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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Make the Wind Blow :

He was really tired of this war he needed to take a break but he was being stubborn. He was still holding his shoulder as he headed out to the see once again, this time things were going to be different as this mission required him to protect several shinobi while they performing a ritual on a boat. He had to begin making a dash for it as he knew if he let the battle get drawn out things would end up not being that good for him as he finally reached the boat.
The shinobi that were there looked at the small boy panting and struggling to breathe as his hair was being blown slightly by a light sea breeze. As he caught his breath he spoke to them and told them that he was there to cover them while they performed their ritual. As he was speaking he looked out at something that caught his eye. While looking on someone asked. "Where is the rest of your squad, we need an army for this mission. They send us a single child against the might of the Seven Bells army", he glared at them for a moment then spoke up. "If you think this is the might of the Seven Bells army then you guys are weak".
He turned away from them completely and focused on the mission at hand. He had only a few options before him as he looked on. An army of shinobi were heading his way and he could not afford to let any of them near the ship. He stood on the edge the ship then took a deep breath. He tried to count but there were too many of them and he realised he could not defend the ship if they all swarmed it. He noticed a guy dressed differently to the rest of them while some of them kept looking back to the strange person who seemed to be pointing out orders for them. It was clear he could either fight off the hordes of enemy soldiers until reinforcements arrive, or take care of their leader and stop the attack dead in its tracks. While not stopping it completely it would at the very least leave the rest of the enemy unable to deal with the situation.
The only good news was that he still had time before the enemy would even be in range of the ship so he took a small boat and then began rowing towards the enemy. One of the enemy soldiers noticed him and actually laughed and fell over board. What was one little kid going to do against them. He noticed that the forces were split apart to work in what would look like a continuous wave of attacks. As he finally decided on a plan he was nearing the first boat of enemy shinobi who were about to attack when he jumped on their boat. He managed to kill three of them in the heat of battle. Dashing quickly through to the other side he tossed his explosive tag at the back of the boat before going underwater with a brilliant swan dive. The enemy was taken by surprise as the hole that exploded caused the ship to take in water and begin sinking. He had successfully delayed them as he began swimming onwards. As he reached the next boat jumping out of the water and landing on the front of the ship he was met by a man.
"So you thought that instead of fighting my men you would just sink each of our boats and delay our attack. Pretty smart for a kid, but I am Tachibana Gin" as the man grinned looking at the small boy. After Ren had stared blankly at him for the past minute or so the man got irritated. "I said i am Tachibana Gin, The Town Slayer" as the man kept looking at the kid who finally replied. "Sorry, but i never heard of you" as the man was enraged he took out his spear as the men on his ship began panicking. "Oh, shit his getting serious lets get out of here". All the enemy shinobi on the ship jumped off and they all stopped to watch. The man named Gin finally spoke a reply to the kids insult. " I will kill you and then i will kill your friends too" not even giving the man time to gloat or enjoy himself he replied as well. "I have no friends besides Kenji, and you way weaker than him so that was stupid". The man then looked down and sighed, "I was hoping to just lay on my ass today, but guess you want a fight don't you". He then nodded to the man and said, "Yes, now stop talking and just fight"

Word Count 807/3500
Chakra = 270

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

They stood there looking at each other for a fairly long time, when they finally decided to make their move. Slowly they inched towards each other the leader with his spear read and Ren with his sword ready. The birds flew over the ship as the waves were crashing against the side, as he looked on they both did not want to miss the first move. They were nearly five meters away and still closing in even further, as they stepped bit by bit now within four meters of each other.

