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Mission name: Fall of Yusuke - The Downfall
Mission rank: B
Objective: Infiltration
Location: Suna (Endless Wasteland)
Reward: 500 Ryo +1 EP
Development: Become ANBU
Mission Description: Frame the Yusuke Clan
Mission Details: As a new member of the Crime Lord's mercenary group. You are tasked to protect your leaders diplomat at a summit of organizations. Mission HQ wants to make sure you use your unique position to create a situation where the other crime lords will turn against the Yusuke Clan. The more chaos that exists between these organizations the less of a threat they will be against invading village forces.

Enemies: Make sure every non-Yusuke dies at this event save for a few witnesses that will see this as a blatant try of the Yusu-Clan to eliminate their competition. All Diplomats are B-Rank (non-ninja) but theres about 12 of them. Each has two C-Rank (non-ninja) guards with them hence numbering to 24. All at X-1 Stats. With weaponry 1 rank above them.



Verdandi spent quite a few days at the Yusuke compound. Her success on the Jade retrieval was of substantial effect to her own renowned status within the Clan. The Squad Leader had brought to light her insane skills and his absolute fascination with 'Elena' luckily with all the ignorance in the world towards Verdandi's true identity. Verd was getting a lot of positive vibes from the Captain and at last, she even figured out that the guy had a name. For weeks he had only been called 'the captain' in all her conversations. His name was Yuan. Verd tended to call him Yu hence forth and kept spending a ton of time with him on the compound of the Yusuke Clan. She had to admit, that he was nice and all but Verdandi kept having a knot about it in her belly. She was becoming his friend under a non-existing persona. He was her enemy. She wasn't supposed to like the guy and now there they were and he was totally starting to get even flirty with her despite the fact that Verdandi, or rather 'Elena' was supposedly married to a crime lord. She had completely forgotten about Ozay, but was aware that he had his own undercover jobs to do. Eventually, Verd would receive message from him that HQ had sent them a new mission file. Under the guise of being called back to her 'husband' Verd left Yu behind with all his flirty feelings and probably broken hearted already.

Dandi sighed heavily. She hated the emotional position. She was in love with another man anyway. Or boy. Or water based liquid thingy. Verd giggled. Blushing. Chi was a simpleton in many ways but he was sooo adorable. One couldn't just replace the guy with a weird double agent flirt. She sighed. Time to move on. Stomping in between all these weird feelings, her supposed fake 'husband' awaited her at the Ozay Clan's compound. Verd would meet the cute little maid again that used to clean her room. The orphan girl was such an adorable thing. Verd totally ditched Ozay despite his 'important informations' that he wished to share with her. Verd just went to the little maid and cuddled her from head to toe. Sooooo cute. She wanted to keep her. Maybe someday she'd be allowed to. But probably fate would not be as kind. At least with Ozay the chances of her getting involved into actual criminal stuff were low. He kept a wonderfully low profile anyway. Once that was over with, Verd returned to the man of the hour and went sarcastically. "Yes husband?" just to tease him for a little. He then unveiled that the Yusuke will soon hold a great meeting in one of their own, neutral safe houses. All the noteworthy crime lords invited. Ozay as well and whilst she couldn't appear as Ozay's wife, bosses and guards only and all, he managed to get the approval from the Yusuke Clan that she was actually put on the list for the guards.

Now, that being done too Verdandi asked for the catch of it and Ozay started to explain. "We are to eliminate everyone. All crime lords, all diplomats, all high figures, all soldiers. Potentially leaving some to escape so they can tell the tale. It is however important that they will once more be forced to believe that the Yusuke Clan staged all of this. Ultimately this operation will not only weaken all crime organizations but also cause the final downfall and disgrace of our target." Verd nodded. She understood. But also, that the major clans didn't send their bosses for this. Only the small ones did. The major clans sent their diplomats. Which were yet however often brothers, cousins or otherwise relatives of the actual clan heads and their family. Verd nodded again. She had all info's necessary. Giving Ozay an unexpected hug as she'd leave again. "Take care. Make sure you are on the toilet after the initial welcome ceremony. Or you might end under the table as well…" she spoke, winking to him. Pretty sure that this mission will cause quite the chaos. A lot of scheming would have to go through this time. A lot of nasty work. But that was her training lesson wasn't it. The ways of a secret, special agent. An ANBU. Never to question, only to act and kill as told. Verd shook her head. She wasn't a robot like that. But eventually could still be of use to them.

