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1Round One: Aburame N'Jobu vs. Kenta Rhys Empty Round One: Aburame N'Jobu vs. Kenta Rhys Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:13 pm



Round One: Aburame N'Jobu vs. Kenta Rhys I0Z7lKB

An arena covered wall to wall in tall grass, seven feet high. As contestants enter, they will immediately notice their vision is impaired by the thick reeds of grass, however, there is something more at work. Combatants cannot see more than 1m around themselves with vision alone, heavily obscuring one another from view, but any movement in this grassy arena causes extremely loud rustling as the grass is pushed to and fro, allowing shinobi to pinpoint one another through sound. Whenever a shinobi moves in this arena, the direction they are in relative to their opponent is immediately revealed.

1 - N'Jobu
2 - Rhys


N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As the nagging sounds of his alarm echoed through his room, N'Jobu tussled in his sheets before begrudgingly pressing the bottom atop of the clock to stop its incessant beeping.  He thought about what the day would have in store for him for the day had finally come, the chunin exam. He would be competing today as a representative of the leaf village so the pressure to do well was certainly upon him.  Willing himself out of the bed, he uncovered himself and stood up to stretch out, shaking the sleep from his body. Soon after his morning stretch, he went about his normal morning routine to get himself ready. He made it a point to do everything just as he normally would as maintaining a sense of consistency helped to alleviate any anxiety that would be common for genin in his situation.

He quickly got himself dressed and draped his Basotho blanket over his shoulder before grabbing his gear from its normal resting place by the door. After giving all his gear a once over to make sure everything was in order, including his new gauntlets, he called out for S’Yan to hop on his shoulder as he headed out of the Aburame complex down to the battlegrounds where the exams were being held. It was a beautiful day outside, perfect for a bit of competition. As he walked, he zoned out a bit to think about potential strategies moving into the competition and some things in his toolkit he could use depending on the situation he would be put in. Before long he finally arrived at the area where he would be competing. He knew very little of his opponent other than a name and the village from which they represented so his battle prep would be limited and may put him at a bit of a disadvantage as his opponent would likely have some knowledge of the Aburame clan’s abilities. Regardless of what he was up against, he was sure he could likely figure out a strategy to win the contest.

Without wasting much more time, he went to his starting location just outside the gate and began to put on his gear. He strapped on his gauntlets and loaded them with each with alternating ammunition where the explosive rounds would come first followed by the “launch” rounds. He only had a short time to practice with them, but he felt he had the rhythm down enough to use them in the match and worst case scenario he would still have his trusty bow with him. He gave everything one last check down before the match was set to begin. “Alright…let’s do this,” he mused to himself as he hyped himself up for the match. Soon enough, the announcer would be heard throughout the area, with a short countdown before beginning.  “5, 4,3, 2, 1….BEGIN”.

The gates before him swung open revealing a field of grass approximately seven feet tall obscuring his vision severely, limiting what he could see to maybe about a meter in front of him. As he stepped into the grass, he realized it made an immense amount of noise and tried to soften his movement, to no avail however. Immediately realizing his ranged combat would be at a severe disadvantage, he needed to think of a plan and quickly to deal with problem at hand. He figured he would have a relatively limited amount of time to act as his opponent was likely planning something of their own as well. Luckily, he would hear their movements just as easily as his own so there was no true advantage in that regard. He figured he could clear about a 5m radius around him in about 60 seconds or so which would give him much needed room to operate. “S’Yan, please cut down the grass to our right and ill deal with the grass in front of us and the left. If you hear anything closeby hop underground and catch him by surprise…” N’Jobu whispered as S’Yan hopped from his shoulder and began to cut down the grass directly to the pair’s right-hand side. He commanded a lone female parasitic insect to tag along with S’Yan to make it a bit easier to find him should they get disconnected in the brush. With S’Yan busy at work, he summoned two tiny swarms of his insects to begin tearing down the grass around him on the front and left sides, with his insects quickly rotating out after eating their fill. Given that he was likely to face an up-close encounter, he summoned his insects to the surface of his skin and commanded them to create a layer of chitin over his skin for protection should he get be caught off guard by his opponent.  As he focused his hearing to try to determine any movements from his enemy, he strapped his bow to his back for the time being and grabbed his trusty knife in preparation. “Let’s do this”.

