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Mission Taken - In Case of Emergency (B-Rank):

I hope things get better from here on out.

Niala sat behind the nurses station wearing the same dusty pink colored scrubs she had started her shift in - out of everything that had happened so far nothing had got on her that would have forced her to have to change. She was in one of many rolling chairs, hunched over a section of the long desk with two files open in front of her: a set of completed ones already stacked off to her left that was about ten folders - and now eleven as she added another to the pile - tall. Since the abuse case had come in the evening had been fairly smooth sailing, minus questions here and there from other members of staff to see if she was alright and if she wanted to continue her shift. Many of them had got an eyeful of just how large the young girl’s abusive father was when he was practically carried out by three members of law enforcement and the sheer size difference between the pair had garnered Niala some sympathy - as well as some looks from the male staff who seemed a mixture of amused and weary that she had taken on such a brute and made it out of the room without a scratch on her pretty little head. One of these male members of staff had even worked up the courage to ask her out, ending with Naila rejecting him as nicely as possible before making a hasty exit made possible by a crying baby in need of a shot of medicine to lower an already low-grade fever.

Her next patient after the abuse case had been a boy who had very clearly broken his wrist in a fall while playing a game - the kids he had been playing with had piled into his ER room and were all high-fiving each other over the fact that even though their friend had broken his wrist he had made a miraculous save and won them the game. She had patched the kid up and sent him on his way along with his friends - each one demanding a high five from her for her ‘excellent doctor work’ in helping their buddy as they had put it. Following that case had been someone clearly drug seeking - there wasn’t an injury on their body, and after a quick chakra scan it had been revealed there was nothing wrong internally either: no reason at all for the patient to be claiming that they were in excruciating pain. Niala had simply called security discreetly and had the person removed, marking the drug seeking behavior in the file so that it would always be part of that person’s information for future reference. Following that had been a first-time set of parents who were freaking out because their baby had a mild non-threatening cold and a very low grade fever. She had administered appropriate medication along with intravenous fluids to prevent the baby from becoming dehydrated, and then had sent them on the way with discharge instructions to come back should the fever spike higher than one-hundred degrees or if a rash should occur. Following that Niala had been about to take a quick break to grab a cup of herbal tea when a man had been directed through the doors with a bandage wrapped around his hand, escorted by his clearly upset wife. She had taken the case immediately and found that the man had been attempting a home do it yourself project and had been trying to carve a design into a chair when his knife had stuck hard in the wood and then broken free and right into the man’s hand. The man had taken the whole ordeal much better than his wife who had assured Niala she was certain he was bleeding to death despite the blood not even having seeped through the bandage. Niala, while keeping a very good poker face to keep from chuckling at the woman’s hysterics, had simply healed the man up good as new and sent him on his way with a suggestion about getting some professional help with his carving project.

No sooner had that pair been discharged had Niala received news from another nurse that her drug-seeker was back, only this time she had broken her wrist - and from the looks of things it had been done on purpose. Much to the woman’s dismay - as she had immediately upon seeing Niala demanded something for pain - Niala had simply used a minor numbing jutsu on the woman’s wrist to take the pain away and then had set it and healed it good as new before discharging her and sending her on her way. The woman had left, but not before a few nasty choice words to Niala and an insult about her mother: all of which Niala had simply brushed off of her shoulders instead of letting it get under her skin. From that point Niala had ended up with a child who had shoved a tiny toy cat up her nose followed by a tiny toy firetruck and a tiny toy policeman. While Niala had clearly complimented the little girl on her attempt to rescue the kitten with fireman and the police, she simply removed the objects from the child’s nose and advised her that next time she shouldn’t stick anything up there at all. The frazzled mother had said her thanks before the pair had likewise left, discharge papers in hand along with the requested baggie of removed objects as well.

Every situation changes us for better or worse. Or, perhaps it just opens our eyes to the cold and horrible truth.

As Niala sat there, jotting down notes in the last of the files from the other non-mentioned situations that had occurred so far she couldn’t help but to think back to the first. Doctor Kobayashi had done what most doctors wouldn’t have dared, giving the woman more than enough money to restart her life with her daughter, as well as a place to live away from the bad memories their home had. It was more than Niala could have ever done had she attempted to handle that situation, and it had given her a goal to strive towards. This had only become more cemented within her mind when the young girl whom she had protected and healed had graced her with a hug and words of thanks: she had returned the hug and simply whispered that there was no reason to thank her, she was happy to help. It was a situation that she felt had made a mark on her very soul - especially due to the darkness that had crept into her if even for one of the briefest of moments. She had wanted so badly to hurt the girl’s abusive father. It hadn’t mattered that he was laying on the floor, unable to move as he convulsed and seized. It hadn’t mattered to her one bit that he was already in a hell of a lot of pain due to the technique that Niala had used on him. All she had known in that moment was that she had wanted to torture him, to hurt him, to go against the oath of “first do no harm” that she had taken upon become a medical professional. Thoughts like that weren’t like Niala: she was a sweet and kind girl who simply wanted to help people, and to see no one suffer. Yet, in that moment she had. In that moment darkness had wrapped around her very soul and demanded she lash out. She hadn’t, but she had come close: closer than she ever wanted to admit to anyone.

