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1Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:53 am



Ginjiro made his way to the training grounds and started to head out for some training. The sun was at its peak, but he couldn’t feel the heat coming from it. It was very cool. The air nipped at his face as he walked. It had been a pretty productive day. He had spent the early morning at the medical clinic near his house that his mother worked at. There were quite a few patients that morning and he had been able to help each one. From bandaging wounds to resetting bones, he felt proud of himself for making a difference in other people’s lives. Working at the clinic had one of the ways he passed time during the day. He was able to learn different things that he wouldn’t be able to learn on his own. Ginjiro also spent some time at the hospital from time to time, but not as often.

As he traveled through the training grounds, he saw a few young ladies that he gave a wink at. Some just gave him a strange look while others waved back. It seemed like nothing could take the smile off of his face. Today was a good day. He enjoyed trying to entertain others. Ginjiro did consider himself to be a ladies man. His old classmates agreed that he was a ladies man. Class time had been spent trying to be a class clown, but those days were long gone. He was a grown man and had to put away his childish ways. Well, mostly. Somethings just never got old.

Upon arriving at the training grounds, he had been mostly alone. There were some other genin that were training in the distance. They wouldn’t bother him. He would keep himself focused on himself. There was a certain joy that he got when he watched other train. It made him feel even more confident in the generation that was coming after him. He did end up in a very precarious situation which caused him to be a genin at such a late age, but he didn’t let it get to him. Ginjiro believed that everything happened for a reason. What the fates had in store for him, he didn’t know, but he hoped that it was death any time soon.

Ginjiro stood in his somewhat lonely part of the field. He stripped his shirt off to show off his physique. The cold air struck his skin and made him a bit excited that he was getting ready to start his training regiment. The young shinobi started to engulf himself five sets of sit ups and push ups. Afterward, he started off in a few of his martial art stances. Repetitive kicks made contact with a training log which make a solid “thud” when contact was made. He then punched the training log with his bare hands. Ginjiro trained to sort of manage the pain he received over a course of time. It had been a couple of days and the air sort of dulled the pain with each strike he laid upon the practice log.


2Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:40 pm



Makoto was busy stretching a bit here and bit there as he moved from side to side getting the most out of his arm and leg stretching. He figured he could go to the training grounds to find someone to test out his new jutsu on, who better then an unsuspecting genin to use for an example for the upcoming chuunin exams as he raced towards the situation that would soon unfold. He looked up to the sun that was so high up in the sky that it could not go any higher then it was now, as its light penetrated the earth and deep into your skin from the highest point in the sky's limit, the very peak of its existence hidden behind its blindingly bright luminescent light. The heat of the sun's rays as they caressed the skin as you felt like you could melt under the blistering heat that pounded down on you, however Makoto was not having any of that as his hood of his overcoat covered over the top of his head, his forehead protector just barely visible as he made his way to the training grounds, his shield on his back and his tanto in its shieldy sheathe hidden compartment as he made his way with all his weapons that he could use for target practice that day.

He continued to walk as the cool air brushed over his face making his little fringe in the middle sway to the side and against his face, as his other long hair pressing on the back of his neck was hidden beneath his overcoat, the light vestment he had to protect his chest area was a very important item to him and on top of that he also had to make sure he was ready to endure anything that could come his way. Then as he arrived there some weirdo, or probably just another crazy youthful taijutsu user decided to just strip their top off, like wearing chest armor was for the weak and that the best defense against enemy jutsu were to have intense muscles and brute strength. As if the shining bright brightness of the light muscles could shine away any jutsu as he did not like it, this imposing presence, this show off and another one of those taijutsu users maybe. No Makoto would not let it get to him as some girls were looking at him for no apparent reason as he just looked away from them as they seemed to look even more intensely now as he vanished from view as those girls did have training to do.

