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1Recovering The Stolen Jewels [Taiho/Ryu] Empty Recovering The Stolen Jewels [Taiho/Ryu] Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:52 pm

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho


The sun rose slowly, casting it's light on the world as it kissed the people a good morning with it's lovely warmth and welcoming glow. Umeko was of course up before the sun and she was lucky enough to enjoy her time watching the sun rise from the rooftop of her home while enjoying a nice cup of green tea and some pork buns. It was a wonderful way to start the day and with no one to bother her she was able to do so in peace. Umeko didn't know how long she stayed up on the roof, but it was long enough to fall asleep for what she called a " short nap ". Upon waking up she noticed the sun was fully above her and the sounds of people below her gave her a clear indication that she needed to start the rest of her day. Gathering her cup and plate she quickly made her way down from the roof top and into her family's home. It was quiet inside which was nothing new for Umeko because she knew her mother and father were out on a mission and who knows when they would be back...If they ever did come back. Umeko's sister was probably out help some academy students, training, or working on her " good wife skills " as her mother would call them. She didn't like that her mother was grooming them to be wives to someone but she didn't have a say in the matter, not just yet anyway.

As Umeko completed her task of cleaning the dishes she had created earlier and putting on some simple clothing, she wondered what missions were available. The last mission she took was more or less a bust but she wouldn't be deterred from doing her duty as a ninja. The young girl had planned on taking another C rank mission and she hoped luck would befall her like it did last time. Thinking about her last C rank mission she didn't even have to look for another person to join her, they just kinda stumbled in her path. Slipping on a dark blue qípáo that hugged her body with golden floral pattern embroidery on the corner of one end of the dress, a dark pair of slip on shoes, and pulling her headband around her waist making sure to tighten it in a knot. She let her Emerald locks stay down since she was too lazy to put it back up, she found that she was ready to take on the rest of her day. Grabbing one more porkbun from the plate she made a beeline out the door and to the kage's office to see what was in store for her. It was a blessing that Umeko lived so close to the administration building, it took her nearly no time at all making it there and even less time to get a mission from the mission's clerk. Of course she would be taking up another C rank mission but she knew she didn't have to search for anyone, she knew that anyone who needed a mission would come here, and so she waited outside of the door of the mission's office to catch her some partners.

WC: 542/1500



Mornings never seemed to get any easier for Taiho. The young man would groggily pull himself from a much needed slumber, the sleep gripping his face and body like a vice and never letting go. One eye barely opened as it tried to stare through the crust and the darkness to see if he could even pinpoint what time it was without looking at the clock that rested beside his bed. Unfortunately in his sleep addled state such a thing was just not even possible. Groaning tiredly at the fact his body refused to listen, he flung himself sloppily over to the side and somehow flew straight into the body of a young woman who had occupied his bed the previous night. It was then he realized that the both of them were in a state of extreme undress and still caked in whatever bodily fluids they had managed to secrete during last night's merry get together. A grimace crossed his face as the constant cold and slimy feeling slowly became more and more apparent to him. Throwing himself out of bed, not caring that the young woman had groaned and snuggled deeper into the disgusting mess that they had made, he would trudge over to the closet before pulling out a towel and a washcloth before walking into his bathroom and turning on the showerhead.

Pouring steaming hot water over his body for what felt like an eternity, he’d step out of the shower and begin his morning routine. Starting off with some light stretches to get all of the remaining kinks in his body, he’d walk over to the sink before brushing his teeth monotonously, his dull reflection spitting back what he considered the true version of himself. He could see the anger and the disgust rolling deeply within his bright blue eyes, the orbs having dulled slightly since he had arrived. He still lacked a purpose in life, well a true purpose in life, beyond protecting the new lands he had found himself in. He tried filling that gap with various romps that seemed to find him simply because he looked like a soft warm body to lay with, but clearly those provided nothing from him if his reaction to waking up to random strangers said anything. He felt sloppy to be honest, almost like a used napkin. It was odd, most people found comfort, solace in the company of others, and yet he found nothing but more emptiness. Maybe it was the fact that the connections he formed were so shallow that they were only based around whatever carnal pleasures the other person could provide him. Maybe he’d give that train of thought a bit more consideration in the future.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he’d quickly get dressed into a basic getup of a drag gray hoodie and sweatpants, his entire form covered from head to toe in baggy clothing leaving only his soft face to be seen. Blonde locks still peeked out from behind the boys hood, but otherwise he hid himself from view today, only wishing to complete a few missions and move on with his day. He’d arrive at the administration building shortly afterwards before walking up to the mission room and spotting the girl he had ran into the other day at the noodle shop. He would only give her a short glance before sitting nearby and waiting himself, certain that whatever mission he was to be given would likely involve her in some way since she seemed to also be waiting for a mission. He hoped that it would begin soon because honestly he was already tired of today.

