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1Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:41 pm



The damage Ashi had already caused to the nearby trees was overly noticeable by this point. She had spent the past several hours causing all kinds of noise and havoc. In fact, she had taken pause several times over the past while, surprised that no one had yet shown up over the amount of noise she was making. Someone had to have been bound to hear it. She could care less, though; it had made her feel better, well as better as she could with Amaya far far away, and pregnant... Yeah, best not to dwell on that thought right now.

She knew Kenta had given her full permission to go after her, to hang with her until they were ready to return... but she was torn; go find Amaya even though she was safe with her brother and Ashi was just being paranoid, or stick around and keep close to Kenta because she didn't trust half of the assholes claiming to be loyal to Konoha... Yeah, decisions, decisions... and it was driving her a bit on the nuts side.

Her ninken, Akai, had taken to laying in a rather large bed of leaves, her fur filled with them from all of the times she'd taken to rolling in them while watching Ashi destroy things. Currently she was just watching the Inuzuka pace the clearing, in a far more calm manner than she had been previously.

2Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:54 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"You mind not making it look like someone gave Temaki explosion tags again..."

Well; that was impossible since he HAD let his daughter loose in the general area the day before; and with a box full of tags. He was on vacation; he'd spoil his babies rotten if he felt like it. Hokage's (and father's) privilege. "I thought I told you that you could go after them."

He was half leaning against one of the last standing trees, several small heads peaking around his leg and hip. Hiroyuki had hit a growth spurt first; so his head was level with Kenta's hip now; while his sisters where a good two inches shorter still. Wouldn't last long; they where all the same age, with literal minutes separating them. The girls would catch up. They where also only barely holding onto his leg; waiting for the okay from thier father to go jump on her for playtiems. Yuki and Aki where already moving towards Akai to join in the leaf rolling; Yuki enjoying a break from her latest litter of puppies, and Aki needing to decompress away from the biting milk teeth tugging on his ears and tail. Puppies. Yaaaay.

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

3Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:02 pm



Ashi turned, throwing a glance at Akai and her leaf covered self; knowing she was going to spend hours grooming all of those little bits out of Akai's fur, and they both were going to enjoy it. Calming, yup.

She then glanced towards Kenta, a small sideways grin spreading as she looked at him and the kids. "Eh, I know.. " She shrugged lightly. "But.. I need to stop being so over protective. She's with her brother, right? She's safe with him.. and I need to trust her not to do something stupid. She knows she's pregnant.. guessed before the test even proved it."

She glanced over at Akai again, watching as she rolled and twisted in the leaves happily. She couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm just blowing off some steam.. better the trees then someone in the village doing something to tick me off, right? Don't want to spoil your vacation." She grinned fully, playfully. She just couldn't feel overly pissed off with Kenta's kids there, let alone Kenta was her best friend, so her mood was changing quickly; for the better.

"So, were you taking a random walk.. or did someone complain about all the noise I've been making?" An eyebrow rose as she asked her question, her grin staying in place.

4Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:13 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"I've already had a fucker mess with my vacation; but it's alright. Minor headache. I could have just swept it under the rug; or pointed you to the right maul victim." A soft click signaled him removing his son's claws from his pants; the click from one of their claws clicking against the new kunai in his hidden pouches. He was going to be teaching them weaponry the next day, so he'd had to stock up for himself. Anyway; that was enough to send the three of them flying towards Ashi; wanting huggles and to play and talk about stuff and ohdeargodtheywherehyper.

"Well, the trees will leave at least. I can just send some Genin out to fix what can be, and all that. No biggie." He found one of the mossier logs and used it like a seat; flopping on it with a happy grunt and sprawling comfortably. "And nah nah. We only heard you a mile out. Not likely gunna be anyone hearing you anytime soon. Was talking them around and yadda yadda. Taking them out to my spot tomorrow for training."

5Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:22 pm



Her grin turned sadistic almost instantly. "I'll still happily go maul him for you... all you have to do is say the word...", and she was dead serious too, she'd do it without question. Another chuckle escaped her before her attention turned to the kids. She instantly plopped down, figuring she either sat, or she'd end up on the ground either way. Arms opening wide for the mass huggles and playing. Ah yes, this.. this made her mood even better.