Makoto was practicing his hand seals while this guy was doing sit ups and push ups as if those could help you against the might have the great ninjutsu. Not counting if someone made genjutsu that made your actions reverse to make you hit yourself breaking the genjutsu and your jaw at the same time, though maybe he was thinking of something strange himself. After watching for a while as his spot was taken by this crazy kick starter who kept kicking like kicking a thousand times would make the kick even stronger as he took to move towards the boy and stopped for a moment about five meters away.

"Hi, would it be okay if I spar with you, I need to practice a bit before the up coming exams", as he gave an honest opinion, but left out his disdain for taijutsu in general. He felt frail and helpless when it came to close combat, but that would not stop him from going all ham when the need arose in the future. As he looked towards his potential prospect opponent with an intense glare in his eyes of determination and maybe a hint of hatred that was hard to describe. Would this opponent accept his challenge and would this even be a fight to begin with.

Words = 657

3Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:42 pm



Ginjiro paused in the middle of a kick as he heard the voice. The genin looked toward where the voice was coming from. He almost didn’t notice it at first due to how focused he was. Meeting eyes with the newcomer, he noticed a engulfment of rage. Ginjiro smiled as he almost laughed at the newcomer. He figured that this would make an interesting fight. It had been awhile since he sparred anyone decent. The passion in his eyes that showed his determination of how eager he was to get started. There was no way he would deny such an interesting looking opponent. Ginjiro was quite positive that he would enjoy this. It wasn’t everyday that someone challenged you to a spar. A spar was probably what he needed to get recalibrated on how he should train better.

“I’ll accept your challenge. The name’s Yamamori, Ginjiro. The one and only. We can start whenever you’re ready,” he stated while performing a finger gun with his right hand.

The young man was definitely filled with life. It seemed like his excitement didn’t know any bounds. He started to stand back about 5 meters from his opponent. Ginjiro started to bounce in place while slapping his face a couple of times. The stance he took was a basic muay thai stance. Ginjiro continued to smile as he he held his stance. He told himself that he would come out on top. The faith he had in himself didn’t waver. The spectators didn’t know what to expect from the two shinobi. Once the spar started, they would find out who was the better shinobi. Ginjiro knew that he lost he would find something to make up for it. He thought that he would probably volunteer to help in his dad’s shop as punishment. Though, he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. There was no need to lose his mental focus.

“Come on, show me what you got!”

Ginjiro wasn’t trying to taunt his new partner. It was just a fact that he was ready to fight off anyone at this point. Ginjiro knew that he was probably just yearning for someone that could better his skills. Maybe this guy would actually be a rival that he was searching for. Ginjiro hadn’t had a rival in what seemed like ages. Not many challenged him in hand to hand combat. Now thinking about it, he never did set a parameters for the spar. It was probably too late. He was too interested in being able to take on another opponent. The young genin sort of put off the thought. What he truly wanted was to sink his fist into his opponent’s face.


4Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:34 am



Makoto noticed the pause in the kick, it was too early to judge if this was a sign of things to come, but for now he would await the reply to his challenge. He watched ever vigilant and the way his potential opponent would look towards him, then this person smiled at him which seemed rather strange at the time, was this guy stronger then he looked or was it simply a bluff. Either way these were the usual mind games, so there was no reason to put anymore thought into it.

The guy accepted and announced himself as Yamamori, Ginjiro and said they could start whenever he was ready, he wanted to say he was born ready as he noticed his opponent faced a finger gun towards him. He focused his eyes even more on his opponent before preparing a hand seal hidden by his over cloak again. His opponent stepped back to around five meters and began to skip around like some kind of warrior, the stance looked a bit strange to Makoto as he wondered if this was some unique taijutsu style of sorts, with all this smiling he felt like kicking his opponent in the face really really hard as he resisted that primitive urge.

His opponent asked him to show him what he had as he blinked a few times as he sighed softly as from behind makoto jumped out two makoto's one to the left and one to his right as he performed the water clone technique as they dashed to the sides. The one performed a tiger hand seal to the one side while the other one performed the dog hand seal hidden beneath the cloak as the original makoto had the dog hand seal prepared as a pool of water formed beneath his feat within a five meter radius. Either way the clone to his left would spit water towards his opponent and would evade in that moment as a mist would form, on the other end makoto's eyes focused chakra into his contact lenses as he looked towards the mist as he drew his kunai and shuriken throwing them towards his opponents escape route as he had set up a trap.