WC: 609

Kizmaru Uchiha

Kizmaru Uchiha

Waking up from his slumber, Kizmaru yawned loudly before sitting up in his bed. He was currently only in a T-shirt and underpants at the moment. He lazily dragged himself out of bed and started to head to the little bathroom right that was close by. The bathroom had the basic necessities of a shower, sink and a mirror as well as a little storage unit. Kizmaru proceeded to reach for his toothbrush and toothpaste and began to brush his teeth. After a few moments of scrubbing his teeth, he had jumped into the shower and began to wash himself with some soap and a loofah. He stayed in the shower for around thirty minutes before he decided it was time for him to to get dressed and head out. He put his usual attire of his yellow shirt, nay blue pants and black ninja tabi's. It was an combination of clothing but nonetheless, it made him feel comfortable so he continued to wear it.

Sometimes he'd wear it even in fairly humid temperatures but that wasn't something he practiced often unless feeling very lazy. Soon after, he had left his place and began to walk down the rocky roads of the village hidden in the rocks. He was suppose to go on a quest today with two others today and he was very excited but at the same time, guarded. He wondered who these people would be. Ah well, he'd meet them when he got there. He made a quick exit from his abode and started down the path. Walking down the path that would lead to the administration building, he placed his hands into his pockets and started to daydream a bit about how much he'd get paid for completing this mission. he hoped it would be a decent sum for all the trouble he was about to go through.

W.C: 318

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

It was as she thought, the prospects would come to her and so they did. With an award winning smile and a pep in her step Umeko approached the cute blond girl that she swore she had seen before. It only took Umeko seconds to dwell on where she saw this hooded blond and then it hit her, she was in the same noodle place as her during the incident. This was great, this mission would allowed her a better chance at talking this girl into working with her and maybe even getting to know her a little. Hey there, I think we met at the noodle shop a few days ago? I'm pretty sure it was you, not many people around here with blond hair as remarkably beautiful as yours, even if most of it is hiding under a hoodie. My name's Umeko by the way, not sure we had to time to exchange names during that whole noodle shop fiasco. She was right, that day was a god damn shit festival and they were the main attraction during the whole thing along with another fellow who she happened to spot coming down the hall. Now Umeko didn't believe in the stars aligning perfectly to bring people together in order to fulfill some grand destiny, but this seemed awfully close to what that would be if she did place faith in that sort of thing. Umeko wouldn't outright approach the guy because she knew he could have been here for any number of reasons, she figured it was better to wait to see if he was here for the reason she needed him for. Turning her attention back to the little blond who stood the same height as her, she would flash another grin. " Well whaddya say? Wanna join me? Uh... I don't think I caught your name.

WC:309 (851)



His arrival at the administration building had been marked with mediocrity. Simply walking through the doors of the facility to gain access to his mission or missions for the day. Approaching the hallway that most genin would have to travel down, he was spot the young woman from the other day, her visage lighting up as she recognized him as well from the Noodle Stand incident. It seemed as if she as well was here for a mission, which would make sense considering she was a ninja. He honestly wondered what focus she had since he had not been able to see much of it during the whole ordeal that they had gone through the other day at the Noodle Shop. That whole fiasco had turned into what felt like a clusterfuck, but thankfully due to some timely intervention and smart thinking, they were able to quickly mount an assault on the two dumbasses that saw fit to rob a Noodle shop in broad daylight in the middle of a ninja village.