WC: 849

Chakra | Hive Count:



Rhys tightened the final strap that held his companion Reorx's new armor in place. The pair were now fully suited in matching sets of armor made from ugly metal sheets of pressed gold. As if the visage of the bulky man and the exotic rhinoceros was not enough to draw attention, they now literally shone with brilliant clarity as lights reflected off of their armor. This was the first time that the pair would be wearing their new armor in combat, they had done some training with it but this would be interesting. The day would be full of firsts; their first time in the new armor, their first time fighting another shinobi purely for sport, the first time Reorx had ever left the sands of what was once Sunagakure, and hopefully it would be the first time that they would be able to show the ninja world their strength and the strength of the village that once was and will be again.

   The wait was maddening, every passing minute felt like an eternity lived twice. Patience had never been Rhys' strongest quality, and this was a test in and of itself. Just as Rhys was about lose his cool a proctor told him it was time, and just like that all his anger left his body to be replaced by anticipation. The moment had come. Rhys and Reorx stepped out of the waiting room to the sound of thunderous applause from spectators, though Rhys heard them only for a moment. All sound dimmed into a muffled roar off in the distance. Rhys and Reorx approached their arena which at first glance seemed nothing more than a field with tall grass. Rhys nodded to his faithful companion "We got this', reassuring himself just as much as he was the adolescent rhinoceros at his side. The gate swung open.

  Before entering the grassy area, Rhys knelt down near Reorx. He channeled his chakra into Reorx's lower section of armor while simultaneously drawing a movement plan into the dirt for Reorx's benefit. After Rhys had his substitution jutsu in place with Reorx's armor he nodded at his companion as they both moved into the grass knowing what to do. The pair entered the grass before splitting off from each other. They could hear the opponent doing something to clear away grass at the opposite end of the arena and used this opportunity to prepare. Rhys went 15m forward and to the left while Reorx mirrored his movements going in 15m forward and to the right. When they were in position they each got their final preparations underway. Reorx began channeling his chakra into his golden horn cap that slowly began to change it's shape. Meanwhile, on the other side of the field, Rhys had knelt down removing the cap from his Tube of holding that held his Mag-Sand within. The sand came flowing out of the tube at his behest as it formed into a weapon. The Mag-Sand formed into a 2m long chain with a weighted ball at the end. The Meteor hammer was formed. Rhys wrapped the chain partly around his arm as he prepared for the next move.

530 wc

Rh Chakra 230/250 Rx Chakra 40/50:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As he continued his lawn mowing escapade to buy himself some space to operate, he tried to listen intently to find out just where his opponent would be. After a few seconds he heard some rustling of the grass in distance, likely over 50m away judging by the faintness of the sound. The rustling them quickly came to a halt, likely indicating his opponent had stopped although he heard noise from two separate locations which meant he was likely up against someone using clones, summons, or maybe even a pet like himself. Given the considerable distance away his opponent likely was, he figured he would have a few more moments to clear out an area in front of him, expanding upon the area which he was just about done clearing. He would continue on to clear an additional 5m radius around himself for a total of about 10m radius if uninterrupted by his opponent. While he worked to clear the area, he signaled S’Yan to return to him, so they could quickly discuss a game plan for dealing with the potential multiple targets he would be facing. “We’ll need to ambush them to gain the upper hand. Go ahead and dig underground and wait for my signal. I think I have an idea to deal with them,” he muttered to his trusty companion. S’Yan nodded his head in agreement before digging himself down into the ground about 3m deep, making it difficult for an opponent to find him. He was about 2m away from N'Jobu off to his right and hid his intial digging spot with some leftover grass from their mowing. When the time was right, N'Jobu would send one of his beetles down into the ground to give S’Yan the signal, as to avoid giving away the surprise through verbal or body movements.

