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Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

The yamabushi sat cross-legged at high altitude. Breathable air chill and limited this high in the mountain. Nothing she wasn't used to considering her origins. As blue-green eyes gazed over the horizon a serene quietude would settle in her mind. Thoughts would die out and leave her head as they reached out for the endless distance of the horizon before her. Gliding over the mountains that stretched out as far as one could see, their tops altering between the white of snow, the cool of greys and the warm browns where Kumogakure and Iwagakure's land mingled to become one. Here and there specks of green betrayed the presence of grass, sometimes a flower would find itself to be queen of its small verdant realm. The rocky environment was traitorous even if from this perspective all the mountains carried were giant boulders, with small rivers of water bleeding down as if the mountains had harmed themselves to their own rocks.

Perspectives mattered in life. A single situation could be looked at from different angles, and as different angles of perception were applied the situation would produce different results. Life had become a strange puzzle to Suzume, of which she no longer certain what the 'truth' exactly entailed. After all the years she had attempted to bring Kumogakure on the right path, the yamabushi now doubted if there was even such a thing to begin with. Right. Wrong. Which mortal exactly was entitled to label such narrow-minded concepts upon others? Daimyo? Kage? The S-rank shinobi? Herself..? No, not one of them could determine right from wrong without lacking the pieces of the puzzle that clarified the whole situation. At its base, every human imposed their own righteousness onto others, and the strongest one would win. Verbally, mentally, physically. It mattered not. Despite civilisation, Nature's only law ended up being the strongest every time. So here was why the yamabushi had chosen to be seated among the mountains. To be with the only teacher that seemingly knew more than everyone else - Nature. The one teacher that had no need for words yet was always correct. A wizened force that lifted no finger yet won every battle. Nature endured the impact of humanity without shedding a single tear yet humbled those who believed themselves most superior in the world. Not even one shinobi had been able to ruin Nature, outlive it or deny it.

The wind teasing the rocks was a cold and listless one tugging at the sleeves of her robe, and under its caress Suzume would close her eyes. Allow it to carry the soul locked in its mortal confines far and wide. Memories of years ago would remind her this was nothing new. An old forgotten embrace as she sunk in meditation and let her soul soar into the skies. Reaching for the skies, flying over the mountains. Free as a bird, a sparrow, unburdened by simplistic perceptions enforced by narrow-minded mortals. Here, none of this even mattered. The labels and limits would fall off, the purity of the immortal soul revealed. With her soul's eye she saw her physical self sit there on the top of a mountain by itself. With her soul's arms she would reach for the clouds and float through it. She halted to sit on the white fluff and gaze once more at the horizon. Here, the world was as One. Nothing truly defined despite its existence. Beauty in its raw, pure form. Not defined by the eye of the beholder but by the soul experiencing it. Suzume smiled as the purity of being enriched her own existence, made her feel part of something far greater than she could have ever grasped within the confines of her body.

Was this what old sages came to name as transcendence and enlightenment?

There would be no answer to her question. There would be no need for such a question. Only the full awareness of existing was what mattered. Life... was what mattered. Suzume rolled over, her face peeking through the clouds as she looked upon the world below. The cloud had drifted to a different place. No longer would mountains point up in her direction. The vast blues of the sea revealed themselves as a mirror to the Heavens, the sun glistening in the restless waters like stars shone in the midnight blue sky at night. Treasures of the world. A ship with fishermen. Taking a life. Sustaining a life. The power of a single fish, meek in appearance, imposing in its spirit. Connecting all that was even if for one moment.

Dark clouds loomed. Hastur. The name revealed itself without a doubt, begging the question: had Hastur been like that fish? A single life connecting all others? No, that couldn't be quite right just yet. The fish gave its life to sustain that of others. What had Hastur given to sustain Kumogakure? Had he not destroyed a holy place of tradition where the trials took place? Had he not allowed an S-rank missing nin to reign terror in his own village? Had he not summoned the Jashinites, worshipping a dark entity which cared only to plunge the world in war? Anger and sadness would well up within the Heaven-bound soul and as a result rain would pour down upon the land. The dark clouds floating ever closer and threatening to take away the light of the sun with it. Suzume's soul would rise. Watch. What happened when black and white collided? Was this not the very essence of Yin and Yang? Light and dark. How often had mortal Man believed that these two principles ended up clashing when the truth was different? Such powers did not clash. They reformed each other. Such powers did not wage a war. They chased each other to change what grew stagnant. Such powers were not separate individualities...

