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1Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:44 pm



Daraku spent the day at the hospital, working as always, but it was a bit slower than usual so he had some time to relax between patients. Jun was still staying with him but he never brought her to the hospital, mostly because she simply wasn't capable of helping at all since she didn't know any medical ninjutsu and so having her there was unnecessary. That, and the fact that a lot of people didn't like bugs. He finished up his shift and started walking back, and even though it was only half past five, the moon was already high in the sky, surrounded by a black mantle and translucent clouds. The sand beneath his feet as he walked was warm nonetheless, meaning that it had only gotten dark fairly recently, maybe 15 or 30 minutes prior. His outfit lacked color; a white shirt that had the Sunagakure medical-nin team symbol on the left breast, a black flight jacket, gray sweatpants and black sandals. In the moonlight, all the colors blended into a monochromatic  blur, and every time he looked ahead in the distance, the only thing that stuck out amidst the silver sands was the Kazekage's building. Daraku thought of Suzume, as he did every time he saw the building, before averting his gaze and making a sharp left turn.

Jun rested on a pillow, patiently waiting for Daraku to return. By the time he got through the slums and back to the Ishido stronghold, it was around 7 o'clock. He opened his door and quietly shut it behind him before offering her an unenthusiastic "hello" as he took off his jacket and put away his things. She looked up at him and her wings shivered. "How was work today?"

"No different from yesterday and the day before. It's good work, though. We're always helping out the village and that's what's important." Daraku replied before plopping himself face down on the bed and sighing. "I'm exhausted." Jun glided over to him and landed in his hair, crawling around a bit before finding a comfortable spot. "Why don't you go out? Get some drinks, have some fun. You need to relax." Daraku's body jerked suddenly and Jun had to hop out of the way to avoid being squished as he rolled over onto his back. "I could but I just feel so strange. I have no friends, I haven't been with anyone in a long time, I hardly ever drink anymore."

"Then change that. Go out. Make friends. This is your village, and you do everything you can to support and protect it, so why don't you go make some friends? Get to know some other Suna-nin? Find that special someone. It's all in your hands, you just need to do it." Daraku looked at the little moth and smiled. After a month long bout of depression, what better way to get back to being the Daraku everyone knew and loved than to go to the sandbox and get black-out drunk? So, he figured she was right, and next thing he knew, his white shirt and sweatpants were replaced by a pale gold hoodie with the Ishido clan symbol on the back in black and black jeans, and he was well on his way to the Sandbox for the first time in forever. Also strange for him was the fact that he hadn't brought any of his swords, partly because he didn't feel like carrying them and also because it wouldn't be necessary. Then again, last time he was in a bar, he was attacked and ended up trashing the place and killing two Kumo-nin. Nonetheless, he reminded himself that he had other means of self defense in order to reassure himself. He wondered when he became such a worrysome person...he used to be so relaxed and insouciant.

The Suna-nin kept his hands pressed firmly in his front pockets like he usually did, and he couldn't seem to get rid of his resting bitch face. He really wasn't in that bad of a mood and he was a little excited to go get drunk but all his responsibilities and the thought of Kiyoshi haunted him, ever present in the back of his mind and bending his lips into a glower.

The Sandbox was crowded and kaleidoscopic lights poured out from the windows. Music from within could be heard from a couple of blocks away; it really was the only hub for nightlife in the village. Daraku got in line to enter the club, beholding the animation of it all.




The lights flashed before his purple orbs, taking in each colour, yet very much wishing they would all go away so he wouldn’t have to worry about the potential seizure that could possibly occur. While he certainly frequented the various clubs on other occasions, the one thing he could never grow used to were the strobe lights. He much preferred a dimmer setting, yet he knew those were reserved specifically for bars alone. The bar for this particular club wasn’t frequented by these flashing lights as much as the rest of the club, yet the lights certainly bothered Seiryū as he glanced forward and dazed at the empty wall across from him. He was still fully aware of his senses, yet it would just be a matter of a few more drinks before things would become hazy, that he would have less control over his actions. But, nonetheless, Seiryū knew his own limitations and there were a few things in this world that would make him forget them.

It was still early in the night, yet Seiryū knew how the nights worked, and the later it got the more of a wait there would be too get inside, specifically at the Sandbox. Thus, Seiryū had gotten in earlier, currently nursing a drink. Seiryū’s eyes glanced around the club, still wishing that he could ignore the lights, yet knowing it wouldn’t happen. His eyes tried to catch any familiar face, yet none appeared thus far, though Seiryū himself was only fairly acquainted with a quite few people from Sunagakure no Sato, and those whom he called friends were none. Seiryū blended in to the background, slowly finishing off his second drink thus far in to the night, his right hand in the pocket of his back pants. The left sleeve of his navy blue shirt slightly fell as his elbow bent as the glass met his lips. As he finished the last few remnants of his drink, Seiryū placed the glass upon a counter deigned for empty glasses, then slowly stepped away, his black sneakers padding softly against the solid flooring below him. His hair was pushed back in to the mess it usually fell in to, and likely the most noticeable trait that Seiryū showed daily.

Another drink would have to wait for a few more moments, for now, Seiryū simply wished to see if he could find a familiar face in this sea of people. However, one of the many faces he wished to find, he knew he wouldn’t find here, for their sole meeting at a temple in Kumogakure no Sato was their only one, and she had left before he could even simply say a goodbye. Perhaps, it made the most sense to end it that way, for she would not want to have anything to do with him. After all, Seiryū had essentially told her he was a criminal, one that hurt people, so what reason would she have to associate with him beyond that one simple night where he provided shelter for her. With his head slightly downcast, Seiryū weaved his way through the crowd aimlessly, trying to find anything that could take his attention away from that event, however much he wished he could try to fix that night.

550|550 Total

3Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:01 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari


I suppose... It could be worse...

Mari sighed to herself as she stood by the doorway of Sunagakure no Sato's infamous Sandbox. A club and bar, usually reserved for those eighteen and over. Tonight, however, was a rare exception for the girl who had accepted the duty of being the club's bouncer for the night. Even during the evening, the heat of the desert still permeated through the inside of the doorway. While the girl wasn't sweating, she still felt rather uncomfortable. Her attire was a sleeveless black lolita dress, exposing her petite shoulders and collarbone, black layers fell into a skirt with white lace at the edges. A black corset, also decorated her white lace, had black and white ribbons at the top and the bottom, with a frill lining the top of her chest. It was nothing but the usual attire for the girl of lolita taste, especially for the Suna heat.  Her black boots tapped against the floor as she crossed her arms. Off of the flashing lights came the reflection of the girl's Suna forehead protector which was tied around her left arm. Eyes watching the partying and drinking patrons, she sighed to herself again.

It wasn't exactly the temperature that made her uncomfortable. Blaring, near deafening music, bodies bouncing against each other, and with the overbearing smell of alcohol and sweat just created a rather... Seedy environment that the girl didn't exactly favor. Nevermind the fact that she was underaged. But, apparently, age didn't matter in the life of a shinobi. For when she was hired for this certain task, no one seemed to question the fact that it would be sixteen year old girl who would be the bouncer for an adult nightclub. All she had to do was kick out the patrons who were having a little much fun, also known as careless drunkards. It wasn't that hard of a task, but perhaps it was becuase she was Genin that she was forced to do grunt work.

As well brought up another problem, Suna hadn't had many new recruits as of late. And as with the apparent disappearance of the Kazekage, Mari's home seemed to be in quite the predicament. There wasn't much the girl could do, she realized that well enough. But she did hope that whoever did take power to Suna after the council would decide, would be a fair and just leader. She thought of her traveling parents, who likely never has to deal with such problems since they had no particular allegiance to any village. When she had returned from Kumo, a stack of letters and journals to be archived had come from the Land of the Moon, which, if Mari remembered correctly, didn't even have a hidden village. With the matters of her home still fresh in her mind,  she could only will herself to get stronger and one day achieve her one personal goals set by her Clan. To kill the killer...

All the while, the girl was getting distracted by her own thoughts. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a mix of blonde and brown hair. An odd choice of hairstyle, unique to only one individual Mari had known. The girl blinked once, her eyes widening in surprise.


There was no mistaking that the man in the golden hoodie and black jeans was the very same she had met in the graveyard in Kumo. It shouldn't have been as surprising, since she knew that he was from Suna. It would only be sensible for them to run into each other. Mari just wasn't exactly glad that they would happen to meet again in the Sandbox. While it was obvious that he was an adult, she really didn't favor the possibility of him getting the wrong idea about her with seeing her at a place like this. Blushing, the girl placed her hand on the bow on the right side of her head, turning herself so her face couldn't be seen. Searching frantically she saw the hostess come up to the door, possibly just to check up on the girl. Mari nodded with a yes, whether or not that had been the question, and quickly pulled the woman to the front door.

"Perhaps you could watch over the entrees for the time being? If you would excuse me, I must go to the restroom."

Without waiting for a response, Mari headed further into the nightclub. Losing herself in the crowd, she kept her eye on the door. All she needed to do was keep of out Ishido's sight. When he would enter the nightclub, she would go back to the door. And when he would start to leave, she would just have to "go the restroom" once again. An easy enough plan, and if successful, the entire incident could be forgotten. Perhaps she then could coincidentally run into the man at a more convenient place.

Of course nothing ever seems as easy as one thinks.

As Mari scanned the heads of the crowd, she suddenly caught sight of a man with silver hair and downcast violet eyes. She couldn't quite believe what she was seeing as small gasp escaped from her lips.


While in any other situation, the girl would have been glad to see the shinobi she met in Kumo. Of whom, she didn't ever think she'd ever see again. But fate was indeed a funny thing, and sometimes the cruelest as well. The latter being what fate was tonight for the girl. She wouldn't him to be getting the wrong idea either. It would have been simple to avoid one man, now she had to avoid two?! And one of them already in the nightclub, it was likely he had entered before Mari was set at her post at the door. He hadn't noticed her yet, he seemed to be wandering the crowd with little reason. Had he... Been drinking? From the first and only time she had met him before, she had noticed that there did seem to be something melancholic about the man with silver hair. She wasn't one to judge those who drank, it just so happened the girl had never done so herself. She was still only sixteen after all.