Ren made a quick dash as he attempted to close the gap now within two metters nearly in range when Gin replied with a thrust of his spear, sidestepping it completely and getting to the man's side slashing upwards the man followed up with a large left punch at Ren's lowered face height. He realised he would not make it as he took a back step avoiding the punch as the man then swung his spear sideways at Ren who parried the blow with his sword before attempting to stab the man who took a step back winding up his spear then hammering downwards with it to hit him with the tip of the blade. Rolling to the side as he dodged the attack he knew this was going nowhere as he noticed a brief pause. In that moment he took a chance to close the gap this time with a side ways slash that could not be avoided as easily this time. The man had a large amount of water in his mouth as he had prepared the technique in order to get him at point blank sensing danger he focused as he used Mizukiri close range. The man managed to use the extra time he bought by forcing Ren's hand as he took the blow being slashed in half. He was now defeated which seamed far too easy for Ren.
A moment had soon come to pass as the severed body turned into a keg that had been on the ship. Having wasted one of his best techniques he fell for the enemies bluff unless it was not really a bluff. As the man stabbed his spear through Ren's chest as the man looked disappointed regaining his stance and looking around as he noticed Ren had switched with the second keg and was now right next to him. As Ren slashed at the man who blocked the slash with his spear then took an extended stance as Ren looked on. The man began thrusting rapidly as Ren also clashed rapidly with his strikes, it seemed that over the few slashes the happened Ren expended a large portion of chakra as he knocked the man's spear out of his hands as he now had his opening.
The man took that moment to jump back noticing that Ren still had to recover from using his technique as the man took a deep breath before releasing his technique Suiton Bakusui Shōha as he released a large burst of water from his mouth. Ren had used the time it took for Gin to jump back as time to perform a technique of his own, Suiton Suijinheki, as a huge wall of water rose up before him blocking the technique. Not accepting defeat he decided to release a combination forming handseals as the water was all on the deck of the ship and began filling it slowly. He released a second water jutsu Suiton Suiryuudan as the dragon was flown around to the other side to try and avoid the wall which he managed to counter by sending a water dragon of his own as the water dragons clashed it became clear that Ren was superior in the use of Suiton as his water dragon burst through it like it was nothing. As that was going on the man realised even at the cost of his chakra he had to remove that wall that was blocking him, as he performed the same counter technique suiton suijinheki, his own wall of water just barely able to block the water dragon cancelling each other out as the water fell all over the ship was over flowing with water.
The man took his spear then placed it down as he formed some handseals and released his water shark jutsu which managed to hit hard against the wall of water as Ren paid close attention still buying some time to recover as the man was doing the same having only recently regained his weapon. As the water wall was now weakened not really capable of stopping many more attacks but it seemed to have stopped enough attacks. Not wanting to waste time the man tossed his spear directly at Ren who was forced to evade it as his water wall fell. The man had given up on matching jutsu with jutsu and decided his only chance was to use his superior weapon skills. He did however need to delay the young boy's advance until he could regain his weapon again. The man quickly formed his seals and used the water gun technique firing roughly eight balls at Ren. He was not one to let that hit him as he dodged two of them he was forced to knock all of them off course. During this time the man reclaimed his spear then spoke to him.
"You are definately stronger when it comes to using ninjutsu but you are no match for my strength and experience. I am sorry but it is time to end this battle". As Ren looks back noticing that one of the water balls had hit his shoulder as he was hurt slightly. They both used an excessive amount of chakra as some Seven Bells soldiers actually fleed from the battle field as the next boat stopped behind them. The soldiers were expecting a signal to join but the man new in a fight involving weapons they would end up being in his way and making fine human shields for the enemy. He had to end this one on one and prove that he was not just some lazy shinobi who got his nickname for nothing, he destroyed many towns killing many children what did people expect would happen. They send a child to face him, they would pay for this insult when Seven Bells wins the war. He began wondering if this kid could fight again Mizuru if he got some good training.

