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1Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:36 pm



Her laughter was caught and snatched quickly by the wind as she ran through the rolling hills. Her arms were out at her sides, much like a child pretending to be an airplane. But she wasn't pretending anything, she was merely enjoying the feel of the wind as it moved through her spread fingers. She was happy, giddy even, and full of a near endless supply of energy.


More laughter followed her child-like outburst, moving faster as the slightly high grass whipped against her ankles. But she didn't care, she was too far lost in the burn in her legs and chest from how long she had been running. She ran her way up until she was at the top of one of the larger hills, then she stopped and stood there, her brown hair blowing in the wind, red eyes looking over the nearby hills.

She hadn't meant to end up here; she had gone for a simple jog that had turned into a run, from there into a free run, and eventually the village itself just couldn't hold her. So she kept running until her feet had brought her to where she was. Now she just needed something, anything, else to do... She placed her hands on her hips, standing tall as she kept looking.

2Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:22 pm



Damnit, this girl could move when she wanted to. From a simple run to this? He'd been after her, almost as soon as she'd left the house, to tell her that breakfast was ready. That was three hours ago. Thier mother would understand; she knew how her children were, and the clan's obession with bettering themselves.

But then there was Nanalie. She tended to push herself harder than most, even Gekido. When she decided it was time to train; she got down to it. Simple runs often turned into cross country tours. And more often than not, it was Kido sent to retrieve her. Not that he minded. He loved the training himself; and it was perfect way to stretch one's limbs.

Through the streets of Konoha, scaling the walls around the village, even with guard threatening to tell thier parents, the male followed his sister. Breakfast was forgotten; his mind's focus shifted from the hunger in his stomach to pushing himself as much as Nanalie was. While she had remained in the tree, Gekido had taken to navigating the forest floor; body twisting around trees, leaping chasms. He vaulted fallen trees, weaving between startled fauna. The way he moved... he could have passed for an reckless parkour runner. But when he broke free of the treeline, he could see Nanalie standing atop the hill. With his chest heaving, he made his way up beside her, red eyes blinking. "Uh.. breakfast was ready... three hours ago."

3Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:35 pm



She turned her reddish gaze to her brother, not at all surprised to see that he had followed her, all while laughing in her exhilaration. "Oh... I guess it's lunch time then." She moved her arms out to her sides again, as the breeze picked up, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through her spread fingers once more.

"I love it up here...", she said softly. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the wind push all of her hair back, and tangle in the breeze, while enjoying the left over burn in her muscles from her hours of running. She only remained that way for a moment though, before opening up a single eyelid and looking over at her brother. "I guess we should go back... I don't know about you, but after all that running I'm starving." Right on cue her stomach growled, loudly, and she giggled.

"Besides.. I plan on doing some training later, and don't want to pass out due to an empty stomach."
, she grinned, playfully. She of course took her training very seriously, meaning she was going to make sure she went into it as prepared as possible; which included making sure she had a good solid meal in her to give her the energy she would need to push herself past those normal boundaries and into some dangerous ones.

4Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:49 pm



Gekido blinked some, nodding slowly before looking around. Nanalie was corect; it was indeed beautiful. The poker face he normally wore slipped away, revealing a soft smile; something that was hardly ever shone. He took a deep breath, arms lifting above his head in a small stretch. "I think... I found something for us to train."

Grinning, he turn off, and took a few steps in the direction of him. He knew she would follow him; where one of them went, the other was sure to follow soon after. "I.. was digging through some of Dad's old notes. Found a scroll titled 'Force Palm' or something. It looked really cool, and seemed easy to learn. I figure, we could give it a shot?" Dumb question. Nanalie never passed up learning a new jutsu. Her blood would not allow it.

5Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:59 pm



She too turned, following, or more accurately walking beside him. She raised an eyebrow in curiosity, her eyes getting that usual shine they always did when her excitement was beginning to bubble. Something new to learn? She was all on board with that idea! She could barely keep herself from skipping, or breaking off into another run just to get home faster to eat, and then go train.

'I'd never turn down an opportunity to learn something new,' came her mental musings. "Excellent! Maybe dad's got some other ones lying around we could try out too, if we can find them first!", she said out loud, her voice filled with her bubble excitement. She bit her bottom lip to contain her grin as much as possible, clasping her hands together behind her back.

6Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:16 pm



Gekido grinned, playfully elbowing Nanalie. Of course you wouldnt! Dont even know why I asked you. Supressing a giggle, he winked at Nanalie. "There were a bunch of them. I think there was one called 'Jump' and another called 'Volt Tackle'" The male shrugged some, blinking as he passed into the treeline.

Perhaps... we can learn em all? You know; be the best around..

Without waiting for her answer, the male leapt forward, grabbing onto a low, thick branch and hoisted himself up. With another kick, he repeated the proceress, moving higher and higher. When he hit the canopy, the male used his momentum to continue forward, making his way back to Konoha.

7Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:28 pm



She laughed out right. This was going to prove to be a very exciting day of training. 'Oh, I can 't wait now! I was to be as strong as possible!' Of course, that mentality was based on many things, her clan, her family, that little rivalry with her brother; but most of all the deep instinct to be able to protect those she loved. It was, of course, the very reason she drove herself to such dangerous levels when she trained; compared to taking it easy like most other people she had come across did.

She didn't even pause as he took to the trees, she simply moved from walking to running almost instantly. It wasn't hard, dodging around trees, jumping over fallen ones. The scratch of the brush on her legs didn't slow her at all. She pushed herself faster and faster, waiting impatiently for that familiar burn in her legs and chest to begin again; all while headed in the direction of home. She laughed easily, as she always did when enjoying a good, fast paced, run. Even the growling in her stomach was momentarily forgotten as she ran.

8Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:13 pm



Of course... Gekido's movement style changed. From the dodge and weave style that he used on the forest floor. With each leap, his body move faster, progressivey pushing himself. If he slipped, so what? The worst that could happen was that he would fall to the ground, possibly breaking his neck. Oh well.

Feel the world around you. Be a part of it, and let it be a part of you.

Each leap, enhanced by chakra, pushing him through the leaves of the forest. AS he focused, his chakra built beneath his skin and began to leak from his body, tainting the air around him black. With a grin, the male focused and released, pushing himself free of the forest canopy.

Far ahead, he could see the wall tha surrounded Konoha. And just before he tumbled back into the treetops, he swore he was flying.

[Thread Exit]

9Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Out in the Wind~ [Open][No Kill] Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:22 pm



Nanalie pushed herself even faster, determined to get home before her brother. Turning it into another of those little rivalries things. She kept going, barely missing trees, or other large plants as she pushed herself faster and faster. But, that was the joy of being reckless sometimes; it made even simple things into dangerous exercises. But she wasn't scared, training for as long as she had been, even in her short twelve years of life, had long ago taught her that without pain there is no gain.

'I'll beat you there~!', came her mental playfulness, as a grin spread across her face. The gates were just a little further away...

-Exit Thread-

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