Blushing even more now, Mari kept her hand on the side of her head. Turning herself around once more, hopefully so her face couldn't be seen. She remembered the other man she had to keep track of and turned her eyes toward the door. Had he even entered yet? She had been distracted by Seiryū that she didn't see him! Had Seiryū seen her by now? What would she even say to him? What of Ishido? What was the girl to do?

1152 Total Words~

Mari's Bouncer Attire:



Nearly half an hour waiting in the line and Daraku was finally let in. The spectacle was even more grand seeing it right in front of him. Tables and booths full of people laughing and talking, a neon flooded dancefloor, strippers, and a bar in the corner. Daraku's original intention was to go straight to the bar, but his attention was diverted for a moment as a woman with long brown hair walked by in six-inch heels, a black skirt, and a pastel, deep v-neck top. His instincts drew him to her like a bee to pollen, so he followed her for a while, until he found himself in the middle of the dancefloor. The crowd moved in fluid rhythms along with the music, and the lights danced along with them. Daraku finally caught up to the lady as she stopped next to some other women, presumably her friends, and started to dance. He came face to face with her, flashed his bright smile, and looked into her eyes. He danced with her in order to assimilate to the crowd, gyrating his hips and letting his torso bend with the every movement too. "Hey. I'm Ishido, Daraku..." The look on her face was obvious disinterest, and she gave him a smirk. "And I do not care. Go after some other helpless, desperate girl. I'm not interested." Daraku didn't usually take rejection and harsh words like that very lightly, and most of the time, an interaction like that would get him flustered and embarassed, but he just kind of continued smiling at her. His charm rushed ahead of him without him even thinking about it. "I think you've got the wrong idea. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, and if I did, I'm sorry. I'll back off, but I just saw you walk by and I couldn't resist at least trying to talk to you. You're really beautiful." She stopped dancing and just stared at him. A nice attempt, but she wasn't receptive to his flirting, so he called it quits and headed over to the bar.

Do girls not like me anymore? I used to have women all over me, and I guess it has been almost 5 years, but I haven't changed that much, have I? Daraku sighed to himself as he plopped down onto a stool and slid some ryo across the counter. "Umeshu on the rocks. I need something sweet to balance out all this bitter in my life." The bartender took the money and poured the drink, gently setting the short glass on the counter in front of Daraku. He smiled back at the bartender and offered a polite "thank you" before slamming his face down onto the counter. What's it like having a social life? Whatever happened to all my friends from the Academy? He lifted his head again, grabbed the glass, and guzzled his drink. It wasn't strong at all, but what had he expected from wine? He finished off the glass immediately, and made sure to get something serious for his next drink. More ryo was slammed onto the counter, catching the bartender's attention with the thud. "I'll take a whisky, straight." He prepared himself mentally as the bronze-colored drink was placed in front of him, and he took a hearty swig before banging the glass back down on the counter. It burned as it moved down his throat, and as unpleasant a feeling that it was, he relished it.

A brief survey of his surroundings brought a look of slight surprise to Daraku's face. There was a man a couple stools to the left, who was getting up and preparing to venture out into the club, probably to dance or meet someone. This person was wearing a navy shirt, black pants, and black sneakers. The reason Daraku was taken aback was how familiar the face was; sharp chin and jawline, and a full head of white hair above a pair of thin eyebrows and mauve eyes. Seiryū...? he thought, recalling their encounter in Kumogakure. And just as quickly as he recognized him, Daraku watched Seiryū disappear into the crowds.




In this particular setting, the sense of time was always lost to Seiryū, simply due to the fact there was never any need for him to be aware of the time. He wasn’t even sure how long he had been in the club, but thus far it felt like almost no time had passed since he ordered his first drink to having three drinks in him and aimlessly wandering around the club with no destination in mind. It wasn’t that he was enjoying himself thus far, for it was the complete opposite thus far as this wasn’t the place he wished to be, but he was stuck here regardless, and he hoped he could make the most of this night as much as he could, for he felt that the only way he’d ever see that face again was to return to that time unless drastic events took place. Of the many faces he had met there, in Kumogakure no Sato, the only one he knew he had a chance of seeing again was of the man whom he hadn’t gotten along with. If Seiryū had his way, he wouldn’t see that face again, for the name was no longer within his minds reach, though it could easily be triggered. Regardless, Seiryū doubted he’d see that man, simply because he was so attached to his ‘training,’ that Seiryū felt that seeing the man in a club, or any of the other places he frequented, would be near impossible. Any other person he had met in Kumogakure no Sato, the chances of meeting again would practically be non-existent, for he knew they wouldn’t be in Suna, though there could be a chance, no matter how slim the odds were.

With his eyes still glancing slightly towards the floor, Seiryū casually glanced across the building, now pausing in his steps, still a ways away from the dance floor. Dancing, was something he wished to avoid tonight, so perhaps coming to a club wasn’t the best idea, as a bar could just as easily meet his needs, but he was already here and he didn’t really feel like taking the time to find a quiet bar. His footing was still solid, there was no swaying on Seiryū’s end for the world remained as it was in his eyes, yet finding any familiar face in a sea of people was near unachievable. It would be easier finding someone with noticeable features, yet he couldn’t exactly recall a person he wished to seek out that had features that stood out in mind that would be here in Sunagakure no Sato. If his mind hadn’t been plaguing him, Seiryū would’ve likely melded in with the crowd, letting himself get swept away in the excitement around the dance floor with a female, yet that wasn’t in his cards for tonight. His whole purpose for being here still remained a question for him, with the only solid piece of evidence laying in the fact he wished to drink. His sole desire could’ve easily been fulfilled in his home in the slums, yet that didn’t seem like an option to Seiryū when he thought of places he could simply drink.

Continueing his scanning of the crowd, only one thing stood out to Seiryū, though it was a bit difficult to see with the multitudes of people crossing his line of sight. A bow on the top of a dark head of hair and the sight of blue orbs in the distance reminded him of another person he had met in Kumogakure no Sato, yet he knew meeting her here would be impossible. The necklace which he had received was safely at his home, for the possibility of losing it could occur in a setting like the Sandbox. His feet were carrying him to the much shorter person, who was mostly, safely, hidden among the crowd of taller people venturing through the club, yet once his eyes caught sight of those noticeable features, his legs took over his direction. As he got closer, the dress the girl was wearing caught his eyes, reminiscent of the one he had seen in Kumogakure no Sato, yet it still seemed completely foreign to him. There was no mistaking it, Seiryū knew her, for her features were apparent to him now with the dress being a dead giveaway. Though, the question remained now, what was she doing in Sunagakure no Sato, in the Sandbox nonetheless?

As the distance closed between them, mainly from Seiryū’s end of walking towards her, he wasn’t exactly sure what he’d be saying to her, for he never felt he’d see that face again. As he approached, he knew his voice would barely be carried out over top of the music currently playing, thus he’d be closer to her, practically invading her personal space, as a few simple words left his lips, vocal enough to be heard by the recipient if she chose to listen.

“I didn’t take you to be the type of person to go clubbing.”

862|1412 Total

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

“I didn’t take you to be the type of person to go clubbing.”

Eh?! Mari blinked when she heard the words she could barely make out over the sound of blasting music. The voice itself was different, familiar in a sense that she never thought she'd hear it again. The first moment she had spotted that man tonight, she couldn't believe the coincidence. Now that he was next to her once again, the flash of memories from her time in Kumo came by in her mind. It had been nothing but a simple night made memorable by a stranger who become more than that. Could friends have been a possibility? That night the girl hadn't thought it could be, but this  night there happened to be some sort of strangely arranged chance.

There was a slight sense of dread, as now the girl had to explain herself when he already had something of the wrong idea. But also a sense of surprising relief that she had been spotted by one of the men she was trying to avoid that night. Now she only had to avoid one...? Not exactly how she had planned it. She wasn't sure what to do nor was if she could fully explain the situation to the man of snow colored hair before her.

"Seiryū-kun, I..." Unsure of what to say, the Mari's blue eyes avoided looking at him directly. Instead they were frantically scanning the room for the other man she had recognized. The crowd of dancing bodies surrounded the pair, and as Mari was rather short, it was hard to see above any of the bobbing heads. "I am not, well, that type at all!" Words came out of her mouth before she could actually think them through. The girl had to say something, but what she just had stated couldn't be defended very well considering the current surroundings. What she had said could hardly be heard over the sound of the crowd and the blasting music.  Exasperated and flustered over her predicament, the girl suddenly made a rather rash decision.

"Come on! I hardly can even hear myself think in the middle of... All of this!" Referencing the mob of dancers the pair were in the middle of, it was true that the noise was near deafening and converstion consisted of yelling over the crowd. Without even asking for permission, Mari stepped forward and grabbed the wrist of the silver haired shinobi. She gently, but also firmly, lead him through weaving her way  around the packed in bodies. The amount of people filling the dancefloor made the girl feel closed in, getting out would give her room to breathe and hopefully think of a better plan for handling how she could explain herself to Seiryū. Maybe she could find out why he was in Suna as well. She had the curiosity to know, but hadn't exactly voiced it becuase she had been concerned with what he would think of her being here. Unfortunately, it seemed he had already gotten a vague impression of something that wasn't true at all.

"I am here for a mission, to serve as a bodyguard... bouncer... Whatever it is called in a place like this!" She had grabbed him with her left hand, and even with the flashing lights, the metal plate with the symbol of the Sand village could be seen on the girl's arm. She couldn't remember that she had never told him that her home village was Sunagakure no Sato, nor did he tell her his home as well. There was another purpose in leaving the middle of the dancefloor; to get a better vantage point to hopefully find out where the other man the girl had met in Kumo had dissappeared to. "I am here strictly for that reason. Never have I,  of my own volition, gone to such institutions for amusement purposes!"  She explained herself a little more as she half dragged him off the dancefloor. Mari wished to make it very clear that she indeed was not that type that he had referred to. The fact that she could be thought of that way honestly made her feel rather embarrassed. How he would take that response, she could only imagine how misinterpreted it could be.

