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1Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 4:59 am



 There lies a monstrosity within everyone, some choose to embrace their monstrous side, and some choose to run away from it, while others try to destroy their own monstrosity. However, only few attempt to tame it, and even fewer successfully tame their inner monsters. However, even less than that and more rare than those who tame their own monsters; are those that terrify them. White hair, black nails, one red jewel and another blue for eyes, six feet and four inches tall, with a skin paler than the white snow covering the small town in which he lurked. Slightly muscular body sporting a well-honed figure and slender legs. Steps on top of steps paced the distance from the small town covered in snow till those steps stopped their trail in the middle of the forest. Those steps would hide from the light in the darkness of the snowy forest as jewels for eyes glared from the shadows.


The pair of jewels would scout the area as they danced from one place to another, fully absorbing the location. The sound of women weeping filled pale cold ears as insects chattered of their victory, of how these women were the loot, the booty, the treasure they’ll take away from the town. How these women were mere products to be sold. Pale cold ears listened silently, not a breath to be heard, not a step, nor a scent to be smelled from the figure hidden in the dense forest. The insect managing the caravan in which women and young girls were thrown into would speak, a burly voice for a tiny insect.


“Great work lads, these classes will fill our pockets after we sell em, might as well keep on or two for the after party, the lasses of this village are a mighty fine catch aye?”

2Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:00 am



A cold gentle smile would fade into being on the cold one’s face as they heard the insect speak so arrogantly. To rob the innocent of their happiness, to rob the innocent of their loved ones, and to rob the simple pleasures of the innocent. They hated such acts, and they punished such acts. The mysterious figure in the woods lurked as though a centipede haunting its preys. As the insects were preparing to leave the figure would decide it was time to greet the insects. They walked out of the dense secrecy of the snowy forest with a gentle feint smile on their face, the figure did. However, the figure’s appearance seems to not be pleasurable to the insects as they revealed their weapons and stood with hostility presented in their body language.
The figure walked in silent steps towards the insects as whatever left of its gentle smile was erased with a calm emotionless gaze. The insects began laughing and ridiculing the figure. One, rushed at the figure with a spear attempting to erase the cold skinned figure from this world. However, before long that one insect that rushed at the silent figure stopped as their eyes widened their mouths were left open as though they witnessed their deaths ten thousand times over. Terrified, the bandit holding the spear fell to the back as the figure, Tsuneo, glared down as though a king looking down from his throne on a pathetic dog. The white haired murderer would walk towards the man holding the spear and lifted him from his neck as he crushed it in his hands while carrying the man would do nothing to resist as though ice had frozen him.
The rest of the bandits were yelling at the white haired young man, calling him a monster, preparing their weapons, and charging at the young man with a single red eye and another blue. Three bandits approached, their goal; Tsuneo’s head. Result; as a terrible dark chakra as heavy as the ocean engulfed the area the bandits were terrified, the women weeping even more terrified. Luckily for the weeping women they were blindfolded, they would not see the monstrosity that would end their captors’ lives.

3Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:01 am



The three that rushed at the young man of white hair would take different approaches. One man with a sword strengthened his blade with scorching hot fire, the second would aim an arrow towards the young man, a third would launch a flaming dragon from his lungs launched at the young murderer. Tsuneo perceived every second, movement, and pattern the three pushovers took. It took him less than an instant, as he side stepped the swordsman’s attack, took hold of his wrist, struck him in the abdomen with a kick strong enough to make the man bleed, and awaited the correct moment to shield himself from an arrow headed his way. The arrow landed in the swordsman’s head and as the corpse of the first bandit dropped to the ground, Tsuneo was nowhere to be found.




The terrible monstrously calm Chakra reappeared behind the archer as he turned he would find the monster behind him. It took Tsuneo less than a second to snap the man’s neck and launch him towards the dragon homing in on Tsuneo. The third would continue his Jutsu attacks as he cast more and more. He would launch a dog of pure lightning towards Tsuneo’s location. In a flash Tsuneo was gone. The caster looked around himself to find the White haired man. He turned his attention to what’s behind him only to find nothing. Tsuneo would then whisper in his ear “As each second passes, we grow closer to death, how close to death are you?” Tsuneo was behind the third bandit; the caster. The white haired would turn the man by his hair as he looked him in the eye for less than a second as he began a barrage of punched with his right hand crushing the man’s skull. Six remained and as four launched themselves one by one at Tsuneo he would dodge their attacks with utmost ease. Their strength and speed didn’t exceed a B-Ranked Shinobi. Tsuneo would simply watch their attempts as their boss yelled commanding them to end Tsuneo’s life.

4Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:02 am



It was all to no avail. A punch from the left aimed for his head was grabbed and through sheer force Tsuneo flipped the man on top of another that was aiming for Tsuneo’s gut knocking both on the cold snow. The third intercepted Tsuneo with two blades aiming to do a scissor cut as he extended both arms to each side and aimed to close them and decapitate Tsuneo quicker than the bandit’s eye could notice, Tsuneo entered his range took hold of his wrists as he bent his arms the opposite side immediately breaking them as he let both swords pierce the man’s neck killing him. The fourth waved a great sword at Tsuneo as he aimed to end the white haired man’s life. Tsuneo sidestepped, walked a step to the man, the man turned his blade and performed a horizontal cut. However, Tsuneo was quicker than a bulky blade as he jumped on top of the blade as light as a feather and rushed at the man taking hold of his jaw and his other cold hand grabbing the man’s hair as he snapped his neck dropping him dead to the floor.
The cold pale murderer would tap his ear with his palm as he closed his blue eye; his red gaze turned to the boss of the rats and as he fixed his posture the man would rush toward shim with a Katana energized with lightning. Furthermore the hopeless bandit leader would sprout wings of pure flames that increased his speed and harmed anyone that would come close to him hoping to damage him. Tsuneo stood still watching the man come closer and closer. Unfazed by any of his transformations, Tsuneo’s cold calm demeanor and silent presence remained the same as his Chakra faded and he appeared as though a hollow. The man grew closer and closer, Tsuneo was a monster that instilled fear in worse monsters.

5Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:03 am



Tsuneo simply watched as the man came closer. The monstrous bandit raged his way towards the centipede and before long, his demonic form disappeared as Tsuneo spoke few words “That’s close enough.” In less than a flat second the man’s flaming wings and lightning coating the blade along with the blade itself disappeared, the man was an empty corpse heading towards a gate of hell. In that exact flat second Tsuneo burst his way towards the man’s neck as he pinned him to the ground.
“You’re a punk from the devil’s coliseum, correct?, Simply blink once, I can’t bear to hear your annoying voice.” The man would terrifyingly blink once as he shivered from fear of what’s to come next. Tsuneo smiled a very feint smile before whispering “Peachy. Now tell me where to find it.” The man trembling spoke on and on precisely describing the location Tsuneo was looking for. After being done with him, Tsuneo left him alive and left a sword in front of him before walking his back turned at the man.  The man smirking, grabbed the sword and rushed towards the white haired killer.
Tsuneo spoke so coldly and calmly with a smirk “You think I would’ve left that sword if I knew you weren’t going to pick it up?” Tsuneo faded from in front of the man bursting full speed to appear behind him. Specifically, behind him, on top of his shoulders. In a quick motion Tsuneo snapped his neck and left him to drop before picking up the blade and stabbing the man’s head with it. He dusted off his suit and continued walking. It was time for the murderous soldier to party with the worst of the worst.

6Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:05 am



Tsuneo continued walking as he headed towards a secret underground coliseum. The location was hidden by a Genjutsu, however, the ‘underground’ wasn’t so underground when the young sealer arrived at the scene. An open roman style coliseum, people raging and yelling at the top of their lungs as they cheered on and on. Victims captured by the syndicate would serve as slaves or be sold as so. Serving as slaves meant they would become toys for the entertainment of their disgusting masters.
Before long a small society was formed aristocratic scum ruling the weak and exploiting them as they see fit. Tsuneo walked into the small kingdom of sin as masqueraded as a slave. Tsuneo witnessed the horrid treatment and suffering these people had to endure. A master of the many masters approached the cells and pulled a slave from her lover. They would take all the slaves and have them watch. The white haired boy watched in silence as they pulled the woman from her hair broke her hands and legs and pierced each with a large nail. They nailed the woman to a cross as she bled in her final moments she began begging and screaming.
She would beg them to at least let the child she’s bearing live. To let him live to see the world. The masters laughed as they gave a chainsaw to the man that was her lover. His tears fell tearing his face apart with emotion as they ordered him to pierce her with the chainsaw through the stomach. The masters ordered him to laugh as he did it. He would not budge or even hold the chainsaw. The disgusting masters began toying and sexually assaulting the woman nailed to a cross and she begged him to kill her. Tsuneo watched them stab her stomach and as she cried for her lover to show her mercy and kill her. The slave that was her lover rushed at her as he let the chainsaw pierce through her stomach. One of the masters would hold the slave’s hand wave the chainsaw all over the woman tearing her corpse apart as her guts flew all over the place and covered the area with blood.

7Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:05 am



Tsuneo looked at the orchestrators of this event with calm eyes, and calm emotionless expression on his face. The white haired boy would watch the man so sick with himself to the extent he let the same chainsaw rip his hand apart. He’s gone mad. The terrified slaves went to their cells as they were guided back by the guards. Come morning, and a surprise would be waiting for the slaves.
Tsuneo woke up to look at a man with one arm, and open mouth drooling, and a noose around his neck. He committed suicide. It was anything but a pleasant scene. To be driven to the point of insanity. Tsuneo knew that feeling well. He let the slave down from the rope holding him before getting yelled at. The masters wanted the corpse to rot out in the open. Tsuneo did as he was told. He left the man’s corpse. The white haired boy would remember the one who ordered him to do such a thing.
Death’s party was at hand. It was a tournament in which the strongest slaves would fight to the death a fifty man fight in which one will survive, and the rest would die. Tsuneo was picked to fight. However, he would never hurt an innocent. He watched the people finish off each other. One by one they fell, and as one remained she approached Tsuneo with weak steps in pain and barely alive. Tsuneo dodged her attacks one by one as she bled to her death. The crowd booed at Tsuneo as he was nothing entertaining, he constantly dodged and not a single cut was left on him.

8Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:06 am



The white haired man was taken to the punishment room. They would hang him from his hand and keep lashing the young man’s back. However, they were even more disturbed by the white devil. A feint smile and a dead gaze never left his face. The white haired demon simply remained silent. Not a single scream or plea or sound was heard. Only the sound of lashes filled the room. The torturer would become sick of a fruitless torture. He brought another one of the slaves, a young boy. He tortured the boy in all sorts of ways. The young boy would be forced to sit on a chair as the torturer drove a metal nail into the boy’s finger sliding it between the boy’s nail and the skin. The boy would scream as he was tortured with more and more methods.
Tsuneo and the boy were later on released. Tsuneo would pat the boy’s head and let him sleep in his bed as the masters ruined the boy’s bed. Burnt and full of feces. The scum that called themselves masters would begin targeting this boy, this poor boy. Tsuneo slept on the ground and angrily the disgusting pathetic masters would gather the slaves. The orchestrators of the event of the crucifixion and murder of the pregnant woman and her lover along with their child. As well as the orchestrators of the Death party tournament. All of the masters and guards responsible were found in a gruesome state.
Spines ripped out, guts splattered, their own intestines stuck in their mouths. Blood and gore were everywhere. Tsuneo wondered who could have done such a thing, must be one of the prisoners angry with the cruelty they endured. The poor boy hid behind Tsuneo fearful of the monster that ripped the masters apart. Tsuneo cold plain expression never faded.

9Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:07 am



The centipede watched in silence as the terrified masters yelled at the slaves. Tsuneo would speak for the first time out of nowhere as his words silenced the entire area. “Ah.. Squashed insects.” Tsuneo’s words enraged the masters and as they began to hit him he resisted nothing simply watched them hit him without batting an eye. Not a single sound would leave the young man’s throat. Later that night Tsuneo was taken to the torture chamber, however, it was all to no avail as he let not a single emotion or sound escape him. He was as cold as a corpse in his appearance and demeanor.
The white haired was simply too bored to feel like showing any emotion. Tsuneo’s anger was slowly burning within. However, the days of Tsuneo being controlled by his emotions were long gone. He had little to no time before his memory completely fades. Before he falls into the deep ocean of forgetfulness. Tsuneo had a plan of his own. Which is why he constantly needed to be in the torture room for his plan to work. Day after day, more and more masters would be found dead. Tsuneo was getting worried that those actions will hinder his plan. He knew nothing about who was doing such actions. He only knew he had a plan, and in order for that plan to work he needed to be perfectly precise.

The red eye Tsuneo sported alongside his blue eye attracted the attention of the queen. The queen was the leader the supreme ruler of this hell town. She would hear constant stories of Tsuneo’s diligence as a worker, yet many punishments, and of his two eyes. The pale cold demon was attractive in the eye of the queen. She had heard tales of the young man’s handsomeness and of how attractive he was as a slave. Tsuneo was cuffed in both hands and legs and was brought to stand before the queen as he would become her pet slave. Or so she spoke informing him. Tsuneo’s job as her slave was to protect her, pleasure her, and obey her every command. Tsuneo was happy with this development as this was all he was waiting for, he was waiting to find the head of the spider…. Before ripping it out. Now that he found his big target. It was only moments before Tsuneo would unleash his wrath on the queen and her entire kingdom of scum. The white devil smiled a gentle smile as he stood beside the queen as they both watched another death party.

Last edited by Tsuneo on Thu May 03, 2018 5:09 am; edited 1 time in total

10Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:08 am



Tsuneo would check up on the poor boy as he was constantly getting the worst treatment and a horrid one from some of the slaves that bullied him. He was alone with no friends after Tsuneo left. Tsuneo however, would always sneak out to check on him and protect him. Despite the heightened security due to the vicious unknown attacks on the guards and masters. More and more gruesome murders were being discovered by the day.
Tsuneo would visit the boy one day only to find him crying. He had a knife in hand and was on the verge of committing suicide when Tsuneo asked the boy why, the young boy replied informing Tsuneo of the predicament he was in. The guards sentenced him to an all or nothing match. It was a match to the death with the young boy, his opponents were six guards if he kills them he either becomes a high guard or gains his freedom. The boy was a frail nine year old with hardly any power. He couldn’t cast jutsu nor fight at all. He could only run.
Tsuneo smiled a feint smile at the young boy as patted him. He would lean in and whisper certain words, the boy would become less terrified from Tsuneo but he worried over his white haired friend. Tsuneo would reassure the boy with few words. As Tsuneo left nodded to the boy and left. The two worked out a plan. It was a killer this plan indeed was.

11Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:09 am



The day came and the boy would appeared standing within a circular arena. The walls of the arena were high, specifically thirty meters high. From the top Tsuneo would silently watch. The queen would hold his hand to her cheek as she nibbled on his fingers. She would ask the white haired murderer, Tsuneo, who would win in his opinion and who would drop dead. Tsuneo answered honestly “If the boy were to fight those six guards, he would die quickly and easily.” She giggled “Such a straight answer my beloved slave, but I think we should root for the boy. Humans when backed into a corner can achieve the impossible and awake to a new power” Tsuneo looked coldly at the queen watching the fight as he noticed a strangling pain hidden in her eyes. Tsuneo confirmed his goal as he spoke to himself saying: “The pain you feel is not an ounce of the destruction I will lay upon you.” He promised her a suffering beyond any suffering or so his words confirmed as he spoke to himself.
The boy appeared different, he was not the usual brown haired pale frail boy with green eyes. He seemed much crueler. Much darker, and much more silent. He eyed the six guards.  Two were carrying a spear, one a sword, the other three were holding clubs. The six ran at the poor boy with a cold glare. The swordsman launched three attacks in consecutive manner, a downward, a leftward, and a rightward slash. The first of the spearmen would watch the swordsman’s attacks and coordinate his attack, the second would attack at the same time but the opposite direction. The brown haired boy sidestepped the sword took hold of the wooden part of the spear that reached for his back as he ducked the second spear. The boy would hold himself  few centimeters away from the ground with the help of his free hand as he placed both legs on the wooden parts of the second spear and pushed each on in the opposite side breaking the second spear and letting the blade fall as  he used the first spear to block the sword from getting his legs stopping its movement only to backflip from the ground and get on top of the first spearman snapping his neck in an instant, when the swordsman aimed for him he jumped as he reached for the broken spear’s blade and threw it into the man’s face. The once spearman but now unarmed man angrily rushed at the boy in hand to hand combat. The boy would block his punches and kicks by simple footwork and slaps that pushed away any physical attacks. The young boy ducked and pulled the man from in front of him to the side as an arrow blasted its way towards the brown haired boy.

12Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:10 am



More arrows came rushing, it seems the remaining three changed their weapons. The young boy would throw the corpse up in the air and in an instant the young boy was no longer were he stood. Before long the two archers realized he hid behind the body. The innocent brown haired boy would leave his cover only to launch himself at the first archer as he grabbed his head and bashed it against the wall, as the boy heard the sound of a bow’s string he jumped back dodging an arrow. The boy would run to the wall and run on the wall using a basic technique that enhanced the walking ability of a person. However, the other guard was waiting up there to meet him with two daggers. The brown haired back flipped behind the guard rushing at him from behind using his head as a latch. He would grab the guard’s nape by letting his arms under the guard’s armpits and his hands behind the man’s neck. The brown haired boy would jump with the guard face ahead to the ground. Only to pick up a nearby arrow and pierce the guard’s head. The final criminal was a archer. In that one second. The kid used an unimaginable speed as he disappeared from the guard’s sight and reappeared behind him looking him straight in the eye as he struck both hands breaking them and grabbed the bow wrapped its string around the man’s neck and carried him twenty meters high as he held him down till he choked to death. What happened to the kid….? Everyone was wondering, how such a child could be capable of such feats.


The child complied the corpses of the guards one on top of the other. The judge shaking out of his boots at the display of finesse and strength. Before long, the judge would walk to the brown haired boy’s hand and raise into the air as he announced him as victor. The child would be brought to the queen’s room and there he would look at Tsuneo who stood beside the queen. The boy bowed as the queen told him to look into her eyes. The brown haired boy did as she said and looked away before long. The queen would speak saying “Such sharp familiar eyes. Very well, you may make your decision now. Liberation or serve under me as a proud high guard.” The boy would think for a slight moment and select becoming a high guard. The queen smiled as she nodded “Good choice boy.” It was certainly the correct choice.


The queen turned to Tsuneo as she took off her bathing robe looking with eyes ever so seductive, she wore a pair knee high socks and a garterbelt, both black in color. Around her breast, a black bra. Each piece of her undergarments were specifically designed in a seductive manner. The young white haired murderer would simply look at her with eyes as cold as ever. She was a dominant woman, but in bed she loved being dominated. Tsuneo’s cold glare gave her that pleasure, and his actions did even more of that.

13Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:12 am



After the two finished, they remained nude in bed wrapped in a blanket as she looked at Tsuneo’s eyes. “The brown haired boy, his eyes are as cold as yours. It’s as though I’m looking at the same person.” Tsuneo would reply to the queen with few words spoken with a tone as cold as ice “Rubbish. That boy is far weaker than me.” The queen smiled as his cold words were spoken like a true king and someone that could share the queen’s bed. She got on top of the white haired Tsuneo as pinned his shoulders with her hands “Time to punish you for turning me on again… I’ll eat you up.” The two continued for the night.
The boy however, he went back to his cell for a last night. As everyone was asleep a small puff of smoke surrounded the boy. Tsuneo’s technique, Matoryoshika. Tsuneo would create a clone and seal the desired person in. This technique would act as a defensive mechanism and as a strengthener. Tsuneo and the boy could have control of clone. The clone was in this case controlled by Tsuneo himself. The young man would sleep with comfort, knowing no one could mess with him. They thought bothering him in his current state would lead to an imminent death. The reason the boy chose to become a high guard was simple. He didn’t want to die, and Tsuneo had him choose that choice. Tsuneo informed him of a simple reasonable logic. If anyone could regain their freedom and be liberated from this place. They could then go to the higher ups of their village and rescue the others. Yet not one rescue party was sent. Why?

14Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:13 am



The next morning Tsuneo awoke from the queen’s bed. The queen was wearing her undergarments and preparing to leave. She rushed Tsuneo to meet her at the coliseum. It was to the white haired man’s surprise. She decided he would become the king and her husband, should he live through hell’s pit. Hell’s pit was a simple battle. The white haired Tsuneo, versus, three high guards and two high masters. Tsuneo didn’t have to kill them, but they had to kill him. Tsuneo sighed in discomfort. He needed more time. He had to marry the queen in order to murder her and her entire town.
The white haired boy couldn’t decline the offer. It was not a choice, a forced honor. Declining meant death, Tsuneo could never be taken down by maggots, but he needed his cover for a while longer, and so he went along with the queen’s project. The white haired ex-soldier would stand twenty meters away from the high guards and masters. Tsuneo would crack his neck as he calmly looked at his opponents. The white haired thought this was a mere waste of time. However, all the queen knew about was Tsuneo’s capabilities at dodging. Not his fighting, which is odd considering she favors the strong and constantly dodging seemed to be a cowardly tactic.

15Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:13 am



The six bastards glared at Tsuneo as they drew their weapons. Simply eyeing their weapons Tsuneo was capable of determining their ranks. S-Rank. They began moving in around Tsuneo, circling him. Tsuneo was unsure of what to do. It’s been a while since he faced strong. He wanted to show off, but doing so never was an ideal choice. Tsuneo was faced with six scumbags that hurt people and terrify the happiness from their eyes. People that eliminate the glimmer of light in the eyes of the innocent. It was a battle Tsuneo had no interest in showing mercy. He would demolish his foes, no mercy shown. Tsuneo would arm himself in a battle stance as he prepared himself to eliminate his targets. Tsuneo would find one of the high guards holding a nine year old boy. The boy had brown hair and green eyes. It was none other than the boy Tsuneo protected himself. He was in a horrible state, beat up and hurt all over. Tsuneo wondered how they found out about their plan, however, they did and for that they punished the boy. The queen would become intrigued as this development was unknown to her.
Tsuneo spoke simple words “Let. Him. Go.” The six would laugh as each one held the boy’s head and the other slit his throat. Tsuneo would walk quickly to the boy and hold him in his arms. The boy would attempt to whisper in Tsuneo’s ear the reason they found him out, and why he did what he did. However, how could he? After those tyrants slit his throat, no longer than seconds later, the boy died. Apparently these six were bad mothing Tsuneo, and the boy mustered up the courage to speak against them and protect Tsuneo. Or so the scum that killed him told Tsuneo.

16Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:14 am



The first one rushed at Tsuneo with his s-ranked sword as he launched a piercing attack a forward thrust towards Tsuneo who stepped back dodging the first thrust. However, as the man stepped forward and a second thrusting attack with the rapier was launched, Tsuneo dodged by sidestepping to the right. The white haired man would find a second attack appear from behind him. The attacker would launch a leg sweep to sweep Tsuneo off his feet and break through his guard. Tsuneo raised one foot and kicked down at the right moment stop the man’s leg and back flipped  as a third attacker rushed towards him at high speed.

The third attacker with a spear in hand would launch sweeping attack to which Tsuneo bent his knees and leaned back as the attack passed right above him. Back flipping once more the three remaining launched a different variety of Techniques an ice bomb that travelled at the thirty meters a second, and a fire ball at forty meters a second, both headed to Tsuneo. The last attacker launched a disc of lightning at the same speed as the fire ball. Tsuneo dodged the ice bomb and the fireball. However, the lightning disc was rushing towards him. Tsuneo noticed the disc of lightning’s width was no bigger the three meters. The young white haired man would jump four meters into the air dodging the disc of lightning.
Tsuneo was dodging attacks left and right while lowering his head, why? The young man was processing what he felt. The pain he felt was a similar one. Tsuneo would dodge the rapier holding attacker by sidestepping to the left and right, back-stepping, and dashing to the left and right. As he dodged the rapier fighter’s attack the Taijutsuist rushed at him from behind attempting to launch a kick at Tsuneo’s liver. Tsuneo noticed the attack, however, could not dodge it. He would use his elbow and free palm to block the kick. The kick would bruise Tsuneo’s elbow and palm with major second degree tissue damage type of bruise.  Tsuneo noticed another lightning attacked which he dashed away from successfully dodging, however, a fire bomb was well situated and dealt light third degree burns to Tsuneo’s leg.

Up until this point the white haired murderer Tsuneo was using nothing but a speed reaching up till S-Rank. He had much in store. Tsuneo would finally begin to use his full speed at the highest tier in S-Rank. The six would launch attacks left and right, but the white haired demon would simply dodge and not attack. Exhausted, the six scumbags stood six meters around Tsuneo as they watched him from afar. He stood still in his place as he looked at his own left palm.

17Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:18 am



He would remember a conversation with the boy of brown hair and green eyes. A conversation in which the young boy informed Tsuneo of how he was captured. Tsuneo remembered his words vividly “My mother liked a type of roses. The rose is blue colored but very beautiful. She loved blue and red roses a lot. I went out and disobeyed her to pick them up for her. Then they showed up. She found them hurting me and trying to take me away and she rushed at them yelling. My mother wasn’t a fighter, she never fought her entire life. Her biggest fight was with the baker when he misspelled my name on a birthday cake…. I miss her….. I miss her so much….. She was my everything. They took her from me and I can’t feel her warmth or hear her say my name once more…” Tsuneo remembered the boy’s face vividly. His crying heartbroken face was carved into Tsuneo’s brain.
The white haired man would crack his index finger using his thumb as he looked at the six finally raising his head. He spoke no words simply looked at them as his eyes would both glow in the color of a bloody red ocean. As though he was glaring at an ocean of blood he made. His blood-red eyes glared at the six as the air shook as though pushing down on the six. An enormous amount of Chakra was released as the six scumbags would feel a slight bit of fear.