In the meantime, he would command ten of his beetles to fly into the air over the arena and report back their findings, so he could pinpoint just where his opponents were and gain any potential details. Given the small number he sent for the task, it would make absolutely no dent in the size of his hive. After about 30 seconds, they would return back with their findings unless they were killed by the opponent should they notice his insects. He prepared himself to wait out his opponent, as his strategy revolved around attrition. All he needed to do was wear his opponent down until they made a mistake and then he would capitalize upon it. As a final precaution, he prepared yet another trap for his victims similar to the one he planned with S’Yan. They would actually work in tandem with one another should one attempt fail. He quickly summoned a swarm of his insects down his leg and into the ground beneath him, halting their movement until the time was right. It was only a matter of time until his opponent would show face and he wanted to be ready. His scouts would be returning soon to let him know just where his opponent was on the field, so he would readily have some knowledge of how they were planning to close the gap on him. Without much left to do but wait for his opponent to come to him, He drew the bow from its resting place on his back and held it in his left hand ready to be used when the time would certainly come. He was a hunter after all, and today he would be dealing with the most dangerous of prey.

WC: 602

Chakra | Hive Count:



There was still no sign of an approaching enemy and the sounds of falling grass still emanated from the opposite end of the field. Rhys stood lifting the weighted ball with him as he moved into second position where he knew Reorx would meet up with him. The pair had practiced different battle formations and movements, today's plan of assault was a forward diamond formation, they broke apart from each other moving forward and away from the other and then cut back to the center while still progressing, making the diamond shape that garnered it's aptly given formation name. Rhys and Reorx performed the simple perfectly (yet loudly) and met 15m further toward the center. Rhys slowed to catch his breath as his companion met back up with him. Reorx had formed his armored horn cap into a sharp pointed edge as instructed, but it seemed the opponent was not willing to meet him halfway so Rhys gave Reorx the signal to cease the rhinoceros' chakra flow into the cap causing it to revert to it's normal form. There was no sense in using up all of their chakra now, especially with all of this excruciating running. Rhys decided to hurry things along and signaled for Reorx to charge up the middle while he trailed behind trying to keep pace with the battle ball of energy that was Reorx.

Due to his bulky features and the added weight of the metal Mag-sand container on his back, the pair were barely able to make it to the center of the arena before Rhys slowed them down once more. Running, his one true weakness. They paused yet again and waited. Rhys hoped the opponent would come to him, but it was looking like he would have to do all the legwork if this was going to be over any time soon. While they were stopped for his benefit, Rhys looked around and cursed his luck on getting this arena. The tall grass blocking his view, the fertile dirt that was far too alive to be useful, and the damn bugs flying around in this annoyingly green environment. He pocketed his rage as he got set to continue his push forward, best to save that anger for the enemy.

376/906 wc

Rh:230/250 Rx: 40/50:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As he waited, his scouts returned slowly to report back their findings. They had found his opponent in the grass who apparently hadn't noticed them or simply ignored them if he did. The scouts reported back two enemy combatants who had made their way a little over halfway through the field, putting them about 35m to 45m away from him at this point. They would soon be upon him and he was ready for their approach. His scouts described to N'Jobu a large male shinobi, clad in armor holding some kind of weapon made up of a chain and ball. Nearby was some kind of strange large animal, also clad in a similar type of armor running alongside the opposing shinobi who was likely his pet. "Interesting, I'll have to keep an eye out for that thing whatever it happens to be,” N’Jobu contemplated to himself. With a 10m radius circle cleared out around him, he figured he had more than enough free space to operate in when his opponent would inevitably appear.  His traps were lying in wait and he had his arsenal ready to go as soon as his enemy would arrive. He was in no particular hurry to rush and get the match over with as his game plan revolved around baiting his opponent. All he needed to do was wait for him to show up and then he could begin systematically breaking them down until he can land the final blow to win the match.

