left of her with kunai in hand, Kanro knew that most ninjas weren't easily fooled by this technique but perhaps the illusion of her being cautious and weapon in hand would make for more convincing scene and the enemy will either get close enought for her to physicall fight them and not be able to get far because of the mud or they would waste their own chakra attacking not knowing it was an illusion but no matter because she wasn't even done setting the stage, as she looked around once more before finally taking notice of a log nearby and walked to it she kicked it a bit and saw that it was loose no doubt from the soil all around it being loose from rainwater, she then used her strength and pulled it free from it's confined completly while adding chakra to it to use for her substitution jutsu but let it stay in the same place.

She had prepared well but the question was how was she going to hide until the enemy showed itself without getting noticed, "Croaaaack!" was the sound Kanro heard before turning her head to see three frogs standing on large leaves in close proximity to each other, looking at them give her an idea that showed in the form of a smile as Kanro once again weaved one handed hand signs before she herself turned into a frog and croaked before leaping closer to the others to blend in, the stage was all set now and all she could do is wait for her opponent to fall into her web.

WC: 627

Chakra: 35/50

Jutsu Used:

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