"I really should be the one surprised in seeing you here—"  The pair had finally popped out of the crowd, right in front of the bar area. It was not as crowded, with few empty seats left, but it surely was more open to breathing room. However, one of the patrons there just happened to be the very one with blonde and brown hair. Too late to avoid being seen, Mari gave into what coincidence apparently already decided. "I-Ishido-san...!" It hadn't registered in her mind until that very moment that she was holding onto Seiryū's wrist and more possible misinterpretations that could evolve from that action.

Mari hoped that in the bad lighting, the blush of red in her cheeks couldn't be noticed. She finally let go and held up her hands."Seiryū-kun is...just a friend!" Referring to the silvered haired man in such a familiar way and oversimplifying their relationship in the most awkward of terms was yet another rash decision. The girl was cursing at herself for having so many of those in one night. Perhaps it would be to her advantage to simply stop talking.  Sighing to herself, she could only wait and see how either of the two men would react to such a mess she created for herself.

945/2097 Total Words~



Daraku was entirely focused on his whiskey, having nearly forgotten that he'd seen Seiryū minutes ago. It's not like he would be happy to see him, anyway...their first and only encounter was full of attitude, sarcasm, and general mockery, and once he had been provoked enough, it led to threats against Seiryū and a trigger for his schizophrenia. He'd gotten his mental faculties together, so he wasn't feeling violent or anything, but he still had a bit of resentment toward the man. He finished off his glass and made idle conversation with some guy who had sat down next to him. He was worried that the stench of alcohol on his breath was too strong, but ultimately he figured it wouldn't be a problem since the whole club probably had the same smell. Their conversation reached an awkward end and Daraku rubbed his eyes and faced the other way to watch the dancefloor and scope out attractive women. Instead, he caught a glimpse of the same, silvery hair he had seen on Seiryū's head earlier, but this time he had a petite woman in a black and white dress holding his wrist. Had he gone to find his girlfriend or something? Daraku pondered the idea for a second, and suddenly he realized who the girl was. Mari! Yet another Sunagakure ninja he had met in Kumogakure by chance. They had met in a tomb while he was on a  task for Kōsai, and she had been writing a story and using the tomb as a motivational creative setting of sorts. Just as he cleared his throat to speak, she bursted out, announcing with her hand and Seiryū's both raised:

"Seiryū-kun is...just a friend!" Daraku cracked a silly smile and just nodded, resisting the urge to laugh. "Good to know! And good to see you, Mari, I knew we'd run into each other eventually. I don't know how good it is to see you, though," he said, looking to Seiryū. Regardless of his feelings toward his fellow Suna-nin, he could admit that he was out of line and threatening Seiryū was certainly inappropriate and malevolent. He relaxed a bit, letting his arm slide off of the counter and onto his lap, and when he spoke next, his tone was much lighter and he let his newfound integrity show in his eyes. "...look, Seiryū, I know we got off on the wrong foot back in Kumo, and I really shouldn't have acted so irrationally. I wasn't mentally stable and I took everything too personally; I'm sorry about that, honestly. I think I've changed a lot since then and I just want to extend an offer of friendship, I guess. There's no real reason for us to be enemies." He maintained the smile on his face in an attempt to be welcoming and kind. He could already feel the inebriation starting to set in.

In the back of his mind, Daraku also wondered how Seiryū and Mari knew each other, and whether or not they actually were only friends or if Mari didn't want Daraku to know that they were together. He didn't care much either way; it wasn't his business. Curiosity had merely piqued his interest. He looked at the two of them and waited for one of them to say something, preferably Seiryū since he had just poured his heart into an apology for him.


Last edited by Daraku on Sun Dec 27, 2015 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total



His few words to her after weeks of assuming he’d never cross paths with her was met by a reaction that Seiryū seemed to enjoy more than he should have. From the calm atmosphere in which they both bubbled themselves in during their first meeting, the one in Kumogakure no Sato’s Mt. Ikkyu, to the drastic change of being in a club with a flustered Mari proved to be entertaining to Seiryū, for he couldn’t picture such an image from their first meeting. Of course, happening across her here in the Sandbox provided both a unique, almost unbelievable, scenario and one that was welcome nonetheless, for Mari was a complete stranger whom he was well-acquainted with, though perhaps not exactly friends, but they had certainly been on such a path in their one short meeting. While the lighting of the Sandbox certainly didn’t help Seiryū in accurately noticing features, he had seen enough to know it was the very same girl he had met in Kumo that was currently in this club, though for what purpose still remained a mystery to him.

A smirk appeared on his lips, his eyes twinkling with a bit of mischief as his ears barely picked up the words uttered out the girl in the black dress. Her eyes, which refused to meet his, as if searching the room for an escape route, or to simply find somebody, were what caused Seiryū’s current train of thought to run, though it lacked any factual grounds. It seemed, as if, Mari happened to be in this club, not do to her own desire, but rather simply to keep someone else occupied. That is what Seiryū got out of Mari’s words thus far, since her claim of not being ‘that type at all’. So, it was simple for his mind to reach one conclusion, which happened to be that she was here with someone who happened to be a ‘friend’. It was interesting to see her search for a way out of this predicament, though he had no idea why she would need to do such a thing, as being in a club wasn’t exactly the worst thing in the world.

Before he could simply comment on anything he had concluded thus far, though his natural mischief and slightly intoxicated pattern of thinking would certainly be having a field day with this, Mari mentioned something about not being able to hear, and promptly grabbed his wrist. Without a second for Seiryū to even question this action, Mari promptly tugged his hand as she began moving away, leading him elsewhere in the club. His right brow raised in question, yet no words had left him. Seiryū decided following after Mari with no resistance was his only option, since any question he could pose would likely fall on deaf ears. The firm grip on his wrist gave no sign of yielding and letting go, for Mari continued weaving her way through the crowd with Seiryū following after her, for he had no better option at the moment and, of course, his brain wished to voice out the thoughts running around that could possibly draw out an interesting reaction from Mari.

As the moved about, he could sense Mari speaking, yet the words never fully reached his ears, for all he really heard was ‘here for… bouncer… place like this’ which caused more questions in his mind than providing him any answers. However, his eyes did catch sight of one thing he hadn’t seen on her before, which happened to be Mari’s forehead protector… which really wasn’t protecting her forehead now that he thought about it. The symbol of Sunagakure no Sato was present on the girl’s left arm, the metal plate appearing in view every few moments due to the different coloured lights reflecting off of it for a second before disappearing once again. As she continued speaking, Seiryū could only pick up a few more words over the music, which in his ears sounded as ‘Here… for that reason… of my own… gone to… amusement,’ which made a bit of sense, yet the missing words for Seiryū only confused his mind more than they should.

They had finally made their way off the dancefloor, Mari having mentioned she should be surprised at seeing him here. His eyes looked around the surroundings, instantly noticing they had returned to the bar where Seiryū had initially begun his night, the place which he left to eventually find Mari. As his eyes wandered, he heard Mari speak out a name, ‘Ishido’ which sounded familiar to his ears, yet he couldn’t particularly put a name to a face at this moment in time. Rather, Seiryū’s eyes followed the direction in which Mari’s were directed, and instantly found the source of her reaction. His eyes squinted in the slightest, not really pleased at the current time to be in the company of someone who irritate him on their one and only meeting, but he’d at least try to be civil, for it seemed Mari knew him, for she vehemently wished to carry across the point of only being friends with the white haired shinobi. He wondered what exactly the relationship between them was, but for now it seemed that they happened to be friends, or something along those lines. Yet, it seemed to Seiryū, that once Mari discarded his hand, that Mari seemed to have a crush of sorts on Daraku – that was his drunken conclusion. He’d be having his fun, in whatever realm it would come to him, but it seemed that teasing Mari would be a priority thus far.

Daraku commented that it was ‘good to know’ that Seiryū and Mari were just friends, which made him simply raise a brow in response, but remained quiet thus far. After a moment, the inevitable came, for Daraku began addressing him, though definitely not in the way Seiryū expected it to happen. An apology happened to be the last thing Seiryū thought he’d be getting, yet regardless one was given. He could be a forgiving person, but forgetting simply didn’t happen at a flick of a wrist. His purple orbs watched the man, Seiryū remaining silent, taking in the words, yet not sure how he’d be responding. Daraku had finished speaking, yet Seiryū remained silent for a few more moments, thinking about how to phrase his response, for the last time things had gotten out of hand far too quickly. Slowly, Seiryū stepped forward a foot, his eyes still trained on Daraku, though quickly flicking to Mari to notice her expression.

“You know, threats towards a fellow Suna shinobi really make me question your loyalty.” Certainly, thus far, this meeting wouldn’t go anywhere in a positive direction with Seiryū’s first statement, but he definitely had more to say. “However… I can forgive you for that, but I certainly won’t be forgetting it, at least not for a while. I doubt starting on a new slate can be possible, but… I’m willing to try and be friends, or at least just not being enemies.” The unstated ‘I don’t know where it would go from here’ was in the air, for Seiryū had no how they could be friends, at least not right away. This was far too serious for his slightly inebriated mind, so instead, he turned to Mari, his mischievous smile appearing on his lips once more.

“So, I presume this is the person you were looking for? Or trying to avoid.” Seiryū would rather the topic change to something away from wherever it was heading before, simply for he didn’t know where things would go, and Seiryū having friends wasn’t something common at all. “Now, why would you want to be avoiding someone?” The slight implication could be detected in his voice, though Seiryū was holding back so that Mari wouldn’t be flat out embarrassed.

1339|2751 Total

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

"Good to know! And good to see you, Mari, I knew we'd run into each other eventually."