With the thoughts of the darkness she had almost embraced still fresh in her mind she closed the last folder after signing her name and added it to the stack of cases she had already dealt with that evening. The cases were added into a drawer which she locked moments later, where they would remain until the filing clerk came and picked them up during his or her next rounds. Seeing no one around and feeling as if she needed some breathing room, Niala stood up and after a moment of stretching made a bee-line down the hall and towards the nurse’s lounge, slipping in before she could be noticed and called off to do something by one of the other nurses.

The room was comfortable and cool, furnished with plush chairs and lots of tables. The place smelled like coffee, and there was a machine and a teapot in the corner to supply the constant caffeine needs of the medical staff. It was to this teapot that Niala made her way, snagging a clean mug off of the counter and wiping it out with a paper towel to ensure it was clean - tossing the used paper towel in the nearby trash can. She took a moment to pick through the flavors of tea, using it as a means to distract her from where her mind currently was. Eventually she decided on a cinnamon flavored tea bag, popping it into her cup and leaving the string to hang out as she poured hot water into the cup. Grabbing a few packs of sugar she headed to one of the tables nearby where she sat and sighed, glad that the room was empty. With her mind clouded she found herself staring into her tea once more, watching as the clear water slowly began to tint to a brownish red, unaware of the way her hands shook as she thought back to how strongly the dark urges had been for her when it came to that brute of a man. “I’m turning into a monster…”, she muttered beneath her breath. She had another eight hours of her shift: she knew she had to get it together.

Word Count: 1,665


There was little to no conversation between Daremo and Niala on their way to make a copy of the updated medical report. It was needing to be done to keep this situation from happening again in the future. With the amount of injuries Madoka sustain, disguised as accidents, someone should had noticed something was not right with the situation. No matter how accident prone a child was, the number of hospital visits were too high to be considered ‘normal’. There was no excuse for the abuse to continue as long as it did without someone bringing it to the authorities attention. Of course, nothing happen until now, when two outsiders, him and Niala, stepped in and did what so many were too afraid of doing.

”Disgusting.”, Daremo silently mused, looking at the nurses and fellow doctors who were all looking at him and Niala as they made their way down the hallway. The being looks of sympathy, whispers of disbelief, and looks of envious and, in a few cases, anger, all thrown in their direction. It was apparent, the looks of anger came from those who were well aware of the abuse, and probably had some hand in keeping is hush-hush amongst the staff. It would not be surprising for the doctor, people would do anything to help themselves, even turning their back on those in need.

Oh how he wanted to scoff at the looks of sympathy thrown at Niala from some of the staff. Only an hour of working with the Iwagakure no Sato shinobi, Daremo knew the girl did not need anyone sympathy. She was strong and mentally tough as the rocks which comprised his homeland. If anyone needed sympathy, it was young Madoka and Ms. Takahashi, the pair having put up with the abuse for ages. Coming back to the hospital time after time, desperately hoping someone read between the lines, see the unwritten story, and get the proper people involved. Yet, none of that happened, only disappointment, and continue suffering. ”On second thought, they do not need your sympathy either.”, Daremo realized, the people being just as guilty as those who had something to gain from the girl’s abuse. While they did not have a hand in making it worse, they still did nothing to help with the situation. They continued on with their lives, and tried to ignore their own guilt

In his eyes, everyone of these doctors and nurses were guilty in having a hand in the girl’s abused, and should be handed punishment accordingly. Though, that was just wishful thinking on his part, he knew nothing would come from the actions. A pre-scripted apology will come out, and proclaim no one realize the abuse was occurring followed by congratulating himself and Niala for dealing with the man. Everything would be fake, lacking true emotions. The hospital not truly caring for what had occurred, only caring about saving face in the public’s eyes. Before his thoughts to go any further, the pair arrived at achieved room. For the next twenty minutes, Daremo helped Niala with updating the medical file, explaining every injury and it’s cause in detail, along with putting in any other relevant information. There, in big red letter, being a warning about the father being combative with no qualms in attacking anyone.  This way, if the man somehow come back searching for his wife and daughter, the staff will know everything they needed about him. Furthermore, the old medical file would be kept in case they were needed in the future. After the updating Madoka’s medical file, the pair, well more like Niala, wrote up the incident report with Daremo helping her when asked.

Walking out of the room, Daremo watched as some staff member came up to ask them question regarding the accident. Even the nurse, who he talked to prior of meeting Niala, came up to the pair, and expressed her gratitude for what they did. Briefly she spoke, in hush tone, about having tried to get the authorities involved but the higher up told her they would handle it. Months having passed, Madoka coming in for more injuries, with nothing being done about it. The nurse saying how she was persistence in trying to get someone’s attention regarding the situation until eventually the higher-up convinced her to not say anything else. When asked what they had over her, the nurse promptly excused herself, and went about her way.

A few other tried talking to Niala, but Daremo came up with the excuse of them being needed elsewhere, and that, instead of conversating, they should be trying to help the injured within the hospital. With that being said, the doctors and nurses went about their way, leaving the pair alone. No soon after everything returned to normal, Daremo was called to give a crying baby a shot for their low-grade fever. Instead of doing it himself, he had Niala take control of the situation. He simply watched the nurse performed her duty with care and professionalism, even going as far to soothe the crying child before ministering the shoot, the area being numbed with an elementary medical technique so the child would not feel anything.