The other free clone would point down the tiger hand seal and take aim with his unique water style water gun technique. If his opponent dashed towards the original makoto he would notice something grab hold of him that had a speed that was not too great, but which was able to catch onto targets inexperienced in combat with a water user such as himself. If his opponent decided not to move from that place he would give a signal and his clone would fire the water gun using the hidden mist as cover to prevent his opponent from seeing the technique, or firing the technique to cut off the escape point from the mist. What he would like to know is if his opponent would have a way to escape this combination.

Water gun would also be fired if his opponent dashed into the water tentacle trap as the tentacles had speeds of up to ten meters per second and a length of ten meters as well meaning that they were already within his range so the number of invisible techniques in this combination was rather large thanks to the hidden mist. The tentacles required the strength of a chuunin at least to break free or some unique escape technique which he had developed to counter himself. However the water gun jutsu would not be fired from the ground as the clone will fire this technique from an aerial position so it would face downwards and knock his opponent down towards the ground or towards the water tentacle technique if his opponent did not head in that direction and if he got caught by the tentacle first he would push him to lay flat on the ground in preparation for a monologue of sorts.

Words = 657 + 667 = 1324

Chakra = 250 - 10(D-rank pond creation) - 15(C-rank water clone technique = 225 - 22(water clone 1) = 203 -22(water clone 2) = 181 - 10(D-rank water tentacle) = 171 - 5(D-rank water reflection droplet sight mist version) = 166

Water Clone 1 = 22-5(hidden mist technique) = 17
Water Clone 2 = 22-15(water gun technique) = 7

Jutsu used:

The hidden mist is so you will not get a view of any of these techniques and the hidden mist covers a fifteen meter radius.
The water tentacle will bind you if it hits and keep you from getting closer or further away from makoto
The water gun is faced from above to pin you down into the ground instead of knocking you away.
All makoto's are armed and have weapons hidden beneath their over coat.

5Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:02 pm



Ginjiro’s heart started to race even more in excitement as he was now mentally prepared to take on his opponent. The cold air kept his head clear as he still continued to smile. He had spent years of training to try and get stronger, but he hoped that it wasn’t all vain. It wasn’t like he was bothered by still being weak. Ginjiro had basically been playing a support role. He preferred to be at center stage than just be a common medical shinobi. It was his dream to become a Monolith hence why he sort of put his medical ninjutsu on the back burner. His training had mostly just focused on his body. Though, it would seem that he may soon regret that.

The taijutsu specialist watched as his opponent summoned clones to their aid. Ginjiro didn’t mind it at first, he would just need to get a couple of hits off on the clones. He thought to himself that he would need to stay vigilant. He’s cockiness was getting the best of him right now. Ginjiro then thought that it was better to go after the original, but that’s if could figure out which one it was. He started to get a bit short sighted as his opponent began his assault. Though, he figured that he probably should keep his distance. He had to remind himself that the clone technique was a ninjutsu. It was in that moment that he jumped back to about five meters before a heavy mist rolled in. He then attempted to jump back another three meters, but his leg had gotten caught by something as he only made it two of those meters before falling to the ground. Whatever had grabbed him was wet and figured that it was a water technique. His left leg and arms were now ensnared, but he was at least still able to move them relatively.

As he fell, he heard the distinctive sound of weapons fly above him. Though, he couldn’t seem to do much else as he started to flop around like a fish out of water. Ginjiro had to admit that he underestimated his opponent. He kind of blamed himself for getting into this situation. At that point, he knew that he screwed up. He didn’t feel down about it. It was a friendly spar after all. After the battle, he knew that he would need to step his game up. The bruises he was receiving could be healed, but he wasn’t sure at first that now was the good time to heal them. It was no time to give up. He would need to think of a way out of this, but getting knocked around wasn’t helping. He could try to use one of his taijutsu techniques to get out, but the water knocking into him wouldn’t allow him to get any decent footing. The only other thing that he could think of was that this sucked. It especially sucked now that he was now cold and wet.