Ishido had simply smiled and laughed at Mari's sudden  outburst that she and the silver haired shinobi were simply "just friends." What kind of response the girl was expecting, even she didn't know. She was surprised, to say the least, that he would respond so... lightheartedly. Thinking back to their previous meeting in Kumo, Mari could remember that he seemed an easy going enough person, perhaps she shouldn't have been worrying so much. The amount of red in her cheeks wouldn't be fading away especially soon. Honestly, being so self-conscious was slightly out of character for herself, being in this environment was just entirely out of her character period.  Now, however, with both of of the men in front of her, a different sort of atmosphere began to form, likely not helped by the smell of alcohol in the air.

"I don't know how good it is to see you, though," 

Mari turned her head in puzzlement, Ishido was speaking to... Seiryū? The two knew each other? Yet, how? And why would Ishido have such a... Heavy tone to his voice? He remained seated at the bar, letting himself become more relaxed as he went on further with some sort of apology. He mentioned the two had met in Kumo and had gotten "off on the wrong foot"? Mari deduced it had been an argument or misunderstanding and neither of them had actually said sorry until now and somehow the girl had gotten them together. Sometimes, it was indeed a small world. The silver haired Seiryū listened to the man's apology, Ishido kept a smile on his face, yet the tension still could be felt. Mari felt even more out of place now that she stood between them. There were few moments of silence before Seiryū then took a step forward, throwing a glance toward her. Mari only blinked in surprise, a look of confusion about the entire situation between him and the other man she knew. What exactly had been their relationship? Kumo was  hinted to be their first interaction, yet for it so already be so soured, it had to have been rather... Unpleasant.

“You know, threats towards a fellow Suna shinobi really make me question your loyalty.”

A multitude of questions plagued the girl's mind with Seiryū's response. Ishido had threatened his life? Exactly what had happened between them, the girl couldn't even imagine. But, more importantly, Seiryū had just proclaimed himself... A Suna shinobi?! Mari recalled her thoughts at their time in Kumo, the near certain belief that they would never meet again had already been  disproven. But now he was saying that Suna was his village as well? Perhaps later the girl would feel more grateful for the fact, as of right now she was too astonished and overwhelmed with the amount of  surprises that she was being handed. The rest of Seiryū's words were more or less accepting of Ishido's apology, the enmity remained and a trusting relationship would take more time. Mari wondered if there was anything she could possibly do, but she soon concluded that this very moment probably was not the time nor the appropriate place for rebuilding confidence. For what she knew of both of them, neither surely weren't bad people. But she could further understand that their personalities could very well easily clash. For now, it seemed that neither of them exactly knew what to do about it, but neither surely wanted to stay enemies. Mari just wasn't certain if they were exactly keen on becoming friends, however.

With a turn of his head, the silver haired Suna nin looked at Mari with a mischievous smile. Something that only made the girl shrink back in more awkwardness.

“So, I presume this is the person you were looking for? Or trying to avoid.”

It was a welcomed change of topic, sort of. His assumption wasn't entirely wrong, Mari was still trying to figure out how she could explain herself in a manner that didn't make her appear so concerned about her self image. That wasn't entirely true either.

“Now, why would you want to be avoiding someone?”

The girl never liked being interrogated. It wasn't that there was something she specifically had to hide and she would never lie, but sometimes answers were just plain embarrassing. With a sigh, she simply decided to explain herself however best she could. "I was hired to be a bouncer, I suppose it is called, for this... place. Kicking out rowdy customers and preventing drunkards' arguments from getting out of hand, that sort of thing. And actually... I was trying to avoid you both." Mari felt a sheepish smile creep into her face as she diverted her blue eyes away from the two. Her right hand went to adjusting her bow on the left side of her head, a usual habit when the girl was slightly nervous.  "I do not favor making missions personal. So when I saw each of you here, which was rather surprising in its own right, I tried avoiding you so I did not have to make it so. Also, I was pretty sure neither of you would become raging drunkards or too unreasonable party goers." The girl laughed a little, not a nervous chuckle, but it was finally something she could poke a little fun at and thoroughly enjoy. It might not have been the most fitting joke, but perhaps that was why she found it so entertaining. Continuing with her words, Mari folded her hands in front of her, smoothing out the skirt of her dress.

"Also, though it may have been superficial, I did not desire for either of you to obtain a false presumption that I myself was some kind of party going sort. I have never actually been to this Sandbox until tonight, likely becuase I am underaged. Though I suppose when one is a shinobi, age is irrelevant." Another small laugh, escaped her lips and a shrug of shoulders to show that revealing her truth actually wasn't all bad. She had learned quite a few things about her two... Friends, if either of them could be called that. Her worry was alleviated for the time being, though in the back of her mind she wondering just how long the two men  could be as civil with one another.

1091/3188 Total Words~

10Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:39 am



Seiryū made a point to show that he wasn't readily accepting Daraku's apology. He voiced that such threats against ninja from the same village made him question Daraku's loyalty, and also that while he would be able to forgive Daraku with time, he wouldn't forget their first encounter and starting over anew would be unlikely. Daraku had already gotten what he had to say off of his chest, so he just nodded in response instead of dragging on the conversation. After that, Seiryū turned to look at Mari, who was evidently uncomfortable and rather shy. "So, I presume this is the person you were looking for? Or trying to avoid. Now, why would you want to be avoiding someone?" Daraku's mind was already heavy with whiskey and it took him a while to keep up. Mari explained that she was on a mission to be a bouncer for the night, and that she had actually been trying to avoid both of them. He blinked slowly a few times, resisting the urge to hiccup. In order to justify herself, she said that she didn't like to make missions personal, so she was avoiding them to prevent that, even though she also stated that she didn't expect either of them to be the type to have to kicked out by a bouncer. Daraku looked back on his teenage years as she said that, and he laughed aloud. "I don't know about that one. I tend to have a little too much fun when I'm drunk, I could tell you a story or two..." he chuckled, with a cheery tone. He was talking rather quietly without realizing it, so the two may have been unable to hear him over the blasting music. It didn't matter, though; he was practically talking to himself anyway, looking back on his rebellious years nostalgically.

Mari finished her explanation by adding that she also didn't want the boys to get the wrong impression of her, seeing her in a trashy strip club like the Sandbox. According to her, she was underage and so she wouldn't have been able to come without permission as a shinobi on a mission anyhow. Daraku nodded, then he ordered another whiskey. He took this one much more slowly, in well spaced sips. He basked in the warm sensation with every swig going down his throat; it was less harsh after a glass. "That makes sense, my first impression of you being that of a quiet bookworm, I knew there had to be a more high-brow reason for—" the hiccup finally overcame him, and it interrupted him mid-sentence, "—you to be here. But I understand, it p-probably is better to focus on your mmmmission than to sit around with your friends." It struck him that these people knew him and even if their meeting at the Sandbox was completely by chance, it was a social moment and likely a bonding experience at any rate. Did this mean Daraku that had actual friends in Suna? He couldn't contain his stupid smile; it was a wide, inadvertent grin that formed dimples on his cheeks and lightened up his eyes. Another question came to mind: was he, the sage, Sannin, world-class medical ninja and expert swordsman of Sunagakure no Sato, a lightweight??? He brought his glass to his lips once more. OF COURSE NOT! Daraku turned to the man he had talked to moments ago, staring at him absentmindedly. I'm not a lightweight! I'm not even... his mind trailed off, dismissing the very concept.

A second hiccup escaped his mouth. I'm not even drunk. HE'S drunk! The man clearly wasn't drunk, but Daraku's perception was already becoming too distorted to convince him otherwise.


11Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:37 pm



As the conversation shifted away from tones regarding friendship to something more generalizable, something that could allow Seiryū to relish in a topic that he didn’t wish to avoid, the tension he felt in his muscles eased off, his body visibly relaxing, aided by the alcohol slowly setting in his system. He listened to Mari speak as she stated she was currently a bouncer for the club, though his eyes travelled across the room, searching for something that wouldn’t be there at all. A quiet sigh escaped Seiryū as he turned his attention back to the two individuals whom he had previously been speaking to. They weren’t friends, which much Seiryū knew on his own, for he didn’t have friends. His experience with having friends was vastly short lived in the past, for after he had gotten involved in the criminal aspects of the Slums, he quickly knew that having friends wasn’t in the list of things he could have. That same mentality carried with him now, as a Special Jounin of Sunagakure no Sato. He didn’t believe that would change, yet the emptiness that remained within him began to grow with each passing day for the past few months.

The notion that Mari was only here to work as a bouncer made enough sense to Seiryū that he idly nodded as she went on, though still paying attention to the words to get the gist of her statement. However, her earlier flustered reactions though were much more entertaining to him, but he knew about professionalism during a job, even if she had already been ‘caught’ by the both of them thus far. Her formality when addressing the situation was a bit hilarious to his inebriated mind, for he didn’t think he’d ever be able to explain things with such objectivity and formality. A brief moment of laughter escaped him, no longer clouded by the negative aspects that Daraku’s presence initially brought about.

After Mari had finished with her reasoning for being here and wishing to avoid them, Seiryū looked on curiously as Daraku spoke up, though his eyes were anywhere but on the other man. Instead, his eyes idly roamed the room searching for an impossible scenario to occur that he was raising his hopes for no reason at all. His eyes closed, shutting out all the sights for a few moments as he tried to listen in on whatever was being said around him, whether it was from Daraku or from the others around them. A quiet snort escaped Seiryū as Daraku stated what his first impression of Mari was, something he could agree with to a degree. His first meeting with Mari happened to occur while listening to street performers on Mt. Ikkyu. That peaceful evening didn’t give him an impression that she’d be one to visit clubs, but he supposed that the same could be said for her perception of him, for that night had been a tame one for Seiryū with no real destination in mind.