Giving the young girl a smile, he’d nod demurely and wave just a bit before stuffing his hands back into his pockets as he walked closer to her and sat down in one of the offered chairs. Turning to regard her as she began talking to him, he figured a normal conversation wouldn’t be too difficult to maintain with how he was right now. Tuning into a vague compliment about his hair and some talk about the hoodie he was wearing, he almost didn’t quite catch her name even if she had spoken it clearly. Nodding along for a bit, she asked him if he wanted to join her on a mission, something he wasn’t necessarily adverse to considering she had handled herself fairly well during the last one and had even managed to aid in subduing one of them if he remembered correctly. Of course, that decision wasn’t really up to him at the end of the day, it was always based around what missions were given. It wouldn’t be smart to give three ninja the job of taking home some groceries, but if they had to solve a crime or something, well obviously that would take more than a few heads.

Shrugging and adjusting his position in his seat, he’d cross one leg over the other as another boy approached them, the same boy that he had beat on at the lake as well as aided with the Noodle shop robbery. He’d give the boy an amused glance before turning his head back to the young girl before replying to her question, “Taiho, and I don’t mind taking a mission with you”. He’d return the girls smile as her infectious attitude seemingly brightened up his own dreary thoughts and somewhat dispelled them. It was a peculiar sight to behold to see someone who could be so happy to do something as tedious as a mission, but then again he was the same way about training. Turning to regard the young boy, he’d grin and snicker at him, “Would you like to join us as well Mr. Kick First and Ask Questions Later, or are you going at it alone?” The question was a bit of harmless teasing but he knew the boy would likely jump at the chance to bite back a retort. It seemed like the young girl had done a bit more than just dispel his bad mood as he willingly attempted to joke around and banter with those around him.

WC: 609 + 587 = 1196

Kizmaru Uchiha

Kizmaru Uchiha

Pondering at what kind of mission he would undergo, Kizmaru had unexpectedly made it to his destination. Taking a quick glance around, he noticed there was two other people near by. He didn't recognize them at first but he then heard a rather familiar, obnoxious voice. He grumbled a little bit, before placing both his hands into his pockets. He ignored the remark for the time being and continued to look around the area. There was another person that he recognized but wasn't completely familiar with. It didn't matter to him either way, he knew one person for sure here and that's all he needed, he guessed? Not that he was particularly fond of this girl and didn't really like hanging around her either. Still, it was a mission and he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible so he decided that it would be in his best interest if he went along with them. "Hmph, yeah. Sure, i'll tag along. It's just in my best interest if i went with you guys then i'm out of here the second it's done."

He was pondering on addressing the other girl but it didn't seem like she noticed him yet so it wasn't in his best interest to try to call out to her. After the greeting, Kizmaru would kick a pebble aside and wonder when this mission was gonna get set in motion. It appears he was the last one to show up so it was only natural that he would just follow the other two's lead. He sighed a bit, not liking what was going on but had no choice to remain quiet and follow whoever's lead on this one. Well, as long as they finish what the set out to do, he didn't mind either way.

W.C: 315
T.W.C: 633

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

It seemed she had gotten lucky with the two individuals that stumbled along her path today. From their interactions she could tell they both knew each other even before the incident or they were at least on speaking terms. Umeko hadn't spoken up to the male before but she figured it was the best time if they were going to communicate on this mission, turning her attention to him she would nod at his response before speaking up again. So, on paper our mission is simple. Recover some stolen jewels. We don't have much to go on besides what was stolen so this could take anywhere from a day to a few days, but we should probably get what was stolen back as quickly as possible in order to avoid losing the stuff altogether. It would probably benefit us to split up in order to search for who took these jewels. Pulling out the pictures she was given of the stolen items she handed them over to her temporary teammates. If any of us can find the person with these things we can alert the other two with either a flair or we can get some radios to use. If anyone has a better way of handling this before we head out, you should probably speak up... Right Mr. Kick First and Ask Questions Later? She turned her gaze and her smile at the guy who's name had still evaded her. Calling him by the same thing that Taiho did was a little tongue in cheek but she hoped he would get where she was coming from and correct her so she knew what to call him. She hoped that he wasn't oblivious to what she was doing but she had met others who were far worse in that regard. For a moment her mind fell into a not so distant past where she was almost killed and a kid who's name she could not recall only cared about the jutsu that saved her and nothing more. That was a pretty strange day but since then she hadn't run into the kid or her savior since. Thankfully that was the past and today was today and on this day she was ready to make some money and hopefully gain two new friends.