Given his opponent was closing in, N'Jobu figured he should probably place a tracker on the enemy and his pet so that he would be able to find him in the dense brush should his opponent deciede to retreat back into the grass after their inevitable encounter. He ordered a few female parasitic insects to go find the two and secretly attach themselves so that they could be tracked later on. He sent just enough so that even if one or two got swatted away, there would still be at least one to latch themselves onto them and serve as scent tracking beacons. The crowd was relatively calm for the time being, likely waiting for the two genin to confront one another before bursting into a raucous celebration for whoever they happened to be rooting for. Given that N'Jobu was representing Konoha, he figured he may have a bit of a home field advantage with the crowd which could be useful to help demoralize his opponent when the fighting actually began.

WC: 426

Chakra | Hive Count:



Having regained his composure, Rhys gave Reorx the signal to continue forward. The battle would finally begin and this damnable running would be at it's end. Reorx, with practiced precision, once again took up the diamond formation as he cut to the right and pushed forward while Rhys mirrored his movements on the left side of the field. The pair moved quickly but not at a full sprint as they closed the gap that lie between them and the still unseen opponent. As the pair were in position about 25m from where the sounds of cut grass had come from they paused for just a moment before rushing forward to rush the opponent with sheer strength, inadvertently springing the trap that had been laid for them as they reached the clearing in the grass.


Rh:230/250 Rx: 40/50::

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

A few of his trackers would soon return, indicating the others had made their way onto his opponents without much attention given to their presence. This would hopefully prove to be a boon to his tracking later on should his opponent retreat back into the grass. For now however, the trackers wouldn't be really neccesary as he could hear the lumbering of his opponents loudly and clearly coming towards home from both his left and his right. Before long however, the sounds of his opponent rushing down opon him appeared to be converging toward the center of his clearing that he had made in front of him. With this in mind, he ordered both of his traps to move forward to prepare to launch his surprise attacks against his opponent. They moved forward approximately 10m from his position which was right next to his entrance gate, moving at a rate of 15m/s reaching their destination in under a second. Within a few seconds, his opponent would come rushing out of the thick brush. He saw a large gold clad armored genin along with what appeared to be a similarly armored juvenile rhinoceros. The pair had rage in their eyes as the rushed towards him, not realizing they had run right into a trap which had been waiting for them. N’Jobu quickly signed for his insects and S’Yan to spring the traps using a speedy messenger beetle under ground to relay the message.

Before they knew what hit them, N’Jobu’s beetles and S’Yan sprang forth from the ground grabbing the rhinocerous and his owner respectively. His beetles wrestled with the relatively large rhinoceros, dragging its body deep into the ground leaving only its head above while it trashed to no avail. Its armor appeared to be heavy and limited its ability to free itself from the subterranean fate to which it was now subject. In tandem, S’Yan grabbed the genin by his boots using his scythe like claws and using his superb strength also dragged the gold clad shinobi down into the ground just like his pet. With both of his opponents temporarily incapacitated, N’Jobu decided to make his move and lay the foundation for which he would decimate his opponent. He summoned a large swarm of his special venomous beetles into a large sphere and commanded them forward at the genin at a speed of 25m/s, as his rhino was no longer a real threat to him.  Given he was only approximately 10 meters from his opponent at the time, the sphere would reach him in under half a second, leaving him with little to no time to react. As a secondary precaution, he drew back his bow and readied his aim at the genin so that he could launch another of his bow based jutsu should he need it. "There is no escape now!" he shouted out. "S'Yan keep watch on the Rhino. Use force if needed but don't hurt it too badly" he ordered. At this point, N'Jobu was confident in his victory. Even if his opponent should manage to escape from his trap, he would find himself locked into the beetle prison. To add insult to injury, the bites received from his beetles in the prison would cause the genin to lose his eyesight making his probability of victory that much lower than it already was.