Verdandi returned to the Yusuke compound. Meeting Yu, talking with him about the mission in a subtler way. About how she was supposed to be hired for this 'guard job' showing complete lack of interest or knowledge what the actual meeting was about. Verdandi was quite talented in showing nothing but ignorance for the case. At least Yuan was silly enough to fall for it. Or was he just falling for her and anyway ignorant to any deeper ideas of her potentially being more than just a deadly killer angel assassin lady? It didn't matter. Not now. Verd made sure that their conversation moved to the part where they came into the preparations for the meeting. Verd would undergo multiple meetings. The Yusuke were at maximum security. The people involved were high profile. Even the diplomates of crime importance. No one else but the crime lords themselves were allowed to know what was going to happen there anyway. The big meeting where the Yusuke were supposed to bring proof to their innocence. Reclaim their throne at the top of the crime lords and make sure to regain the support of all and defeat and remove those who would dare to deny their claim. The irony wasn't lost to Verdandi as to what her mission objective was supposed to turn these hopes into. But all these meetings soon became dull and Verdandi just wanted to move on to the action and get this all behind her for good.

The day had come at last. Verdandi was wearing a normal, less leathery guard armor. Of course, donning the Yusuke Clan Symbol all over it. Which was good for what was to come. She spent most of her time following the diplomat. In his carriage. Into the building. It couldn't but annoy her that Yuan was the second guard for the Yusuke. Each Clan allowing one boss or diplomat and two guards each. 12 Diplomats. 24 guards. The Yusuke Diplomat and Ozay and their guards each not counted. Verdandi would nod to Ozay once she saw him near the entrance. Followed by two bulky looking guards he moved into the building before them. The diplomat of the Yusuke being some sort of protégé from the Clan Leader. Since they didn't have any family and neither of the brothers wanted to show up. A weak signal from the Yusuke. But certainly, a useful way to explain as to why even he would die. He would be the sacrifice the Yusuke were willing to make to get what they wanted. Verdandi just loved it when the whole stage plays exactly went the way she was hoping for. She sighed and waited, eventually they were allowed to move inside. Getting up some manual elevator until they arrived at the entrance. Verdandi was searched many times as well as all the others. Once past the search, one of the Ozay Clan guards would bump into Verd. Placing a paper scroll against her. Verd would quickly take it and hide it in her cleavage.

Soon the room would open. A large round table with enough seats for exactly 14 persons. It wasn't without irony that the chair where the Yusuke diplomat was to sit, was somewhat fancier and bigger than all the others. The arrogance displayed already upsetting some of the minor Clans that hated it when they were being trampled on by the big ones. The speeches soon began. Introductions. The weird looking faces of crime lords from the minor clans. Looking like figures from comic books. All extravagant to the bone. Donning clothes and appearances far from standards. Face and outfits like penguins, clowns and blue skinned weirdos. Verd was sure the world wouldn't miss them. Eventually she had to make her move. During a timed moment. Ozay stood up from his chair. Giving a sudden, emotional speech about how he is a true friend to the Yusuke, always has been and yet he still demands furiously that their involvement in the disaster at the Raijin wedding had to be cleared. The commotion enough for Verdandi to form a shadow clone behind her. The clone stepping into the darkness behind. Using the silhouette technique to slip from shadows and slowly make use of the sealing scroll Verdandi had handed over to him. Unsealing it the clone had about fifty explosive tags at hand. Starting to evenly place them in elevated spots among the ceiling luckily thanks to the night time having enough shadows to move in.