However, it seemed that the alcohol was certainly getting to the man who had previously threatened his life, for Daraku was hiccupping, a likely effect of the alcohol. Seiryū, in all his years of drinking, had never experienced hiccups from drinking; only the slurred speech and loosened tongue were what seemed to ail him when the alcohol took its effect over him. Though, Daraku’s sole comment of Mari abandoning them to put her priority on her mission was something Seiryū’s mind wouldn’t mind playing with for a few minutes. “Yeah, your mission is far more important than us nobodies.” The tone of his voice hinted at fake hurt, an expression matching that took over Seiryū’s features as he looked at Mari as he spoke. “You can leave us here, we can behave… I think.” Waiting just a moment to gauge a reaction, Seiryū promptly stepped towards the bar, placing an order for rum. To go along with his fake hurt at the moment, the second the drink was placed in front of him, Seiryū took the glass, turned around so he would be facing Mari, while still being able to see Daraku and promptly took the entire glass and began to drink it like water.


12Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:01 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Throughout the girl's explanation, both men seemed to listen tentatively enough. Though also for the both of them, the effects of alocohal did seem to setting in despite Mari's hopes of neither getting too tipsy. The oldest of the three seemed to even reminisce of times when such an event did happened.  But as Ishido responded, it was true that neither of them did have the impression that she was a... 'Party girl' type and she could be at least a little thankful of that.  Both he and Seiryū seemed to be making fun of the situation, each laughing with a little chuckle of their own. Though, Mari was unsure if something truly was funny or perhaps it was indeed just the alocohal.

"... But I understand, it p-probably is better to focus on your mmmmission than to sit around with your friends."

Ishido's comments were interuppted with a hiccup, but he did end on a point, even with his speech slurring."Ah, I suppose you are correct Ishido-san." Mari nodded, knowing that she should likely return to her duties as being a bouncer. But also, she couldn't quite keep an awkward smile off her face. It wasn't extremely appropriate of her to laugh at the man who was obviously under the influence, but it was just a little bit ridiculous, funny even. Ishido certainly was enjoying himself, evident by a bright smile on his face and cheeks a little too blushed.

"Yeah, your mission is far more important than us nobodies.” 

Seiryū added on to the idea of putting the mission first, though it was a little harshly said for comfort. He looked at her with his violet orbs, but she ended up diverting her own blue ones to nowhere else. It was easy to tell that the words were only mocking, but Mari didn't quite know how to respond in the same fashion. Was the alcohol getting to the other Suna shinobi as well? He didn't show the obvious signs like Ishido, but his words made the girl flustered all the same. "I... Perhaps, maybe later? Or in a... Er, different venue? We could all possibly..." Get together?  As Mari trailed off with her stuttering words, she could feel her blush returning. Did she have to be so nervous at a time like this? She didn't mean to make it sound like a date or something. But in her mind, for some godforsaken reason, it did. Why did he have to say something like that in the first place? She had meant for it to refer to all three of them together, though such a meeting would likely only prove as awkward as the one they had coincidentally.

“You can leave us here, we can behave… I think.”

As if hellbent on making the point, the silver haired shinobi stepped up the bar and quickly signaled for a drink. Just as soon as he got it, he turned downed the rum like water in plain sight of Mari and Ishido. What exactly was his point? The mocking hurt hadn't gone over well the girl at all. While she knew he was only teasing, her responses would seem to only provoke more. She just wasn't very good with that sort of thing, whatever that was. She didn't quite want to leave them with those feelings, but she knew that at some point she did need to return to her mission. She wanted to say  something... Witty(?) In return, but she surely wasn't good at things like that either. "Well, I—!"

The girl stopped with her words, suddenly feeling a presence behind her. A large hand appeared on her should, causing the girl's blue eyes to narrow.

"Hey! Pretty dooooll, w-wanna dance for me?"

He was a rather large man, standing well over six feet and the brute body mass to match. With brown, oily hair and a unkempt beard and mustache, his clothes also had dark stains of alcohol. A beer bottle in one hand and his hand now making its way around the girl's arm, it was obvious he was having a little too much fun. Likely because of the girl's lolita attire, she was also being mistaken for a dancer. His weathered tan hand felt disgustingly rough on her white skin, but Mari simply stood as tall as her small frame would allow, staying as motionless as she could.

"I would prefer not to, Sir. And I would also ask you to please refrain from touching me any further." The girl's nervousness dissappeared, her breath now calm and concise as her words. Her blue eyes glanced over the the two Suna nin at the bar, she kept a calm stare as if to tell them that she should take care of this herself. It was her mission after all.

The man seemed to notice the other two at the bar, an ugly frown overtook his face soon transforming into a drunken snarl of yellowed teeth. With his reason gone, the man only needed to see that his "girl" supposedly belonged to another to provoke his rage.  "I called her first. Got it?!" In a flash of movement, the bottle in the man's hand went flying toward the bar, shattering in an  explosion of glass shards onto the countertop.  Mari hoped the two, despite their own influence, would have dodged in time. The girl herself ducked down and kicked her left foot right into the knee of the giant behind her. Pushing herself off and jumping away from him, she  tumbled to a crouched position, her back to the bar. The man's scream of pain ripped through the air, soon diverting attention from other party goers, who soon formed an ring like area around the man and the girl surrounding the bar.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Unable to out weight on his leg, the man fell to the ground hugging his likely broken knee. "Now... You've done it!" His screaming had served  a dual purpose, as a parting of bodies in the crowd revealed two more giants the size of himself, who surprisingly all had similar appearing faces as well, mustaches and beards, and oily brown hair. Standing on the left and right side of the originally, they were likely brothers, or something of the sort, and were also readying for a fight between themselves and and the girl who had injured their sibling.

"I sincerely apologize for dragging you two into this. I should be able to handle this myself."  Mari spoke to the both Ishido and Seiryū as she stood up, now setting herself up in a defensive stance. Her words however, rung the slightest hint of doubt. If it had just been the one, she could've likely won the battle herself. But now three enemies? And neither of them seemed any smaller than the first drunken adversary. It was to her slight advantage that she had already handicapped one. Perhaps she should take out the latest injured one, but would the other to right would easily be able to attack on her vulnerable side. Talking it out likely wasn't an option either, for the other two seemed just as drunk as the first. Could she depend on Ishido or Seiryū for some kind of assistance? It didn't seem right to ask, but the words were left unsaid. The music seemed to blast louder as the two enemies on their feet began cracking their knuckles, certainly sizing up their fight.

1267/4455 Total Words

Did you think you were escaping this thread without a bar fight? Think again! >:D

I dunno, pretend they're C-Rank goons or something. Please help a girl out here! D:

13Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:49 am



The alcohol in his system was really slowing Daraku down, but he did his best to keep up with the conversation and the liveliness of the club. Seiryū was sarcastic as ever, replying to Mari with a stern "Yeah, your mission is more important than us nobodies." He continued by saying that he and Daraku would be fine at the bar by themselves, and he quickly downed an entire glass of some reddish fluid. Daraku hadn't heard his order very clearly, but it looked like rum. It seemed Seiryū was quite the experienced drinker, and Daraku smiled dozily. Now it's Seiryū's tuuuuuurn! Drink some more, drink some more... he chanted in his head as if Seiryū was a god among men ready to down as many glasses as possible before he'd black out. Flashing lights and bright colors. Daraku looked back at Mari, who was still standing before them. She was tripping on her words, although in a different way than Daraku was; from what he could tell, she was trying to suggest that they all hang out some other time.

Next thing that he knew, Daraku noticed a man approach Mari and touch her shoulder. He towered over her and he looked pretty gross, so Daraku squinted at him. Who the f*ck...? He asked Mari if she wanted to "dance" for him, which sounded pretty rape-y to Daraku, so Daraku stood up from his stool and reached for his sword...wait. He turned around in disbelief, then spun in a circle and faced Mari again. He'd forgotten that he hadn't brought his weapons! A bottle came flying at the bar, and the bartender jumped out of the way. Daraku moved forward as the glass shattered, keeping himself out the glass' path and getting closer to Mari and the goon. The adrenaline helped clear up Daraku's mind a bit and he looked to the goon with a scowl. "Oh ho ho, you better watch the f*ck out, buddy. I'll end you." Mari was already on it, and she kicked the guy in the leg before moving away. 2 more guys appeared, joining the first and attempting to surround Mari. She insisted that she could handle them on her own, but Daraku stood next to her. "I'm not letting them hurt you. I'm fighting with you and we're gonna take them out together."

With that, Daraku dashed forward and punched the guy on the left square in the jaw. His strength was enough to knock the guy over, but his hand hurt and he wished he had his swords. "Take that!" he called out triumphantly.


14Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:09 pm



The burning sensation that travelled down his throat was a familiar feeling, reminiscent of multiple occasions prior to tonight, yet nonetheless, different from each and every single one of them. As he finished the last few remnants of his drink, a silent sound of relief escaped Seiryū, as he lowered the glass away from himself, blinking a few times. After a few seconds, Seiryū blinked a few more times, staring directly at the glass he had just polished and immediately set it down on the bar counter, no longer having a use for the object. His eyes remained downcast, staring more at the floor for a moment as he got himself together, not wishing for the strobe lights to get in his eyes, for he began to despise them more at this particular moment. Shaking his head lightly, his eyes travelled up to see a man with his hand on Mari’s shoulder.  For a second a brow raised in confusion before things set in slightly, as he noticed a beer bottle in the man’s free hand.

The words didn’t seem to reach Seiryū’s ears, for Mari seemed to be saying something back to the man, but his ears weren’t cooperating with his wishes at this exact moment. Mari looked back at them, which seemed to draw the large, burly male’s attention as well. Seiryū, still confused to an extent, tilted his head as he tried to figure out what would be making the man angry at them specifically, for the snarl wasn’t exactly inviting. As the man yelled something, his hand rose and sent the bottle he was holding flying. It wasn’t directly in Seiryū’s trajectory, thus he wouldn’t need to dodge, but his eyes followed the object nonetheless, seeing Daraku step out of the way. Even when the object was past Seiryū’s body, his eyes followed it, watching it head straight towards the countertop, and it was only then that an “Oh” escaped Seiryū’s lips, his body instinctively turning away from the impact that was to come. He only felt a light sting from the glass shards that went flying on his right deltoid, but the pain only lasted for a moment, as Seiryū’s control over his emotions began to wane, his calm replaced by some form of anger, aggression. Daraku had already stepped up towards the man, who was now accompanied by two other males, both of similar stature to the first.

