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1Sai Clain[Under Construction] Empty Sai Clain[Under Construction] Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:34 am



Symbol: Sai Clain[Under Construction] (Put your clan symbol here. Small images only

Clan: Sai(サイ) [Talented]

Kekkei Genkai:Exceptional Talent


Specialization:Taijutsu[Physical Path], Genjutsu[Hypnosis Path]


Clan History: (Under Construction)

Kekkei Genkai Description:

Physical Path

Members of this path have concentrated all their time into being the perfect strikers, and as such receive a permanent +1 to either Speed or Strength(Depending on what type of taijutsu they choose I.E: Speed Taijutsu users get +1 Strength), and the effects can not be stacked. These clan members are exceptionally skilled in physical attacks and take -1 damage from all non-chakra based weaponry and strike(Can not reduce below genin). Members of the Taijutsu path also start with a free pair of gloves to channel their chakra into for their taijutsu strikes.

The members of this path also learn taijutsu techniques at an accelerated rate, giving the a -15% wordcount for anything taijutsu, and another -5% for learning physical specializations such as bukijutsu and all its forms.

Hypnosis Path

Members of this path have concentrated all of their time to learning genjutsu and as such receive a +1 tier of effieciency for their illusions versus someone who has taijutsu as a primary specialization.

Drawbacks: (What is your clan bad at?)

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

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