Even while concealed Verd's Sharingan could see him well. Watching her clone move and climb around like a spider while she silently and valiantly stood there like a statuette. Being a guard was boring. But the conversations went on. The first part was more important. Where the Clan's set their accusations against the Yusuke. Telling them how they felt about their arrogant behaviour and their ignorance. How they were not the right Clan to unify all the crime syndicates. It was amusing. Perfect. But soon would come the moment where the diplomat was about to change the tide. Present the evidence that the Yusuke were without fault or blame in this whole mess. That they had found evidence it must have been an outsider. It would just be a very very unlucky thing if Verdandi and Yuan were tasked to transport this evidence for him and Verd just must have, somehow, misplaced those documents. Yuan was getting restless as the Yusuke diplomat was furious. An intermission for the meeting was called for. Eventually they'd have to get a copy of the files quickly. Now was the time. Verd made sure the only person outside the meeting room would be Ozay and his guards as he went to step out for 'a smoke and to piss' as he mentioned it. But while he was on the toilet and actually started to prepare the backdoor way out. His men shortly dressed in Yusuke clothes, appeared at the entrance and casually started to close the meeting rooms door.

While a few of the guards had noticed it. The calm way the two fake Yusuke's did this didn't leave them all too suspicious until the room actually closed down and they could hear a 'clack' noise. The door shut. "What is this?!" would they ask for, call out. The Yusuke diplomat instantly claiming he had no idea. "You are doing this aren't you? You freak!" some minor guards outside. The perfect witnesses, hit and tossed back as the fake Yusuke Clan members would finally run away with Ozay. The good man quickly getting into a specific hiding spot below the city, into the gutters and into the sewer systems. Verdandi's moment of truth had come. The light would be shut down. She formed another two clones and let all three of them transform. Wearing her Yusuke uniform but having new faces, not retractable to Verdandi as person. To get him out of the way, the Yusuke diplomat went k.o. first. Then the three clones moved into the room to start violently beating up the guards. Save for the few that were caught outside the doors. Verd's first clone crushing the first victims head to a pillar. Kicking the crime lord to the wall. Pulling a knife to stab it into his neck. The other would grab the first guards head, twist it, make it break the bones and twist the head in an instead dead.

The next would be busy smashing the head of a crime lord to the table. The gruesome view driving all of them crazy. Verdandi herself would grab Yuan's palm. Tug him forcefully with her. He didn't understand not until the two of them crashed through a window and watched how the suicide clones, after beating the shit out of their targets. Blew up the whole floor of the meeting place. The explosive tags went off blew everyone to pieces. Everyone, every clone, every crime lord, every diplomat. The only survivors three random guards. Whom would become the messengers of what had happened today. Having seen through some glassy windows how the Yusuke Clan started to attack and murder the leaders before blowing themselves and everyone else to pieces. Verdandi held tight onto Yuan as she fell from the window. Falling two floors until they crashed into a haystack. After all. The escape had been planned as well. It still knocked the tall man out. The impact too much for him. But he would get away with it with minor bruises. Verd was not supposed to save him. He was to die up there with everyone else. But she couldn't kill him. He was good and nice. Not someone worthy to be blown to pieces. She sighed to herself as she waited in the rain of the night until he woke up. His mind blurry. Explaining to him that they both failed. That the summit was attacked. That everyone else was dead safe for some other guards.

Yuan knew what this meant. It was his failure. He'd have to report it to his leader. But he probably already heard of the news. Probably already knew what had happened here today and the utter disgrace it had brought upon the Yusuke Clan. The hate it had caused for them and the ultimate political downfall. It was that night. When all Clans would declare absolute open war against the Yusuke and promise that they would not rest until they were eradicated. Verdandi begged Yuan to come with her to Ozay. To hide there and wait it all out. But he didn't. His sense of duty, honour and pride was too present to just toss these values aside. He would leave and Verd wouldn't see him for a long, long time. Not before the end of this chapter at least. And so, Verdandi went home. Despite a perfect success. She was heavy hearted. Not because she really loved him as much he probably did her. But because she could feel the pain she had caused inside him and the monster she had been from his point of view. Even if he had no clue it was her. Or maybe he did. Maybe he did realize it now. That she had fooled him all along. Verd arrived back at Ozay's place. He was there too already. Overjoyed by the result of the mission. But Verdandi didn't feel like celebrating. She just wanted to wash the shame off her skin and hope it wouldn't leave any stains.



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