They were one and the same thing.


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Like thunder, Suzume's soul would sink through the cloud she stood upon and be smitten down towards the earth. With an ear-shattering silence she would find her existence rammed back into her body. Seemingly shocking upon impact while actually having remained as motionless as she had left it. With a single deep breath, the yamabushi would return her out-stretched awareness back to her individual self. Mind lingering on the revelation. One moment of pure Truth had been within her grasp and now the intellectual mind was already tainting it with its limited understanding. All that remained was the name Hastur and the clash of black and white clouds. It's purpose deluded in understanding, the revelation squandered by mortality. Suzume would sigh as the unfortunate aftermath that happened time and time again when she meditated to such a point. Always so close to grasp an enlightened understanding of the world's unreachable secrets yet always losing it once her mortality confronted her with the harsh truth. She was a woman, not a kami. A trained shinobi seeking enlightenment of the notoriously known supernatural, not a spirit that had lived aeons revelling in deeper understanding. And perhaps that was just what one needed in life. Not a Raikage with a god-complex, not a man measuring himself to the kami. But a person of flesh and blood swayed by emotions and plagued by doubt that would not forget that all people suffered the same curse of mortality.

One last time the unlimited confines of the world would be glanced at by blue-green eyes before the yamabushi rose to her feet. Raikage. The word itself boomed like a the thunders that teased the Land of Lightning. How could those before her step forward with such confidence to pick up the mantle when the weight of responsibility weighted so much? Even Lin... Her mentor too had stepped forward with a confidence one would not easily attribute to a girl her age. Why was it then that she seemed to be the only one doubting her own power? She had travelled the world as a chuunin and returned successfully. She had perfect control over the storms that formed her bloodline. She had stood side by side with shinobi of varying nations to fight the Ryujin. And she had opposed the Dragon of Konoha twice and lived to tell the tale. There was no denying that the woman held power but what then was the source which conjured such a crippling fear? She could see the entire world. But she could not see this?

Suzume rose to her feet, folding her arms. The wind would tug at her robes defiantly, as if playfully trying to push her off the mountain top. She would not let it have its way yet its determination would not be ignored as she carefully hopped down from stone to stone to descend the giant rock spire holding her up. It was clear the Heavens would not reveal an answer to her today. Or rather it had already done so on various occasions without success, her hidden fear devouring her illumination as a persistent gluttonous darkness. It was clear the yamabushi required a different perception on the matter. A different approach that would grant her insight from a different perspective. Completing the Truth. Finding the pieces of the puzzle so as to achieve full understanding.

Perhaps Kazuki was one of those keys. The boy would soon be allowed to leave the hospital, hopefully having recovered sufficiently to pick up his life there where his parents had left him on his own. She wanted to be there for him, protect him from a dangerous world that was too strong for him to deal with by himself. Her solemn duty. Nourish the kid so he could claim a brighter future for himself. Yes, maybe Kazuki would be one of the keys she needed to solve her puzzle.

Total: 1655

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Kazuki would run to meet her, throwing himself in the arms of the yamabushi as tears ran down his cheeks. She'd pick him up, hand raising to pull him into her before she thanked the doctors that had watched over him. He had not been scared. Ever since he got better, tears of solace had poured down as the bottled up emotions he had been carrying for over a month were finally released. Like the mountains. Rivers of life force would flow down in liberation. It was understandable considering the ill fate Kazuki had suffered. Seeing his parents be slain before his eyes as they travelled. No child should be have such a display of brutality be held up before its eyes. As she walked out of Iwagakure's hospital, the cascade of water would slow down to a sniffling now that most of his emotions had been shared with someone that understood him.

"Suzume-neesan, when will I see mom again?"

An expected question and yet the answer was so difficult to formulate. How did one remain honest without tearing through the dreams of a child? How could one give an answer that would betray neither two of the people?

"Anytime you look up and see the bright twinkle of stars, Kazuki. Never forget that your mother will always watch over you."

