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1Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Empty Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:47 am



Mission name: Wasp Menace
Mission rank: B
Objective: End the Arbiter's Ground infestation.
Location: Arbiter's Ground
Reward: 200
Mission description: It has come to our attention that wasps are apparently attacking Arbiter's Ground. Surveillance shows that the culprit is a massive Wasp Queen, a creature much larger than we've ever seen before. You are to go there and destroy all of the wasps.
Mission details: Once you arrive at Arbiter's Ground you'll be attacked by ten green wasps. The wasps are are half as large as you are and will attack by stinging you with their large stingers. Alone they are of little threat, but as a group they can be deadly. A hit from a C rank jutsu or a couple hits from a weapon will easily dispatch them.
After those are dead, five red wasps will attack you. These wasps are much more deadly than the green wasps. They can inflict much more damage than the green wasps and are much faster.
Once the red wasps are dead, five black (armored) wasps will attack you. These wasps will easily drain the health of unarmored ninja, making them extremely deadly. They are both more powerful and faster than the red wasps, but are far more immune to Katon.
Finally, after all the wasps are defeated, the most deadly wasp will arrive, the Wasp Queen. She is easily as large as you are, and has a massive stinger. She also has the ability to summon more green wasps as she sees fit with ease. If you attempt to use any jutsu on her she will immediately spawn more wasps to distract you.
After she is defeated you are to keep her severed head and take it back with you to prove that you ended the infestation.

2Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Empty Re: Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:40 am




3Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Empty Re: Wasp Menace [Kumo - B] Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:21 am




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