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1Duality: Warm and Cold. |Private| Empty Duality: Warm and Cold. |Private| Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:20 am



This wasn't a feeling he'd expected. So short a time ago, and yet it felt like it had been a lifetime ago...Hazy, yet he knew it happened. The details took awhile to reminisce on, yet he could do so without error or failure. It mattered little here, technically, yet he found himself with a strange sense of both nostalgia and aversion. This was, to be sure, not the same place as he had stayed before, yet it bore the same feeling to him. The latter, perhaps, would fade in time, and he could simply visit these sorts of places in fondness. A rather short building stood in front of him, and to boot not very large in breadth either. This place, perhaps, might be small, and only able to fit a few people, or cramped. It would not bother Ano, however, if it was. He only took into consideration how the others would feel. They were so wont to distance themselves from others, in a physical and social sense, and he still did not understand the coverings. In public, yes, but here it perplexed him that they would keep such fabrics on. He barely comprehended it when that man...a Mugetsu-kin, tried to explain it to him. He still could not wrap his head around it, as there was nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

So he thought, in any event. He could not change the minds of others, he could only ask them questions to make them do it themselves.

The springs stood before him, and he entered the cloth-draped doorway. Empty, and a small sign detailing the status.

On break. Please leave collateral.
Surely an oddity, but he would take it. Ano slipped off his one bronze armlet and placed it behind the counter. Hopefully they would be able to match it with his other. If not, he was down an armlet, but it was simply an adornment, nothing important.

The average, slightly thin frame entered the second doorway to find a stairway leading down. This...this made more sense. A spring meant for all of the Sand, visitors and nomads like him included, was bound to have been bigger than such a small hut. A door stood before him, which opened without resistance when his hand met its knob. A hallway stretched out before him, and he had a bit of work to do.

He had already taken off his keffiyeh, allowing for his rather steamy head to breathe. With each step, even his moderately short locks bounced. He only had his usual fare on aside, a simple white-beige loincloth that covered everything 'necessary' for everyone else's sake. If he had a choice, he would not, but it was considered rude in this land to go without. He found these sorts of traditions and unsaid rules odd, but then again, the others probably found him plenty odd all the same.

The hallways' smooth stone floors, a bit alien to Ano - being that he had only recently experienced sands and crag, or worn stone floor - pleased his feet with their paradoxical grip despite how easy they would have seemed to otherwise be to slide on. A look upwards, and he was at the small sign depicting 'men'. He scurried inside, and through another door to the washing room. No one. Into the next, to the soaking pool. No one as well, he waited a good bit. Even inspected the rather crystal-clear water - impressive compared to Nisemono's - to make sure he wouldn't be startled again. He'd had enough of that for a lifetime.

Returning to the room full of baskets to put one's belongings, Ano flicked his finger over the point at which his coverings were tied, and quite easily they fell, snatched out of the air by his waiting hand. He walked very casually over to the washing area, as he was a tad sore from his ordeals. He needed not a towel here, no matter what the others thought or said. There was nothing to be ashamed of, for him or anyone.

In the back of his head, he wondered if anyone would show up. He did relish his alone-time, granted, and he was not lonely, it was just more of an intellectual exercise to have someone around.


2Duality: Warm and Cold. |Private| Empty Re: Duality: Warm and Cold. |Private| Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:55 pm



It was, perhaps, a relief. After his confrontation in the world below, perhaps Ano was ready for someone as relaxed as he about this area of societal courtesy. Everyone seemed so uptight. It was washing! A basic human action that almost everyone undertook. Funny, then, that Ano of all people would use the norms of society, even in his own mind, to justify something when he betrayed those same norms so very often.

His short locks were sticking up after their liberation from their rather cramped space inside his head-dress, a keffiyeh. Ano felt the stiffness of each strand, that strange sensation of tugging that was still so familiar to him, having worn such attire for so many of his days. He had, in his years, never paid visit to any of the other 'Great Ninja Countries'. Far to the west and south did his own wanderlust take him. Boundless plains. What lay past the mountain ranges of Earth and Wind was a savannah, bountiful in both flora and fauna of a manner and likeness Ano could not say he had seen in his time near the east. Of course, he was not well-versed much at all in the sphere of plants. After all, they were few and far between in the far-stretching deserts surrounding the Hidden Sand. Even in the village itself, subject to Ano's meanderings from time to time, he saw very few of their ilk, in any form.

Those hairs, however, would meet the embrace of a liquid. Tepid, if a bit more than that, the eau descended quickly over his lithe, nay, wasting form. He inhaled, drinking deep of the air that contained much more moisture than the arid, sand-rife stuff of the desert. In through his nose, out through his mouth. That was how he was taught to breathe. To clear the mind, one had to let everything flow out of it. Symbolic, it was, that sort of path the air took. The spate and flux of it all. If he could even know what 'it all' was. Perhaps it was a different kind of enlightenment, Ano's journeyman status as a Sage. The feeling of unity was un-mistakable. It was what came after that which could be considered enlightenment. The feeling of knowing absolutely nothing of the grand machinations of the universe. Seeing the macrocosm but lacking the ability to comprehend it.

A sigh was let out from the now-drenched form of tan topped-with-black. Perhaps relief or comfort? The warm water flowed off of his ankles and feet, dripping the points of his extremities, the elbows, hands, even knees. The wide-lipped ceramic jar was brought back down to Ano's chest-level, his arms visibly shaking as he held it. He bent over quickly, using his knees to quickly but not forcibly deposit the urn back to the ground. He breathed with labor, that simple task imposing in him an exertion he knew not before. As he supported himself with his hands on his knees, a contortion of the face. The lowered brow, the slight squint of eyes. Confusion, was it? Perhaps frustration.

Another form entered the room. At what point, Ano could not have been sure. He was so incredibly absorbed in his own minuscule yet weighty struggle that the boy next to him had completely escaped his notice. A smile from the smaller figure, the faint kind that one gave a stranger. The boy, however, was not simply a child. Adorning his skin were the fusings of healed skin without number, a great many of the marks of battle. The discoloration on his skin was apparent in splotches, some only just fading in while other contusions were clearly less recent. His impromptu companion removed the bandages and dressings from his frame, revealing a fair amount of training on his own part. Looking down, Ano smirked, if only at how odd things worked out. A child easily a decade his junior, from his facial features. He had not even hit the part of his life where such changed had happened, and he was already fighting so fiercely. Ano, a thin, un-trained, and slightly emaciated fellow that had gone through much of his life without conflict. Perhaps by serendipity or perhaps by active avoidance, thus far he had not made much trouble for himself. A small, singular bit of an airy chuckle, as if punctuation of his panting state, calmed his breathing as he returned a blasé smile to the one who had given first. He lacked not in concern, but his weariness from even everyday traveling let through in the only faint upturns in the corners of his mouth, or the way he closed his eyes as he willed his face into that positive expression.

This place, one did not think it would be missed so. Or the people.

He deigned to sit upon the floor, warm still from the sun-heated water flowing about it. The man with skin of deep earthen sandstone felt nearly at home with the dust and sediment that washed off so easily from the body. Another sigh, looking up, the steady burbling of flowing water behind him. He did need this.


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