WC: 572

Chakra | Hive Count:

Last edited by N'Jobu on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed Formatting)



The trap had appeared to work perfectly for the rival shinobi. Reorx was drug down into the ground trying desperately to free himself from the earthy confines. The figure of Rhys was similarly caught in a near duplicate jutsu and was sunken down to his nose, he looked on defiantly at the approaching sphere of bugs that could only mean trouble. As they made contact with the trapped Rhys he looked as if he were going to cry out in pain, before he poofed into a puff of smoke leaving behind half of Reorx's armor in his place. Rhys had activated his previously set substitution jutsu just as the strange mantis creature had begun it's assault and it had dissipated from the damage of the venomous beetle swarm. Rhys however was in not much of a better situation, he was now completely underground wrapped around his struggling companion Reorx who stopped his efforts when he felt the familiar warmth of his master. Rhys had limited time as his breath could only be held for so long and it would not be long before the enemy realized what had happened. Rhys quickly began channeling his Doton energy down and Jiton energy upwards, this was his only chance.

206/1246 wc

Rh 210/250 Rx 40/50:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

He watched as his sphere of beetles flew forward at their target, just a hair away from impact. Just as it reached his target he watched his rival appear to begin a scream out before he caught a whiff of a small poof of smoke followed by armor falling to the floor as it was surrounded by venomous beetles. "Substitution technique...clever. Now to find him," he contemplated to himself. He was a bit disappointed he had gotten too overly confident but it served him right for being to sure of his opponents demise. For now however he would need to find his target, and luckily he had tagged him earlier with a female beetle to track. The scent she would give off would be enough for his specialized olfactory beetles to find relatively quickly. He ordered his Bikōchū to seek out his opponent based on the scent of the female beetle which they immediately began track. Within a second they scattered off toward the source of the scent, flying directly over to where the Rhino was currently being held in place. They stopped around where the Rhino's body should be indicating that he was likely underground or at least had figured out a way trick the Bikōchū somehow. Either way, he needed to show a bit more respect to his opponent and not become overly confident again. He prepared himself for whatever may come his way, saving one of best trapping moves for last should he need it.

He shifted his aim towards the head of the Rhino, hoping his opponent would show himself somehow. He would need to be careful however as if he broke the ground, he would release the beast along with himself and then N'Jobu would have a much tougher time. "I need to end this sooner rather than later," he thought to himself as he planned out a course of action. "Next attack won't miss..."

WC: 326

Chakra | Hive Count:



As far as Rhys could tell, nothing had happened since his substitution jutsu had done it's job by transporting him back to his companion and buying some time. Everything that had happened in this fight that had only been going for a few seconds led to this instant. Rhys knew he only had one chance to catch his enemy off guard and hopefully end this fight. The chakra Rhys had been building up in his massive hands, one of which was still painfully wrapped in the weapon he had created earlier, had finally reached it's peak, he channeled all of his collected Doton energy downward in a 5m radius below him that began outside of a 1m cylindrical "safe zone" directly underneath him. Being encased under the earth had proven to have one advantage, the deeper compact ground was more laden with minerals and sediments that were easier for Rhys to magnetize and manipulate than the living organic top soil above. The doton energy erupted out pulverizing the ground further below as Rhys used his collected Jiton energy in his other hand to lift up the newly formed Mag-Sand he had created. This hard earth was far more useful than the grassy dirt above resulting in 3m cubed of mag-sand pushing upward out of the earth as the now pulverized ground below Rhys settled downward the full 3m causing the surface above it in the same radius to sink the same 3m. The earthen cage around Rhys and Reorx crumbled away and the 1m worth that was on and above the spherical "platform" Rhys now stood on had been unaffected by the jutsu, but now gave way to gravity as it crumbled under it's own weight and fell to all sides. Gravity had also taken hold of Reorx in that same instant.