Satisfied yet not. He already knew he would not get to hear an exact date for the child having seen his parents die knew well enough they wouldn't return for him. And yet, the belief that they were not that far off was a comforting thought despite not holding any real answer. Kazuki would rest his head against her shoulder as they returned to the yamabushi's makeshift camp. His home, for Suzume had little else to offer the kid since she had left Kumogakure. It begged the question... Did she have to return to grant him something more comfortable? Adopt him as if he was her own son and raise him in the traditions of the Raiu? Would this be the right thing to do? Maybe later. She did want to give him the means to protect himself in life from dangers but not in the ways she had been taught. Survival and self-protection was what he needed. And if she could do so, friends and a real family that had the means and stability to watch over him as if he was their own.

"Will you watch over me too, neesan?"

Silence would settle for a couple of seconds, the question pretty much throwing her former thoughts upside down. Like he had felt her future intentions or picked up upon the doubt in her mind. "Always, Kazuki.", she'd reply with a smile before she gave him a peck on his head. Perhaps it was not up to Suzume to decide that future. When the sparrow had lost her family and dreams, she had been granted the choice of making her own decisions too. She had continued forward. Perhaps that was what Kazuki did too now. Make his choice by deciding the yamabushi had to remain at his side. Whether she would be able to hold up that promise remained to be seen, however.

Total: 2197

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

The gaze of the woman rested tenderly on the antics of the kid playing in the river. Life had a curious way of sharing its lessons. Since his visit to the hospital, the kid had seemingly found back the spark of life. Days turning to weeks would fill themselves with him asking questions about what she was doing and why she did so. Step by step the yamabushi would teach the eager child about all she was, and in turn his simplistic but genuine replies would make her smile at the carefree innocence with which he perceived life. The amazement in his eyes when he saw a bunny scurry away. The joy when he cheekily decided to plunge his feet into the cold river water. The bulging eyes when he watched the rabbit stew plop and puff in the small iron pot on the campfire. Things so commonly accepted by adults were a world of inspiration for him. The way he swallowed up the whole world's experience and made it his own was a marvel to observe.

A smile would adorn the woman's face. Kazuki trying to catch a fish with his bare hands. A real adventure to the kid, for the fish was a worthy opponent to his still developing reflexes. The fresh, clear water would splash around with every new step he took, every tiny water drop registered by the fine-tuned perception of the sparrow. But the details mattered none. What mattered was the joy of life she could perceive. A moment in life the woman so hardly wished to preserve for an eternity to come.


He'd shout as he waved at her in vivid admiration, beckoning her to come over to watch a random treasure he had spotted. A treasure only he knew about and wanted to share. Suzume would rise up and walk over, the bottom of her hakama instantly soaking the water as she stepped with bare feet into the running water. Crouching, her eyes would instantly catch the presence of the small frog swimming about to reach the edge. The expression of pure amazement on Kazuki priceless as his curiosity pretty much tunnel-visioned him onto the frog's movement.

"Look...", he'd say, his voice a whisper as it was overtaken by amazement. Seconds of quiet adoration passed as the two enjoyed a slice out of the frog's life, watching how it eventually reached the edge of the river. It'd seemingly catch its breath for a moment as it croaked aloofly and then hop into the jungle of grass that loomed before him. Once out of view, Kazuki would look at Suzume, the expression on his face sharing his most genuine emotions about this extraordinary event.

"Wasn't that amazing?"
"Yes! What is the frog going to do?"
"Hm, I think it's going to explore the world. What do you think?"
"I think the frog is really brave and strong."
"So he's much like you, then."
"Hey, I'm not a frog."
"Are you sure about that? Because I see you jumping a lot in the water..."
"That's because I'm trying to catch the fish."
"Oh right! How's that going for you?"
"They're too fast.", he'd say with a frown. The rivalry with the fishes was quite serious business after all. "Can't you catch one?"
"Who knows. I heard people say I can fly, so maybe I can catch a swimming fish too."

She'd step into the water and focus on the task ahead. Catching a fish with bare hands wasn't the hardest task for a jounin who had been taught iaijutsu since childhood but she'd put up a bit of a show by making it seem hard. Her senses would pick up the flow of water and the splashes created by the fishing passing by at an irregular time. Several fish would be allowed to swim by before her hand shot forward at a speed the child couldn't register. Her hand would find a small silver coloured fish and pull it out of the water. In blind panic, the fish flopped within her grasp, trying to escape the claws that caught it in hopes to continue its journey along the river stream.