Nodding in approval, the pair heard loud noises coming from the main entrance. Upon investigating, they came to the sight of a bunch of civilian kids from a local team. One of their members having broken their arm upon making a miraculous, their words, save which won them the game. Once again, Daremo took a backseat to this patient, watching as Niala properly set the bone before using medical chakra to heal it. Usually there is no need to set a broken bone before applying medical chakra to stimulate rapid healing, but, Daremo is a strong component for such actions because it lessen the amount of chakra needed to perform such actions. After a round of high-fives from the boy’s teammates, Daremo and Niala continued their duties.

”I really hate druggies, and those who support the action.”, He silently mused, watching as Niala discreetly called security to escort the druggie out of the hospital. The medical scan showing nothing was wrong with said female, and that she was just here to get a ‘fix’ either for herself or to sell it to others who were dependent on the pharmaceutical drugs as she was. There were no doubt in his mind that the woman would return, in an attempt to seek out some gullible doctor or nurse in getting them the drugs they sought after.  As Niala made a note of the druggie’s action in the file, Daremo took a minute too look over their medical record. The woman having come in countless of times, with her being prescribed a narcotic a number of times by the same nurse and doctor. That will have to be looked into at a later time, but, for now, he would remember the folder number for reference.

Following that incident, Daremo watched as Niala dealt with a pair of first-time parents who were freaking out over their baby having mild non-threatening cold and a very low grade fever. While she ministered the necessary shot, Daremo personally talked to the parents, giving them advice as one parent to another. It seemingly doing the trick to ease their worrying as they soon left afterwards with instruction on what to do if the fever got worse.

Break was a quick and quiet affair with him being lost in his own thoughts, wondering about his wife and children. Curious in what they were doing right about now, and how they were they handling his absence? He knew Kaia-mai was strong, but the kids, this would be the first time where their father was not there for them. He wonders how they were handling it, and would they still love him when he returns? The thought of them hating him was not something he would like to think about.

Luckily, he would not have a chance to dwell of those depressing thoughts any longer as they were called to deal with another patient. Just like all the other times, Daremo watched how Niala handle dealing with the patient. This time being a calm man, and his hysterical wife, who got hurt when a broken knife hit his hand when he was trying to carve a design in the door. It was truly amazing how different people handled the same injuries. While the man was just treating it as some nonconsequential, the woman was going on the deep in, saying that her husband was bleeding out, when there were no blood to prove such. No sooner after the man was sent on his way, the druggie from before returned.

Daremo mentally sighed as he noticed the self-inflicted wound. It was oblivious the woman had broken her own wrist in order to get pain killers. Her attempt to cheat the system by self-harming herself was one of the oldest tricks in the book, and while others might fall for it, Daremo would not. But, it seemed, Niala also saw through what the woman was doing, and instead of falling into her trap, the nurse set and then healed the wrist before discharging the woman. Some nasty words were said at Niala by the discharged woman, and Daremo nodded in approval when she did not react to them. “In this profession, you will meet people like that.”, Daremo spoke as they went onto their next case; a child having shoved three tiny toys of their nose, in an attempt to ‘rescue’ the first toy.

While Niala dealt with removing to foreign objects from the child’s nose, Daremo talked to the mother, asking how was this something normal. Apparently, the child did this a lot, but, this being the first time they shoved three toys up their nose. The frazzled mother blaming her husband for buying such small toys, and promise to get rid of thm, buying bigger ones that couldn't be shoved up the nose. Once the child had been taking care of Daremo had plans to continue watching over Niala’s work, but he was called away for a minor surgery that needed his skills. Despite Niala being under him, she was not allowed to come due to the sensitive of the case. With that in mind, Daremo told Niala to busy herself until he comes to find her again.

Having disposed of the surgical gear, Daremo walked out of the operational room, getting a pat on his back for the successful surgery. ”Poor guy will have scarring for the rest of his life.”. Daremo silently mused while walking through the hallways in search for Niala. After asking a few people, he was told the girl was seen walking towards the nurse lounge. Thanking the individual for the information, Daremo made his way towards previous said destination.

Right when he walked into the semi-spacious room, his eyes locked onto Niala, the only person in the area, who was sitting down at a table. Moving towards the teapot, Daremo snagged a muff and paper towel. Using the paper towel to wipe out the muff, and throwing the used towel into the trash. Without thinking about it, Daremo grabbed cinnamon flavored tea bag, popping it into his cup and leaving the string hanging out as he poured hot water into the cup. “What is this about you being a monster?”, He spoke, the question aimed at the only person in the room, as he sat in the chair in front of her, “You are so far from being a monster, hatchling. You are still pure” It was on mere accident on his part for calling Niala a ‘hatchling’; the term being used a lot when he dealt with the komodo dragons. He hope she would not look at him too weirdly, “I on the other hand. . .”, Daremo chuckled, shaking his head before looking back at Niala, his reptilian eyes boring into her own, “Is this have to do about the Madoka’s sperm donor?” The words were slightly cass as he did not refer to the man as Madoka’s father but sperm donor. Nevertheless, he was curious if the reason why she called herself a ‘monster’ dealt with what happened that man.