She turned her gaze back on to Kenta, an eyebrow raising. "Oh yeah? Sounds like fun. I was thinking of doing a little training tomorrow, nothing special... Akai over there is getting lazy, figured the training would be good - or at least a decent bit of exercise.", she threw a glance in Akai's direction, who had stopped, turned back onto her belly, and was growling playfully at Ashi. Which was outright hilarious given the overly large dog was covered completely in leaves.

6Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:32 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Naaaaah. He fucks up again and I take his eyes. Then dump him outside the gate and kick him towards a cliff." Goddamn Uchiha that weren't Naota or Amaya. Ugh.

Aaaand right about the moment was when Aki decided to pounce the ball of leaves that was Akai; and start a massive wrestling match. Which sent Yuki over to Kenta where it was safe; and Hiroyuki off to play with the dogs. He loved Ashi, but he preferred the company of the dogs to people. A boy after his father's heart; for the most part.

"You're free to join us. I was gunna give them basic lessons for kunai and stuff."

7Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:43 pm



Ashi chuckled again and nodded. "I would pay to see that.." She watched Hiroyuki wander over to the pile of fur and chuckled. Akai was more than happy to include him into the wrestling match; leaves flying in all directions now from the massive wrestling match.

She continued to watch the match for a moment before chuckling again. "Akai... you wanna join them tomorrow, have some fun?" She watched as Akai quickly pulled herself free from the wrestling pile and run her way the whole way to Kenta, where she sat, tail wagging happily, staring at him with her bright blue eyes. ".. I'll take that as a non-verbal yes.", Ashi said while chuckling, still utterly amused by how much Akai liked Kenta.

Ashi laid back on the ground, hardly caring about the leaves or dirt she might get covered in; hell, after all her steam blowing she was covered in enough sweat and dirt to last a life-time. She stared upwards at the sky for a moment, thinking and falling silent for a few minutes. "You know.. and I know this is completely random... but I think what scares me the most is the fact that I'm afraid I won't be strong enough to protect my family... " She hated to admit anything scared her, but if she was going to admit it to anyone.. it'd be her best friend.

8Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:55 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"You? Not strong enough? Naaaah." He reached for Akai, scratching in all those perfect ways that sent the dog into spasms of sheer bliss. That was enough for both of them; Akai slumping just right so that he wouldn't have to stretch; and him happy to continue until his arm got tired in a few days. "You've got what you need to keep them safe. Just remember, it's not your own power that determines how well you can protect. It's the power you share. Look at me. I'm half as physically strong as one of our cousins my age; but the world sees me as the strongest ninja of our village. How do you think that happened?"

Temaki and Yuki where plotting things now; ideas to snap the funk out of Ashi and get her happy again. In their three year old minds; it was simple enough. Playtime cured all. Hiroyuki was a bit busy plucking the burrs and sticks out of dog fur; happily humming a little tune to himself.

"Come on; you know you're not alone here. We're Inuzuka... we protect our own. Your kids, my kids... does it matter? You'd give your life to protect my psychopathic kids... you know I would do the same for yours. Anyone touches them... well... yeah." Aaaand cue psychotic grin of his own.

9Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:07 pm



She directed her gaze from the sky to Kenta, taking note of that psychotic grin. She couldn't help but chuckle in response. "I know... but, still. I've been lazier than I should've been... it gives me a whole new reason to train." She glanced towards the girls, an eyebrow raising again. "Whole new reason to better myself." She chuckled, again. "That.. and if I don't then Amaya's going to start whooping my ass when we spar... and yeah, that gets embarrassing when this little thin thing can beat me up." She grinned again, obviously her good mood back once more. "For looking so thin and frail.. she can cause some serious pain when she has a mind to."

Her mood remaining good was easier, knowing that she had people she could rely on for help, people she cared about and considered family. She sat herself up, not bothering to pick the leaves and such out of her multicolored hair, she could honestly care less about it all at the moment. "So.. did you go through all this crazy head stuff with them? Or am I just seriously randomly losing my mind?"

10Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:12 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"Oh hell; I went through it a bunch of times. When I met Michi; when I made clan head; the kid's where conceived; born; making Hokage; aaaaand when the shit with Kiri went down. That was the most recent. But hey; I have half an excuse; you didn't spend most of your life in a hospital bed." He was actually chuckling as he said that; a MASSIVE change from normal. Mentioning his childhood usually has him depressed and moping; but right now? Actually a bit happy. Nostalgic, in a weird way.

"You'll move past it; no worries there. You just gotta find your center, and your happy place. Once you see them... once you realize the the world is better with them here? You'll find that strength that keeps a parent going. You have too; or else you break and everything falls apart. You're stronger then that, Ashi. There's no doubt about it."

11Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:20 pm



Ashi listened in silence for a moment, taking in his words and advice. She nodded after a moment in agreement. "I'll just be happy when Amaya has given birth, and both are doing well in the aftermath of it all. Then, I think, I'll feel like I can take a full breath of fresh air." She stretched skyward with a groan, taking a glance around at all of the destruction she had caused with a chuckle. "I really can't wait.. honestly. I'm bound to piss Amaya off with all the things I can't wait to do with our kid..." She grinned, wickedly, as she turned her gaze back onto Kenta.

"Oh... and she might be moving in... we had a talk before she disappeared.."
Ashi reached up, scratching at her scalp, scattering her hair over her hands, and not minding in the slightest because of the enjoyment. "I uh.. " She paused, thinking best how to put it. "I've heard about a lot of the.. idiots... popping up in her clan, and I don't trust them, outside of her brother. I'd rather her be safe with me, then the other way around.. besides, I'm liable to maul one of them."

12Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:25 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"I figured that. It's a good thing that the house has so many bedrooms. Never have to worry about running out. Plenty of play spaces and storage." He shifted on the log; moving to slide down to the ground and let Akai flop over his lap open up more spots to be scratched. "That's about why I stuck with my apartment. Michi and I; we have plenty of space for them, and the dogs. The Kage apartment is too small, too close to idiots and psychopaths and a target. Safer at home. Saner at home. The one place in the village that's safe for Amaya and the baby is our clan grounds. Always dozens of protectors around; and close enough for me to Voidstep right over. And hell; who would think to look for an Uchiha at the Inuzuka compound?"

13Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:36 pm



Ashi nodded in agreement, freeing her hands from her multicolored hair. "That was exactly my line of thinking, too. A hell of a lot safer then anywhere else." She shrugged lightly before beginning to pick the leaves and other debris from her hair; at least the stuff she could see anyway. "Amaya was all for the idea, too.. then again, I get the feeling she'd follow me to the ends of the earth blindly and not hesitate." She yawned and stretched again. "I would really hope no one would be stupid enough to come looking for her at the compound anyway.. that just.. wouldn't end well." She chuckled at the mental images that flashed through her mind, all equally as bloody and violent as anything else.

14Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:00 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"No shit. I didn't even bother giving them the chance. I may have just been a Chuunin when my kids where born... but given the shit that's happened to me... I wouldn't have been surprised if some fucknut tried a repeat performance with them." Althoooouuuugh.... that would have ended very, very differently this time around. And h'ooooh boy would it end wrong now. Yummy, delicious violence. Weeeee!~

"I wouldn't call it blind. She knows what she wants; and she's going to get it no matter what. What she wants? You, and you happy. So she willingly goes where you lead. It's why I let Michi run the house. I might be his boss technically; and the alpha in the pack; buuuut... he still runs the show. It makes him happy It makes me happy. It works."

15Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Empty Re: Blowing off Steam~ [Open][No Kill] Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:13 pm



Ashi nodded a bit in agreement. "True, and what makes me happy is her safe. Though... I know she already refuses to be protected by me for the most part.", chuckling she gave a light shrug. "I can't blame her... she's a lot stronger than people give her credit for." She scratched the back of her head a moment. "In fact.. I underestimated her so badly the first time her and I had a little spar that she had me on the ground and twitching, almost immediately... that.. that was rather horrible. I have to admit.." Horrible of course was an absolute understatement.. especially after she found out that Amaya had gone lightly on her, not wanting to actually cause any permanent damage.

She chuckled a bit. "Sometimes I find myself wishing the kid could be born sooner, and grow up just slightly more faster.. so I can start teaching 'em things."

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