WC: 382 (1233 )



Introductions seemed to have gone smoothly, definitely a lot easier than what happened at the ramen shop. The both of them seemed to have managed to introduce themselves with very little fanfare or issue. Now all that was left was the actual mission they were to accomplish, something that Taiho had very much wanted to get started since he had already managed to drag himself this far into society and very much needed to at least make rent. Also there was the fact there was a strange woman in his bed so he couldn’t reasonably go home. Getting the details from the green haired girl he realized that this particular task wouldn’t be easy, but their best bet would be to check with the initial location of the robbery and then check for what was stolen as well as if the perpetrators had potentially decided to sell said jewelry for whatever reasons. Nodding to himself, he’d take a glance at the items, the rather valuable looking jewels seemed to be rather... unique. This definitely was something worth far more than the mission itself, but he wasn’t one to complain about unfair wages. Looking at the other two for any semblance of a plan, he’d begin to explain what he had come up with, and the way the three of them could potentially execute it. This time taking the lead since the last time he had taken the lead without announcing his intentions, the two of them had killed two civilians, criminals, but civilians nonetheless.

Stressing that the perp didn’t need to be killed, he’d hand both of them a two way earpiece to use for the mission before he walked off to search for any open jewelry stores and pawn shops. He held a copy of the picture within his hands as he lept away leaving one to check the home, and the other to also look for open stores at this hour. The three of them would cast a wide net to ensure that the person they were looking for didn’t slip through their fingers and if everyone did their part, the whole mission could theoretically be done in an hour, even with a cold trail. He’d land a short while later before a rather ran down jewelry store off on the east side, the neighborhood it was located in had definitely seen better days and the people even better days. Frowning at the dinginess of the area, and the fact that it had a distinct smell that made him pause and want to smell actual roses, he’d walk forward into the shop, stopping as a glint caught his eye forcing him to turn to his immediate left and spot the exact jewelry he was looking for. Unfortunately the store itself had a bell so both the cashier and the goon had turned in his direction to see him in his uninspiring drab of clothing. Luckily he wore nothing that identified him as a ninja and by principle carried no kunai or shuriken on him so that was also not a dead give away. What did give him away however were the shiny gauntlets on his hips that he never left behind whenever he left the house. Unfortunately, the metalwork was far too clean for someone of this part of town, and the fact that he held a rather sharp look in his eye considering that he was actually looking for something, meant that he was there for a reason. Slowly the man himself backed up from the counter, reaching out to grab the jewelry as Taiho slowly put his hand up to his earpiece and parlayed the location to his teammates. He’d hope that the store didn’t have a back entrance considering he was blocking the immediate front and took a wide stance before slipping on his gauntlets.

“Please... don’t panic. I really don’t have time for this today” He pleaded as he waited for his team to arrive.

WC: 661 + 1196 = 1857

Kizmaru Uchiha

Kizmaru Uchiha

In the end, Kizmaru had decided to to go with the two fellows on their mission. It was convenient that he was going on a mission with them of all people since he's met them both on previous occasions and meeting the one multiple times and fighting with on a one occasion. he decided there wasn't much for introduction but he didn't really want that "Kick first" nickname to stick so he just grunted out his name being Kizmaru for the most part as he placed his hands into his pockets out of force of habit. Now that the complimentary intros were done, Kizmaru listened to the briefing given by one of the girls. The green haired one, he believed. Kizmaru nodded his head to show that he understood what was going on and wondered how he would approach this. Eventually, it was decided that they would go to the initial site of the robbery and start from there. It wasn't much of a start but it was a start nonetheless so he couldn't really argue with the logic of checking the scene of the crime first. For some odd reason, the blonde girl was stressing the fact that the perpetrator was not to be killed. Did he look like some blood thirsty psycho on a war path? Sure, the events of the cafe were unfortunate but deserved nonetheless. It wasn't as if he didn't try to save them, somewhat. Either way, the past was in the past and he decided to pull out one of his hands to wave it off, signalling he understood clearly. Shortly after, he was handed a two way ear piece which he immediately fastened onto his right ear so he wouldn't forget to do it later.