The situation he was in caused him to reminisce on his past. Though, the last time he was in a similar situation had been against a doton user. Ginjiro was curious as to what he would need to work on to prevent this from happening again. He wondered if he we would even have enough strength to continue fighting after this point. This was definitely damaging to his pride, but he would have to keep smiling even when he was in a tight spot. He was at center stage after all. The center stage of an ass whooping. There was no gain without a little pain he told himself.


6Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:56 am



In that moment the water tentacle that had grabbed coiled around further and then the other three tentacles moved to capture Ginjiro's arms and the remain leg to show just how helpless his opponent was as they would coil around each part. He thought about it for a moment and then looked inside of the mist, his opponent would not be able to see him without some form of sensory technique and he had a lot of time on his hands. He finally captured his target and it was now clear that he would have to test just how much damage it would take to make this opponent surrender. However he was not going to make it that easy as the water clone who had used the hidden mist still had plenty of chakra to spare, or at least plenty for a clone that is.

The clone with the chakra to spare went to cover the back escape route even though it would be easy to avoid. Makoto had his other clone throw roughly five shuriken and a kunai at different locations, one was aimed at Genjiro's shoulder, the other two were aimed at the top of his knees and the last two were aimed at his ribs to check if his opponent had abs of steel or any armor as he would then speak after doing so assuming the target is unable to escape.

"If you want to surrender, it is okay. Unless you think you can escape or take more hits like this until my jutsu wears off?"

As the way he said it made it sound like he was giving his opponent a chance to test their metal and train their endurance to pain. However the shuriken and kunai were only the tip of the iceberg as he had his swords ready for action not to mention his all powerful and mighty shield as well. In the end he did confirm that his water tentacle technique works, though he feels it was more his opponent lacking experience then him being skillful. However Makoto was thankful to learn it did it's job, which was to restrain people on his level from moving around and dodging everything.

Words = 1324 + 371 = 1695

Chakra = 166 (no maintenance costs to be paid this turn)
Clone 1 = 17
Clone 2 = 7

7Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:35 am



The feeling of helplessness had finally set in. There wasn’t anyway he was going to escape the torrent of attacks he was dealing with. He now started gripping his teeth to bare the ongoing pain. It would make it on his lists of most unpreventable moments of despair. If it wasn’t for the bindings he could easily make it out of this mess. The smile on his face had started to look sadistic. Ginjiro kept pushing himself even though he knew the match was virtually over. He wondered why the guy had to do a fellow shinobi like this. Though, he wasn’t sure if this guy was even a shinobi from this village. This was no longer a match, but physical torture.

Ginjiro knew of a way to get out, but the pushback effects of the technique renounced his efforts. What made things even worse is when he felt the cold iron of ninja tools enter his body. He winced at the feeling. The thoughts he kept flowing through his mind was, “why him?” Ginjiro mostly wanted to help people. Then he remembered the words of his father. “Ginjiro, are you going to give up so easy? You were weak to begin with. Get out of my sight until you learn how to do it right.” The words resonated with him. His father was an advocate of training taijutsu. Part of his work ethic even came from him. His determination definitely did.

This sort of ticked him off. A rage that he hadn’t felt in a long time swept over him. He usually didn’t get mad, but the anger in him wasn’t just from weakness to himself. It was anger that a fellow shinobi would treat a comrade the way that his now opponent did. There was no more time to sit around and pout. He knew that he probably couldn’t break the jutsu, but he had an idea. Ginjiro used force of the tentacle and stream to adjust his leg in the air out of the current. He then tested the tentacles strength again trying to gauge where they were. With his leg, he infused chakra into it as he kicked downward into the bindings as he tried to get his other limbs close together as possible. Then he felt it, the bindings give way. It unfortunately, didn’t stop from getting knocked backwards. He ended up riding the stream to the end as he found himself laying on his back once he finished his journey. He heard a few gasp as the onlookers saw his overall condition. He was glad that he was able to look to the sky and out of the mist, but it wasn’t over.

