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1Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Empty Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:19 pm



Mission name: Suppress Uprising
Mission rank: A
Objective: Villagers are complaining about increases in their taxes. Put down their protests by force.
Location: Akako Dojo
Reward: 500
Mission description: I don't know why, but there seems to be an uprising of people complaining about their taxes in the Akako Dojo. Go deal with them. With force if necessary... however, you must not mention that you are doing this for me. That might leave a bad impression on me. Doing so will lead to failure of your mission.
Mission details: Once you get there will will see a large mob of villagers yelling angrily about how high the taxes are. There are various ninja there as well, though none are above Special Jounin. You must use whatever methods you deem necessary to deal with them. They will of course put up a fight should you announce your dealing with them and they will also argue with you should you try to reason with them. They can be talked down into dispersing and you are allowed to slaughter them all. Both will be difficult, of course. After they have all left and/or are no longer going to create a mob (you can't tell them to disperse for now and mob later, or attempt to assassinate me) the mission will be complete.

2Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Empty Re: Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:42 am




3Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Empty Re: Suppress Uprising [Kumo - A] Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:17 am



Suppress Uprising - Approved.

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