They would feel their bodies being pushed down by the god-like pressure Tsuneo’s power would impose. He would say no words, but the pressure of his power would terrify them as they trembled. The pressure of Tsuneo’s power would radiate throughout the arena.  Stone on the verge of breaking broke from the pressure, people around would fall unconscious. The queen herself would feel a shiver down her spine.

18Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:19 am



Tsuneo’s darkness was being set loose. The boy, the couple, the people. Why’d Tsuneo not act? Why’d he let those innocents die? Was the mission more important than the lives of these people? No it was not. Tsuneo smiled as he used a technique to break through a complex illusion. One of them was An illusionist, the illusion would make Tsuneo believe he was using whatever speed he thought he was using, but in reality he was using a slower speed. No more mercy for those scum. The breaths they took at the cost of innocent lives shall be ended.
The infant in a mother’s cradle will never see the sky, nor feel the sun on his face. That innocent child, will never draw his breath. The boy of brown hair was injected with poison that was murdering him slowly from the moment, however, Tsuneo wanted him to live. He wanted the couple to live. He wanted the innocents that died to live. However, Tsuneo’s weakness would lead to more deaths. Wasn’t he supposed to protect the lives of the innocent, the damned, the ignored? These scum robbed and robbed from people. Tsuneo would end their lives. As the pressure of Tsuneo’s power grew by the second the scum get angrier. They nodded to one another as they planned to perform an all-out attack.  Tsuneo would reply in an appropriate fashion. Tsuneo would use his sage mode boosting his speed. Tsuneo’s head would begin to ache before he’d blackout for a second.
“They took her away from me…. My mother was everything I had.” “Dear, I love you, please put an end to my suffering…. Our child is dead!! THEY TOOK HIM AWAY FROM US.” “No no no not our child he’s not even born…. No my love…” “We just sit here and wait for our death” “I tried to save my daughter. They raped her and killed her. Sold her organs.” “They won’t let me eat or drink mister please save me I want papa and mama I don’t want to die” As he remembered the words of the innocents that died before him a haunting guilt severed his heart into millions of pieces. Why? WHY? WHY DIDN’T I SAVE THEM?

19Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:19 am



“Tsuneo we had a mission” Spoke a replica of himself in his head “The mission is not as important as their lives.” Replied Tsuneo to his replica as it spoke once again “Tsuneo, remember what big brother Tsuyo spoke. Keep your composure. The lives you didn’t save to not blow your cover made the past deaths and sacrifices worth something, true, they died but their lives did not go to waste.” As the replica stopped another replica of Tsuneo a more monstrous one, otherwise the destructive monstrosity known as the centipede “Death…. DEATH TO THEM ALL LET’S DROWN THEM IN BLOOD HAHAHA” The monstrosity would laugh a horrendous laugh. Tsuneo had enough with these annoyances he called personalities. In a flash he waves his hand ripping the heads of those two personalities. “Both of you, go **** yourselves. It’s time for you both to shut up and let me take control.”  Tsuneo would scream at the top of his long.
The scream he launched as his monstrous power flooded the area as the monstrosity devouring all that existed. The pressure of his power tore through the place as though it would destroy everything before the pressure of his power erupted into nothingness in an instant. The pressure of Tsuneo’s power faded completely. The power he released left the six fighting him bewildered, shocked, terrified. However, as they gazed at Tsuneo he felt different. As though he was hollow, empty, not an ounce of power could be sensed. The punks laughed at him as they all ran towards him full speed aiming an all-out attack to end him. However, they knew nothing of what’s to come. Tsuneo had evolved. He would show those maggots. The true god-like power of a king. A king of chaos, blood, and murder. Those maggots thought their actions to be cruel. Tsuneo drew blood enough to fill oceans, the blood on his hands would fill oceans. The corpses he created could cover the skies, and the darkness he absorbed could envelope the world. Tsuneo would show them the power of a god. As they approached Tsuneo and grew closer and closer Tsuneo remained silent until in an instant he spoke.

20Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:20 am



A gigantic cursed black circle decorated with pitch black sealing signs would appear. In that instant, all six of the scum were frozen in place. Tsuneo’s large field would entangle them as though a centipede entangling its accursed prey. They froze in place not moving a single muscle. The young man of white hair would walk up to them one by one and with a spiteful tone frigid as ice he would speak “I told you to kneel. Scum.” Tsuneo would push them down one by one from their head. After he was done he would glare at them in place as they kneeled before him. He would speak dusting his hands off together “Much better.” He then sat on a rock nearby one leg on top of the other his elbow resting on his knee and his chin resting on his closed fist.