Word Count: 2052




She was definitely off her ‘game’.

As the door to the nurse’s lounge opened Niala almost jumped a mile, the startled response she had mostly trained to no longer exist suddenly coming back with a vengeance. Glancing up from the now brownish red water in her cup, courtesy of her steeping tea, she focused her blue eyed gaze onto Daremo as he headed over to the same place she had stood only seconds before. She noticed the red packaging of the tea he grabbed, realizing that they had made the same choice in flavor. Yet, instead of her gaze lingering she returned it back to her cup, taking notice for the first time just how much her usually steady hands were shaking. Withdrawing her hands from around her cup she slipped them beneath the table, opening and closing them several times in an attempt to get the shaking to stop. Only when she was sure she could control it to a workable degree did her hands emerge once more, busying herself with picking up several packets of sugar and ripping them open before adding the white crystals into the brew before her.

It was while she was in the middle of pouring sugar into her cup that she heard his inquiry about her monster comment, causing her for the second time to become slightly startled - though this time she had nearly dropped the now empty small packets of sugar into the cup. Niala took her time as she forumalated her thoughts, Daremo’s words registering within her mind as he continued to speak. When he told her that she was far from a monster - the hatchling comment not really registering with her at that time - and still pure unlike himself, she found herself thinking back to the thoughts and emotions she had been feeling only two hours ago. Not only that but she found herself thinking back even further than that, back to her last few weeks spent in Iwagakure, and then beyond that to the way she had been when living in Sunagakure. She was as different as night was from day now compared to then.

If you knew how I used to be, then you wouldn’t be saying that.

The thought crossed her mind as she rose from her chair, both to throw the sugar packets away that were empty - which she said upon walking back over to the counter - as well as to grab one of many plastic spoons available for use so that she could stir her tea. She used the time to think about how she wanted to respond so that as she sat back down and sighed softly she already knew what she wanted to say. Indeed, as she began to use the spoon to stir the sugar into her tea so that it would absorb it better, she found her blue eyed gaze focusing back onto Daremo who had taken a seat across from her. “You mentioned knowing my mother, so you know that we’re originally from Sunagakure, and not Iwagakure.” The girl paused long enough to remove her spoon from her tea cup and place it down on a clean napkin to ensure none of it got onto the table - though she ignored her tea for the moment in favor of keeping her gaze on Doctor Kobayashi. “I guess, when I say I’m turning into a monster, what I mean is I’m like night and day compared to how I was back then. I was such a happy person in Sunagakure. I never had a dark thought in my head: my father used to joke that I should just get a job in the hospital, and moonlight as one of those people who play with puppets just for shows and the amusement of others because I didn’t have a mean or hurtful bone in my body.” A sigh escaped her, her mind back in time, giving her gaze a faraway look. “Yet, the thoughts going through my head when that…” she paused for a moment, her brain wanting to spew out a variety of vial words to describe the person she was talking about despite the still professional setting, “ was laying there on the floor… I guess I scared myself. I wanted to hurt him, I wanted to torture him just to do it, just to hear him scream. There was no reason for it, he couldn’t even move. Yet, in that moment it didn’t matter, and honestly? Had you, that little girl, and her mother not been in that room I might have acted on that impulse.”

She found herself stopping there for a moment, picking up her tea cup and ignore the steam rising from it as she brought it to her lips and took a sip. The warm liquid felt as if it were spreading throughout her body, warming her very soul and giving her the strength to continue on - there was, after all, more to this sudden freak out of hers than just some dark thoughts aimed at one single person. “In that brief moment before he was hauled away I could see exactly what I would have done to him. It was like my brain went into overdrive. I knew where everything in that room was, and each and every tool became, in that moment, an instrument I could use to inflict pain and suffering. I wanted to give back to him not just every wound or injury he ever made that little girl suffer, but more. I didn’t even want to kill him: I wanted to leave him alive, broken and suffering, left at the mercy of whoever was taking care of him.” There it was, the truth out on the table - or most of it. This wasn’t the only situation that was bothering her, but it was enough that she half expected to be escorted out by security at any moment and barred from the hospital for the rest of her existence. She hadn’t meant to go on for so long, to give as much detail as she had about the thoughts in her head, and yet once she had started to open up about it it had all come spewing out.

I suppose I might as well put it all out there, I’m expecting to be booted from the hospital anyway.