They had a plan it seems. It was to spread out and make sure to cover most of the potential escape routes. Kizmaru had a waited a bit before taking to higher ground for a better visual of his surrounding area. he perched himself on a nearby roof, waiting for some kind of sign or signal from the other two in case they had spotted him before he did and before he knew t, the girl he had a scuffle with had radio'd him over the earpiece his location. Kizmaru jumped off from the the elevated platform and made his way towards the blonde girl where she was suppose to be located. Upon arrival, Kizmaru could immediately see the person in question, holding some jewelry. Kizmaru scoffed and wondered if this is how quickly the mission will end. he shrugged afterwards and put up is guard as he walked forward a bit until he was next to the blonde girl, waiting for somebody to make a move. He pondered on doing it himself but somebody seemed to be overly bent on something that happened not too long ago so he decided to wait as to not use excessive force.

W.C: 500
T.W.C: 1133

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

And now that all the word play was out of the way it was time to get down to business and get the hands dirty. Everyone seem to understand what needed to be done, she had gotten a name out of the white haired male and everyone was on the same page. The group split and Umeko found herself searching along the entrance of the village and along it's walls. She figured if someone were doing something shady like stealing they wouldn't keep what they stole for long and she knew a lot of traveling merchants came to the village so it would probably be best to hand it off to someone where it couldn't be traced back. Her reasoning was solid but soon she had gotten word in her ear that what they had been looking for was found. She had to admit she didn't think this would go as quickly as it did but it did and she was happy for it. Quickly rushing to location that she was given and on the way picking up a rusty kunai. Umeko wasn't surprised that she was last to show up but she was surprised that the man was still alive. " Oh good job, it's too bad we can't kill him....This would go by even quicker if we could.. So Um, sir can you please just hand over the jewels and turn yourself over to us. If you don't we'll be forced to use force and maybe even excessive force. You don't want that do you?" Her words were sweet as honey but laced with venom.

" I'm not going anywhere with you stupid ass kids. " It was the response that the man gave that caused the smile to leave Umeko's face. He was rude as hell and she really didn't appreciate it, not that she had time to do so as the man rushed the group, causing her to throw the rusted kunia at his leg, something that didn't even phase the man as he tried to knock on of them down. Umeko moved out of the way of course and ended up on the left side of the man and quickly used the Bunshin no Jutsu technique, creating five clones of herself in order to distract and confuse the man. " Alright you two...Take em down..."

WC: 388 (1621)



The man seemingly paid his plead no mention as he immediately dashed for the rear of the store. A quick glance to the cashier and a shake of the head signalled that there was no way out for the man who after a brief stint of looking for a way out, returned to the front only to be met with an exasperated Taiho who was now joined by his teammates for the mission. The young man glanced to both of the ninja who joined him with a bit of apprehension before smiling and seeing that they were at the very least taking this seriously and weren’t trying to kill the man on first visual contact. However the moment he turned his head away from the man, the perp had decided it was a good idea to try and bum rush the three teenagers in a bid to get past them. Not at all perturbed by this, it seemed the green haired female, Umeko, was already prepared for this having somehow procured a rather rusty and damaged kunai from somewhere. The young woman quickly dispatched said kunai towards the man’s leg, unfortunately missing as he dashed behind the counters and obscured himself with shelves and other miscellaneous objects. Frowning at the fact that they would likely have to hunt the man down in the store and that they could potentially cause further damage, it was once again up to Taiho to set the pace.

“Alright, so he’s not going to come quietly, and from the looks of it he’s at least fast as us. Luckily we block the door so in all honest we could easily just wait here until the shopkeep leaves and leave the guy locked in here for the higher ups, of course one of us could just go radio this in”.

He spoke rather loudly, his soft voice echoing throughout the building as he gestured quietly for his teammates to circle around the man’s position without alerting him to the fact that they were going to pincer him in before going in for the kill. He himself was going to wait by the door considering he was likely the most physically defensive of the three and if he was left by himself the man would feel almost embolden to make a play for the door. He would wait until his teammates had stepped away to fake the sound of walking away as he returned to his wide defensive stance and waited for the man to come to him.

