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1A Meeting~ [Luca, Masami][No Kill] Empty A Meeting~ [Luca, Masami][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:28 pm



Starving hadn't even begun to describe the way she was feeling right now. She hadn't bothered to grab a bite to eat since they'd returned to Konoha only a short while before; given everything there was to do upon their arrival. She had sent a little message out to both Masami and Luca, offering for them to join her at Shushaya's Pub for some food; Masami because she had to make sure her student ate, and Luca because they never did get to have that drink since their little meeting of fate. The message had been simple enough, the invite, the time, and the proper place, along with very detailed directions for Masami if the girl chose not to walk to the pub with her when she had left, simple enough really.

So, Demi had arrived a good ten or so minutes early than the time allotted, having picked a choice booth for the small group to sit at that was further back ensuring privacy, while giving them still a good enough view of the door to keep tabs on who was coming and going. Not that Demi had any sort of secrets or anything she'd be revealing - as far as she knew, anyway... she just liked her privacy, and liked to know what was going on. She waved the waitress away for the moment when she came over asking to take their order. She wasn't about to order food without all of her guests present, that would be rude, yes?

2A Meeting~ [Luca, Masami][No Kill] Empty Re: A Meeting~ [Luca, Masami][No Kill] Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:18 pm


Finally.... that trip from Kusa seemed to take forever. Though, it was nice to get to know her sensei. Masami took the time to walk around the Hidden Leaf Village. In comparison, it wasn't that much larger than Kusagakure; it just had something of a.... big-city feel. After their arrival, Demi led the way to their room. They dropped off their things, and headed on their way. Or, rather, Demi went on her way. Masami had little idea of what to do in a village she had just entered. Like, she was excited to be in a new place, who wouldn't, right? But Masami had no idea what to do or where she would do it in a foreign place. These were her musings as she noticed a small folded piece of parchment on her bedroom's table. It...was directions. To...somewhere. It was signed Demi, so Masami trusted it. She went on her merry way to what seemed to be a restaurant. Shashuya, the hostess, asked if she had a reservation. Masami, glad that the woman actually acknowledged her existence, threw out the query if her teacher was there.

"Why, yes. We seated her a little while ago. Head on in. The booth at the end, honey."

Masami walked over to the place described by the kind hostess, and found none other than her teacher. "Thank you for inviting me," she said with a slight smile as she seated herself.

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