Niala once more focused her attention onto her tea, wrapping her slender fingers around the almost too warm cup and bringing it to her lips to take another sip of the delicious cinnamon brew inside. “It’s more than just that.. Man… that is making believe I’m a monster though - if not at least changing.” Another sigh parted her lips: she might as well spill everything, at least it would be good to get it off of her chest. “Not long after my mom, dad, twin brother and I moved to Iwagakure a rich kid named Hibiki showed some interest in me. It was innocent at first, then not so much. He started following me around to the places I liked to be: he’d find reasons to be in the library when he never really was before, or he’d suddenly show up at my favorite cafe, and so on. I brushed it off at first, but after a while I realized he was stalking me. He knew my name even though I hadn’t given it to him, and then one day… he showed up at my house. He started beating on the door, demanding to see me. Said he knew I was home because I wasn’t in any of my other favorite places. Thankfully I wasn’t home alone, and my mom and dad left my twin, Kensaku, to handle the guy. I was standing just out of sight when they were talking, and it was like something snapped inside of me when Hibiki threatened to ruin my brother’s career if Kensaku didn’t basically force me to date him. I had been working on my first puppet at the time, a realistic panda bear, and it came together in that moment and I just reacted. I had my puppet go out the window and around to the porch. I… I scared the guy so badly he urinated on himself in terror. Yet, it wasn’t enough. I got in his face to threaten him, yet… I also wanted that up close view to see the terror in his eyes that I had caused. I… I like it. I like what I saw, I liked knowing that I had scared him so badly because he threatened my brother.”

A pause, another sip of tea, and then she was back to focusing her gaze onto Daremo. “After that I didn’t see the Hibiki anymore, but I found myself being stalked. It was just a feeling at first; hair on the back of my neck standing up, feeling like I was being watched though I couldn’t figure out where the stares were coming from, and a general sense of unease. All the signs I, and every Academy student before me, were taught not to ignore. Yet, I couldn’t figure out who was watching me or why: I didn’t want to worry my brother, or my parents, so I kept it to myself. Then, I was out with my mom in the market one day when she felt it too. That’s when I opened up about feeling like I was being stalked. My father immediately started training me - he wanted to toughen me up in case I was ever in the position where I couldn’t get to my puppets or rely on them: at that point I had focused my medical skills on healing only, and not causing harm because I wasn’t the type of person to want to inflict injury on someone. Yet, as he began to train me, and as my stalker began to make his appearance known, I started kind of hoping I would bump into him down some dark back alley. I started teaching myself medical techniques that wouldn’t just heal, but harm. My next puppet that came around ended up designed more to inflict injury, unlike my previous one, than for pure defense.” Niala frowned, thoughtfully. “I realize I’ve changed so much, in such a short period of time, that it frightens me to think about what I might be like in just another month or two at the rate that I’m changing…”

Sometimes I wish I could read minds, if only to know what people were thinking about me.

She stopped there and simply focused on sipping her tea. She had spilled her proverbial guts to Daremo and she could only imagine what he was thinking about her, or what he was going to say. She had admitted, point blank, to wanting to cause harm to someone: to wanting to torture them. She had stepped so far away from the oath of ‘first do no harm’ that she had taken that it was almost unbelievable. To want to hurt someone just to do it? Yeah, she was a far different person than she had been only a month or two ago. She had changed so much, so quickly, she was rather frightened of the type of person she was going to be in the future. What was her future going to look like? Still, there was nothing she could do about it, just like there was nothing she could do about this situation: she had spilled her guts, told Daremo everything, and now she was going to simply have to see where the cards fell. Would he have her committed because she was slowly becoming a danger to others? Would he have her removed from hospital grounds and banned from returning? She deserved either, and expected even more.

Word Count: 1,990 | 3,655


The number of times he had ventured into the nurses, or doctors, lounge could be counted on both of his hands. The man did not bother in entering the places, unless absolutely necessary or when having to find a nurse, or doctor, for whatever reason at the time. There being some rumors that nurses hung out here to escape their duties or to gossip about fellow patients or colleagues, distinguishing such activities as them taking a break from a hard shift. For him, he could not be bother in consciously doing either of the aforementioned things when there were lives at stake. Hence why the only reason he was about to step into the nurse’s lounge was to find Niala, and see how she is holding up before escorting back out to continue their duties.

Stepping into the surprisingly empty room, Daremo zeroed in on the woman who he had been searching for, when she had seemingly jumped from the sudden commotion of the door being opened and closed. Either her situational awareness were shit, or, she were so deep in her own thoughts that she subconsciously tuned out the outside world, only coming to when the sudden noise of the door open jarring her back to reality. He doubt her sudden movement was from her lack of skills, she seem fairly competent in that rather, therefore, he could only assume she was drowning in her own thoughts. He had a fairly good idea what was bothering the woman. The incident this morning with Ms. Takakashi’s, now, ex-husband would rattle anyone who is not used to deal with the particular situation on a daily basis. Even the most successful nurses and doctors have walked away from the occupation after dealing with a combatant person like that guy. Some people simply could not handle it, and he wonder was Niala one of those people?

Instead of making his way towards the table she sat at, Daremo moved towards the teapot against the wall in front of him. His fingers idly running across the cool metal of the chairs which were passed by onto the destination. Grabbing a plain black mug and sitting it on the today, Daremo reached and snatched a paper towel off of it’s roll. It being tossed into the trash once the mug was thoroughly clean. Without thinking too much, Daremo grabbed a cinnamon flavored tea bag, and paused upon realizing it. “Kaia-mai.”, He mutter barely above a whisper as he thought about his wife. The cinnamon tea being one of her favorites, though not to the extent of her Bubblegum tea. Though he had always been fond of cinnamon tea, he really did not start drinking it extensively until he met, and fell in love, Kaia-mai. It being one of many of changes within in life.