Rhys knew that his plan was a huge risk, but it had to be done. As the earth itself had crumbled and changed it's shape to suit Rhys' will, he would now need his faithful companion to come through for him as well. Just as hard dirt encasing them was stripped away Rhys shouted out a well practiced word as he used all of his strength from the soles of his feet to the palms of his hands to force the young rhinoceros up and behind Rhys. "RHINOCERTOSS!!! boomed out of Rhys' newly freed mouth as he flung Reorx behind him, Reorx jumped off of Rhys' outstretched hands as he had done dozens of times before and vaulted forward toward the enemy, resulting in a glorious...2m jump. Reorx landed with a thud on the freshly fallen neutralized Mag-Sand that Rhys had let go of after it had breached the surface and the pair had been freed. The familiar feeling of sand beneath his cloven hooves acted as a boon to the adolescent rhinoceros as he charged at the enemy who was only another 8m away. Reorx would attack the right side (the opponent's left) as he had done countless times in training, he lowered his horn as he attempted the gore the enemy shinobi.

The sight of a "flying" rhinoceros adorned in (most of his) golden armor would hopefully buy Rhys at least a second or two. The tremendous effort of launching his faithful companion had taken it's toll and forced Rhys to his down on the solid platform beneath him. The now useless, yet slightly magnetized, Mag-Sand around him had seeped into the gap where Rhys stood burying him up to his thighs, but it was easy enough for him to pull himself out. As he stood, just as Reorx began his charge, Rhys grabbed the large metallic tube on his back by it's strap and took it off with one hand as he spun around in a 180 degree semi-circle and used the momentum to launch the open tube of holding back end first toward the left side of the enemy whom he was now seeing for the first time. Rhys' free hand had been making hand signs to power and control the Jiton chakra he needed to launch the flying tube at a tremendous velocity. "PUSH!" Rhys shouted as he propelled the already airborne tube toward the left side (opponent's right) of this young shinobi. The close proximity of the tube when Rhys had pushed his chakra out of his outstretched hand caused it to fly 15m/s closing the gap in under a second, just as Reorx should be making his attack. The enemy could try to dodge, but either direction would have a chance to still be in the path's of the oncoming assaults.

Now was the final part of the plan, Rhys charged up the middle as he loosened the chain around his arm and began swinging the weighted ball at it's full 2m length. He would arrive after Reorx and the tube, but only by a second and when he was within 2m Rhys would swing on his opponent if he still remained. Rhys knew his body wouldn't hold up to this amount of strain for long, but hopefully it wouldn't have to.


Rh 195/250 Rx 40/50:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

A few moments passed before N'Jobu began to hear a rumbling below the earth which made him anxious as to just what was going on. His tracking insects hadn't moved from their position which indicated that his opponent likely hadn't moved from his current position but was clearly doing something under the ground unknown to N'Jobu. Suddenly, the ground erupted with the Rhinoceros flying into the air followed by a shout of RHINOCERTOSS!!! by his opponent. Surprised by the pure strength required to light up a gigantic Rhinoceros, N'Jobu gained a bit more respect for his opponent but he would need to think quickly to deal with the situation. Now that the Rhinoceros was free, his owner would now also be free and he would need something to deal with them both. He carefully released the tension in his bow and moved his draw hand up, noticing it was slightly more labored than usual for some particular reason. "What is going on," he thought to himself as he noticed his opponent beginning to take some kind of tube off his back. With his hands together, he formed the tiger seal and and summoned thousands of his insects into the ground below him and ordered them to move forward in front of him where his opponents were certain to fall into yet another of his traps. This time however, he would make sure he ended the fight.

The insects swarmed forward at 15m/s reaching approximately 7m away from where he stood ready to spring into action as soon as his opponents stepped over them. For now however he had another problem. In the time it had taken him to prep, his opponent appeared to launch yet another assault upon him as he screamed out "PUSH!". A cylinder type object was flying toward him quite quickly leaving him with little option but to dodge out of the way putting himself in the way of the charging Rhino. His plan needed to work or otherwise he would be in a particularly difficult position but not impossible to get himself out of. His trap, should it work as intended, should stop both opponents dead in their tracks and give him the opportunity to dodge towards the Rhinoceros out of the way of the missile like projectile careening down upon him. As final piece to his plan, he sent forth a few insects to relay a message to S'Yan who had been tossed out of the way by the erupting duo and was now off to their side, seemingly ignored by the opposing team. S'Yan would soon receive the message and hopefully move into the next position for a counter attack.