Reflexively, his hand reached behind him for a moment, before the realization set upon him once more. “God damn it.” He muttered under his breath, turning towards the bar for a moment. “Get me another one.” Seiryū said, though it went unheard by the barkeeper, for all the attention was now placed on the event that occurred. Slowly making his way towards Mari, Daraku, and whoever the hell the other three were, Seiryū’s steps were no longer of near perfection, but rather impeded by the effects of the alcohol that began to take place. His relaxed expression was now replaced by a simple scowl that seemed to be permanently etched on his features.

Mari spoke once more, saying she’d be able to handle it, but the moment the bottle had been thrown, or rather, the moment whoever it was appeared, his night had been ruined. Her words truly fell on deaf ears, even if Seiryū had heard every single word she had uttered, for his self-regulated control was now lacking. Seiryū knew he certainly lacked an advantage here, for he had none of his preferred weapons and he wasn’t an expert when it came to hand-to-hand combat. Yet, he could, potentially, have an advantage in regards to speed in comparison to these men. “I hope you enjoy living enough to endure this.” The words were muttered out by Seiryū as he passed by Mari, still walking up to the individual who had been untouched thus far.

The opposition had seemed to be far more into fighting than Seiryū at this moment, for he had rushed forward, aiming to deliver a punch to Seiryū’s nose. While the alcohol certainly did slow his system somewhat, Seiryū’s reflexes were still very much active, for he instinctively ducked below the fist at the last few moments, for there seemed to be a slight lag in his movements. Immediately following his dodge, the white haired shinobi’s right fist travelled to deliver a punch to the man’s gut, travelling in an uppercut trajectory. Seiryū’s body, however, continued to move forward after in a stumbling motion, ending up behind the man, placing himself opposite of Mari and Daraku.


15Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:25 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

"I'm not letting them hurt you. I'm fighting with you and we're gonna take them out together."

Even as she just stated she didn't need their help, Ishido seemed defiant that they would be fighting together. Though Mari had her suspicions that they would not allow her to fight on her own, hearing the words said aloud was a different matter. Just moments ago she had been speaking to the pair, embarrassing herself with her own words, and now they were faced with some drunken adversaries? It also could be said that the two men she had been conversing with were drunk as well, or least were in the beginning of being so intoxicated. But it wasn't the alocohal speaking when Ishido had stated they would fight together, at least she surely hoped so. What had caught her off guard  was a word that Mari was unfamiliar with. Together... As in allies? Companions? Friends?

The concept wasn't foreign to her, but suddenly it felt like it was. She had never considered herself a loner, but it always happened to be that she was alone. With being only Masayoshi living in Suna, her home void of other souls except herself and rare times the traveling Clan member, the absence of others was something she was accustomed to. Now suddenly thrown into a coincidence where she had familiar faces beside her and now backing her up in combat, it felt strangely... Good.

Before she could respond to Ishido's words he had already stepped forward and threw a punch at the man on the left. The drunken man tumbled backwards as a fist was connected with his jaw, likely now broken by the force of the punch.

"Take that!"

Ishido yelled out triumphantly, he seemed to practically knock the man out in one blow, though it was likely as obvious that Ishido's own fist was hurting just as much.

Seiryū on the other hand, who Mari had noticed had gone unusually quiet since even the first man had spoken to her. He had seemed to be muttering things, but the girl couldn't quite make out what they were. She wasn't quite sure if he had even heard her warnings or Ishido's comments about the matter, as he seemed more out of his wits than anything else. A look of concern washed over Mari's face as he too stepped up and went forward the other challenger. She saw glass shards embedded in his right arm, likely remnants of the bottle the first man had thrown. Yet a sense of aggression had taken over, hiding any signs of pain from the silver haired shinobi. 

“I hope you enjoy living enough to endure this.”

His words came out low as he passed by the girl. He had a right to be angered, for it was these drunkards fault for ruining a moment he had with his... Companions.  It was his form of justice for the wrongs done to him, and Mari could respect that, however intoxicated Seiryū himself could have been. 

His opponent struck first, taking a strike at his face. While his speed was likely lagging from the alcohol, Seiryū was still able to dodge in time and delivered a punch of his own, upward into the man's gut. At the impact, the man crumbled to the ground hugging his stomach, while Seiryū himself stumbled forward ending up behind the man and opposite of Ishido and Mari.

Looking at his two companions soundly beaten, the original drunkard began to show signs of panic and fear of the two men he had pegged as weak. Looking at Mari, a face of drunkard rage overtook him once more. Yelling out with more insults directed at her, he charged forward with a limp of his knee. Mari was easily able to sidestep out of his way, tripping the man up with another kick from behind and allowing his momentum to carry him into a crash on the floor.

With now all three of the drunken individuals down and groaning on the floor in defeat, quite a crowd had gathered around the victors. Mari herself felt it rather inappropriate for such an audience to be excited about violence stemming from drunken rage, but nothing could really be helped regarding the atmosphere. The music was still blasting in the background and the lights going around with crazy colors and flashes of strobe lights. The girl turned to the two who had partaken in the fighting, or rather one hit knockouts. Now the problem was dragging the bodies out the hospital, but perhaps she could leave that in the hands of the club manager.  "I thank both of you, Seiryū-kun and Ishido-san, for your assistance." Closing her hands in front of her, the girl bowed with her head down. "And I am truly sorry for how the night turned out, I am sure neither of you expected such an even to occur and..."  She trailed off as she rose to stand straight, her hand back to fidgeting with her bow and her eyes still downcast. What could she say to either of them after such an incident?

871/5326 Total Words

16Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:08 am



With two out of three of the goons still standing, Seiryū approached the one on the opposite side of Mari. His face was serious and his movements were significantly less coordinated, likely getting drunk like Daraku was. The big man came at Seiryū with an attack, but Seiryū dodged it and countered with an uppercut into the man's stomach, knocking him to the ground. Seiryū continued to stumble forward until he was behind the man and in front of Daraku and Mari. The last man went for Mari, enraged, but he had the same weakness as his comrades and was ultimately too slow to land a hit, and she tripped him with a kick. A crowd had formed around them to watch the fight ensue, and it seemed that the three men were defeated, thanks to them. Daraku made a symphony of hiccups and yawns, and he didn't even know how long he'd been at the bar but he knew that he wasn't ready to leave yet, either. He threw his arms into the air and cheered loudly, before letting them fall back to his sides. "That!...was a thing. Nice job, guys." he said, facing Mari and then Seiryū. She thanked him and Seiryū for their help and apologized for everything that happened, but Daraku rolled his eyes. He came close to her, put a heavy hand on her shoulder, and his unfocused, tipsy eyes met hers. "You're a nice girl, but I'm teeeeelling you. Just relax, take a chill pill, don't worry so much."

With that said, Daraku removed his hand from her, still conscious enough to understand that prolonged contact may have been a little creepy. He swiveled on his feet and faced the destroyed bar, and the bartender had gotten back to his feet but was visibly shaken by what had happened. Daraku approached him and smiled some more. "I! Would like! ANOTHER WHISKEY!" he yelled. The hype was real, and the crowd cheered for him. He struggled to stay on his feet. "So give it to me, bartender guy!" The bartender held back a giggle and grabbed the whole bottle, handing it to Daraku. "It's on the house. Go wild, kid." Daraku's eyes lit up and his smile beamed as he grabbed the bottle and took a swig, and in that moment, he knew that he wouldn't be able to get him on his own. He probably would black out before he finished the bottle. Either way, he was enjoying himself. He grabbed the bartender and kissed him on the lips before turning back to his friends. Ha, friends. He felt like telling them that. "YOU TWO ARE MY FRIENDS! HUZZAH!" The crowd probably wasn't even listening to what he was saying but based off of the volume alone they cheered for him anyway. Daraku was reveling in some kind of mediocre glory.


17Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:30 am



His eyes closed for a moment, the anger he felt faded away a tad with the moment the larger individual had toppled over, yet that simply didn’t seem to be enough for Seiryū, as the party that had intruded on their time hadn’t even put up a decent fight to make up for their interruption. He awaited the inevitable to happen, a strike to his back as he slowly got back to his feet, his eyes still remaining closed. Yet, when he turned around with lilac eyes full absorbing the scene in the slightly blurry picture presented to him, the skirmish never truly had turned out to be a skirmish, but rather a simple one blow decision for each of them. His eyes were fully trained on the hunched over figure, the one he had easily taken care of in just a split second. Perhaps the alcohol had a worse effect on the man than on Seiryū, thus someone would be having to deal with the mess that would eventually come from that man, but it certainly wouldn’t affect him.

With all three of the behemoths taken down in a matter of seconds, Seiryū began making his way to the two people who could be considered his… friends? Mari began by thanking them for their help, even if Seiryū had his own reasons for doing so, for the evidence was prominent on his right shoulder, for he still felt the light sting, yet it was nothing compared to previous injuries that he had dealt with before. He idly watched, remaining silent, as Daraku placed a hand upon her shoulder, telling her to relax. Seiryū hadn’t had much else to say, for the events that had passed in the last few minutes weren’t something he had entirely come to terms with. There was still a bit of lingering anger from the consistent stinging, yet it could just as easily disappear in another moment from a drink or two. As Daraku left Mari to return to the bar, Seiryū walked up towards Mari, still remaining inconsistent in his steps. Placing his hand on top of her head, rubbing it for just a second with a wide smile, Seiryū muttered a few words meant for her ears, “Don’t worry about such things. You are doing your job after all.” There was a small wink following his words, lifting his hand off Mari’s head and looking towards the bar once more. “I guess we could… talk one day… when I’m not… like this.” The invitation was open for her to accept or decline, though it would be good to know a bit more about her, after having just recently discovered she resided in Sunagakure no Sato.