Pushing the thoughts of Kaia-mai, and his twins to the back of his mind, unless he want to continuously wonder what they were doing right now, and if they were safe, Daremo focused on preparing the tea. Watching as the steam rose from the mug when hot water was added, after the tea bag had been placed inside with the string hanging from the corner. He took his time in walking towards Niala. Reptilian yellow eyes focusing on her, looking at her with curiosity as he tried to figure her out.

Sitting in the chair a front of her, Daremo ignored how Niala nearly dropped the empty sugar packets into her tea when he inquired about what he heard earlier: she believing herself to be a monster. It was ridiculous, and he made sure to tell her that, dispute her claim of being a monster. The girl before him was anything but a monster. If she was a monster than he is a damn demon of the worse kind. A monster she was not. She was more of a saint than anything else. There were monsters in the world, and as he told her, one was sitting in front of her.

Waiting for her to reply, Daremo stared into his mug, watches as the one clear liquid had become a light brown color. The stem wafting the rich cinnamon aroma throughout the air. Inhaling, the smell bringing him back to times spent with Kaia-mai, the two of them, curled up on the couch watching a movie today with the kids spending time with their great grandparents. The thought bringing a soft smile to his face. Instead of shoving the thoughts to the corner of his mind, he allowed them to flourish as a comfortable silences descended in the lounge, only being broken by the noise from outside of the room.

Catching movement in front of him, Daremo’s lifted his head, watching as Niala rose from the chair to apparently toss the empty packets into the trash and to grab a spoon. As she was coming back to sit down, had already removed the teabag within his mug, letting it drain before putting it on a saucer to the left of him; he would throw it out later. Again, there was a comfortable silence between the two, only being disturbed by the small ‘clinks’ from Niala stirring up her tea. Yellow, reptilian, predatory eyes met blue innocent ones as Daremo patiently waited for Niala to speak what was clearly on her mind.

”Better than you might think.”, Daremo mused, nodding his head in confirmation of knowing her mother, along with where they originated from. Sunagakure no Sato not being that far from where he was reborn as a medical expert known as Daremo. It was quite interesting how similar they were. While he originated from Iwagakure no Sato, not like she knew that, he left it for reasons of his own, and found himself in Kaze no Kuni before the hidden village destruction. If one believed in fate, there was a good chance he could have been a shinobi of Sunagakure no Sato, but alas that was not the case for reasons. . .

There she goes again, calling herself a monster. He did not make a comment about it right away, allowing her to explain why she believed she was turning into one. Nothing was said as he listen to her speak on being a generally happy person, lacking any dark thoughts. How Genki used to joke that she should get a job at the hospital, and work as a person who uses their puppets for entertainment purposes, not for killing. He did not show any sign of surprise at hearing the Genki did not want his daughter to become a shinobi. Despite the man’s aggressive personality, he figured there was something more to him than that,

”What are you thinking?’, Daremo pondered, noticing the faraway look in Niala’s eyes. It did not take long for his unspoken question to be answered. “You wanted to say something different, didn’t you?”, He mused, the slight hesitation from her when she spoke about Madoka’s sperm donor told him that Niala had a strong dislike, maybe even hatred for the abusive man. The assumption been correct when she admit of wanting to hurt, possibly torture, the man more despite him being incapacitated. It was when she pause to take a sip of her tea did Daremo speak,  “Anyone in your position would have felt the same way about that man.  I know I did. And, if I was not on duty, or it happened when no one was around? Well, the man wouldn’t be amongst the living.”. The casual way he talked about killing the man was if he was talking about the weather or some other mundane tasks. There were no evil nor darkness within his voice, it was as if he was talking to a friend over some boring topic. “I would not worry about that man. There is no way he can hurt anyone again.”, He whispered loud enough for Niala to hear him, and also dropping a sinister hint at what happened to Madoka’s father.  Would Niala figured out that he had set into motion events that would end with the man dying before the end of the day due to medical complications? If she did figure it out, he wonder what she would do with the knowledge. Would she report him? Or, would she keep it to herself for whatever reason?

Taking a sip of the tea, savoring the taste of the brown liquid sliding down his throat, Daremo focus on Niala. ”She really did want to torture him.”, Daremo mused, who would have guess she had it in her? Then again, considering who her parents where, it should not be surprising that she had such thoughts. “It seems the apple did not fall too far from the true.”, Daremo did not elaborate on the statement, instead, turnt to speaking on what she had said, “What you felt? That’s normal. It means you are human, and have semblance of justice. I would have been more concern if you did not feel those things towards that man. Only the most emotionless people can look at such actions without a remote ounce of hatred.  What he did was unspeakable, especially considering the age of the victim. And, he deserved all you mentioned, and more. Though, this is where we are different. You would want to leave him at the mercy of whoever his caretaker might be. Me? I would just drop him off in abandoned shack in an isolated place and let Mother Nature hand out justice. I would not give the man a luxury to taint another person, ever. The man do not deserve any mercy.”  Taking another sip of the tea, Daremo allowed the girl before him to contemplate the words he had spoke. How he would have not bother showing mercy for such a man. How he would have left the man to die in the wilderness, letting nature handle the trash.  How would she react to such words?