Word Count = 1895
Chakra = 175/270

Jutsu used from Jutsu List


Suiton Suiryuudan, Suiton Suijinheki

Renzoku(Spec Joun 10 Strikes)


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The strong and powerful Gin realised he could not treat this child as a child anymore and became serious as he was hesitating to attack Ren was charging towards him already. In order to deal with this incoming attack Gin through three of his fire bombs at Ren feeling that his men had more than enough to cover for him once he beat this brat. The men's ships finally got passed and would take some time before they would reach their target. The commander knew that they needed him to clear the enemies weak defences or it would end up being a waste of tools. That was what they were, for a moment Ren disappeared from view as the man looked down, he had slid underneath the three fire bombs which ended up exploding a huge fire and hole on the top of the ships deck.
As the fire was still spreading Ren then jumped from his slide with his momentum as he swung his blade, but Gin countered by twirling his spear as it knocked away the momentum followed by a swing that managed to hit Ren in the face with the stick part of spear. Had he been taller the edge of the spear would have hit him, flowing with the momentum as Ren was still lying there a bit hurt he thrust his spear after the spin attempting to send it right through Ren's abdomen, probably the only point which would be easy to hit. Rooting his sword behind him he pulled himself back a bit as it missed between his legs. The deck broke a bit dislodging Ren's blade as Gin proceeded to rapidly strike towards the child. Ren not having much room or time to do anything blocked each strike with minimal movements and careful concentration. If he hesitated for even a moment or misjudged where the spear was aiming he would be dead in an instant. His butt really hurt as blocking was not enough to stop the force of his blows from hurting, his hands really shaky.
He then noticed a slight pause of maybe half a second, compared to what was happening before he knew that there were only two reasons to stop an attack mid way. Either his opponent was tired which was not very likely or his opponent paused to perform a stronger and more potent attack. He noticed the path of the strike and crossed his blade at an angle putting his hand on the side of the tip of the blade as he blocked the hard thrust. If he had not changed his method of blocking he would be disarmed but the force was too much as the back of his head hit against the wood. They both heard a crack as Gin stepped back while Ren just felt the wood beneath him give way as he fell helplessly. For a moment he had thought of grabbing hold of a part of the deck that was not broken but he was not stupid. Gin stepped back so he would have a solid footing to strike if Ren tried to stay up there as well as wanting to buy time in order to guarantee a strike.
As he was falling Gin noticed that Ren saw through his original plan and so he jumped down after him. He was aiming his spear directly at Ren who probably would not be able to dodge his attack, however things do not always go according to plan as Ren used the weight of his blade to alter his coarse. Gin was a bit annoyed that he could not land a proper strike and from the new path if he tried to continue his strike he would end up leaving himself wide open. As Ren hit the ground hard coughing some blood as he rolled further back he noticed a bunch of kegs. They were now in the cargo hold where there also happened to be two hammocks. Which were supported each by two pillars which held the deck above it over his head. Meanwhile the smoke was standing out as the fire had begun spreading further and faster accross the ship, while it would normally take more than three fire bombs to destroy a ship, this ship looked like it was going to come apart the fire still completing its consumption of the other half of the ship.
He got up slowly having been hurt from the assault and the fall from the deck. The man laughed as he then said, "Witness my most powerful technique, I laid waste to many villages using this as they could never fight back." The man formed a familiar stance as Ren looked on "The hidden mist technique, pretty lame". The man was slightly annoyed, but he let it slide since he realised the kid was actually right, he then replied."Sometimes it is the lamest of things that wins, but nothing as lame as a kid playing shinobi." Ren was slightly annoyed by that too as they tried to get on each others nerves, as soon as the mist formed Ren performed his secret clan technique Kiri Shiryoku. As he looked on he noticed that the man had his eyes closed. He was waiting for a sound as Ren stood perfectly still carefully getting his blade ready as the man listened for his location.
The ship began to break the middle of the ship began breaking apart as the back end began sinking as the front section they were on was slightly elevated. His heart began to race when he realised the kegs were behind him as they rolled towards him he jumped up, but he jumped a bit late as his foot barely scraped the keg that was rolling as he looked on. The spear was nearly instantly towards him as he bent his back in an arc as much as he could as the spears edge slightly scraped his chest causing his shirt to tear as well as a small cut along his chest. The Spear hit the edge of the back end of the ship as he fell on his back. Before he even had a chance to reply he noticed the man had already dashed to the new location of his spear. This man was a master of not just the hidden mist technique but also a master of silent killing. A famous technique developed in Kirigakure in order to fight within the mist, while they can not see they figured it would be best to really on sound while the enemy had nothing to fall back on. He respected this man in a sense that he was extremely impressed as he slowly got up then spoke. "Come at me"
