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1a unsual friend Empty a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:58 pm



Kalpo is walking threw the market distract wondering why he has no friends. When a stray kitten starts rubbing against his leg. Kalpo looks down and notices the kitten. It is all black with a brown tint in it's fur. The kittens eyes where gold but they reminded him of the eyes of the elder members of his clan. Kalpo started to pet the kitten. When he noticed the kitten had no colar he came to the asuption that it was a stray. He put the kitten down and stared to walk away. The Kitten fallowed him and walked between his legs. When Kalpo noticed this he stoped and said, "do you wanna come home with me and be the only friend i have" to the kitten. When Kalpo said this the kitten with its sharp claws latched on to Kalpos pants leg and climbed up him. When the kitten got to his shoulder it sat down leting its tail dangle down Kalpos back. Kalpo had made and unual friend in the market today. As he walked away he started to feel better knowing he had a friend now. Then he started to think of names for the kitten but couldnt think of one.

2a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:05 pm



Tenshi had just been wandering down the street of the market when she spotted a rather young man walking with on his shoulder. Curiously she stared at him, it was quiet unusual to see a nin walking with a creature unless they were part of the famous Inuzuka clan but then again this was Konoha and from what she had seen it was weird. "Hey kid!" she called out to him curiously not taking notice of the fact that her jacket was open revealing the still sliced up camisole.

3a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:34 pm



Kalpo had heard a females voice say something. He looked in the direction of the voice and noticed a young lady was staring at him. He wondered why forgetting that he had the kitten on his shoulder. He walked over to her and asked, "Where you saying hi to me. If so hello my name is Kalpo of the Nekotone clan." He was rather hopeful she was talking to him. He had not yet found another nin to talk to. She looked higher in rank then him. Overall He was kinda pressed for conversation but he kept his Cool while talking to her. Kalpo even had a smile on his face but he was sure not to make to look to exited. Then Kalpo heard the kitten meow. meow! meow!Then asked her, "will you hep me name my friend here." He asked this with a small kinda grin on his face.

4a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:21 pm



Staring at the kid she studied him interested, despite their rather large height difference he appeared to be younger than her, at least 4 or 5 years younger than her. Staring up at the cat on his shoulder she could not help but smile a little. "My name is Tenshi" truthfully she wasn't one for introducing herself, finding it easier to just to give a first name no rank, no sign that she was truly a nin, she kept a forehead protector on her right shoulder at normal times to replace the bracelet she had given to Shuiro, it was obvious though that she was nin simply because of that. Staring at the cat on his shoulder she smiled softly. "Hmmm Yuri?" she suggested it off handly.

5a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 10:49 pm



As soon as tenshi said "Yuri" the name she had picked out for the kitten. The kitten jumped off Kalpos shoulder onto the ground. Then started to rub up against Tenshi's leg. Kalpo noticing at ounce said, "nice to meet you Tenchi i think my little friend there likes the name you picked out for him so his name will be Yuri." With a smile in his face. He took a beeter look at her. He could tell she was a nin but she didnt look like a nin from Konoha. Kelpo then asked, "are you a ninja from Kiri?" Kalpo was still staring her up and down. Then he heard Yuri meow and he looked down at him with a gin half grin on his face. Then looked back up at Tenshi with a smile on his face

6a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:14 pm



Nodding softly she gave the boy a dark smile and put her each of hands on the swords resting on either of her hips with that sadistic smile growing on her face. Slowly she began to pull them out of their sheaths never taking her eyes off the boy's face. All of a sudden she heard someone call to her from behind, with a growl she looked at the boy, stepped closer and whispered in his ear "Be careful, you never know who will kill you." she said it maliciously before turning and walking away from the boy and his kitten.

[exit thread]

7a unsual friend Empty Re: a unsual friend Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:21 pm



Kalpo was shocked in a wierd way. Kalpo had done everthing he could to be a nice person. He hadnt talked to very many people since his mentor died. He had ment nothing by asking that question. He picked up his kitten and put it back on his shoulder and walked a way.
{exit thread}

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