Daraku had yelled something out loud, regarding being friends, a small smile remaining on Seiryū’s lips. After waiting for Mari’s reply, Seiryū’s eyes would glance around, searching for anything that could give him the time. Perhaps he could get another drink or two. Anything to simply ignore the glass shards, to dull away the pain, though the only benefit to it wasn’t worse than it could’ve been other than a few scrapes and glass shards penetrating his skin.

543|4804 Total

18Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:23 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

While the girl didn't know how either would respond, she was certainly surprised when Ishido came close to her. A heavy hand fell onto her shoulder, and though she didn't flinch, Mari did blink a few times at the touch.

"You're a nice girl, but I'm teeeeelling you. Just relax, take a chill pill, don't worry so much."

Mari blue eyes turned to the elder Suna nin, looking him up and down with a curious gaze. And while his own were dazed with alcohol, there was something comforting with his (slightly slurred) words. Perhaps it was just the alcohol talking, but Mari did realize that she could have been thinking over matters a little too much. The sudden complement of being a called a "nice girl" did throw her off, but she did at least leave that impression. Being so strict with herself was simply the way she was, and she had never thought anything of it until now. There really was no reason to let herself be so lax, yet there wasn't a particular reason to let herself be so  uptight all the time either. Ishido himself seemed to be the example of the being so lax type, and that  may likely have been why he was saying that she should let herself have a break every once and while too.

"I suppose I could try, Ishido-san." A small smile graced her lips, her hand tapping the bottom of her chin. He had already left her and was making his way back to the bar. Ishido seemed in a celebratory mood after the small skirmish, and other club patrons seemed to be falling in such a mood as well. Though she knew very well he was under more than a little influence, the resulting yelling and antics were all in good fun and still rather just plain silly.

Before the girl knew it however, another hand came round and this time placed itself on top of Mari's head.

“Don’t worry about such things. You are doing your job after all.”

The faint words could only be meant for her ears, her blue eyes looking up to the hand's owner. She could see that Seiryū himself had a wide smile, likely because of alcohol once again, but it was nice to see the silver haired shinobi show off a grin.  The fact that he had his hand on her head made it a little awkward, the feeling she could only describe as being something like an older brother would do. The girl could appreciate that feeling, she had never had an elder brother before. With her parents gone for so long, the idea of having someone so close was practically unfamilair to her. She realized she shouldn't have been making such assumptions, that she Seiryū or Ishido were that close, yet it reminded her of the very night she had first met the silvered haired shinobi.

All friends... Begin as strangers to one another...

She had said that herself. And indeed, it seemed that they weren't exactly strangers anymore.

“I guess we could… talk one day… when I’m not… like this.”

He had already removed his hand from her head when he added on the idea of meeting each other again. And by the 'not like this' he was also suggesting when he was sober.  Mari smiled back, thinking it some kind of coincidence that the two would in fact be from the very same village. She had previously thought that seeing Seiryū again seemed as like as a monsoon in the desert. However, just taking a look at the events of this night, Mari found that the desert could be as unpredictable as it wanted. Before she could answer, Ishido who had already reached the bar and had a bottle of something in his hands, yelled out some words of odd choice.


The crowd cheered Ishido's antics and the Suna nin seemed to be rather enjoying himself as well. Mari could only smile again, a small laugh escaping her lips as she nodded in acknowledgement to the statement. She noticed too, the Seiryū held a small smile as well. Even if it was said by an intoxicated man, there was something about the words that didn't seem so absurd. Perhaps, there was some truth in the idea of 'being friends.'

Mari turned back to Seiryū, the smile still upon her lips. "If you would not mind meeting again, in a perhaps different... Surroundings, I would not either." She left her answer open as it was his suggestion to meet once again.  Though she did hint at the fact she would prefer to meet somewhere quieter than a nightclub. As she would see if he would respond, the girl noticed that still embedded in Seiryū's skin was some glass shards, remnants of the earlier bottle Explosion from the first brute who had challenged the three. Her blues eyes turned to concern as she stepped closer to him, suddenly gently grabbing onto his arm.

"S-Seiryū-kun, you are injured! We should take you to the hospital! Or... At least we should remove the glass..!" The wasn't a large amount of blood, but the glass was still noticeably sticking into his skin. It had to have been painful, or at the very least uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the alcohol that was distracting from such discomfort, but it wouldn't last for too long. Mari herself wasn't the exact expert in first aid or medical ninjutsu, so she wasn't aware of any procedures she could do offhand. Taking out the glass was a likely priority, but she wasn't sure she could be delicate enough to do so without hurting him more. Ishido seemed an unlikely help at the moment and the girl was left frantically trying to think up a solution.

995/6331 Total Words

19Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:42 am



Mari assured Daraku that she would try to relax, which brought a smile to his face. She was a good person; he could see it in her eyes, in the way she acted, in her concern for others. Daraku didn't see that quality often, or maybe he just didn't pay attention usually, or maybe his emotions were more keen when he was drunk. Seiryū said something quietly, and he and Mari started to interact. In the midst of his euphoria, Daraku watched Seiryū and Mari talk, but they were speaking quietly and were closer to one another than to Daraku, so he couldn't quite hear them over the sound of the music. His hips idly swayed back and forth and his head bobbed along with them inadvertently. Then, there was a sense of urgency as Mari grabbed Seiryū's arm. Daraku blinked, and she spoke again, now more audibly. "Seiryū-kun, you are injured!" He looked at Seiryū blinking again. He didn't look all too hurt; Daraku stepped closer and noticed cuts and broken glass on the arm that Mari was holding. His thoughts rolled back to the destroyed bar and the glass counter...

Mari went on about how they should go to the hospital or at least take the glass out of Seiryū's arm, and considering Daraku was a medical ninja, he knew that he was the man for the job. The god complex set in. "Mari, didn't I just tell you not to worry so much?" his speech was slurred but perfectly understandable because of his volume. He was speaking rather loudly, both because he was drunk and because he was trying to be heard over the music. He got a little closer to Seiryū and made a ram hand seal, building chakra and trying to focus. It was a bit difficult because of how hazy his mind felt, but his body knew what he was trying to do and it seemed to work anyhow. Medical ninjutsu was second nature to Daraku, after doing it most of his life. His hands started to glow.

"I'll take care of your arm, Sei." he said as he started to pull the glass from his friend's arm. The wounds afterwards bled profusely, as the glass had kept the blood from escaping, but he held his hands just over Seiryū's arm. "The cuts should be closed within a few minutes, just don't move too much." He smiled at Seiryū, his eyes glazed over from the alcohol pumping through his veins.



20Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:25 pm



“If you would not mind meeting again, in a perhaps different... Surroundings, I would not either.”

Seiryū thought his earlier statement would’ve been enough for Mari to understand he wouldn’t mind hanging around with her in the future, when he was not inebriated and perhaps in a setting that wasn’t hampering to the human ear. Mari, it seemed, was overly formal, for she had basically took his invitation and made it an invitation for him, at least to his current understanding of how her words registered in his ears.

“Like I said… maybe in a day or two… or something. And not in a… club.” He agreed with Mari, for this environment didn’t create the best atmosphere for people to talk to one another, as the entire purpose of a club wasn’t revolved so much around talking between individuals, but rather creating something far more intimate between two strangers. It just wasn’t something he wanted to seek out. Mari, whom he considered a friend, even if he thought himself to have no friends whatsoever, would still be kept away from him, for Seiryū didn’t think he deserved anything more than mere acquaintances. It was simple, just don’t get too close and everything would be fine. After all, eventually he would be forgotten (or so he thought) by the two people who called him a friend, one drunkenly so.

"S-Seiryū-kun, you are injured! We should take you to the hospital! Or... At least we should remove the glass..!"

The voice had interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to the reality that was already mangled by the alcohol contents in his system. The pain had been forgotten, though the annoyance of the glass shards still remained present. If Mari hadn’t brought up the issue of the glass, Seiryū would’ve likely have forgotten about it until he reached home, and even at that point he would’ve likely went to bed before tending to the slight injury upon his person. Even if he did tend to it himself, his recovery method would’ve simply involved removing the glass shards and then bandaging up the area that was bleeding. “It’s fine. I’ll take care of it when…” Sadly, before Seiryū could even finish his words, Daraku had taken the initiative to step forward and pose a possible solution.

"Mari, didn't I just tell you not to worry so much?" The slurred speech didn’t give Seiryū much confidence in whatever Daraku’s mind had conjured up for getting rid of the wounds that were currently on his person. As Seiryū’s eyes turned towards Daraku, he noticed the man form the ram hand seal, likely channelling chakra to aid him in some form or another, even if Seiryū could easily survive the night without having too much of an issue posed by his current predicament. Daraku had said something regarding taking care of him, yet Seiryū’s only concern was getting this over with so it could just as easily be forgotten. “Just make it quick.” Seiryū’s muddled mind muttered aloud, not really wanting Daraku to waste any unnecessary time on his meagre wound.

As the glass was removed, a slight grimace formed on his face, though he’d rather Daraku make the process quick and efficient rather than slow and make the process drag on longer than it needed to be. Just moments after the glass was removed, the trickling senstation of something warm and wet crawling down his arm was felt for a moment, before Daraku’s hand covered it. “You don’t have to do that. It’d just be far easier to wrap it up, instead of getting this mess on your hands.” Seiryū’s solution was simply, for ripping off the sleeve of his shirt could’ve done for a temporary bandage unitl he reached home and found a better way to deal with the situation. Regardless, Seiryū would let out a “Thank you.” to Daraku, a quiet one, yet it was the only thing he could really so to the man who at one point threatened him and now was healing him. Truly, Seiryū never expected such a turn of events.

