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1Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Construction Site Playtime [Private] Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:46 am



Aratana glared at the large concrete wall that was presented in front of him before he offered a quick smirk and began to move towards the wall. It started out as a speed walk, but slowly worked itself into a jog until he was at the bottom of the giant structure. He then attempted to use his chakra to attach his feet to the wall, using his momentum to begin to run up it.

At first, he got a few feet up, before falling on his back and hitting the soft dirt below him. He then went a bit further back and tried running faster. As he ran, his foot got caught within a small hole in the ground, causing him to lose his footing and roll through the dirt.

“If I get any more dirty ma’s going to kill me”

He then went up to the wall once more, and approached it slowly, attempting to concentrate more. As he began, he was in control, but as he got more and more excited the higher he got the less his feet held on. At roughly 7 feet up, he’d fall backwards and his back would slam against the ground, knocking the air out of him.


2Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Re: Construction Site Playtime [Private] Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:07 am

Kane Haya

Kane Haya

“Thank you, Mr. Ryu. Have a nice day”, Kane said. He bows shortly after, and gathers his now empty elongated wooden satchel. His satchel was made to fit swords and the like, to help aid, kane in his deliveries. His customer bows back, wishing him the best. He always loved, Kane’s visits, his manners and friendly demeanor always brought a sense of happiness to him in this violent world. A counterbalance to all the evils in the world will always be needed. This world of shinobi, a system of violence, the customer mumbles as he watches Kane leave.

Kane, is the son of a weapon smith, and always either in the workshop with his dad, or out and about making delivers. He never truly had time to focus more on his training, since he was always asked to help out around the house. Although, Kane’s passion was to progress his ability in the shinobi arts, out of respect for his family he chose to stay home and help. As he made his way towards the direction of his house, he was met with a large crowd of people, mostly construction workers for some reason unknown to, Kane. He needed to get back to his house to check in with his father, so see if he had another order to go out. So, he decided to take a shortcut, and cut through the construction area. He figured if most the workers were here, the construction area should be easier.

Moments later, Kane is seen jogging within the construction site, only to find, a brown haired kid lying on ground? “What did he do? I wonder if he is ok. Uuuh, I better go check to see”, he said, thinking out loud as usual. Kane has always had a habit of thinking out loud, without him knowing. His family, and friends of the family knew all too well about that. As Kane got closer, he takes a knee and bends down right next to the boy.

“He’s all dirty, I wonder why? Hi, I'm Kane, Kane Haya. Are you ok? You’re all dirty.” he said in a concerning voice.

3Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Re: Construction Site Playtime [Private] Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:44 pm

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

Bright sun, dancing leaves. The wind brought in a soft breeze during this beautiful day, offering a most welcome fresh feeling for the otherwise heavy warmth. Konoha's warmth was not quite as bad as Sunagakure's blistering heat - and Alexa was really happy with that - but it did make the kunoichi thirsty nonetheless. As one feet dragged before the other, the girl rather bored despite the splendid day, a brown bottle would be lifted to kiss her lips. The liquid inside spilled out as she greedily drank it up, the warmth of the alcoholic beverage burning her throat. A welcome feeling for the Hyuga sailor. Part of her face was covered in the shadows created by her tricorne, a jolly exotic parrot sitting on top of that still. Swaying to the left and right in agitation, the bird was randomly spouting the most incredible, colourful and equally exotic swear words one could think of. Words picked up along the many years of sailing with pirates and smugglers alike since it was quite an old animal.

From under the tricorne, matte red eyes that served as the tell-tale signs of the Hyuga lineage she bore were taking in the world around her with a casual disinterest as they glided over the picture of open land into the beginnings of a construction site. For one reason or another, two other genin had gathered there. One of them sleeping or something, the other standing next to him. Worried? Or scolding. Maybe worriedly scolding. It was a little difficult to be precise when the world was blurring he sailor's sight under the influence of alcohol. Around her throat hung Konoha's headband as a symbol of her shinobi status and affiliation, while the black and red sailor's outfit she bore was mostly hidden under the brown leather of a long coat with copper buttons. Lastly, her feet were tucked within a pair of sturdy boots to complete the navy-like outfit she had claimed for herself.

"Lookie there, a band of molluscs, band of molluscs.", the pirate started to scream at the sight of the two genin. It was in an agitated mood, making it even more rude than it generally was. Alexa herself didn't seem to hear the parrot's antics in the slightest, merely walking about in the same leisurely way as everyone else would do.

"Throw 'em overboard!", the parrot would continue, shifting its weight to keep its bad eyesight fixated on the two guys there, finding them rather easy pickings to scold at. It'd puff up its feathers in a threatening way, the blue and yellow with the strike of green nonetheless remaining rather exotic despite its bravura. "Get 'em cap'n!"
"Aye, aye.", she'd sigh in annoyance, strutting over to the two boys. "Ne'er seen shinobi doin' any construction works. What are ye lan' lubber doin' 'ere?"