WC: 454

Chakra | Hive Count:

Last edited by N'Jobu on Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed Formatting)



Everything seemed to be going according to plan. The tube was flying forward at a tremendous speed leaving behind a trail of the Mag-Sand that had been housed within, Reorx was charging forward with all of the speed and strength he could muster, and Rhys had just begun his mad dash... when everything went to shit. The opponent dodged out of the way of the metallic tube that was rocketing forward just as Rhys had hoped he would, but when Rhys looked back to Reorx, who should have already been upon the enemy, his heart sank. Bugs. Everywhere bugs. They had come out of the ground and trapped the struggling rhinoceros dead in his tracks. Rhys was nearly at the point where Reorx sat fighting when he leaped into the air and vaulted forward with all of his might. The heavy golden armor and natural bulkiness of Rhys' frame was too much to overcome. Rhys landed with a heavy thud about 2m away from where he leapt. As he landed the insects swarmed out of the ground and skittered unp his legs trapping him in their clutches while he was still 5m away from the enemy shinobi. "I will not be beaten by bugs!" Rhys exclaimed as his temper erupted, his blood pressure skyrocketing. Rhys channeled his jiton energy to take control of the Mag-Sand that had fallen from the now distant tube. The sand formed into links of chain that Rhys added onto the one he still held in his hand causing that total chain to be 5m long, just long enough. The chain was far too long to swing naturally so he reared back before flinging the weighted head of his custom Meteor Hammer weapon at the opponent. The ball sailed through the air as Rhys continued funneling his Push! jutsu, the added force from his magnetic chakra caused the projectile to surge forward aimed directly at the rival Genin's face. The effort of this continuing battle seemed even more intense than normal and the strain could definitely be felt. One way or another this fight was about to end.

353/2453 wc

Rh 160/250 Rx 35/50:

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu managed to successfully dodge out of the way of the missile like tube which shot passed him and crashed into the wall behind him. His gambled appeared to pay off as he watched his insects burst from the ground and subdue the Rhinoceros yet again, stopping it dead in its tracks as it trashed back and forth in its fury. Its struggles would be futile however as N'Jobu's insects held strong against its might. Everything was not all peachy however, as his opponent managed to see the trap laid before him and tried to hop over it. His attempt was short lived however as he could only get himself up slightly before crashing down under his own weight along with the heavy golden armor he wore. As he got closer however, N'Jobu felt a strange pull upon his gauntlets which seemed to be pushing back towards the wall. He was baffled as to the source of the strange force, until he noticed his opponent lifting up what appeared to be metal filings or some kind of metallic sand. He somehow shaped them into small links which he added to the weapon in his hand quite quickly. "How is he controlling the metal...I don't see chakra strings like a puppeteer? Invisible strings maybe? No that can't be it...What could explain tha...." then it hit him. His opponent was using some form of magnet to control the various metals around him. With this realization, he dropped the bow in his left hand on the ground, realizing its metal pulleys would be useless in this particular situation and lessening the availability of metal on his person.

By the time he came to the full realization of what was going on, his opponent had closed in upon him. Although his bugs managed to snare him after he landed, the genin launched the head of his weapon dashing forward with significant force that would be unavoidable at this point. N'Jobu's only option this time would be to try to roll with blow and turn his body away from a direct impact. His armor would shield him from a vast portion of the blow but he would still feel the force behind the hit regardless. With a quick glance, N'Jobu noticed something interesting about the genin's technique, in that it appear to somehow be emanating forward from the genin yet it didn't seem to affect his companion which was off to his side and behind him at this point. "Maybe it's not all the way around him..." he thought to himself as the head of a metal meteor hammer crashed into the side of his face. The impact of the hammer stunned him slightly as he could still feel the force behind the blow even if his armor did protect him. The head of the meteor hammer would bounce off his face and continue forward, ending up in a straight line from the genin's armored hand.