710|5514 Total

21Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:26 am




Daraku finished healing up Seiryū's arm and took his own hands away, displaying the fact that the injury was gone. He seemed proud of the work he'd done, but he figured all Seiryū cared about was getting it done since he had told Daraku to make it quick. Nonetheless, Seiryū surprised him with a quiet "thank you" and Daraku replied with a polite "you're welcome". Daraku went back and picked up his bottle again, drinking a little more from it and then setting it down. His vision was starting to blur, and the sounds around him started to confuse him. All signs that he was going past the point of no return, which was a concept he had been well familiarized with in the days when drinking was a daily thing for him. Now, he felt pretty shitty and didn't like the way it made him feel. His stomach was churning like a volcano ready to burst and he felt it building into his esophagus. He immediately abandoned his bottle and ran past the dancefloor, toward a secluded corner where lines had formed for the restroom. He cut the line for the men's and pushed a burly man in front of a urinal out of the way before letting his head hang over it as he emptied his stomach. He vomited like he'd never vomited before; a messy ordeal where it smelled of piss and alcohol and faded orange chunks and hot acid burned in his throat, on his lips, in the urinal. A coughing fit followed and then a surge of weakness in his legs, and he collapsed onto the tiled bathroom floor, breathing hard. He managed just enough energy to bring his left hand to his face, wiping residue from his mouth and coughing some more. The guy he'd pushed struggled to get his junk back into his pants and then, clearly flustered, started to yell at Daraku. He yelled about how he was going to kick Daraku's ass for pushing him, how he got piss all over his jeans, how he thought Daraku was an absolute idiot, but Daraku was practically on another planet.

Exhausted and defeated, Daraku left the bathroom, completely ignoring both the angry man following behind him and the crowd of irritated men who had watched him cut the line. The journey from the bathroom to the dancefloor and finally to the bar felt like it spanned dozens of kilometers when he knew somewhere in the recesses of his mind that it was only a few hundred feet, in reality. This wasn't reality, though, this was hell. He was on the verge of throwing up again at any moment, and he was starting to get dizzy. By the time he made it back to his friends, he looked like a mess, to put it simply. "I...I think I need to...go home. Whiskey...don't. The whiskey did. A bad. It's a bad whiskey. And they told me to drink! And I said! ...yes. And now, I am drink. No, I-I'm drunk." He couldn't understand himself. He wasn't sure what he was saying, but it was clear that he was talking to Seiryū and Mari, since he was looking toward both of their blurred faces. With that, he turned toward the bartender and leaned against the part of what remained of the counter without any broken glass on it. "Take me home? I live on the outskirts of Suna...I d-don't think I should go myself alone there." The bartender felt for Daraku, even though he was laughing at him a little, and quietly agreed before wrapping an arm around him and escorting him out.

[ Exit Thread ]


Why not get some training out of whatever this was?:

Last edited by Daraku on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed training numbers)

22Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:01 am

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari


Even as Seiryū had such an injury, he seemed not to even notice it until Mari had voiced it to him. He seemed to wave the matter off for the moment, answering he would take care of it later. It surely didn't sound like a good idea to the girl to let the would be for the time, Mari was about to tell him so, when a slightly drunken voice interrupted the pair.

"Mari, didn't I just tell you not to worry so much?"

Ishido came forward, directing his words towards the girl in question and then focusing his attention to the injured Seiryū. Mari blinked at the man's rather loud words, worried for both Seiryū's injury and being reminded of something just said moments ago. The two situations however, did seem to be on different scales of importance.  The elder of the three soon formed a ram hand sign. Medical Ninjutsu.. The realization came to girl as chakra channeled in Ishido’s hands began to glow, along with it the concern of how helpful he could be considering his drunken state. However, with a few quick comments between himself and Seiryū, he removed the glass without too much trouble. As the silver haired shinobi breathed a small thank you, Mari let out a small sigh of relief knowing that he was healed. Seiryū was wrapping his arm with his own torn off shirt sleeve when Mari turned her eyes to the man who had healed him.

”Ah, forgive me Ishido-san. I shall have to try harder… It seems more easily said than done.” Regarding his earlier question, Mari only poked fun at herself with her reaction. A sheepish smiled crept onto her face, she didn’t feel particularly embarrassed, but at the same time she did worry if she appeared too concerned about everything. The irony of that thought made the girl chuckle aloud. Ishido was already heading back to the bar after healing Seiryū, and Mari’s awkward smile didn’t seem to leave her face. It couldn’t be helped that she herself wasn’t drinking (she legally couldn’t), but somehow it seemed even more ironic that she had friends who were heavy drinkers.

”Seiryū-kun,” Mari looked back the silver haired shinobi before her, his violet eyes slightly dazed from alcohol but now a little more serious, likely from the pain of having to be healed from the glass. She had paused after saying his name, only meant for garnering his attention. ”You never told me you were a Suna shinobi.”

A simple fact stated, like she was addressing some small elephant in the room. She wasn’t criticizing him, but it was a question-like statement. The answer was likely suited for another time and more appropriate place. She was also attaching the issue to herself, wondering why she had never told him her village in their first meeting in Kumo. That question had never been brought up in that meeting, so it only made sense that the answer hadn’t been provided either. The coincidence that they did live in the same village was startling, the world turned out to be rather small after all.

Out of the corner of her blue eyes, Mari had noticed Ishido leave the bar but a few moments later he had returned, stumbling and stuttering back to his pair of companions that night. The girl frowned in concern, an anxious look on her face at seeing the near drunken beyond the point of return state that the elder Suna nin was in.

"I...I think I need to...go home…"

The words came out mumbled, and he said several more things, but most of it was still rather hard to decipher. He ended with the conclusion that he was ‘drink’ or rather ‘drunk,’ which would have been funny if the girl hadn’t been worried if he could make it home safely. To her relief, Ishido turned toward the bartender who agreed escorting the drunken man home. “Goodbye, Ishid-san.” Mari waved after the pair, smiling yet still concerned. She was certain he would be able to get home, but she couldn’t stop herself from wondering.

With Ishido’s exit, Mari wondered if Seiryū would leave as well. She didn’t know if he had a reason for staying, though when at a night club there really weren’t many reason to begin with. With the bar fight, perhaps he was tired and wanted to leave, or maybe he would stay for a few more drinks. She hoped however, he wouldn’t reach Ishido’s state and then she would be the one taking him home. Either way, she really did need to return to her duties as a bouncer. Suddenly, the thought of continuing her work so late into the night made her feel rather tired. She couldn’t be sure of the time, but it was well past any normal time to be heading for bed. A small yawn escaped from her mouth, the girl stood straight arching her shoulders back with a stretch. ”Well, I suppose it now truly is time for me to return to my duties, whatever they may be at this point.” The tiredness in her voice didn’t make her sound convinced that she wanted to do so, but perhaps she could find a chair to sit herself by the door instead of standing.

”We… shall see each other again, Seiryū-kun.” She gave a small bow for a goodbye. That night had been one filled with events the girl hadn’t planned on, meeting up with Seiryū and Ishido, learning the harsh relationship the two had with each other, even the ensuing bar fight. In the end, Mari felt that it had been a surprising and memorable night and she was truly glad to say that she had some new… friends. A genuine smile graced her lips as she rose up. With the music still blasting in the background, she would wait for his words before turning away and disappearing into the crowd.

1020/7315 Total Words


-Exit Thread-

Last edited by Masayoshi Mari on Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

23Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Empty Re: Playtime in the Sandbox [Private | NK] Tue Jan 26, 2016 9:21 pm



Seiryū’s eyes watched Daraku as the older individual finished up with his task, the very thing Seiryū felt wasn’t entirely needed for he could have handled it on his own, even if the process of doing it would be sloppy and be passed as a non-issue for the lonesome individual. If Seiryū was honest with himself, things were getting too unfamiliar for Seiryū, people were slowly getting closer to him and he honestly didn’t know how he felt about such a thing – did he even deserve such? Daraku’s reply was expected after he had thanked the man, as Daraku replied with a simple “you’re welcome” and the n went back to his bottle once more, before immediately rushing away, likely to washroom of all places. This would leave Seiryū with Mari once more; her words towards him making his lips tilt upward in the slightest, for the easy reply to her statement came to mind instantaneously. The fact that Seiryū never divulged his country on allegiance before was simple, the question wasn’t asked and his time in Kumogakure no Sato was meant to be a time where he took his mind off things, which it allowed him to do so to some degree.

“Well, Mari, its simple. You just never asked.” The tilt of his voice wasn’t serious, but rather playing with his currently hazy memory of the events that had passed. To him, at tthat time, allegiances to villages didn’t matter; rather everyone was just another person, someone he doubted he would meet again. He rather wanted those events to be more pleasant instead of plagued with the nature brought to people from history.

At that moment, Daraku had come back, stating he needed to go home and Seiryū was inclined to agree. While he wasn’t exactly friends with the man, nor was he exactly an enemy either, Seiryū could easily tell the man needed to get home. He never issued out a reply, but gave a nod that would indicate the same sentiment that he had not voiced out.

After Daraku had official left, the building and likely to go home now, it was once more Seiryū and Mari, but he knew it wouldn’t be more than a few minutes, for she would likely have to get back to her duties. It took a few seconds, but Mari had voiced out exactly what was on his mind currently and that had him thinking where he would be going next. Her yawning was a note to him that she wasn’t likely used to being up this late, unlike Seiryū who functioned during random times of the day and night, simply due to having a schedule one wouldn’t consider exactly normal. Her farewell was returned by Seiryū’s own, one that promised that they would be crossing paths again, and this time they would both be aware of such circumstances. “You will.” Those two words held truth to them, for they both knew the other was a resident of Sunagakure no Sato. The details weren’t spelt out, but they were both shinobi and able to find individuals whenever they wished to do so. “Have a good night Mari.” Were Seiryū’s words to her, and a scant second later, Mari would turn and begin walking away to her post. Seiryū, meanwhile, was entirely unsure of what to do, but he needed to get out of here. Air was good. Without another second of thinking about it, Seiryū made his way towards the exit.

597|6111 Total
-exit thread-


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