Not want to ignore that the man pulled out his spear then jumped forth towards Ren who could see perfectly, but it was too risky for him to counter thrust at the speed at which they were moving. If he missed by even the slightest of margins he would end up with a spear deeply rooted in him as he aimed to just barely dodge the strike slowly and silently having used the time it took for Gin to draw the spear out of the wood. Even though the spear missed as Ren attempted a slash from the side, Gin had predicted it as he parried the blow away from him. This man was experienced and with the few times he had been exchanging blows with the child he picked up on his style, evade with absolute certainty then strike from the opening left by his opponent. It was not the most advanced of tactics as his attack pattern was predictable. Ren did not pick up on this yet, as the man proceded to thrust Ren side stepped to the left then slashed again only to be parried solidly as his sword flew into the air. Ren had no choice he had to do something right now as the man luckily did not have an exact location as the ship all of a sudden broke in the mid way as the front detached from the back that sunk. The front of the ship where they were fighting fell hard as Gin's thrust missed his target he knew that this was too great an opening, as he realised that Gin was already preparing to parry his attack so he decided to change his tactic as he through metsubishi at the mans mouth, hearing something wiz through the air the man jumped back a bit as he heard it hit the ground. He smelled something which did not smell too good during that time Ren was performing some quick hand signals and it was at this time that the man realised Ren was attempting something as he heard some sounds from the seals being formed.
Charging at Ren with a full force thrust Ren knew that he could not afford to waste time dodging and attacking the whole time, he had to take him out while he was attacking with the only thing he had left for this situation. He had trained this technique recently and was not really confident in his ability to use it but he had no choice since the situation was extremely dangerous. He thrust both his hands outwards as the man just heard a surge of electricity as he smiled. The lightning hit him square on the chest as he became unable to move the edge of the spear just missing Ren as he was now unable to move.
The man new that he was defeated as he realised he was no longer able to move as he decided to speak. "That was really smart of you, I knew you could not strike back cause my spears range meant you had to charge in. If you did that i would use that chance to kick you up then capture you nicely. Instead you went back to where you had the advantage with your damn jutsu, since when did you have raiton jutsu as well keeping that as a trump card. You also formed those seals a bit louder than normal to bait me towards your exact location, if you messed up your timing i would have killed you but damn your lightning hit the back of the ship even. Why not just aim it from a distance, or did you really think i could dodge lightning. This was a really fun battle, so as a gift let me tell you a few things that might motivate you since i was impressed to see you improved. You actually moved a bit faster than i predicted since you seemed to switch from playing safe to taking carefully planned chances where you have the advantage. Guess my time is up, i can feel the charge hurting my nerves and you probably."
At that very moment the man felt a blade pierce through his heart as he coughed up blood then looked down. "You just had to stab me in the back, well that is the shinobi way. If you want to win this war stop being a coward it will only get you killed, if you really want to survive you must be willing to risk your life"
He looked at the man who then fell to one knee as the section of the ship they were on had also been hit by part of the lightning as the floor was giving way. Ren noticed a few kegs floating on the water as he got on them as the ship sank around him, the men were on their way and were looking like they would launch their attack on the ship any moment now, he had to stop that last ship now that the commander was gone the other ships had already retreated but this ship was planning a suicidal charge as he noticed fire bombs were placed all over the ship as a few crazy and somewhat drunk shinobi had continued with the assault. He took a deep breathe as his chakra was not only low but he could not waste any time as he began running along the water at full speed his legs aching with his knees nearly giving way while the mans body would sink to the bottom of the ocean.

He passed by next to the ship and released some lightning from his hand as he set of the first fire bomb in a chain reaction as the ship exploded while he took cover underwater. he had completed his mission just in time as one of the people on their main ship said. "Kids only care about explosions these days"

Word Count = 4022/3500
Chakra = 140/270

Jutsu used from Jutsu List


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