WC: 1857 + 421 = 2278

Kizmaru Uchiha

Kizmaru Uchiha

Disregarding the plan, Kizmaru decided it would be best to stay out of harms way for the time being and focus on long distance combat. He could easily cover them with his ranged jutsu but he isn't confident in his hand to hand at the moment. He figured after this mission he'd work on improving his physical capabilities or something but right now. This is what suited him best. Observing the scene so far, it seems the blonde girl he had ran into was taking the role of 'vanguard' and was covering the frontal entrance of the shop. The second girl seemed to have already made her move as well using some sort of rusted projectile on the criminal in question. He couldn't see what it was too well from a far but figured it was still sharp enough to do mild damage to an opponent. unfortunately, the projectile seems to have been evaded and now the man was taking cover behind some shelves. She then conjured some basic clones in order to distract the man. Kizmaru didn't really hear the conversation but from what he gathered after his observation, he can tell the man wasn't willing to comply with the teenagers and decided that he was gonna take on all three of them. With a small smirk, Kizmaru heard what his 'vanguard' was saying and went to circle the building to the back to keep watch. Of course, the shop had a back entrance as well.

He kept a close eye on the backdoor and wondered what course of action the man would take. What a shocking development this was. Of course the man wasn't that stupid and decided he would try and exit through the back of the shop rather than risk confrontation with the two in front. Making a series of hand motions, Kizmaru had, in this order made the seals Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger before blowing a stream of fire around the back entrance of the shop as soon as the man jiggled the doorknob to open the backdoor. Upon opening it, he was greeted by an intense heat before shutting the door, retreating back inside. Kizmaru ended his stream of fire as soon as he confirmed the man went back inside the house. With a smirk, he had called out to the other two teammates yelling, "All yours, twats!" He then simply waited for the results of the conflict and when all was said and done, he left the scene leaving the reporting of the mission to one of the other two.



T.W.C: 1568

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

She didn't really have to deal with this and placed enough distance with between herself and the man that came running back towards the room they were in. Quickly weaving her hands together in the needed hand seals to use Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique , she could feel the floor under her soften and soon she was completely engulfed into the floor and making her way under the man. Once in position she quickly reached under and grabbed him by his ankles and pulled him down, hoping that someone would take advantage of the situation and end this little bout. The element of the surprise attack would most likely subdue him enough before he broke free.




Seeing his teammates move off to accomplish their goals, Taiho watched the man once again run towards the back to escape. His face turned into that of disbelief as the man knew he couldn’t get out the back, but apparently that didn’t matter to him as he once again came back towards the front. This time he seemed to have a plan about him as he made his way towards the door, something that Taiho was prepared for, but what he wasn’t prepared for was a pair of arms reaching out of the ground to trip the man up as he ran, disorienting him from his movements and leaving him wide open for Taiho to land a resounding and conclusive football kick to the chin that turned the man’s lights off instantly. The crook would lay there in a state of unconsciousness as Taiho would liberate the jewelry from his person before taking this chance to look for Umeko as he thanked the store owner for his assistance. It looked like they would be able to get this situation under control quickly and efficiently now that the thief was taken care of.

WC: 192 + 2278 = 2470

Umeko Sencho

Umeko Sencho

Coming out of the ground behind the downed man Umeko shook the dirt off of her and proceeded to pick up the thief like he was a sack of potatoes. Getting some better footing as she threw him over her shoulder she smiled at Teiho. " Ok let's go finish this up. " Turning to the store owner she continued to smile " Sorry for the mess. We'll have someone come out here and clean up. " With that she led the way to the kage's office to drop off both the jewels and the thief.

wc: 92 (1875)
- exit -

Last edited by Umeko Sencho on Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total



The process had been swift as he turned to watch Umeko rise out of the dirt and gift him with a smile. The two of them worked pretty well together now that he thought about it and she didn’t annoy him or say anything stupid to get on his bad side. It was odd to think that this was how his first real mission would end, but he guessed that it was better than nothing as he walked out the door. It would take awhile for him to reach the clients house to return the jewelry, but he figured that with his improved mood he could at least dress himself in something better. Maybe Umeko would know something he could wear? He’d dwell on it later but for now he would finish out this mission with little to no issue.


WC: 140 + 2470 = 2870
Mission WC: 1500
Extra WC: 1200 = +300 ryo
Leftover WC: 100 (burn it)

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