With each move he made, there was pain. His body looked like a giant plum. Ginjiro removed the weapons from his torso and his knees. Blood started to drain as he quickly placed his hands over the cuts above his knees. The cuts began to heal as he kept his eyes up looking to see when his opponent would come out of the mist. Ginjiro used the last of his remaining strength to stand up. He knew he would need to do better as he stood up. He then placed his hands on the wounds on his torso. This really sucked. He kicked himself mentally in the shins for allowing himself to spend all these years become a worthless shinobi. Looking back on it, there was no way he could blame his opponent for this. It was his own weakness and he was his own responsibility. He’s the one that agreed to this fight.

Ginjiro didn’t want to give up so easily. He would at least ready to push his way forward. It would look pretty bad if he passed out now. His vision was mostly there. He hoped that he was at least able to land one blow on his opponent, but at this rate he wasn’t going to make. Ginjiro fell to one knee as he could hear the young ladies behind him mumble. He continued to hold his hands on his torso trying to heal as much as he could before he took anymore damage. He knew one more hit would probably end the fight. Though, his opponent probably wouldn’t leave it at him just passing out. He was definitely going to either have to heal his whole body after this or go to the hospital.

“Heh, don’t...give up...on me yet. My body...might not make it,” he stated in such a slow and almost inaudible tone.



8Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:36 pm



Makoto looked on in amazement, the opponent actually used taijutsu to kick free from the technique, it was really interesting and made Makoto feel he should increase the number of bindings even further or use a more disabling technique. He noticed the opponent took quite a lot of hits and maybe he did not even hear his suggestion as he did not know what was going through the head of Ginjiro at the time, he also felt a bit worried at that point since it seemed he encountered another crazy taijutsu user, to kick yourself free from bindings was just strange to say the least, however he was more then prepared as he started forming more hand seals.

Makoto watched as it just looked painful to watch as his opponent was ripping the kunai and shuriken from his body as his other clone then tossed several up in the air, the mist hiding his actions as they would all soon plummet down upon the unsuspecting target. Not to mention that Makoto did not like that his opponent did not even consider surrender as an option, it might look like torture though. However even an academy genin should normally be trained just a bit better then this, was it the overconfidence in their body as taijutsu users that made some careless or was it that they thought they could just walk through all ninjutsu.

Makoto had formed the tiger hand seal and performed the phoenix flower ninjutsu while firing some shuriken with it to add more then simply burns into the mix. The small fire balls would bombard the area and the ones with shuriken roughly five of them would strike the shoulder, the gut once more, the knee and leg on the left side and the last one would be aimed between the legs as a low blow. That last one was just out of annoyance that his opponent chose such a tactless way to escape his binding jutsu earlier. However Makoto wanted to create a more impressive binding jutsu, one in which the mist itself binds you. In the end did it even matter, since everything he said to Ginjiro would probably just push him one step closer to the edge as it looked like Ginjiro was breaking. He began to wonder how to go about this, but for now he had to confirm victory before anything else, until his opponent was either down or surrendered he would not stop, he could not stop he had to find out just how far he would have to go to beat someone down for the upcoming exams.

Words = 1695 + 436 = 2131

Chakra = 166-5(maintenance for mist vision)-15(c-rank fire jutsu) = 146
Clone 1 = 17
Clone 2 = 7

Other jutsus still in effect, Hidden Mist, Water Clones, Pond Creation, Mist Water Reflection Sight,

fire jutsu used:

9Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:31 am



Ginjiro looked up as he could barely make out fireballs that dissipated after they came out of the mist. Though, he did notice the shuriken that came out from the vanishing fireballs. He wondered how far away did his opponent think he was. To the best of his ability, he rolled to side as he ended his healing technique. It wasn’t much of a roll than it was a flop to the ground. This match was pretty much over. He rolled over at patted his hand on the ground to tap out. Ginjiro was done as he didn’t fight his body anymore. He figured that he had probably need to be dumped into a giant top of ice. His body started to feel swollen around the parts that he wasn’t able to heal. What a mockery he made of himself. Ginjiro truly showed how rusty he had gotten over the years.