“I’m feeling talkative for a change. You punks torture people and do what you want… Does it feel good? Torturing those weaker than you and becoming their everything their god in that single moment before you kill them? Well, I’m not particularly sure, but if it does. I’m about to have an orgasm. Here’s what’s going to happen. I’ll let the seal undone, some of you will attack me, some will run, but all of you will die a painful slow death. Promise.”
He smirked for the first time as he performed a bunch of hand signs that activated a technique he’s been developing. The technique would increase his speed exponentially but decrease his strength slightly. Tsuneo’s body was wrapped with black cursed markings as the seal activated. Pitch black curse marks all over his body coupled with his white hair and eyes turning from one red and one blue, to both red. The queen looking from up above would look at the white haired with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide open. Tsuneo undid the seal that was binding them in place. Angered they rushed towards him with their full speed. The first one to reach him rushed with a horizontal strike with an S-Rank blade.

21Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:21 am



Tsuneo in a flash disappeared at godlike speed only to crush the ground beneath him and reappear behind the swordsman as though a reaper. He pushed the swordsman down with his knee on the swordsman’s back as he took hold of both of the swordsman’s wrists. He would begin pulling backwards and before long he would rip the man’s arms off slowly and painfully. As blood covered the white haired he stood up bathed in blood as he looked at the five standing with a smirk as he cracked his index finger with his thumb. “You hurt people. Why?” He wanted to know.

One of the terrified five men would yell “Because it feels GREAT you think that was that couple was any lucky to begin with? We all raped that man’s lover and it felt great taking something precious from them. We will do it more and more and we will enjoy it. They exist to entertain us.” The scum laughed and as they focused on the white haired boy’s location he was no longer there. He reappeared as though a reaper once again in front of the one that was talking gazing into his eyes with eyes wide open glaring into his very soul. He would punch the man in his stomach and as he opened his mouth he took hold of the man’s tongue and ripped it off.
Tsuneo swept the man down to the ground as he got on top of him ripped his ears out, plucked his eyes out, and ripped out his cheeks. Tsuneo stood on top of him as the man wailed around squealing like the pig he is. Tsuneo turned the man over and sat on him once more taking his hands one by one and breaking them, breaking his fingers and ripping them out. Tsuneo as he was enjoying torturing these scum was intruded upon by another one of the scum with a sickle now. Tsuneo ducked for a second took hold of the man’s neck at the right moment and slammed him to the ground. Tsuneo quickly went to the man with his arms ripped out and began torturing him as he did the second. Sadly they died too quickly for Tsuneo to continue his fun. Torturing wretched beings like them was his favorite pastime. The white haired demon looked at the remaining four and smirked revealing his right fang as he burst off in his godlike speed towards another one as a different one intruded attempting to stop him. Tsuneo grabbed the man’s punch and his prior target’s neck. As he choked one to death he looked at the one he’s holding by the fist as he dropped the choked victim to the ground. Three remaining. Tsuneo would kick the man away and as that man retreated to his two remaining comrades they lined up and launched barraged of fire orbs and lightning orbs at Tsuneo. The white haired Tsuneo would simply stand in place not moving a muscle as a white skull surrounded him and devoured the attacks launched at him. It was another one of Tsuneo’s techniques. Devouring apocalypse. This technique decreased Tsuneo’s physical strength insanely. But gave him the power of a demon skull that could devour the world. Tsuneo, however, developed a new seal to counter anything that would weaken him. If it were to be measured by tiers. His strength was reduced by five tiers. Tsuneo used one hand sign and erected another seal on his body as a destructive shockwave rattled the earth with the power it granted the accursed white haired demon.

22Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:22 am



The curse marks surrounding the white haired man’s skin only increased. Tsuneo took one step that crushed the ground beneath him. The weight of his power once again crushed the morale of the three remaining before him. Tsuneo would speak whispering to himself “May you all rest in peace… I am sorry I couldn’t save you. I promise to avenge you all.” He spoke as a tear fell from his left eye. He was addressing the innocents he couldn’t save. The victims of this madness.

“May you all live a happy afterlife” He burst of with god like speed towards the scum. His speed was no longer within their realm of perception. He would demolish them one by one. As he reached the first of the three his bare hands and sheer force he tore apart the man apart. The man’s legs, arms, and head were torn apart with extreme ease, and in that same second he rushed to the second one and forced his hand through the scum’s chest as it escaped his back with the scumbag’s heart in Tsuneo’s hand ripped out from its place before it was squashed. Tsuneo removed his hand as he silently rushed towards the third one and launched a barrage of punches that destroyed the man’s body as though millions of canons demolished him. In one second the three remaining were no longer.
Tsuneo’s seal reverses all that decreases his physical attributes. His speed, perception, endurance, reaction time, and strength. Anything that decreased them would be reversed. Tsuneo stood there silent as death as one of the watchers, a high guard, was angered. The high guard angrily ordered ten guards to kill Tsuneo. The queen was angered by that act. To her, he was her king and that high guard was overstepping his boundaries. Tsuneo was pleased at the more company. As ten guards rushed at him at the same time. He would disable all of his seals returning his power to its stable self. Only for a darker much crueler power to be revealed. Ten pitch black accursed chains would protrude from the man’s body erupting true darkness. Ten men rushed at Tsuneo. Ten men in a split second would fall to the ground around the white haired man as their heads flew into the air ripped out by the chains.

23Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:23 am



Tsuneo’s true power was a terrifying thing. The masters and guards crying their eyes out ran from the arena terrified for their lives. Tsuneo stood there a king on top of corpses. Nothing would stand in his way. The centipede, the white haired demon, the murderer, the hero of tragedy, the thousands killer. He went by many titles, but no one knew his true identity or his name aside from a select few. Tsuneo showed off enough. He wanted to test his new powers and he did. However, this entire display was nowhere near his full display. His true power lies hidden. Tsuneo’s Chakra was far from depleted. Not one third of it was used not one fourth of it was. Tsuneo was merely showing a small portion of his power. He walked towards the gate as he wore a new outfit tailored for him. A black shirt, a blood red necktie, a dark grey vest with multiple light grey vertical lines covering it, a gold necklace with a pendant resembling the sun, a dark grey pair of pants, and black shoes.
The queen stood by his side as she took his arm and walked to the balcony on top of the arena. She would announce the white haired man with fierce eyes as her husband and the king of this wretched empire. Tsuneo stood there in silence as he promised her death in secret. The crowd would cheer “All hail the king!” Tsuneo’s stomach turned with disgust at the fact that scum were cheering for him but the slaves that he worked with from behind caves raised their fists cheering him on. As he looked at them a tear fell from his eye and he made sure they would be able to read his lips as he formed silent words “I promise to save you all.” He wiped his eye before the queen would notice and as the crowd stopped cheering she told hold of his arm as they walked back to their quarters. She would speak before they go “Let us go my love, my king… This ruckus is hurting my head.” Tsuneo’s fierce cold gaze turned to her as he silently walked her back to what is now “their” quarters.

24Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:24 am



None of the masters, guards, or queen knew what was going on. In the dead of the night the alarms sounded off as the rushing steps of the slaves filled the ears of all that lived in the accursed kingdom of pain and treachery. The slaves would escape their prisons and assault the guards and escape. Who freed them? Who united the damned and saved them? Whoever it was it was a traitor the kingdom would never forgive. Death would be the least thing to worry about. Tsuneo woke up with the queen angrily wearing her clothes. She angrily yelled asking for Tsuneo to hurry as the slaves escaped and a rebellion was on going. Tsuneo wouldn’t answer he was fast asleep. She angrily rushed towards the white haired sleeping boy and punched him in the chest. A puff of smoke enveloped the room as the illusion Tsuneo left using the transformation technique faded. Tsuneo was not in bed.
The queen was confused. A guard rushed into the room bleeding armless as though a ferocious beast had ripped his arms off. Tsuneo is nowhere to be found and the queen is angered even more. She left her castle as she rushed to the battlefield. Blood enveloped the area and within the smoke she witnessed a shadowy figure choking another. Where the eyes would be on the figure hidden behind smoke lit up in bright red. Fires erupted all over the kingdom and the battlefield. The screams and squeals of the pigs once known as masters filled the area. However, the queen was unfazed. The queen was angered, she promised herself to deal the most pain to the wretched who possibly kidnapped her beloved and destroyed her kingdom.
As the smoke faded from sight a man appeared carrying two heads one in each hand. The blood dripping from the two heads formed a trail behind the man. The trail of the man’s destruction. Muscular as the queen’s king, powerful as the queen’s king.  Surrounding the man ten chains, his hair, snow white in color. The man obliterating her kingdom was none other than the man she chose as her king. Scornfully she spoke “Why?” Tsuneo looked at her with dead cold eyes. He would smile a faint smile that would fade before his red eye was open wide glaring at her as his chakra carried his memories into the woman’s head. She would witness his suffering, his torture, his identity, his truth, his power, and the ocean of blood he made. She would witness it all. Shocked she looked back at Tsuneo but still angered by his acts. She would draw her two swords as Tsuneo gathered his ten chains around him. “Queen, you have tortured the innocent and the weak. As you devoured their happiness, I shall devour you to your core.” She knew what he was talking about. Tsuneo was no simple man. He would tear her away with his teeth as though a meal.

25Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Empty Re: Rebirth Pt1 (closed) Thu May 03, 2018 5:26 am



Tsuneo’s eyes would glow as he used one of his chains to burst his way towards the queen. With the enhancement of his seal; sealer’s path He would burst towards her with a speed of sixty meters a second. In a demonic god like speed the man burst his way towards her and stood in front of her his eyes wide open glaring at her not a centimeter away from him. The rage his eyes held was undeniable it shook her to her core. She froze in place and realized it was Tsuneo’s seal the one that froze the scum he fought earlier. Tsuneo would rip one of her eyes out and with launch her away with his kick only for her to be enveloped in a flaming armor that covered her entire body.
Tsuneo rushed towards her at full speed as he used his swallowing seal in order to absorb her technique. Tsuneo glared at her vulnerable as she was. She would launched her two swords towards his head in a scissor shaped attack only for Tsuneo to wrap his chains around her swords and break them. As he did she launched a fire technique that pushed tsuneo back dealing light 3rd degree burns on his hands and legs. Tsuneo would feel alive from the pain she caused. He would speak few simple words “Is this how you felt being locked in here?” He spoke to the brown haired boy that died at the hand of the queen’s men. A tear fell down Tsuneo’s cheek as he remembered the poor boy.
Tsuneo would let his chains crumble and fall to ashes around him as he let all of his Jutsus to cool off. Tsuneo with a gentle smile walked towards the queen. She picked up her swords or what remained of them as she glared at Tsuneo reigniting her fire armor. She would speak “Now you die-”

 “No.” Interrupted Tsuneo before continuing “Now you die.”

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