"Woah! How did you do that?"
"A lot of practise so you become as fast as lightning."
"I bet you cheated."
"Oh my... I guess nothing escapes your watchful gaze, hm? Well, maybe I did cheat a little bit.", she'd grin as she handed him the fish. Reflexively he'd grasp it, but as he felt the slimy creature flop in his grasping hands he instantly pulled them back, allowing the fish its desired freedom in a rather uncomfortable way when it fell onto the river edge and wriggled its way towards the water to never return.
"I want to be as fast as you, neesan, so I can catch all the fish."
"Really? You must be really hungry, huh?"

He didn't reply. Instead, the boy focused the river and tried to mimic her stance and concentration. Trying once again to catch a fish with his bare hands. This time, the speed of lightning being the dream he envisioned to reach.

Total: 3080

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Two shapes danced in synchronisation as the sun slowly set behind the mountains. Martial arts. Not the sort Mizuki had learned when she was a child but a new form mimicking the grace of the Cloud Serpents. The Five Immortals form, graceful as a dance, a fighting style emphasising internal chakra flow. With every movement she could feel the wind brush passed her as the suiton in her veins allowed her movements to be as flowing as water. All the while, the pressure rose and dropped as the ranton coursing through her controlled the air.

The boy next to her, Kazuki, mimicked her movement. Ever since he had seen her catch a fish with bare hands the boy had made up his mind. Suzume-neesan's speed had to be achieved. To what purpose? The child's mind couldn't fathom such intricate sub-conscious reasoning just yet. To catch fish, of course, did the mind whisper. But the truth laid buried much deeper than that. Buried with his dead parents. It would only be a decade later the boy would realise his own vengeful spirit, seeking justice against those who did the world wrong. But that would be a story of its own for a different time.

The moral behind it all was one that Mizuki had been perceiving in her meditations often lately. The past, the present and the future cycled around each other. Yin and Yang eternally chased and replaced each other. Was it not ironic? A man seeking justice destroys Sunagakure in the past. Now a boy would become the seeker of justice against those who destroyed Life itself. A Raikage had invoked the wrath of the Heavens over the world for his own gains, bringing chaos onto the world. And now a jounin in hiding from the same Village was moving the Heavens around her to find a means to balance. The past could not be undone. The future could not be avoided. But in between those two end points, the insightful could move forces unseen to bring change.


After all these weeks in seclusion, had she not truly earned that name? Mizuki had found light in the darkness of her existence. She had found insight through meditations and changed her original arts into new ones that expressed her own spirit better. Where once she had focused on the past, the woman had been taught the visions of the future. Kazuki. She had known he would be the key, the boy showing her that no matter the previous horrors suffered, the future could always be paved into something beautiful. A better future for herself. For him. And with time, she would return to Kumogakure to provide a better future for the Village. It would be her duty, as a vigilant of Kumogakure, to confront the 'god of thunder' as a human being and show him that without the faith of his people, his existence held little meaning. No god ever lived without the faith of his servants.

But before she could take the first steps to that point she had other things to do. Blue-green eyes observing the movements of Kazuki shadowing hers, she still had to pave the future of this boy. Martial art meant nothing if he couldn't give it purpose. It meant nothing if this would be the only pedestal for him to stand on. Soon, Suzume would take him to the hanamachi of Iwagakure where they'd enter an okiya so he would learn about culture and diligence. His eyes had to be opened for the finer things in life that required attention - like the frog he had come to observe. The same love for Life as she cherished would be the seedling in need of cultivation so that when she'd leave him to pick up the trail of her destiny, he would know what to look out for.

Life was an art. And only through diligence and meticulous care could it flourish.

Total: 3746

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

"Kazuki, could you do me a favour?"
"Yes, neesan?"
"You know the way to Iwagakure, right? Can you bring this katana to the smith so he can sharpen it?"

She'd hand him a couple of ryo and her old katana. The black leather looked as good as it did years ago when she used it for the last time, the silver kanji of the Raiu as radiant as before, her actual name still engraved within the blade. The katana was sealed in its sheathe, tied tightly by the ropes that would otherwise bind it around her waist.

"Woah... Where did you get that?"
"It's an old gift but I'll tell you its story another time. For now, you'll add a small piece to its story by getting it to the smith, alright?"