It would seem that there were still more to what all was eating at Niala. The girl admitting the incident with the man only played a part in her swirling thoughts. Daremo did not speak, only tentatively listen, while taking sips of the tea, as she spoke about her stalker. Some boy named Hibiki having demanded her to go out on a date with him, going as far as to threaten the career of her twin. ”Oh, that sounds oddly familiar.”, Daremo silently mused, thinking back to the woman he killed who pulled a similar stunt on him when he was an Iwa-nin. Though he did not say anything, he did nod his head in approval of the girl scaring the boy to the point he urinated on himself. Her admission of wanting a close-up view of the terror within the boy’s eyes did not phrase Daremo in the slightest, who only took another sip of the delicious tea.

Only the voice of Niala was heard throughout the lounge, as she spilled more of what have been bothering her. Having not seen the boy in awhile, she apparently gained a stalker. Daremo could only assume it was Hibiki or someone else who had taking an interest in young Niala for whatever reason. The girl having admit secretly wanting to bump into the stalker in a dark alley, to, this being an assumption, teach the individual a lesson. She having grown confident after her father started training her more extensively. She having also talk taking a look into using medical techniques in an offensive manner. There was a frown on her face as she realize how much she had changed in the passed month or so.

For a few moments he remained quiet, and just gingerly sipped on his tea, eyes never leaving the girl before him. “Well.”, the sound of his mug being placed on the table was heard, “I can say without a doubt, you are not a monster.” He allowed the words to sink in. “All I see is a young girl who having to adapt to the occupation of a killer.” He did not give her a chance to respond, “Yes, you heard me right. You are adapting and evolving to handle the stress that comes with being a professional killer. Do not for one second think Shinobis are anything but glorified killers. For, at the root of it all, the only thing separating us from those who we hunt is we justify our actions in the name of a village, and a Daimyo. Family and friends? Everyone, on some level, fight for those things. You are young. And, from what I can see, you are just now seeing the harsh reality of this world. No longer are you protected from certain truths. You are not facing them yourself, and having to deal with the aftermath. Wanting to cause pain to those who hurt you, your family and friends, or the innocence? That is perfectly normal. We all want to save the those things. They are what keeps us grounded, and not fall to far into the abyss.”

Daremo took a moment to let his word sink in, and allow Niala to comment on anything said so far, before continuing on, “Let me tell you a story.”, A sigh escaping his lips as he thought about what he was about to do. Seeming how she told him much about herself, he guess it was fair to do the same, “I was born and raised in a village in Tsuchi no Kuni. My upbringing was anything but normal. I did not know who my father was, nor my siblings. My mother was a bodyguard for numerous of Geisha houses. These were not your normal Geisha houses, for, the performers did sexual favors. I was raised in that environment, and had my first sexual encounter at the age of seven. Others would follow soon afterwards with varying noblewomen, and some men seeking me out. My mother allowed it to happen. Did I hate her? No, I knew what I was getting into. My sisters, the other geishas, did not hide from me what they did. They taught me everything they knew and then some. Nevertheless, the sexual things in the past is not the point.” He did not know how she would react to that tidbit of information, “I was six when I first killed someone. Bashed the guy skull in after he abused one of my sisters a bit too much. Killing was something I did throughout my life. I having lost count of the number of people I killed either for a village, or to protect someone I cared about, or because they simply pissed me off. Do I enjoy it? No. Do I regret it? Not one bit, for I killed those people because I felt it was the right thing to do. The people left behind, the fathers, mothers, sons and daughters will forever curse my name to the darkest and damndest pits in hell. Saying all of that, I know I am a monster, but I am also a husband to a beautiful wife, and the father of two beautiful children”

Again he allowed a chance for Niala to making a comment about what he had just admitted, “You are no monster Niala. You are far from it. You are still too pure to be considered as a young monster. Furthermore, do not worry about labeling yourself as such. For the moment you start labeling yourself is when you try to become that label. Just continue being who you are. Do not worry about those thoughts for everyone has them. Just be you, and damn everything else. For at the end of the day, as long as you can look yourself in the mirror without disgust than there is nothing to worry about.” Having said what he wanted to say, Daremo waited to see how Niala would respond.

Word Count: 2,665 | 4,717




Perhaps this is just what I needed to do, and perhaps these were the words I needed to hear.

Niala didn’t know if Doctor Kobayashi caught her pauses when mentioning the man who had sired that little girl, nor did she know if he realized the reasons why was because she wanted to call him anything other than her father. She didn’t want to connect that sweet and innocent little girl with such a brute, with such a bastard. It felt almost disrespect to the little girl and her mother - evil even, to associate something so pure and innocent with something so dark and vile. Yet, somehow she suspected he did, somehow she knew deep down that he knew what that pause was about, that he knew the reason behind each and every one.