“Yeah, I’m done. I give...up.” he said as his consciousness started to fade.

Ginjiro thought that he could push through to no avail. He thought to himself that he really need to do better by himself. This spar would definitely be a motivator. There were techniques that he had to research. He would need to create a slew of techniques that would make him stronger, but he still believed that training his body shouldn’t be neglected. The beating he took sort of humbled him a bit. He would definitely not forget this for the rest of his days. There would always be somebody stronger than you. It was a saying that he took for granted, but he would now take it to heart. How ever he trained next would be like starting over from scratch. His current training wasn’t doing enough for him. There was more he needed to do. Maybe he needed a workout plan that confused his muscle.

The taijutsu user wanted to make himself stronger to help protect the village, but this made him contemplate how far he would need to go. The realization that he would need to work three times as hard as he had been was a wake up call. The self reflection he went through was getting a bit deep for him. He wasn’t sure if he would have any energy left to keep thinking about his future. Trying to stay conscious was already too much. There wasn’t much reason to keep pushing himself anymore than he could. Ginjiro just hoped that his opponent wouldn’t kill him after he passed out. The feeling of his sight had already slipped away. He just finally let it go. The only harm he was causing at this point was to himself. Ginjiro made a promise to himself that he would try to be less foolish. He was no good to the village dead because he tried to “act” strong. His opponent just made an utter fool of himself. There wasn’t much left for him say. He didn’t even get his opponent’s name. Just pathetic.

“Hospital…,” Ginjiro stated before passing out. He hoped someone would hear his solemn call for help.


[Thread Exit]


STR: 675/675 [E-0 to D-0]
SPD: 675/675 [E-0 to D-0]
END: 405/405 [E-0 to E-3]
PER: 405/405 [E-0 to E-3]
REA: 675/675 [E-0 to D-0]

Total Stat WC: 2835

75 words unused

10Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Empty Re: Stone Cold Passion [Makoto/Private] Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:33 am



Makoto moved on as his opponent surrendered he moved closer, this was clearly a power play by Makoto. However he expected more from his opponent as there was clear disappointment on his face, though he wanted to mark his victory for all eternity. The strange tapping sound made him think this was one of those grapplers who loved to use that as another method of surrendering when they were unable to speak. That or the people were mute which did not really matter as he made his way closer and closer.

Makoto and first tried to pick up his target, then decided to have his clones help as he moved along towards the hospital area. When he got there he gave the important details to the nurse that was there.

"Sparring injuries, I might have over done it a bit or pushed him too far, so please do your best to make him well again so we can have another spar in the future." He bowed his head slightly as the nurse sighed, all these genin sparring every day and injuring themselves, did they think that medical shinobi were in large numbers and could heal all wounds no matter how severe in time for the exams. These genin needed to learn restraint as the nurse booked in the young Genjiro. Meanwhile she realized that the boy walking away was familiar and before she could say anything Makoto vanished into the fleeting mist.

It was at this time that Makoto would get an idea on creating his next jutsu as a trump card for the exams, the secret hidden in hidden mist technique as he made preparations for this trump card of a technique in order to use in future fights. First he would need to improve the hidden mist technique itself, then create the ultimate defensive technique and after that he would need an offense to bring an end to all the madness, however he did have this strange idea in his head as something white was running through the fields and entering into the mist as he followed. Only time would tell what it was that he saw that day as he would find a new path to his way of the shinobi.

Exit Thread

Words = 2131 + 374 = 2505

Training C-rank Jutsu Armor of Hidden Mist = 1000
Training D-rank Jutsu Fokasu and Shukuhaku shisetsu = 750x2 = 1500

Total = 2500

Makoto defeats Ginjiro
Claiming +5 chakra

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