He'd nod and take the black sheathe, give her a peck on the cheek and run off. Iwagakure was a while away and though he knew the safest path through hidden roads, it didn't happen often he was allowed to go alone. The Valley was a dangerous place, people talking about an akuma roaming the vicinity to slay the weak on its path. The demon could shoot lighting from its fingers and was too fast for anyone to properly fight it. When he had told Suzume that story, one he had heard by a traveller who had heard it in turn at the local inn, she'd had sparkled in amusement and told him the akuma only killed those who held no honour or respect for the Valley. He wasn't too assured but since he considered himself rather respectful in his manner, he could only be safe, right? So the boy left for Iwagakure, using the hidden paths where the akuma would not see him.

But the truth for this request was of a different nature. The winds carried a dark song with them and the yamabushi's gut feeling told her trouble was brewing. She had already noticed 'commoners' snooping around in search of something or someone, the precision with which they did so betraying they were not simple bandits. Maybe they were bounty hunters chasing down the akuma, perhaps they were ANBU trying to find the escapist Kumo-nin she was.

The boy was barely out of sight when two figures appeared out of the shadows of the mountains. Mizuki would turn around, blue-green eyes identifying the men as being ANBU. Their masks would hide their identity, the flak jacket betraying only they were shinobi but not telling her where they originated from. Most of their figure would remain hidden under a cloak, concealing minute movement of their hands if they wished. Mizuki would bow lightly to them.

"A yamabushi doesn't get visitors often. Are you looking to find enlightenment?"

They would remain silent, one pair of eyes shifting their attention to where Kazuki had disappeared into the distance. They'd share a glance and nod, the ANBU wishing to vanish from sight but instead finding himself opposed by the yamabushi as she barred his path.

"I'll take your lack of an answer for a 'no'. You must be in a terrible hurry if you do not even allow me to offer the two of you a cup of tea."
"We don't have time for tea, woman. Stand aside."
"Wait... Those eyes..?", the second one would begin. "And that black hair... I know who you are."

Attention was drawn. His ally would throw him an askance glance, Mizuki's eyes resting calmly locked in his.

"I doubt a mountain hermit such as myself is well known but I'm intrigued nonetheless."
"You are... Mizuki. The one who was sent on a mission to make the kage's name known."

So destiny's slumber had ended. To think a mere coincidence such as this would potentially destroy the peace she had found. A moment of discomforting silence settled, broken a second after by her smile.

"You must be mistaken. My name is Suzume."
"No, no it isn't. I was with you at the siege of Inabayama when we took down those symbols, Tokujō Raiu."

The mountain hermit remembered a time like that but the faces that had walked with her that day were many. And the faces she had seen in torment, disgust and fervour were many more. However, he did seem to recognise her. There was no point in redirecting the truth any longer, her identity revealed after all these weeks. And their affiliation to Kumogakure betrayed as much. But what were they doing here in Iwagakure?

"I guess there's no fooling you. As expected from an ANBU member. What are Kumo-nin doing here?"
"You've be-"
"Hush. That is ANBU intel.", the other one threw in.
"Bro, she's a Kumo-nin."
"Yes. An AWOL one, and considering her position, that's pretty much bordering acts of treason."

It was not a lie. She had been gone for more than two months without a single warning or message. Though she doubted the Raikage would care much about a shinobi vanishing from his ranks considering the amount of dark followers he had gathered, her past was catching up quickly.

"I'm sorry, Tokujō. We'll have to take you in and bring you back."
"I understand your sense of duty but unfortunately I'm unable to return just yet."
"Then... We'll be obliged to take you down", the second one threw in, with this confirming his intentions towards hostilities.
"I understand. If I can't dissuade you from engaging a yamabushi then I will make sure that I honour you with a respectable counter-force. Know that I do not hold a grudge against your choice."

Shuriken cleaved through the skies as they searched for their target, their trajectory slightly altered by the wind. Yet, hitting a target that moved at the speed of winds without the slightest of effort was more of a challenge than the ANBU had anticipated. Her movement were a blur even when she didn't burst to close the gap. The two had tried to catch her in a cross fire, only to find their projectiles deflect against an invisible barrier. She was like a wind spirit weaving her movement through theirs, pivoting around their kunai and dancing through the danger until they ran out of mere weapons.

"S-she's too fast.", one would shout. The boy that had once been a genin under her command having grown to a young special jounin. And ANBU at that. While she believed he had not made his decision lightly, Mizuki had grown beyond the limitations that came with his rank. The young ANBU understood this, but the other one was a different tale. Even if he couldn't reach her, he had not the intention to give up so easily towards his superior.