Thinking on his feet, he used the momentum behind the strike to his face to rotate his body and throw two quick punches back towards the entrance gate launching out two explosive crystals from his gauntlets so that he could get to the special propellant ammo behind them. The crystals would fly towards the wall quickly and hopefully serve as a distraction for his final ploy to defeat his opponent. Just before the crystals struck the back wall, he used the force pushing his gauntlets to punch downward with his left hand which launched him into the air. By this time the two explosive crystals would have hit the back wall causing bright explosions which should have bought him enough time to launch his last attack. Now in the air, the force of the magnetism appeared to dissipate, confirming his suspicions that whatever magnet the genin was using only propagated forward. With one more propellant crystal left, he punched again with his right hand towards the wall to propelled himself at his opponent. He rotated himself a bit to face towards his opponent as he streaked through the air to land a devastating left hook. He knew it was possible for his opponent to potentially strike him again but he was confident this blow would be the knockout he needed. He prepared for whatever backlash he would need to endure before he felt his fist connect with his opponents jaw, blasting him with an explosive crystal at point blank range.

WC: 756

Chakra | Hive Count:



The head of the meteor hammer struck true. It smashed into the side of the opponent's face. Rhys waited for the fountain of blood to erupt from the wound, but it never came. The enemy flipped around using the momentum of the strike to begin a series of dashing maneuvers and bright explosions that somehow ended with the rival shinobi flying directly toward Rhys, fist at the ready. Rhys did not understand exactly what had happened and how it had all culminated into this. Reflexively Rhys raised his fist up into the enemy's stomach as the opponent struck true connecting into Rhys' jaw. Rhys had managed one last strike at the airborne enemy, but the devastating blow that he had taken was too much to endure. Falling to his knees, Rhys felt his anger and hopes start to slip away as darkness enveloped all. This fight was lost, but there would be many more to come.



N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As his punch connected with his opponent with a loud bang in his ear, he felt a fist jammed into his stomach with significant force, knocking him up again slightly before falling to the floor. He slowly rose back up to his feet, hoping that he had managed to pull of the victory in his final attack. He was tired and that hit with the meteor hammer hurt quite a bit. He had an immense amount of respect for the fight his opponent had put up. As he stood, he noticed his opponent laying on the ground before him unconscious on the ground. The crowd was erupting in cheer behind him, he had only now noticed as he was so focused on the battle everything else was blocked out. The announcer began to speak over the microphone, "The winner is N'Jobu Aburame of Konoha!". He certainly didn't feel like a winner at the time, his armor had saved him from serious damage but that didn't stop his brain from vibrating around inside his skull. He felt a bit dizzy and woozy, likely concussed from taking a meteor hammer to the face but a victory is a victory even if you get beaten up a bit.

With a quick tiger seal, he released the jutsu holding his opponents Rhino in place before heading back out of the arena. He walked over and picked his bow back up and strapped it to his back so he wouldn't need to carry it in his hands on the way out. "S'Yan, Let's go!" he yelled out to his companion who had taken a bit of refuged on the edge of the grass waiting for his next opportunity as instructed. N'Jobu waited a few seconds for his trusty pet to accompany him by crawling up to his shoulder to hitch a ride. Once the pair were settled up and ready to go, he walked toward the exit. He needed to get some rest before the next match as he was a bit banged up. He gave a quick wave to the crowd before heading out of the arena.

[~Exit Thread~]

WC: 360

Event Debrief:
Match Victory: 5EP
WC EP: 4345 + 2609 = 6954/2500 =2 EP
Total EP: 7EP

N'Jobu Training
Medical Ninjutsu B->A (1260+ 1740/3000) = (3000/3000)
Medical Ninjutsu A->S (2605/4000)

Remaining WC: 4345 - 1740 - 2605 = 0

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