Parrot: [x]

4Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Re: Construction Site Playtime [Private] Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:01 pm



Aratana proceeded to take a couple of moments to catch his breath and put air back in his lungs that was thrown out when he had hit the ground. As he slowly came to, he peered up at the fellow who was throwing words out moments before, and introduced himself as Kane Haya. As Kane hovered over him, he slowly sat up and began to open his eyes, before glancing over to the man with his small blue eyes.

“I was just...”he paused to organize his thoughts for a moment, but this was then interrupted by the voices of a pair of rowdy scalawags. He looked over to them, and saw the girl with the tricorne, matte red eyes. Although, at his young age he had no premonitions to what a Hyūga was, or what they could do. Soon after, he looked to the one who was shooting off like a cannon, before standing up and dusting his clothes off a bit. Completely ignoring the band of misfits due to what he considered obscene behavior, and looked to Kane.

“Thank you for your help, I’m just doing some training out here.” he remarked to Kane, before checking his clothes to see if there was anymore dirt on them. “I’m just trying things out in training, I’m just warming up right now though.” he’d state, before walking over to the large wall in front of him, proceeding to stretch a little.

He did take note of the girl however, and he listened to everything the parrot was saying. Attempting to piece together the slang, and create an idea of what they wanted. With this in mind, Aratana proceeded carefully, keeping a silent eye on the girl.


5Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Re: Construction Site Playtime [Private] Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:42 pm

Kane Haya

Kane Haya

Breaking off his rather concerning gaze towards, the boy, he too looks over towards the oncoming duo. Their exotic looks vexed, Kane too as he never seen such attire worn before around the village. “I wonder who she is. Does she know this person lying in the dirt? Maybe they are they…”, his rambling went on a bit further, going about the same thing over and over again. However, Kane did manage to tune back in right before; the boy explained what he was doing here.

“Training, huh?”, a thing, Kane always wanted to do, but rarely had the time. Family comes first, respect over his own wishes. This was the way he was raised, what he was built to be. He’d be lying to himself if he said sometimes wished things were different. But, maybe today would be different. He did finish his orders, and could take some his time getting back to his house. The temptation was interesting, but he himself couldn’t go through with it on his own. He lacked the nerve, and had to get back to his father.

After watching the kid stretch, he too would rise up, and then look towards the privateer and her mate. “Cool parrot, I wonder if it bites-", he stops quickly, standing up straight. “Sorry, I’m Kane, Kane Haya! Nice to meet you, oh, and I’m not here to do any building out here. I make swords with my father. I was just checking on the guy over there, to see if he was ok”, he really couldn’t help it, force of habit, aye? He extents his hand towards her hesitantly, while eyeing the bird. He really did want to get bit.

6Construction Site Playtime [Private] Empty Re: Construction Site Playtime [Private] Tue Aug 21, 2018 3:32 am

Alexa Hyuga

Alexa Hyuga

One of the boys would proceed with stretching his muscles, warming up for what could possibly be training. He looked young, maybe ten or twelve or something. What did she know. Not that age mattered much. From the looks of it, there wasn't even saying he was a shinobi. Maybe he was just a guy who loved to run and keep himself physically active. The other one was nothing too different. Young, a hint of worry on his face as he kept himself busy with the one who hit the dust. At least he welcomed her and the parrot, asking if it bit. She nodded. Arrchiburd bit just about anything. Biting ears, fingers, nuts. Anything his bird-brain considered remotely reasonable to bite in would feel the nip of his beak. A parrot had to eat, after all, and a pirate's parrot wasn't shy of trying out something new.

"Aye. Arrchiburd bites. Last time, he almos' bit someone's ear off 'cause he was in a foul mood, he was.", the bird would cock its head, eyeing Kane as if to suspiciously analyse the boy's antics and prepare itself mentally to bite his finger if the boy decided to continue approaching. After all, when they were offering... Right?
"I'm 'lexa Hyuga, sailor an' genin of Konoha, by the by. Who's yer frien'?"

She'd halt near the two, folding her arms. Her red eyes would look up the building and the scaffolding around it. Yeah, no. These kids weren't helping the constructions, that was certain. Just a bunch of kids having some fun, trying things out to keep themselves busy. Probably the same games she used to play at that age. Beating up other boys, bragging about her skill, showing she was the best. How many boys had she sent crying? Too many. Then it was her turn as mentors scolded her because they failed to understand the fight was in mutual agreement. After all... Saying she was ugly and mean, them were fighting words back in the days.

"You two cavortin' 'round 'ere?"
"Plotting mutiny they are."
"They be lan' lubbers. Ain't no mutiny 'ere."
"Arrrr got me eye on you...", the bird would say, once again tilting its head to watch the two of them with one eye. The poor bird looked almost blind, his age apparent in the scruffy feathers.

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