"Stop whining and do something.", he retaliated, forming hand seals of his own that would not have the time to be finished. With a blur, the yamabushi appeared before him. Blocking his hand seals with one hand, then, one, two, three strikes against his body with the other. He would not feel any pain but the impact send him flying three meters backward and into the mountain behind him.

"I told you this was a bad idea, she was chosen by Hastur", his words would leave his lips just a moment before his legs would be swiped from under him and slammed hard into the ground by her follow up axe kick. The wind would seem to briefly pick up a second later, following in the wake of her strike. Jumping back, the yamabushi waited. Trained eyes not losing any of the two targets.

"You lack the skill to take me down, ANBU. Return home unharmed and forget about me. I will return when it is time to do so and not a moment earlier."

The eye of the storm. The quietude before all hell broke loose. If wisdom would not dictate their paths now, there would be no returning. One of them understood this, nodded and disappeared in a flicker but the other one refused.

"Tsh. Coward.", he spit into the ground as his ally vanished. "I always knew he was not cut out for this sort of work. You better be ready for this, Mizuki.", he said as he cracked his neck. Rapidly forming hand seals, he'd invoke raiton chakra and allow it to burst out of his finger. A single serpentine ray would fly out towards Mizuki, its speed and power sufficiently dangerous to pose an actual threat to those of his own rank. His opponent was not just anyone, however. His opponent was the Lady of Storms. A woman well known to bring the power of the storms by herself and, to those who knew her well, more than capable of dealing with raiton. As the technique drove itself through the air, Mizuki would hold out two fingers to attract the beam towards her. As it hit her, the raiton would course through her fingers, hands, arms and entire body, upon which she shifted her stance, eyes fixated on the ANBU before her. Where he had expected to be successful, the smile betraying that fact, it would falter when he saw that she finished her stance, pulled back her arm and extended her other.

"Lightning Redirection.", was all she said, with the nerves of steel of someone used to chase storms her entire life. From her hand, the raiton she had received would be returned to its origin. The power and speed not lowered in the slightest. Worse even, it was boosted by her ability to recreate chidori and as such the beam would ravage his ANBU armour and pierce his chest with the killing intent he had given her. The beam would pass through him unhampered and blow a chunk of the mountain behind him. Then peace would cloak the region again. The yamabushi's eyes lingered on the remains of the dead ANBU briefly before her raiton would completely incinerate his remains to ashes.

And with it, she felt the noose of destiny closing around her throat.

Total: 5456

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

It was late in the evening by the time Kazuki returned. The wood of the campfire was crackling peacefully, licking at the rabbits being roasted slowly above it. The scent of fresh herbal tea, bite-ready meat and that of crisping wood filled the air and made his tummy growl but he had returned successfully. Proud of himself, naturally. Suzume sat near the campfire, her hands trembling as the raiton she had returned had also singed them. Her technique, though powerful, was certainly not without risks for herself. Burn wounds scarred her fingers, denying them the finer motor skill she otherwise would have had.

"Suzume-neesan", tbe boy exclaimed with worry when he saw her hands. "Are you alright?"
"I am, no need to worry Kazuki."
"How did this happen?"
"That's a long story. Did you bring the katana?"
"Y-yes. I have it here."
"Good boy. Come here."

He'd approach and Mizuki would take over the katana, tying it around his waist. Against his brown trousers, the blue tunic, the black leather sheathe seemed to glisten. A pearl held against the poor lad's clothes.

"This katana is yours now.", she said softly to his surprise. "I'll teach you how to use it properly once I have fulfilled my destiny."
"Destiny..? You are leaving?"
"Not yet. I have a few things to finish before I'm ready but I'll have to return to Kumogakure one day. That day, you won't be able to follow me."
"But Suzume-neesan... I don't want you to leave me."
"And I will not, Kazuki-kun. You will remain within the protective hands of Iwagakure until I return to get you. And when I do...", she placed her lips on the front of his head. "I'll adopt you as my son so I can give you the life you are due."
"... Adopt me?"
"Indeed, because you showed me what is truly important in life."


Total: 5783
-4000 All stats: A-0 -> A-1 [5000 -20% Genius perk]
-1200 3rd Spec: Learning Medical Jutsu [1500 -20% Genius perk]

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