As Niala fell momentarily silent it gave Daremo a chance to speak, and as she sipped her tea she hung on his every word. According to the man seated across from her anyone in her position would have done the same, they would have had the same thoughts. He even went so far as to admit that had they been in another situation, or had no one been around, the man wouldn’t have been left living. He spoke the words so casually it was as if he could be talking about any other topic, and it was a bit unnerving in a way. Her father, Genki, always tried to shelter her, he never spoke of the darker aspects of his mission, and if he had to he did so as tentatively as possible. Then, Daremo was speaking words that made her think twice about the man who had been escorted out by the three guards: he wouldn’t be hurting anyone else again? There was a hint to something darker and more sinister in Daremo’s whispered words, something that told her he perhaps had a hand in that. She found herself replaying the events of those last few minutes over again, the way that Daremo had leaned down as casually as any doctor could as if he were checking the mans vitals. Could he had been doing something different? She was too afraid to ask, despite how strong her curiosity was. Yet, even still, Niala knew in that moment that even if he had, even if he outright admitted it to her and handed her the proof to boot, she would never turn him in for it. There was a satisfaction that she got from the idea that the man could never find nor harm that family again, and if this was how it was done then so be it. When Daremo continued to explain that what she felt was normal, that having not felt that would have made her a monster, she couldn’t help but to nod her head - he had a point after all. Daremo went on to explain how he wouldn’t even dignify the man a caretaker, he would have just broken him and dropped him off in some abandoned shack for whatever to wander along and have its way with him - there was something in the way he spoke that told her he wasn’t kidding.

It feels so good to get this all off my chest; to be able to talk to someone I don’t have to worry about scaring.

Yes, there was something definitely freeing about having Daremo to talk to. When it came to her twin, or her parents, or even her best friend, she worried about upsetting them. She held back on certain topics because she feared worrying them when they realized she wasn’t the innocent little girl she had once been. So she kept things bottled up, she kept them hidden, and that caused them to eat away at her. Yet, here and now she was able to bring these topics up, to discuss them with someone who had the experience to give her proper feedback. This feedback came in a sentence that caused her to look up from her tea and stare straight at Daremo: she was simply adapting to become the killer she was. It was all shinobi were. Anyone else in her position would have argued, they would have rebuttled that that wasn’t the case, and yet Niala knew it was. All of her training, all of the learning she had gone through, it was preparing her to take the lives of those deemed an enemy or a threat.

What a life you have led, but I don’t think you’re a monster either.

Niala went silent, sipping at her tea as Daremo began his story. His life from the start hadn’t been what most people’s were. By the time he was seven he had had his first sexual encounter, and his mother - a bodyguard for numerous Geisha houses - had allowed it to happen. Yet, despite this, he didn’t hate his mother for it, and he continued on to explain that he was six when he had taken his first life: though from his words it was in defense of someone else. He went on to admit that was only one life in the many he had taken for one reason or another, and that he regretted nothing. Despite all of this, it seemed the doctor before her had found love, a beautiful wife and two beautiful children. He called himself a monster and yet… she couldn’t agree. Just like he didn’t see her as a monster, she didn’t see him as one either. And yet, before she could open her mouth to respond she heard an alarm going off in the distance and a voice coming over the intercom announcing “Code Blue in the intake area. Code Blue in the intake area.” It looked like it was back to work for them: but this was a conversation she would definitely be finishing later on.
-Thread Exit-

Word Count: 1,000 | 4,655
Double Ryo Payment Reached, Ryo Owed: 1,000


Though he was not entirely sure, Daremo had a feeling Niala was surprised about his admission of killing Mr.Takahashi if given the opportunity. It was probably a shock to her system that someone, especially a doctor who were in charge of saving lives, would openly admit to killing another individual if the chance presented himself. The hippocratic oath being one were a doctor should never take up arms when there are injuries to mend. It being something established by a Sannin of the old. While he took the oath during his younger years, nowadays, he hardly cares about it. The oath being something which he found outdated considering the current state of the world. Not killing because there is people needing healing would only make the medic-nin an easier target. There other skills would become dull, less sharp than they would have if they kept up with them.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Daremo gingerly sipped on his tea, watching for any reaction from the teenager before him as he talked about other subjects. A smirk appearing on his face when he noticed the look given to him when he spoke on Mr. Takahashi potential demise. Subtly, he nodded his head, confirming what she might have been think. Yes, he had permanently taking care of the abusive man for good. Did it really matter if she knew? By her own admission, she also wanted to see the man’s demise. So what if he was the one to do it? Not like she could exactly say anything without jeopardizing herself. Would he really tell on her if she let it slipped about what he did? No. But, she does not know that.

It was good to see that she accepted his words of her not being a monster. For truly, the was anything short of that. She were still pure and innocent, others of similar age. Because of the debt he owned to Hanae, he would make sure Niala did not become the monster like so many others. Did this mean sheltering her from the evil of the world? No, he will make her face them to see the truth of the world. She needed to see what lies behind these fancy hospital walls, and the comfort of the village that many take for granted. Yes, he would show her, and make sure she does not break from the stress.

As a code blue was called, Daremo finished drinking his tea, “No rest for the wicked.”, He spoke, moving to put his empty mug in the sink. Once done, he turned to look at Niala, waiting for her as they headed back to work.

-Thread Exit-

Word Count: 450 | 5,167
Double Ryo Payment Reached, Ryo Owed: 1,000

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